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World considers a Trump presidency, and many shudder


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I am still waiting for Hillary to be non-offensive.

That's like waiting for her to stop with the lies isn't it? thumbsup.gif

Yet more proof that you haven't listened to HRC's speeches, statements. You're so smug, thinking you know what her policy statements, but you frankly don't know what she's been saying for the past 10 months. I've listened to stump speeches and interviews of all the candidates. I'm much better informed than y'all. I speak with some knowledge of what's going. You'all are just speaking like small time h.s. punks who hate the popular girl who comes from the school on the other side of the tracks.

HRC talks about things like: creating jobs (T gets his products made in China), helping the disadvantaged (T ridicules spastics), helping people improve their lives (T implies anyone who isn't rich is a loser and probably deserves to be poor because they're lazy liberals).

HRC knows a lot about health care issues and how Big Pharma is ripping off Americans (Trump doesn't know much about health issues, and has no problem with Big Pharma billionaires and monopolies).

Hillary is on friendly terms with foreign leaders (Trump clashes with most foreign leaders he has interactions with. His fans say, "So what?! Why be friends with foreigners? Our hero says they're all trying to rip us and take advantage of the US, so it's good they don't like Trump").

Sounds like you are talking about an imaginary friend

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A video loaded today. Elizabeth Warren shreds The Divider:

Listen how she tells about the most recent time The Divider released his tax statements, HE PAID ZERO.

That and other reasons is why he scurries and hides away (like a rat) from releasing his tax statements for the past 3 years now. He has stated publicly that he avoids paying taxes because it's like pouring money down the drain. Starting tomorrow, The Divider should not be allowed to use bridges, roads, tunnels, and myriad other services paid by taxpayers. Even though he says he's a multi billionaire, he doesn't pay a penny toward common-use items that law-abiding taxpayers pay for. Maybe he thinks he's too good to pay taxes, and only stupid little people pay taxes. Losers and weak people pay taxes, not Donald Trump.

He knows if he releases his tax statement, he will lose big time. Even some of his die-hard redneck fans might leave him. He's as slimy as the raw hamburger which fell out of the picnic basket that you find a week later covered in slime. No offense to slime mold.

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A video loaded today. Elizabeth Warren shreds The Divider:

Listen how she tells about the most recent time The Divider released his tax statements, HE PAID ZERO.

That and other reasons is why he scurries and hides away (like a rat) from releasing his tax statements for the past 3 years now. He has stated publicly that he avoids paying taxes because it's like pouring money down the drain. Starting tomorrow, The Divider should not be allowed to use bridges, roads, tunnels, and myriad other services paid by taxpayers. Even though he says he's a multi billionaire, he doesn't pay a penny toward common-use items that law-abiding taxpayers pay for. Maybe he thinks he's too good to pay taxes, and only stupid little people pay taxes. Losers and weak people pay taxes, not Donald Trump.

He knows if he releases his tax statement, he will lose big time. Even some of his die-hard redneck fans might leave him. He's as slimy as the raw hamburger which fell out of the picnic basket that you find a week later covered in slime. No offense to slime mold.

And so it finally begins. Elizabeth Warren telling it like it is. Wouldn't she make a great President eh!

I hope Trump has enjoyed his free ride, it's over now. Suck it up Trump fans, or spit the dummy more likely, you can expect a lot more of this from now on.

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Frankly, I don't think a sitting President should openly support any candidate

That's ridiculous. Once nominated, it is typical for a sitting president that is being term limited out to support their party's nominee. Obama has not openly taken sides between Clinton and Sanders. That is also normal because it is before nomination. What is not typical is the non-endorsements of the vile monster by previous presidents of his own party. Another sign that he's radioactive.

I wasn't suggesting it wasn't routine or limited to Obama. Everyone knows where the Presidents party loyalty is. Knowing that half the countrys population will not vote for your party dog, I think it would be more dignified to keep the office elevated above the shitstorm rather than wading in.

Agreed. Obama said he had more faith in the American people than to vote for Donald Trump. Promoting a candidate from your own party is fair enough but to pass judgement on an opposition candidate should be out of order for a sitting President.

What will finally decide are the numbers who want to keep the status quo versus the numbers who want change. Making emotional judgements and castigations that Trump is a Mussolini type is irrelevant. Moreover, the liberal left should be taking responsibility for the rise of Trump by propping up and continuing to support the current political establishment, for without the discontent which has seen a non politician displace 17 moneyed experienced establishment politicians Trump would not even be there in the first place. Only oblivious to the blind it seems who cannot figure out why but continue to shoot the messenger.

It is interesting to me that members on this forum mainly from the "left" predict what will happen and who will be POTUS and posters from the "right"mainly hope what will happen and who will be POTUS. Kind of illustrates the arrogance of the so called liberal left it looks and this forum is just a microcosm of the bigger reality.

So Obama thinks it's OK to denigrate every person that votes for Trump, and this from the president for ALL US citizens. No wonder so many dislike the guy.

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Frankly, I don't think a sitting President should openly support any candidate

That's ridiculous. Once nominated, it is typical for a sitting president that is being term limited out to support their party's nominee. Obama has not openly taken sides between Clinton and Sanders. That is also normal because it is before nomination. What is not typical is the non-endorsements of the vile monster by previous presidents of his own party. Another sign that he's radioactive.

I wasn't suggesting it wasn't routine or limited to Obama. Everyone knows where the Presidents party loyalty is. Knowing that half the countrys population will not vote for your party dog, I think it would be more dignified to keep the office elevated above the shitstorm rather than wading in.

Agreed. Obama said he had more faith in the American people than to vote for Donald Trump. Promoting a candidate from your own party is fair enough but to pass judgement on an opposition candidate should be out of order for a sitting President.

What will finally decide are the numbers who want to keep the status quo versus the numbers who want change. Making emotional judgements and castigations that Trump is a Mussolini type is irrelevant. Moreover, the liberal left should be taking responsibility for the rise of Trump by propping up and continuing to support the current political establishment, for without the discontent which has seen a non politician displace 17 moneyed experienced establishment politicians Trump would not even be there in the first place. Only oblivious to the blind it seems who cannot figure out why but continue to shoot the messenger.

It is interesting to me that members on this forum mainly from the "left" predict what will happen and who will be POTUS and posters from the "right"mainly hope what will happen and who will be POTUS. Kind of illustrates the arrogance of the so called liberal left it looks and this forum is just a microcosm of the bigger reality.

So Obama thinks it's OK to denigrate every person that votes for Trump, and this from the president for ALL US citizens. No wonder so many dislike the guy.

Trump denigrate everybody that is not called Trump and his supporters lick it up. For them it doesn't matter that he talks nasty about every minority group or women in general.

They just share his hatered.

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So Obama thinks it's OK to denigrate every person that votes for Trump, and this from the president for ALL US citizens. No wonder so many dislike the guy.

Lord give me strength... the farce is strong with this one.

Rightio, baby steps to start with. Trump started the denigration. Every piece of crap that comes in his direction is richly owed, and has been too long coming.

That's okay, throw your toys out of the sandpit because someone is pointing out the blindingly obvious to you, but if you or any other of your Trump fanboyzzz mates were honest with yourselves you'd admit this.

Just too funny!

Edited by NumbNut
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The anti-Obama right is exactly where the Soviet Chekist Vladimir Putin is and always was, i.e. youse guyz are so far right you have always been standing next to and shaking hands with the totalitarian left. It's called closing the circle.

Youse guyz Brics fell down too and it wuz Obama who dunnit and rather swiftly besides....

In a precious few years, the US has managed pretty well in fending off a major international challenge to its global hegemony posed in the form of a coalition of “emerging economies” known as BRICS, boldly contemplating reforming the western-dominated financial institutions, alternatives to US dollar, restructuring the world economy, and the like, like a sweet dream punctured by the ensuing counterpunch of a rude awakening.

How did the US manage these counterblows, so quickly and so effectively? By playing down and dirty of course, putting its colossal soft and hard power to work to unravel the BRICS daydream. First it was the Ukraine coup that targeted Russia’s vital access to Crimea, forcing Putin’s hands, followed by tough western sanctions, while demonizing him as the bad guy, followed by an outright oil conspiracy with the Saudis glutting the oil market and thus delivering a devastating blow to the oil-dependent Russian economy, then targeting Russia’s Mediterranean base in Syria by playing the radical jihadist card through local proxies, and finally managing a wholly unholy regime change in Brazil, by co-conspiring with the pro-American puppets in dethroning a popularly-elected president with the lamest excuses. As a result, Brazil today is for all practical purposes fully back in the US orbit, its BRICS dream thrown to dustbin of history.


All of this and more are beyond Trump's brain which is no better than the brain of his promoters, all of whom have missed the whole of it and who'd instead phuck up a wet dream.

Vote Hillary for more of the same thx.

While making personal attacks on Trump, you ignore the reasons people support him ie the mainstream of politics in the US is broken, and HRC ain't gonna change anything. Who else is there to support? Bernie would do, but the fix is in and he hasn't a hope of being the candidate, never did.

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A video loaded today. Elizabeth Warren shreds The Divider:

Listen how she tells about the most recent time The Divider released his tax statements, HE PAID ZERO.

That and other reasons is why he scurries and hides away (like a rat) from releasing his tax statements for the past 3 years now. He has stated publicly that he avoids paying taxes because it's like pouring money down the drain. Starting tomorrow, The Divider should not be allowed to use bridges, roads, tunnels, and myriad other services paid by taxpayers. Even though he says he's a multi billionaire, he doesn't pay a penny toward common-use items that law-abiding taxpayers pay for. Maybe he thinks he's too good to pay taxes, and only stupid little people pay taxes. Losers and weak people pay taxes, not Donald Trump.

He knows if he releases his tax statement, he will lose big time. Even some of his die-hard redneck fans might leave him. He's as slimy as the raw hamburger which fell out of the picnic basket that you find a week later covered in slime. No offense to slime mold.

And so it finally begins. Elizabeth Warren telling it like it is. Wouldn't she make a great President eh!

I hope Trump has enjoyed his free ride, it's over now. Suck it up Trump fans, or spit the dummy more likely, you can expect a lot more of this from now on.

The Divider can just slough it off, "Hey folks. She's just a woman, am I right? She's just a woman and she's probably bleeding while she's saying those things."

The crowd roars its approval, "Yay Trump. You tell it like it is! You're tougher than any woman. She probably just burned her cookies in the oven. She's probably going through menapause."

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A video loaded today. Elizabeth Warren shreds The Divider:

Listen how she tells about the most recent time The Divider released his tax statements, HE PAID ZERO.

That and other reasons is why he scurries and hides away (like a rat) from releasing his tax statements for the past 3 years now. He has stated publicly that he avoids paying taxes because it's like pouring money down the drain. Starting tomorrow, The Divider should not be allowed to use bridges, roads, tunnels, and myriad other services paid by taxpayers. Even though he says he's a multi billionaire, he doesn't pay a penny toward common-use items that law-abiding taxpayers pay for. Maybe he thinks he's too good to pay taxes, and only stupid little people pay taxes. Losers and weak people pay taxes, not Donald Trump.

He knows if he releases his tax statement, he will lose big time. Even some of his die-hard redneck fans might leave him. He's as slimy as the raw hamburger which fell out of the picnic basket that you find a week later covered in slime. No offense to slime mold.

And so it finally begins. Elizabeth Warren telling it like it is. Wouldn't she make a great President eh!

I hope Trump has enjoyed his free ride, it's over now. Suck it up Trump fans, or spit the dummy more likely, you can expect a lot more of this from now on.

The Divider can just slough it off, "Hey folks. She's just a woman, am I right? She's just a woman and she's probably bleeding while she's saying those things."

The crowd roars its approval, "Yay Trump. You tell it like it is! You're tougher than any woman. She probably just burned her cookies in the oven. She's probably going through menapause."

If the US did actually elect that liar ( I'm a Native American http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/05/is-elizabeth-warren-native-american-or-what/257415/ ) as president I'd have to consider that they really had gone collectively insane.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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A video loaded today. Elizabeth Warren shreds The Divider:

Listen how she tells about the most recent time The Divider released his tax statements, HE PAID ZERO.

That and other reasons is why he scurries and hides away (like a rat) from releasing his tax statements for the past 3 years now. He has stated publicly that he avoids paying taxes because it's like pouring money down the drain. Starting tomorrow, The Divider should not be allowed to use bridges, roads, tunnels, and myriad other services paid by taxpayers. Even though he says he's a multi billionaire, he doesn't pay a penny toward common-use items that law-abiding taxpayers pay for. Maybe he thinks he's too good to pay taxes, and only stupid little people pay taxes. Losers and weak people pay taxes, not Donald Trump.

He knows if he releases his tax statement, he will lose big time. Even some of his die-hard redneck fans might leave him. He's as slimy as the raw hamburger which fell out of the picnic basket that you find a week later covered in slime. No offense to slime mold.

And so it finally begins. Elizabeth Warren telling it like it is. Wouldn't she make a great President eh!

I hope Trump has enjoyed his free ride, it's over now. Suck it up Trump fans, or spit the dummy more likely, you can expect a lot more of this from now on.

The Divider can just slough it off, "Hey folks. She's just a woman, am I right? She's just a woman and she's probably bleeding while she's saying those things."

The crowd roars its approval, "Yay Trump. You tell it like it is! You're tougher than any woman. She probably just burned her cookies in the oven. She's probably going through menapause."

This is by far the best characterization of Trump supporters I have seen yet.

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A video loaded today. Elizabeth Warren shreds The Divider:

Listen how she tells about the most recent time The Divider released his tax statements, HE PAID ZERO.

That and other reasons is why he scurries and hides away (like a rat) from releasing his tax statements for the past 3 years now. He has stated publicly that he avoids paying taxes because it's like pouring money down the drain. Starting tomorrow, The Divider should not be allowed to use bridges, roads, tunnels, and myriad other services paid by taxpayers. Even though he says he's a multi billionaire, he doesn't pay a penny toward common-use items that law-abiding taxpayers pay for. Maybe he thinks he's too good to pay taxes, and only stupid little people pay taxes. Losers and weak people pay taxes, not Donald Trump.

He knows if he releases his tax statement, he will lose big time. Even some of his die-hard redneck fans might leave him. He's as slimy as the raw hamburger which fell out of the picnic basket that you find a week later covered in slime. No offense to slime mold.

And so it finally begins. Elizabeth Warren telling it like it is. Wouldn't she make a great President eh!

I hope Trump has enjoyed his free ride, it's over now. Suck it up Trump fans, or spit the dummy more likely, you can expect a lot more of this from now on.

The Divider can just slough it off, "Hey folks. She's just a woman, am I right? She's just a woman and she's probably bleeding while she's saying those things."

The crowd roars its approval, "Yay Trump. You tell it like it is! You're tougher than any woman. She probably just burned her cookies in the oven. She's probably going through menapause."

If the US did actually elect that liar ( I'm a Native American http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2012/05/is-elizabeth-warren-native-american-or-what/257415/ ) as president I'd have to consider that they really had gone collectively insane.

TBL, I don't understand your post. Ms Warren is not running for prez. To the crazy person, all sane people appear insane.

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Stephen Hawking, One of the smartest famous guys in the world can't understand Trump's popularity, but I think he's put his finger on the situation in one sentence below. I can't wait for the program. I'm sure the Trump guys will be along shortly with "Hawking's brain is crippled" or something similar. wink.png

"He is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator," Hawking says in prerecorded comments to be broadcast when the show airs at 6 a.m. London time (0500 GMT, 1 a.m. EDT) Tuesday.


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Stephen Hawking is a brilliant physicist.

I am a retired construction worker.

I don't know why he is baffled. The 'lowest common denominator' he refers to are generally the people with 'right wing authoritarian follower' personalities.



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Stephen Hawking is a brilliant physicist.

I am a retired construction worker.

I don't know why he is baffled. The 'lowest common denominator' he refers to are generally the people with 'right wing authoritarian follower' personalities.



There are 2 lowest common denominators, Right wing authoritarian and Left wing authoritarian, one is often a response to the other

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Stephen Hawking is a brilliant physicist.

I am a retired construction worker.

I don't know why he is baffled. The 'lowest common denominator' he refers to are generally the people with 'right wing authoritarian follower' personalities.



There are 2 lowest common denominators, Right wing authoritarian and Left wing authoritarian, one is often a response to the other

I am referring to right wing authoritarian personality not right wing politics. Researchers have a hard time determining a 'left wing authoritarian personality'

"There have been a number of other attempts to identify "left-wing authoritarians" in the United States and Canada. These would be people who submit to leftist authorities, are highly conventional to liberal viewpoints, and are aggressive to people who oppose left-wing ideology. These attempts have failed because measures of authoritarianism always correlate at least slightly with the right. However, left-wing authoritarians were found in Eastern Europe. There are certainly extremists across the political spectrum, but most psychologists now believe that authoritarianism is a predominantly right-wing phenomenon."

Excerpt above is from this Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism

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Stephen Hawking, One of the smartest famous guys in the world can't understand Trump's popularity, but I think he's put his finger on the situation in one sentence below. I can't wait for the program. I'm sure the Trump guys will be along shortly with "Hawking's brain is crippled" or something similar. wink.png

"He is a demagogue who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator," Hawking says in prerecorded comments to be broadcast when the show airs at 6 a.m. London time (0500 GMT, 1 a.m. EDT) Tuesday.


I don't know Hawking personally, I doubt anybody on this forum does.

My guess is Hawking, like most people that spend the majority of their lives in and around academia, doesn't have a lick of common sense.

Just my honest opinion relating to Hawking and many members of this forum...primarily those that self label as "elites".

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Stephen Hawking is a brilliant physicist.

I am a retired construction worker.

I don't know why he is baffled. The 'lowest common denominator' he refers to are generally the people with 'right wing authoritarian follower' personalities.



There are 2 lowest common denominators, Right wing authoritarian and Left wing authoritarian, one is often a response to the other

I am referring to right wing authoritarian personality not right wing politics. Researchers have a hard time determining a 'left wing authoritarian personality'

"There have been a number of other attempts to identify "left-wing authoritarians" in the United States and Canada. These would be people who submit to leftist authorities, are highly conventional to liberal viewpoints, and are aggressive to people who oppose left-wing ideology. These attempts have failed because measures of authoritarianism always correlate at least slightly with the right. However, left-wing authoritarians were found in Eastern Europe. There are certainly extremists across the political spectrum, but most psychologists now believe that authoritarianism is a predominantly right-wing phenomenon."

Excerpt above is from this Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism

A bit academic really, especially to those on the ground affected enough not to give a damn about definitions

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I'm certain that the thing that frightens the anti Trumpists on here is that no matter what people say against him, all the US supporters have a vote, 5555555555555555555.

Even HRC has apparently realised that he might win.

Actually it's a comfort that republicans aren't the only ones allowed to vote, despite their many attempts at local level to try and make it that way.


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Stephen Hawking is a brilliant physicist.

I am a retired construction worker.

I don't know why he is baffled. The 'lowest common denominator' he refers to are generally the people with 'right wing authoritarian follower' personalities.



Hawking didn't really say anything profound or original but I think it's true.

Indeed millions of people, including me (and I'm no Hawking) have been saying pretty much the exact same thing!

Not sure people should pay special attention to Hawking on such political matters. It's not his field.

But again, he's correct.

Edited by Jingthing
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Yes, anyone but Trump.

He's THAT bad.

That's really the election in a nutshell this time.

How many people can be educated about how bad Trump is vs. those are seduced by his CON MAN act.

He couldn't possibly be worse than little Bush and the atrocities he committed. Millions of lives are down to the American public's stupidity at voting him in.

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Stephen Hawking is a brilliant physicist.

I am a retired construction worker.

I don't know why he is baffled. The 'lowest common denominator' he refers to are generally the people with 'right wing authoritarian follower' personalities.



There are 2 lowest common denominators, Right wing authoritarian and Left wing authoritarian, one is often a response to the other

I am referring to right wing authoritarian personality not right wing politics. Researchers have a hard time determining a 'left wing authoritarian personality'

"There have been a number of other attempts to identify "left-wing authoritarians" in the United States and Canada. These would be people who submit to leftist authorities, are highly conventional to liberal viewpoints, and are aggressive to people who oppose left-wing ideology. These attempts have failed because measures of authoritarianism always correlate at least slightly with the right. However, left-wing authoritarians were found in Eastern Europe. There are certainly extremists across the political spectrum, but most psychologists now believe that authoritarianism is a predominantly right-wing phenomenon."

Excerpt above is from this Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism

A bit academic really, especially to those on the ground affected enough not to give a damn about definitions

Isn't this what of the problems in the US have boiled down to? Why nothing ever gets done? Why everybody is at each others throats?

Nobody cares about definitions? Obviously not as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News have done more to destroy definitions of so many words used to describe our societies and political, moral and ethical world views.

The problem is mostly on the right, but the left has its fingers in the game too. If you want to have a productive discussion each person must have similar definitions of the words being used. If you say socialism means government handouts and I say socialism means cooperative ownership of the means of production, just how far do you think we will get?

I am not opposed at all to many facets of the conservative agenda. I am however almost completely opposed to 'extreme conservative' agenda. Maybe you should read John Dean's Conservatives Without Conscience.

Intellectualism in right wing politics? Yes. Intellectualism in extreme right wing politics. No. Graphics work better there.

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There are 2 lowest common denominators, Right wing authoritarian and Left wing authoritarian, one is often a response to the other

I am referring to right wing authoritarian personality not right wing politics. Researchers have a hard time determining a 'left wing authoritarian personality'

"There have been a number of other attempts to identify "left-wing authoritarians" in the United States and Canada. These would be people who submit to leftist authorities, are highly conventional to liberal viewpoints, and are aggressive to people who oppose left-wing ideology. These attempts have failed because measures of authoritarianism always correlate at least slightly with the right. However, left-wing authoritarians were found in Eastern Europe. There are certainly extremists across the political spectrum, but most psychologists now believe that authoritarianism is a predominantly right-wing phenomenon."

Excerpt above is from this Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Right-wing_authoritarianism

A bit academic really, especially to those on the ground affected enough not to give a damn about definitions

Isn't this what of the problems in the US have boiled down to? Why nothing ever gets done? Why everybody is at each others throats?

Nobody cares about definitions? Obviously not as Rush Limbaugh and Fox News have done more to destroy definitions of so many words used to describe our societies and political, moral and ethical world views.

The problem is mostly on the right, but the left has its fingers in the game too. If you want to have a productive discussion each person must have similar definitions of the words being used. If you say socialism means government handouts and I say socialism means cooperative ownership of the means of production, just how far do you think we will get?

I am not opposed at all to many facets of the conservative agenda. I am however almost completely opposed to 'extreme conservative' agenda. Maybe you should read John Dean's Conservatives Without Conscience.

Intellectualism in right wing politics? Yes. Intellectualism in extreme right wing politics. No. Graphics work better there.

I was referring to those who are affected by authoritarianism of any description not giving a damn about intellectual descriptions from ivory towers of what they are suffering under. If someone takes a shot at you would you really care what make the bullet was? That's why I said it was academic

Edited by Linzz
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Good to see at least one world leader backing Trump:

North Korea says Trump isn't screwy at all, a wise choice for president

North Korea has backed presumptive U.S. Republican nominee Donald Trump, with a propaganda website praising him as "a prescient presidential candidate" who can liberate Americans living under daily fear of nuclear attack by the North.

A column carried on Tuesday by DPRK Today, one of the reclusive and dynastic state's mouthpieces, described Trump as a "wise politician" and the right choice for U.S. voters in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election.

It described his most likely Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, as "thick-headed Hillary" over her proposal to apply the Iran model of wide sanctions to resolve the nuclear weapons issue on the Korean peninsula.


Edited by Scott
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Good to see at least one world leader backing Trump:

North Korea says Trump isn't screwy at all, a wise choice for president

North Korea has backed presumptive U.S. Republican nominee Donald Trump, with a propaganda website praising him as "a prescient presidential candidate" who can liberate Americans living under daily fear of nuclear attack by the North.

A column carried on Tuesday by DPRK Today, one of the reclusive and dynastic state's mouthpieces, described Trump as a "wise politician" and the right choice for U.S. voters in the Nov. 8 U.S. presidential election.

It described his most likely Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, as "thick-headed Hillary" over her proposal to apply the Iran model of wide sanctions to resolve the nuclear weapons issue on the Korean peninsula.


As all the Trump supporters proudly stated in another thread on Stephen Hawking's criticisms of Trump, anyone with common sense will back Trump, and all smart people lack common sense - even citing some school yard refrains from their childhood to prove this point.

So, yes, finally a leader with common sense is backing Trump. Let's just hope some other favorites of Trump - the 'poorly educated' world leaders will step forward and show support.

Edited by keemapoot
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