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UK police appeal for help to find Devon girl missing in Thailand


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not seen anyone mention the rights of the real thai mother , i suspect she was possibly denied a visit visa and both mother and daughter denied an emotional reunion ,could this be a possible reason ? we don't know ,the ukba release hundreds if not thousands of illegal immigrants every year,but try getting your wife of 5/6/7 yrs a visa , NO WAY !, you can have a relationship akin to marraige living apart ! W H A T ?!, I do'nt see the validity in the refusals , you can own 3 houses and still not make a profit of 18.6k , why do they insist on stating that "you are not entitled to state benefits" , is it so difficult to say NO, your not entitled IF a claim is made whilst there ?. until we know more about this father /daughter keep shtum , I for one would buy the guy a beer before grassing him up .Let the girl see her real mum if this is whats behind it all , we dont know

And.. If the mother is Thai... Then the whole family can address the issues here in Thailand.

The farang father won't get a sympathetic ear from the Thai authorities ( and all mums bro's in the background), so why come here if he is in the wrong? No advantage

Unless... A provable crime can be presented to the courts.... In which case, as other have notice, his ability to travel should have been removed, vs let's have a meeting, with scones with jam. (.... Yes.... You know what the jams really for ?)

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Regards previous post...Been out all afternoon and replied to early in the story.

Wow... This stuff is really heavy shit... I mean the depth of the vehemence felt towards UK social services, with the "WOW" factor first hand accounts... Videos evidence etc, to thwart social sercies EXPECTED interference....

And now we are seeing this exposed on the international stage... With the outcome that there is seemingly no issues, other than with the SS

The system is truly in a bad bad place...

But... There is still the court order in place for Zara's return to the UK, which apparently can be enforced

I wish the best for this pair.... I really do... And my heart goes out to those others that have suffered.

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Sounds like they emigrated to Thailand. What's the issue ? Did they forget to fill out some forms or something ?

Of course everything will be shrouded in secrecy so we will never be told the truth about what's actually going on here.

Sounds to me, after reading the full article, that there are concerns about the girls welfare (could me a variety if things I guess) and her family.

Though if that is the case I'm at a loss as to why she was allowed to leave the country with him.

ehhh.... he is her father ... can you not read ? and why not be allowed to go where they want ? and she is with her family . you need a life off the seat belted bar stool . cheeeze....

Edited by mikiea
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Sounds like they emigrated to Thailand. What's the issue ? Did they forget to fill out some forms or something ?

Of course everything will be shrouded in secrecy so we will never be told the truth about what's actually going on here.

Sounds to me, after reading the full article, that there are concerns about the girls welfare (could me a variety if things I guess) and her family.

Though if that is the case I'm at a loss as to why she was allowed to leave the country with him.

ehhh.... he is her father ... can you not read ? and why not be allowed to go where they want ? and she is with her family . you need a life off the seat belted bar stool . cheeeze....
Er, can you not process information. That is think beyond the limits of your ignorant assumptions?

The judge issued an order that she return home. That is unusual and indicates a serious issue. If that is the case then why was there no travel restrictions imposed. If not why issue the order and raise this hue and cry?


If any of the above is hard for you to understand get someone to explain the big words (those with more than two syllables in them in your case) to you.

Not that's it's your business but I rarely drink and when I do I prefer a comfy seat not a bar stool.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Am I missing something? Asnowhere in this thread did I read that thete is a court order for her return. Only a request for help in locating her. And it seems she has been located.

From The Guardian report the OP links to:

"Miles failed to attend a meeting arranged by Devon council to address concerns about the girl’s welfare. A judge has officially ordered that she be returned to the UK."

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Am I missing something? Asnowhere in this thread did I read that thete is a court order for her return. Only a request for help in locating her. And it seems she has been located.

From The Guardian report the OP links to:

"Miles failed to attend a meeting arranged by Devon council to address concerns about the girls welfare. A judge has officially ordered that she be returned to the UK."

Couple that with the information supplied by GuestHouse, in post 43, were he points out that as members of The Hague convention, Thailand is duty bound to respect (enforce) the UK court ruling, and return Zara as ruled... So the finding, was but step one.

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Am I missing something? Asnowhere in this thread did I read that thete is a court order for her return. Only a request for help in locating her. And it seems she has been located.

From The Guardian report the OP links to:

"Miles failed to attend a meeting arranged by Devon council to address concerns about the girls welfare. A judge has officially ordered that she be returned to the UK."

Couple that with the information supplied by GuestHouse, in post 43, were he points out that as members of The Hague convention, Thailand is duty bound to respect (enforce) the UK court ruling, and return Zara as ruled... So the finding, was but step one.

I don't have much respect for the way Thailand goes about its business on most fronts. But this is one time I hope they stick to what they do best, and ignore a request from a foreign government. That girl is better of with her father.

You can bet the judge will have her removed from him and either find a nice family who will rape her daily or put her in a care home where the staff can take it in turns to rape her daily.

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I know that he has reported to the Thai police with his daughter. They are no longer missing. The Thai mother does not live in UK and walked away from her daughter when the baby was 1 year old. He has taken good care of her since. There has been no child abuse. He loves his daughter and she wants to stay in Thailand with her dad. As Rapid Method says is all about an over zealous social worker. He took his daughter to the UK, to get her in school. He was harrassed

and threatened by the SS. They threatened to take her away because she had been home schooled. As there was no court order in place at the time, he decided to save his kid and take her to Thailand. He left before the SS could make a control order, so he has done nothing wrong.

This sounds closer to the truth to me. I think that the Brit SS are just upset that they have been 'trumped' and are pulling out all stops to get their own way. If the girl is happy and wants to be with her dad, they should tell the Brit SS to piss off and mind their own business. The persons responsible and working for the SS should be named, so that if they get into another case like this, their record will be available for the defense.

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One would imagine it was because there was no specific court order preventing it.

This does not appear to be a custody case (as your post might imply) but rather a concern for the child's welfare.

'Miles failed to attend a meeting arranged by Devon council to address concerns about the girl’s welfare. A judge has officially ordered that she be returned to the UK.'

I was basing my implication on the above. I could be wrong but it does seem that the concerns are fairly serious if a court is ordering her return to the UK. Then again I could be wrong but it seems odd that he was allowed to leave the country with his daughter if a court feels it necessary to order her return for this meeting.

Not odd at all. The Devon council, presumably social services, has arranged a meeting. No other action. There was no court order issued restricting the man or his daughters movements.

A father and daughter check-in and present passports to air line staff. Nothing pops up when they enter the details. UK Border Force don't routinely inspect passports on your way out. Even if they were doing a random check as they sometimes do, nothing would have popped up. Councils, and social service departments can't stop anyone travelling only a court can do that.

For me, the fact that a court has ordered their return to the UK indicates that this case is a serious one.

I don't know what the case is about and won't speculate on it, however if the case is such a one that a court orders the man to return, it indicates a level of seriousness that maybe a court order preventing the father and daughter leaving the country should have been issued. Maybe they left before any such action could be taken.

Of course, as I say, I could be wrong.

Just strikes me as odd, that's all.

Serious ! Hell , have you seen what these courts have been doing to some people to satisfy their own whims . You must live in Cookoo Land.

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A: nope. I don't live near any cuckoos.

B: uk courts act according to the law not whims.

C: I'll take the judgement of a court which knows the details of the case over the rants of such as you any day.

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