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Facebook is just great, they take care of everything so I have to make no reports to NSA. They read my email contacts, phonebook contacts, the phone calls I make and remind me where I have been in case I forget.

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it is what it is.

I find it useful, you may not.

Please do explain its usefulness. Does it make you breakfast in the morning?

How about bringing you your slippers?

Does it do you taxes?

Maybe it cuddles you when you're sad.

Or is it that you can watch your friends post ridiculous photos of their food or even worse themselves.

Yes, very useful.

Open your eyes mon ami....

Few weeks back I was thinking about a friend I had half a century back....Looked on FB for his name...Nothing. Searched FB surnames for anyone in the area he may still be....Found a lady in that area with the same name.

Sent a message...."Is this guy your family".....She replied..."Yes it is my dad"..

Wow.....Her dad, my old friend, he does not have an iPhone or PC, so she went to his house and showed him my stuff on her iPhone.....It was my chum, we now talk when she visits.........Brilliant.....thumbsup.gif

I can see your point mate and I imagine many are like that but I am still in contact with those I want to be in contact with. I can't imagine suddenly thinking Oh I haven't seen old mate in 20-30 years I wonder what he is up to. Cos I don't if I did I would still be in contact with them cause they were my friends. Simples


Never had it, never wanted it complete waste of time. Congratulations welcome back to the real world where if you want to know what your real friends are doing you can just catch up or even just call them.

Me neither.............too big of a wonderful world out there to explore and time is getting shorter and shorter.bah.gif


I attempted to do the same, the damn thing can be helpful, have a lot of local pages for various sources... main reason I use it now. No pictures of me and no personal info... I LIED on everything.

But, when my "friends" list gets above 12 I have to start deleting people and then they get all twisted up and well you know what happens... you have to hold their hand and comfort them and tell them.... 55555


I use it for all the reasons listed in reply's - but somehow I wound up with two facebook accounts, and am tying to get rid of one of them - any suggestions?? sad.png



Very sensible. How anyone would want to take the risk of publishing personal data on the web is beyond me. Too many criminals out there just looking for opportunities.

Enjoy your real life!


For real?

You need it explaining to you how your guests would find it obnoxious when you insist on confiscating their possessions on arrival? Or why being interrupted by a random , pointless phone call from someone who doesn't even speak their language wouldn't exactly someone them feel 'happy and special'?

You're a long way detached from reality.

Maybe you did not understood what I said.

I said: The internet and the social media is pretty damn great possibility to be able to interact with people around the world.

I said: We should not be afraid of communicating with other people, we should embrace it.

I said: It's wonderful to be able to meet and interact with people who don't share our cultural background and thus can teach us something new, which we could never have thought of.

When it comes to the everyday interaction, I'm one of those people who talk to others while waiting for a bus. I'm one of those people who learn a new language to make a girl laugh. I'm one of those people who simply want to learn, what others thing and why they think the way they do.

I want to expand my bubble, far beyond what my cultural background expects. How about you? Do yo really wish to keep within your little bubble, for the whole of your life? Do you really wish that?

Btw. When it comes to the languages, the languages are moderately easy to learn. I'm sure you have already learned several. Anyway the reason for the suggested calls was not just the language, the reason was to get connected with people from different backgrounds.

You've clearly completely misunderstood both Facebook and Skype. They're not things you use to approach strangers - they're ways of keeping in touch with people you already know.

FaceBook and Skype are TOOLS. There is no "correct" way of using them. Creative use of tools by individuals is what we do as humans. It is called progress. Now pass me that claw hammer - I need to open my beer.


For real?

You need it explaining to you how your guests would find it obnoxious when you insist on confiscating their possessions on arrival? Or why being interrupted by a random , pointless phone call from someone who doesn't even speak their language wouldn't exactly someone them feel 'happy and special'?

You're a long way detached from reality.

Maybe you did not understood what I said.

I said: The internet and the social media is pretty damn great possibility to be able to interact with people around the world.

I said: We should not be afraid of communicating with other people, we should embrace it.

I said: It's wonderful to be able to meet and interact with people who don't share our cultural background and thus can teach us something new, which we could never have thought of.

When it comes to the everyday interaction, I'm one of those people who talk to others while waiting for a bus. I'm one of those people who learn a new language to make a girl laugh. I'm one of those people who simply want to learn, what others thing and why they think the way they do.

I want to expand my bubble, far beyond what my cultural background expects. How about you? Do yo really wish to keep within your little bubble, for the whole of your life? Do you really wish that?

Btw. When it comes to the languages, the languages are moderately easy to learn. I'm sure you have already learned several. Anyway the reason for the suggested calls was not just the language, the reason was to get connected with people from different backgrounds.

You've clearly completely misunderstood both Facebook and Skype. They're not things you use to approach strangers - they're ways of keeping in touch with people you already know.

FaceBook and Skype are TOOLS. There is no "correct" way of using them. Creative use of tools by individuals is what we do as humans. It is called evolution. Now pass me that claw hammer - I need to open my beer.

Indeed. But some tools are appropriate for a certain task, and others aren't. You wouldn't try and use a screwdriver on a nail.


Anyway you missed the point - we don't know how appropriate tools are outside their initial intent for use until it is tried. Certainly marketers and other individuals view FaceBook, Skype and the rest as appropriate ways to approach strangers


Seriously? You have never hammered in a nail with a screwdriver handle?

Of course not. That's what hammers are for.

Sometimes you just don't have a hammer around... I've used rocks, screwdrivers, shoe heel, vice grips, whatever's lying around when the hammer is not available... they all work fine BTW!!


it is what it is.

I find it useful, you may not.

Please do explain its usefulness. Does it make you breakfast in the morning?

How about bringing you your slippers?

Does it do you taxes?

Maybe it cuddles you when you're sad.

Or is it that you can watch your friends post ridiculous photos of their food or even worse themselves.

Yes, very useful.

I consider Facebook one of the most dangerous yet useful programs on line,

most people don't know it's power so post rubbish there minute by minute

feeding the beast with information that will be kept there for ever, even

generations to come, if i want to know anything about anyone go to facebook.

example; recently a lady friend of mine came to me with a problem, a man she

met on a dating site showered her with presents and called her twice a day,

then things took a turn and this man began harassing her, she wanted to stop

but he blocked her on Facebook so she could receive but not message him,

she gave me his name and in one afternoon i came up with this persons full

history, address, travel movements, family history, place of work etc,, if i can

do it, so can others, then the harassment stopped, i never post anything.


Would you answer a Skype call from a complete stranger? Or accept their friend request on Facebook?

No I am the antithesis of oilinki when it comes to talking to strangers - I would not talk to someone waiting for a bus, unless they spoke first. But I do not have a problem with him reaching out that way or any other way, for that matter.


Remind me never to lend you my tools.

Remind me not to take you anywhere away from all your precious tools when something needs to be done immediately but the precise tool is unavailable.


it is what it is.

I find it useful, you may not.

Please do explain its usefulness. Does it make you breakfast in the morning?

How about bringing you your slippers?

Does it do you taxes?

Maybe it cuddles you when you're sad.

Or is it that you can watch your friends post ridiculous photos of their food or even worse themselves.

Yes, very useful.

Nice attempt at making me appear shallow or incomplete.

Honestly, if you cannot see how Facebook can serve you it's not up to me to provide a tutorial.


FB should be sued under the trade description act in the UK. It is not even social media, as it is more like social garbage. Full of the worlds hates and prejudices. I only have FB to keep contact with my family. Even they do garbage most of the time. A lot of the time I delete the notifications from my email inbox without opening them. The family is still there if I need them.

Marketeers are are gradually using the natural content of SM sites to tap into your thoughts in a covert way to coerce you into buying things online. A very subtle form of financial manipulation is taking place that people are not aware of.


to each his/her own. just enjoy the freedom of being able to use it or otherwise. with so much information, both good and bad, the real challenge is to filter the garbage out. and those who manage to do so, might find themselves better informed than most.


FB should be sued under the trade description act in the UK. It is not even social media, as it is more like social garbage. Full of the worlds hates and prejudices. I only have FB to keep contact with my family. Even they do garbage most of the time. A lot of the time I delete the notifications from my email inbox without opening them. The family is still there if I need them.

Marketeers are are gradually using the natural content of SM sites to tap into your thoughts in a covert way to coerce you into buying things online. A very subtle form of financial manipulation is taking place that people are not aware of.

Marketers were on to neuromarketing well before social media became a thing. It is caveat emptor as aways.


Using smartphones is like smoking cigars. There are times and places to use those items, but it's not the dinner tables.

I'd recommend, if that happens again, you'll light up a cigar, right there at the dinner table. When the others will wonder what you are doing, redirect the same question to them and ask what they are doing.

Youd probably have to send them a FB message wink.png


its ok until folk spend every minute of the day on it, I dont have one i use the Wifes and see some UK friends posting minute by minute sometimes..........get a real life

FaceBook is as invasive, if not more so, than the NSA.

For those who say " I have nothing to hide", Facebook is also a wonderful medium for hackers.


its ok until folk spend every minute of the day on it, I dont have one i use the Wifes and see some UK friends posting minute by minute sometimes..........get a real life

FaceBook is as invasive, if not more so, than the NSA.

For those who say " I have nothing to hide", Facebook is also a wonderful medium for hackers.

But better you don't worry about that because you have nothing to hide. 555.


It has its uses, but I've learned to 'skim' read it and find recently I'm getting rather bored of it. I've cut my habit back from 'all consuming' to a minute or two per day unless I find a topic that intrigues, (eg. Nostalgia about a refurbed MK2 Escort from a Lombard-RAC rally that I attended as a teen, or solar energy (esp anything Tesla) etc. The cats/dogs/lunch pictures are a worthless waste of resources to me, and frankly find it quite insulting that people are so self absorbed that they think the world needs to know that they've just bought a new carpet or sofa. One friend had some pics of mountain biking (a previous interest of mine), then noted that he has a selfie stick - I was horrified and seriously lost respect.

I have one friend here in Thailand that has dumped his old mono screen Nokia deciding he didn't need it in his life, and could be contacted by more natural means. Double thumbs up to that guy.

I get the feeling that there is a counter culture developing where it will be seriously uncool to have an FB account.


Facebook is already old hat to a lot of younger people. They've moved on to stuff like snapchat and instagram - partly because all their parents are on Facebook.

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