connda Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 This is tragic, this poor guys only offence is not leaving the country, he didn't harm anybody. Whatt happened to this guy must be dream come true for people who vilify fellow foreigners who over stay. Visa sub forum here is full of posters calling for harsh punishment for foreigners who have over stayd, a very minor, victimless offence. If he was beaten in jail, it could have come from the police or the inmates, but I doubt it was a reaction to his overstay--more likely his attitude. However, to say, " . . . this poor guys only offence (sic) is not leaving the country, he didn't harm anybody . . . " I can't believe that so many of you actually think it is no big deal to violate the laws of a country in which you stay. Yeah, sure, over-stayers don't harm anybody--but gee, I wonder why the overstay penalties are becoming more strict and all current immigration laws are being more strictly enforced? I too believe in obeying the laws of the country you're in, especially banana republics. However, as the recent Bridge Playing stupidity has proven, you don't necessarily need to be doing anything illegal to end up on the wrong side of a jail cell here in the Land of Smiles. And once placed in jail, as is evident in this case, your health and welfare are of little concern to the authorities, especially in banana republics where jail conditions seem to be purposefully dehumanizing. I'm sure that The Land of Smiles doesn't give a hoot about the UN Human Rights Commissions rules regarding treatment of prisoners. However, the same statement applies in my home country (supposively developed), just to a lesser degree. It's not good to be in a prison anywhere. Too easy to be assaulted, beat, raped, or killed over what amounts to a misdemeanor or petty offense. "Ahhh, the Frog was probably lipping off to the BIB or inmates. He deserved what he got. Overstays are crimes against humanity don't you know?" It's amazing how high and mighty, let alone full of self-righteousness some TV members can be. You gotta realize, all it takes is you or someone your with to break some obscure law you didn't know even existed and suddenly you find yourself in the French guy's shoes. Until he's interviewed, no one will know what happened that led to a brutal assault.
F4UCorsair Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 This is tragic, this poor guys only offence is not leaving the country, he didn't harm anybody. Whatt happened to this guy must be dream come true for people who vilify fellow foreigners who over stay. Visa sub forum here is full of posters calling for harsh punishment for foreigners who have over stayd, a very minor, victimless offence.Overstaying is NOT a victimless offence. This guy is a victim of others overstaying. Others will be victims of his overstaying.Authorities are sick to death of those who have no regard or respect for Thai laws, so throw offenders in the pen. You are in Thailand, so respect their laws. I have no idea how he sustained the injuries, but others will no doubt be sure the BiB bashed him. Time may tell on that point. It's not difficult to do the right thing, so don't bleat about victimless crime, minor breach, breach of no consequence, etc. If your visa requires border runs, do them. They're part of the price you pay to stay in Thailand. I see, time and again, posts looking to short circuit the visa requirements. Just comply. Personally, I obey every jot and tittle of Thai law, and also Thai customs as I learn them. Out of humility, and out of gratitude, and out of respect. But there is no Thai law allowing beating of a helpless, handcuffed prisoner for failing to truckle. And while the reactions of police who encounter backtalk may be understandable, the piling on by arrogant louts like yourself is not. Does it make you feel the big man, to cheer when a man is kicked when he is down? I hope that one day you experience personally the violence that you now countenance so glibly. Have I missed a post that had eye witness accounts of the police beating this guy?
johnhw Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 Ever so often ...opportunity knocks...and the police get to express their true feelings for farangs......Education Empowers Ingenuity...interesting title. Ingenuous Ingenuity sure describes your brilliant post. And you have a degree in Manipulative Rationalization, Creative Imagiantive & Assumptive Speculative Literature in the Self-Serving Logic program?
oxforddon Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 I personally see no reason for police to beat him and there would be little room in those holding cells for that. Far more likely that he did in fact have some fit or he got into an altercation with fellow inmates. Everything is speculation though at this time. To my knowledge there is no CCTV in those cells and normally only one reception policeman who books people in there and handles visitors during certain hours.
louse1953 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 He was accused of possessing an expired visa in his passport. Oh #$%^ I have several expired visas in my passport. I have one that hasn't expired, but I guess this guy didn't have. Yes, seems pretty bad injury from a fall, but on the the other hand, why would he be "mishandled" if the only crime was an expired visa? Let's hope he recovers and can explain what happened. What injuries,he has his head in a brace,standard procedure i would have thought.Looks like he is having a snooze.
louse1953 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 There have been a number of foreigners very badly beaten in jail here. A British man was beaten to death in Pattaya Prison last year. The police or Corrections Dept always say he injured himself after having a fit. This "explains" the numerous bruises. A Thai (middle class, not that it matters) once said to me, prisoners in Thailand have no rights at all. I very much doubt the duty of care principle is applied here. And the reason for this particular man's incarceration seems extremely petty. That is the risk everyone without connections runs, Thai or foreigner, here. You might have a car accident tomorrow and be locked up for a night with the colloquial murderers and rapists while waiting to be processed. 5 years ago i wanted to "talk"to the scum that skim scammed me.He was out the back of soi 9 Police Station.Mai dai.
oxforddon Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 "Incarceration" in this case and at this time means normally one night in holding cells in Soi 9 station then court the next day then depending on that outcome sent up to Immigration detention centre in Bangkok. BTW - most likely he was brought in by Immigration police not regular police.
alofthailand Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 Maybe he was one of those 'Frenchmen' whose middle name is Mohamed.
Rickster Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 One could say if he'd stuck to his visa conditions he wouldn't have been here and the situation would have be avoided. However nobody deserves to have the crap kicked out of them for what is, in the grand scheme of things, a minor offence...
louse1953 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 There have been a number of foreigners very badly beaten in jail here. A British man was beaten to death in Pattaya Prison last year. The police or Corrections Dept always say he injured himself after having a fit. This "explains" the numerous bruises. A Thai (middle class, not that it matters) once said to me, prisoners in Thailand have no rights at all. I very much doubt the duty of care principle is applied here. And the reason for this particular man's incarceration seems extremely petty. That is the risk everyone without connections runs, Thai or foreigner, here. You might have a car accident tomorrow and be locked up for a night with the colloquial murderers and rapists while waiting to be processed. Well i'll tell you what happens in Australia when people are caught without a visa.Straight to detention and then on the 1st plane back to their country.Can not come back for 5 years,plus pay back the airfare.
KarenBravo Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 The guy done something silly and ended up in jail. Jails are dangerous places. Don't put yourself in a position where you will end up in jail... Simple!! Are yes, a holder of a degree in Stating The Obvious. Phd, or, doctorate?
tomross46 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 Many people have a habit of letting their mouth override their mind. I had a friend that was stopped by the police early in the morning, he action was yes sir, no sir: then his drunk Thai wife lot her mouth go and the both wound up in jail. He was setting outside, but his wife got violent. she was charged, he was released. To get his wife out cost a few hundred thousand baht. The moral of the story is engage brain before the mouth.
louse1953 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 This is tragic, this poor guys only offence is not leaving the country, he didn't harm anybody. Whatt happened to this guy must be dream come true for people who vilify fellow foreigners who over stay. Visa sub forum here is full of posters calling for harsh punishment for foreigners who have over stayd, a very minor, victimless offence.Overstaying is NOT a victimless offence. This guy is a victim of others overstaying. Others will be victims of his overstaying. Authorities are sick to death of those who have no regard or respect for Thai laws, so throw offenders in the pen. You are in Thailand, so respect their laws. I have no idea how he sustained the injuries, but others will no doubt be sure the BiB bashed him. Time may tell on that point. It's not difficult to do the right thing, so don't bleat about victimless crime, minor breach, breach of no consequence, etc. If your visa requires border runs, do them. They're part of the price you pay to stay in Thailand. I see, time and again, posts looking to short circuit the visa requirements. Just comply. Agree with what you say, but it's also the authorities that have created this mess. Money under the table for visas, payments at the border to be allowed through, etc. It's all a money making scheme for many....with the authorities turning a blind eye...or are actually involved... Right or wrong, if that's happening, that's part of the cost of staying in Thailand, although I don't recall posts to that effect, but I haven't read every post. Are people actually charged for visas, stamps, etc., over and above the official charges? Border run required? Do it. If you're being scammed by authorities, and it is a way of life in some countries, move countries, but it probably won't improve much in SE Asia until you hit Singapore. But....they won't be so tolerant of overstayers, as to charge only B500 equivalent per day!! There's no such thing as a free lunch! I don't think anybody, including those who vilify overstayers, would gain any satisfaction from seeing this guy hurt, whitemouse, however it happened. As for 'vilifying a fellow foreigner', each overstayer is the victim of previous overstayers who have made it a hard road for those who follow.. The authorities want to stop it as a consequence of the practice being so widespread, hence the new laws from March 20. The foreigners are initiating the scam.They,or their agent approach Immigration and offer to pay extra to fix their "problem".These are our poorer farang,who haven't enough in the bank,but can survive here on the State pension.
Satcommlee Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 The guy done something silly and ended up in jail. Jails are dangerous places. Don't put yourself in a position where you will end up in jail... Simple!! Are yes, a holder of a degree in Stating The Obvious. Phd, or, doctorate? A PhD IS a doctorate, by the way.. There's a difference between being picked up for not having a passport and being processed for deportation.
Nobb Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 Abuse in Thai jails is running rampant. Farangs are the ones most abused but also foreign worker also suffer from these lawless acts!
bamukloy Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 What is the punishment for being arrested for overstay as opposed to turning yourself in for overstay? He loses everything he has in Thailand because he will be deported and not allowed back in. This might include personal relationships he has with some he loves. What might a man do in that situated? What would you do? I would never have to think what to do as id never allow myself to be in that situation. Its not hard to comply with the regulations. Even if you are sick there are provisions in which you can be excused if you had an overstay whilest sick. Sorry, but for mine, allowing yourself to overstay is a clear and conscious decision so you must face the consequences. Sorry the guy has been injured, but overstayers are not exactly what id call quality people and as such, usually end up in shiite situations all from their own doings
Pattaya46 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 A slightlydifferente story here: "The suspect is a foreigner who suffered severe seizure and he coughed up blood; therefore, the team urgently sent him to BangLamung hospital"
F4UCorsair Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 This is tragic, this poor guys only offence is not leaving the country, he didn't harm anybody. Whatt happened to this guy must be dream come true for people who vilify fellow foreigners who over stay. Visa sub forum here is full of posters calling for harsh punishment for foreigners who have over stayd, a very minor, victimless offence.Overstaying is NOT a victimless offence. This guy is a victim of others overstaying. Others will be victims of his overstaying. Authorities are sick to death of those who have no regard or respect for Thai laws, so throw offenders in the pen. You are in Thailand, so respect their laws. I have no idea how he sustained the injuries, but others will no doubt be sure the BiB bashed him. Time may tell on that point. It's not difficult to do the right thing, so don't bleat about victimless crime, minor breach, breach of no consequence, etc. If your visa requires border runs, do them. They're part of the price you pay to stay in Thailand. I see, time and again, posts looking to short circuit the visa requirements. Just comply. Watch your halo doesn't slip when you're walking on water oh perfect one. Bet you never ever did detention at school and gave the teacher barrels of apples. Infantile response, but no argument with the content.
mcfish Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 It's fact people with grand Mal seizure lose there short term memory for lengthy periods. So he wouldn't have known and thought he got beat up Probably his was an alcohol withdrawal seizure. Serves him right, you breaka the law you go to jail :-) Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk
Asheron Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 This is tragic, this poor guys only offence is not leaving the country, he didn't harm anybody. Whatt happened to this guy must be dream come true for people who vilify fellow foreigners who over stay. Visa sub forum here is full of posters calling for harsh punishment for foreigners who have over stayd, a very minor, victimless offence. Overstaying is NOT a victimless offence. This guy is a victim of others overstaying. Others will be victims of his overstaying. Authorities are sick to death of those who have no regard or respect for Thai laws, so throw offenders in the pen. You are in Thailand, so respect their laws. I have no idea how he sustained the injuries, but others will no doubt be sure the BiB bashed him. Time may tell on that point. It's not difficult to do the right thing, so don't bleat about victimless crime, minor breach, breach of no consequence, etc. If your visa requires border runs, do them. They're part of the price you pay to stay in Thailand. I see, time and again, posts looking to short circuit the visa requirements. Just comply. Maybe you should first preach to the entire thai population about "respecting their laws" before lecturing about a victimless crime committed by a foreigner?
mcfish Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 This is tragic, this poor guys only offence is not leaving the country, he didn't harm anybody. Whatt happened to this guy must be dream come true for people who vilify fellow foreigners who over stay. Visa sub forum here is full of posters calling for harsh punishment for foreigners who have over stayd, a very minor, victimless offence. Overstaying is NOT a victimless offence. This guy is a victim of others overstaying. Others will be victims of his overstaying. Authorities are sick to death of those who have no regard or respect for Thai laws, so throw offenders in the pen. You are in Thailand, so respect their laws. I have no idea how he sustained the injuries, but others will no doubt be sure the BiB bashed him. Time may tell on that point. It's not difficult to do the right thing, so don't bleat about victimless crime, minor breach, breach of no consequence, etc. If your visa requires border runs, do them. They're part of the price you pay to stay in Thailand. I see, time and again, posts looking to short circuit the visa requirements. Just comply. Maybe you should first preach to the entire thai population about "respecting their laws" before lecturing about a non-victim crime committed by a foreigner? Yes but the the thread has nothing to do with thais population. Stick with the program This is tragic, this poor guys only offence is not leaving the country, he didn't harm anybody. Whatt happened to this guy must be dream come true for people who vilify fellow foreigners who over stay. Visa sub forum here is full of posters calling for harsh punishment for foreigners who have over stayd, a very minor, victimless offence. Overstaying is NOT a victimless offence. This guy is a victim of others overstaying. Others will be victims of his overstaying. Authorities are sick to death of those who have no regard or respect for Thai laws, so throw offenders in the pen. You are in Thailand, so respect their laws. I have no idea how he sustained the injuries, but others will no doubt be sure the BiB bashed him. Time may tell on that point. It's not difficult to do the right thing, so don't bleat about victimless crime, minor breach, breach of no consequence, etc. If your visa requires border runs, do them. They're part of the price you pay to stay in Thailand. I see, time and again, posts looking to short circuit the visa requirements. Just comply. Maybe you should first preach to the entire thai population about "respecting their laws" before lecturing about a non-victim crime committed by a foreigner? Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk
Asheron Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 And again the "thais never do anything wrong" and "no true thai would do that" band wagon is out in full force.
mcfish Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 And again the "thais never do anything wrong" and "no true thai would do that" band wagon is out in full force.Errm yes mainly because thais can't overstay. You do get that right? Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk
Dante99 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 I think the whole point here is that in any civilised country the police would have some responsibility of care for persons being detained, l realise that is a joke here. Whether the person detained is guilty of overstay or not is really not the issue. People get the crap beatten out of them and even killed in jails around the world including those in "civilized countries". Some folks just do not know how to act appropriately with police or in jails.
riverhigh Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 Victimless crime. Who says? People don't get asked for their passport outside their hotel just on a whim! There are many expats here who have lived here 10, 20 years without ever been asked for their passport. I have known many expats who lived here on overstay for numerous years. Only when they violated some law or got into some altercation did they get done in for overstay. Even if he got ratted on there must have been more to this story to get our boys in brown off their asses. Looking at his half naked photo he didn't looked like he go roughed up!
lonewolf99 Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 LoS- where being a tourist is classed as low life scum ( but we want all your money ) and can lead to criminal charges, deportation and a passport with a record in it of "one" countries idea of what they think constitutes a federal crime. Also, as in this case a chance for the local thugs to beat a guy up, proabably when he was handcuffed. (I know we don't know all the facts - so what?) From the moment you arrive you are under scrutiny, look in the camera ?, but somehow, when it comes to major criminals (not a tourist a real crook/mafia boss on the run) they seem to walk in and stay for years....!!! until they slip up or fail to pay off someone. I don't wear rose tinted specs. The bottom line is, they do not want you here. Especially the local male of the species (unless he is gay for money) They want all your money by hook or by crook (scams) and when it runs out beat it back to where you came from. Don't believe me ?? Spend the next 3 months reading all the Visa section questions on this web site about non law breakers getting screwed around for a visa to stay here... I despice the word fallang. it is not a term of endearment ! It is an insult. Likening us to a white centred fruit. Would they like it if we called them chocolate, coconuts, monkey feet, I could type worse.....? Whitemouse is correct. And like me, every Westerner should wise up, this country is under martial law, they have the guns and the power. Keep your head down and stay well clear ..... that way your passport stays clean and your wallet stays fuller. IF you do wear the rose glasses and lead the happy clappy "Life here is so wonderful" and you nasty scum people without the correct visa should all die attitude, don't bother flaming my thoughts on the subject - I won't answer.
Asheron Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 And again the "thais never do anything wrong" and "no true thai would do that" band wagon is out in full force.Errm yes mainly because thais can't overstay. You do get that right?Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk Yes because surely no thai would beat any foreigner in jail or anywhere else in Thailand. Only logical explanation for all this is that the foreigner started a local "fight club" and the only member so far is himself so he had to smack himself up... because again, SURELY no thai would ever beat a foreigner and if they did it was the foreigners fault.
PomRakBKK Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 Any bets on the course that the "conversation" on this thread takes, when the mans name is released? Agreed. It says French but that can mean a lot these days. Parents might have been immigrants and the gentlemen just happen to end up with a French passport. Wouldn't doubt if it was one of those 'ATM Scammers' that all seem to have french papers too. Regardless it's a shame what happened to him. No matter what nationality he might be or religion he believes in.
lkv Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 The foreigners are initiating the scam.They,or their agent approach Immigration and offer to pay extra to fix their "problem".These are our poorer farang,who haven't enough in the bank,but can survive here on the State pension.You don't say.I think some places can themselves be quite inventive when it comes to "under the table" things. 16 k retirement extension 200 baht Sadao border 5,000 baht ED extensions 200 baht tip on top of the usual 1,000 with no receipt at VOA counter in Suvarnabhumi in the past. Etc. We apologize to have initiated these things.
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