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How many Muslims do you know in Thailand?


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The Bible also condemns apostasy with death , if you read my explanation earlier that the Quran was based on the Torah (Old testament)

some examples of death penalty for apostasy in the bible.

2 Chronicles 15:13 "All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."

Deuteronomy 17:3-5 "And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die."

Two old testament quotes from a book that basicly a handful christians in the world care about.

"No one" is denying that the "God" of the old testament is a psychopathic massmurdering lunatic... bit like the "God" in Quran.

Do christians think it is a different god in the new testament?

I have no idea actually. Main reason is that the first commandment says "thou shalt have no other Gods before me". Surely logic dictates that if "God" says something like that there are OTHER GODS to worship?

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My father and relatives are muslims. My mother side are christians. 45 years ago nobody cared about that. I am ateist. What do you want to know. That Islam is the most agressive religion. The most depressive for women. That 99% of all bomb and terrorist related things happening have islam as religion. If you didnt know it i can tell you it is. That if you would enter a moske you would be shocked about what they say of other religions. That its a cultural behavior in muslim countries that women stays home. How many do you think will start school and be educated in Europe when they cant even look at a stranger. But they will get social either way. But then there are these wonderful liberal muslims that you can talk to, where they dont force their women to not talk or look at others. Where you can talk with the mans wife in a intellectual way.

That simply isn't true and no right minded person could possibly think that.

Do you honestly think 99% of all bombings are by muslims? Ever heard of Dresden, Vietnam....basically any country that has gone to war in the last 100 years, how many of them were by muslims? If muslims dropped a nuclear bomb on a civilian population what would you think?

According to the FBI 94% of terrorist attacks are by non muslims....Do you have different facts to them?

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There is no reform and will never be any reform when it comes to mainstream islam. Sure, you can have fringe cults of islam trying to fool themself that it's alright to be gay muslim according to islam but mainstream islam will be what it has been the last 1400 years or so.

And do you even know why there was an inquisition?

those photos reflects how was the daily life in Afghanistan in the 1970s before the soviet invasion and the Wahhabi extremist ideology spread in, the country had been Muslims for hundreds of years, I could show you dozens of photos of other Muslims countries (Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Algeria..etc) how life used to before the extremists ideology swept in, Europe was not a safe haven for minorities during the medieval age religious wars erupted frequently and minorities were definitely persecuted.




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Its hard to be taken seriously when the hostile motions for the OP bleed so readily through the text. The OP does not even try to present a level headed, dispassionate, or different perspective on a complex issue. It solely seeks to appear reasonable while maligning those who disagree with the weak argument offered. Hate, hate, hater. etc. In every case, when someone reads BS like this, they should know the reason the writer must do this is because of the lack of any redeeming arguments for their pet point of view.

The most incredible thing is the author could not even be walked step by step through the vacancy of such an OP because people like always confuse emotion with intellect.

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The Bible also condemns apostasy with death , if you read my explanation earlier that the Quran was based on the Torah (Old testament)

some examples of death penalty for apostasy in the bible.

2 Chronicles 15:13 "All who would not seek the LORD, the God of Israel, were to be put to death, whether small or great, man or woman."

Deuteronomy 17:3-5 "And he should go and worship other gods and bow down to them or to the sun or the moon or all the army of the heavens, .....and you must stone such one with stones and such one must die."

Two old testament quotes from a book that basicly a handful christians in the world care about.

"No one" is denying that the "God" of the old testament is a psychopathic massmurdering lunatic... bit like the "God" in Quran.

Do christians think it is a different god in the new testament?

I have no idea actually. Main reason is that the first commandment says "thou shalt have no other Gods before me". Surely logic dictates that if "God" says something like that there are OTHER GODS to worship?

But you are saying that "a handful of christians would care about", does that mean that only a handful of christians care about their god? It seems a ridiculous assertion, surely if that was the case they wouldn't have a religion.

The argument here is that both "gods" endorse the same sort of violence against non believers....why condemn one and not the other?

The reason that both "gods" are similar is because they are the exact same god according to the people who follow each religion.

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My father and relatives are muslims. My mother side are christians. 45 years ago nobody cared about that. I am ateist. What do you want to know. That Islam is the most agressive religion. The most depressive for women. That 99% of all bomb and terrorist related things happening have islam as religion. If you didnt know it i can tell you it is. That if you would enter a moske you would be shocked about what they say of other religions. That its a cultural behavior in muslim countries that women stays home. How many do you think will start school and be educated in Europe when they cant even look at a stranger. But they will get social either way. But then there are these wonderful liberal muslims that you can talk to, where they dont force their women to not talk or look at others. Where you can talk with the mans wife in a intellectual way.

That simply isn't true and no right minded person could possibly think that.

Do you honestly think 99% of all bombings are by muslims? Ever heard of Dresden, Vietnam....basically any country that has gone to war in the last 100 years, how many of them were by muslims? If muslims dropped a nuclear bomb on a civilian population what would you think?

According to the FBI 94% of terrorist attacks are by non muslims....Do you have different facts to them?

So you translate US attacks in "world attacks"?

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There is no reform and will never be any reform when it comes to mainstream islam. Sure, you can have fringe cults of islam trying to fool themself that it's alright to be gay muslim according to islam but mainstream islam will be what it has been the last 1400 years or so.

And do you even know why there was an inquisition?

those photos reflects how was the daily life in Afghanistan in the 1970s before the soviet invasion and the Wahhabi extremist ideology spread in, the country had been Muslims for hundreds of years, I could show you dozens of photos of other Muslims countries (Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Algeria..etc) how life used to before the extremists ideology swept in, Europe was not a safe haven for minorities during the medieval age religious wars erupted frequently minorities were definitely persecuted.

All you have proved is that mainstream Islam will not tolerate modernity and where it is adopted in the Muslim world it will precipitate "corrective" action being taken.

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Four in Thailand

Seven in Australia, (but one of those only converted to marry a Muslim girl.)

Never had a problem with any of them.

I can't think of any Muslim countries that have recently dropped loads of bombs on Christian countries.

But I can think of Christian countries that have bombed lots of Muslim countries over the last twenty years or so.

I think more Muslims would have died due to Christian (government sanctioned) bombs than Christians have died from Muslim bombs in recent times.

It would be interesting to see the actual figures.

Luckily for me I am a satanist living in a mainly Buddhist country, so none of this religious war concerns me.

I have come across many English people in Pattaya that seem to have a problem with Muslim communities over there, because they tell me they don't "assimilate" into English culture very well. I also note that these Englishmen live in Thailand, sometimes for many years, but can not speak Thai apart from a few words, "a lot" "darling" "drunk" and so on.

I sometimes point out to these Englishmen that the first Australians don't really consider that they assimilated well into Australia when they first "arrived".

Just sayin.


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My father and relatives are muslims. My mother side are christians. 45 years ago nobody cared about that. I am ateist. What do you want to know. That Islam is the most agressive religion. The most depressive for women. That 99% of all bomb and terrorist related things happening have islam as religion. If you didnt know it i can tell you it is. That if you would enter a moske you would be shocked about what they say of other religions. That its a cultural behavior in muslim countries that women stays home. How many do you think will start school and be educated in Europe when they cant even look at a stranger. But they will get social either way. But then there are these wonderful liberal muslims that you can talk to, where they dont force their women to not talk or look at others. Where you can talk with the mans wife in a intellectual way.

That simply isn't true and no right minded person could possibly think that.

Do you honestly think 99% of all bombings are by muslims? Ever heard of Dresden, Vietnam....basically any country that has gone to war in the last 100 years, how many of them were by muslims? If muslims dropped a nuclear bomb on a civilian population what would you think?

According to the FBI 94% of terrorist attacks are by non muslims....Do you have different facts to them?

So you translate US attacks in "world attacks"?


In Europe the figure is closer to 98% by non muslims, however I find when speaking to people that the FBI are seen as a reliable source....especially as it suits the US government to create a fear of muslims.

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My father and relatives are muslims. My mother side are christians. 45 years ago nobody cared about that. I am ateist. What do you want to know. That Islam is the most agressive religion. The most depressive for women. That 99% of all bomb and terrorist related things happening have islam as religion. If you didnt know it i can tell you it is. That if you would enter a moske you would be shocked about what they say of other religions. That its a cultural behavior in muslim countries that women stays home. How many do you think will start school and be educated in Europe when they cant even look at a stranger. But they will get social either way. But then there are these wonderful liberal muslims that you can talk to, where they dont force their women to not talk or look at others. Where you can talk with the mans wife in a intellectual way.

That simply isn't true and no right minded person could possibly think that.

Do you honestly think 99% of all bombings are by muslims? Ever heard of Dresden, Vietnam....basically any country that has gone to war in the last 100 years, how many of them were by muslims? If muslims dropped a nuclear bomb on a civilian population what would you think?

According to the FBI 94% of terrorist attacks are by non muslims....Do you have different facts to them?

Can we keep this in our timeframe. This is the problem when someone tries to defend Islam. They have to go back to BC to justify. Where did i say anything about wars? Actually theres no point on me quoting....

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My father and relatives are muslims. My mother side are christians. 45 years ago nobody cared about that. I am ateist. What do you want to know. That Islam is the most agressive religion. The most depressive for women. That 99% of all bomb and terrorist related things happening have islam as religion. If you didnt know it i can tell you it is. That if you would enter a moske you would be shocked about what they say of other religions. That its a cultural behavior in muslim countries that women stays home. How many do you think will start school and be educated in Europe when they cant even look at a stranger. But they will get social either way. But then there are these wonderful liberal muslims that you can talk to, where they dont force their women to not talk or look at others. Where you can talk with the mans wife in a intellectual way.

That simply isn't true and no right minded person could possibly think that.

Do you honestly think 99% of all bombings are by muslims? Ever heard of Dresden, Vietnam....basically any country that has gone to war in the last 100 years, how many of them were by muslims? If muslims dropped a nuclear bomb on a civilian population what would you think?

According to the FBI 94% of terrorist attacks are by non muslims....Do you have different facts to them?

Can we keep this in our timeframe. This is the problem when someone tries to defend Islam. They have to go back to BC to justify. Where did i say anything about wars? Actually theres no point on me quoting....

You stated "That 99% of all bomb and terrorist related things happening have islam as religion".

You did not give a time frame, you quoted 2 forms of attacks, bombs and terrorist attacks. If you want to bring it to present day, how many bombs do you think the US has dropped in the middle east in the last 10 years?

How many bombs do you think have been used by muslims in the last 10 years?

I do realise as you are someone with muslim relatives your knowledge of world events is automatically greater than anybody else, but could you provide just a shred of evidence to back up your claims? Show me any credible source that states that muslims have been responsible for 99% of bombs and terrorist attacks.

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The OP may be correct in asserting that most Muslims are not terrorists but most Terrorists are Muslims !

Perhaps the OP would list the many 1000,s of people (many of them Muslims ) who have been slaughtered in the name of Islam by Muslims

Can the OP detail the number of killings directly attributable to Muslims that have occurred in Africa, Australia, Afghanistan,Bali, the ME., Pakistan, India, the UK, France, the USA, Thailand etc

I am not a Muslim hater but the terrorists and their supporters/funders must be eliminated

"...... most Terrorists are Muslims"

I have heard this before and I cant for the life of me see the justification in such a claim. I am sure there are more acts of terror committed by Christians than Muslim and in turn more numbers of Muslims killed than Christians. And both in the present and the past. Ok lets go back and look at the word "terrorist". I believe the common meaning of this is a person, or persons, that commit acts in order to instill terror in the target population. If so wouldn't a bombing campaign titled "shock and awe" be seen as a war cry by terrorists carrying out an act of terrorism? That is just one example and there are many more examples throughout the world today where Christians (and others) are carrying out acts of terrorism against Muslims and at the end of the day there are more Muslims slaughtered than Christian.

Back to topic, I know, and have known a few Muslims here in Thailand. My previous landlord and wife were Muslim as were a couple of neighbours. My ex boss was Muslim and I also had four or five Muslm workmates. Oh and a taxi driver who took me home from work two or three times a week was a Muslim, one of the nicest, kindest guys I have ever met.

Good to learn that you believe that 9/11, the London underground bombing ,the beheading of a British solder,again in London, the Paris mass murders and many more atrocities committed by Muslim Terrorists should not be avenged.

The real truth is that the bombs dropped on these "people" were not big enough.

"......atrocities committed by Muslim Terrorists should not be avenged."

Mmmmm, I thought I was arguing that the statement, "all terrorists are Muslim", is in my opinion incorrect??

But ok, if you want to change the subject, I think the atrocities committed by Muslim terrorists are revenge for atrocities committed against them. The difference is like a boy being accused of atrocities because he threw sand in the eyes of the 4 schoolyard bullies who were about to attack him with baseball bats. Apparently an impoverished country is supposed to just lie down and take it if bullied by a superpower??

Your last sentence........its beyond belief.

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There is no reform and will never be any reform when it comes to mainstream islam. Sure, you can have fringe cults of islam trying to fool themself that it's alright to be gay muslim according to islam but mainstream islam will be what it has been the last 1400 years or so.

And do you even know why there was an inquisition?

those photos reflects how was the daily life in Afghanistan in the 1970s before the soviet invasion and the Wahhabi extremist ideology spread in, the country had been Muslims for hundreds of years, I could show you dozens of photos of other Muslims countries (Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Algeria..etc) how life used to before the extremists ideology swept in, Europe was not a safe haven for minorities during the medieval age religious wars erupted frequently minorities were definitely persecuted.

All you have proved is that mainstream Islam will not tolerate modernity and where it is adopted in the Muslim world it will precipitate "corrective" action being taken.

When Saudi Arabia started their geopolitical war with the communism in the 1980s and with Iran in the 1990s they poured massive financial resources to support fundamentalist preachers and spread their dangerous ideology to the rest of the Islamic world, one of their first victims were the religious unrest in Egypt and Algeria in the 1990s, during the civil war in Algeria with the Islamic fundamentalist (former fighters in Afghanistan) civilians were merciless decapitated and executed almost daily and exactly in the same way how we see with ISIS today, the Saudi has destabilized Libya and Tunisia a country with a semi secular regimes they were handing large cash incentives and spreading propaganda materials easing the creation of very violent armed terrorist groups(al-Qaeda, ISIS etc..)

Singapore had a system where local imams must be trained and appointed only by the state all foreign imams were prohibited and only recently some western countries such as (UK, France, Belgium) started to take similar actions to counter all extremist ideology by prohibiting all imams trained in SA to preach in mosques but those actions were a bit late, the UK for example left all extremist fundamentalists preaching and roaming for years before realizing their grave mistake.

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Because I develop a disdain for people who would enslave the entire world under the banner of an intolerant religion...does not make me a hater of Islam or of all Muslim people...nor might I add am I ignorant of these peoples history and current attempt at world domination...

If you want to have friends...you must present yourself as a friendly person...

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My question to you Muslim bashers is this … How many Muslims do you know? Exactly what facts did you use to form your opinion and where did you get them? If you don’t know any Muslims or simply absorbed information from other Muslim haters, it seems like an opinion built on ignorance.

50% of the worlds people are woman, 5% are gay/lesbian. If tomorrow, morning 55% of the world’s population woke up to a system were their value as human beings and their rights a citizen were Islamic based, would this make the world less nice or a nicer place to live?

If Islam is what Muslims think it is, then no need to lie about the treatment of woman. No one has ever visited a Muslim majority country and come away thinking that woman are treated equal to a man.

I have had many a conversation in Malaysia which starts on the basis that we in the west misunderstand Islam. I usually play along and pretend to know very little - Yeah, we are told that a Muslim man can marry more than one wife but since Islam treats woman equally, this isn't true right.... = Usually half answers from the Malaysian

A Muslim man can divorce his wife by verbally saying it three times ........ Testimony of a man equals two woman ...... We in the west really misunderstand, -

ps I come from Ireland were not so long ago a woman (irrespective of her religion) and gay/lesbian lived in a world where their value as human beings and their rights a citizen were Christian based and no one wants to return to those days (well nearly no one)

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Because I develop a disdain for people who would enslave the entire world under the banner of an intolerant religion...does not make me a hater of Islam or of all Muslim people...nor might I add am I ignorant of these peoples history and current attempt at world domination...

If you want to have friends...you must present yourself as a friendly person...

We're not talking about making friends with whatever concepts you have about Islam. It's more about individuals. If you happen to encounter a friendly person who happens to be Muslim, and surely you know that's not uncommon, come on now, do you think it's reasonable to be hostile to that individual just because of their identity, which they were more than likely born with?

I try to be fair to people as I would want them to be fair to me.

I more than freely admit I have some fear of Muslim people because of my identities. I know that most would instantly hate me (or worse) for two or three of my identities. So it's a challenge for me personally knowing that when dealing with INDIVIDUALS who may or may not be of the majority POV. I feel it's sensible to tread carefully but still have an openness to people as people. I have dealt with "coming out" issues with Muslims ... sure they are friendly but if they knew my real identities, would they turn? These are real life issues for me and many other people and to act like they aren't is just denial.

BTW, I reckon sometimes Muslim people when they are a minority who aren't identifiable as Muslim have similar issues like that. Like some people might be friendly to them but if they knew they were Muslim, they might turn just for that.

This is sad and depressing stuff but it's real life in the real world.

Sometimes it's kind of fun though.

Like when telling Iranians I'm American there is ALWAYS some kind of exaggerated reaction.

Either bending over backwards to express they don't hate me for my nationality, or kind of a nervous OH ... didn't see that coming!

Maybe not such a great example and that's more about a national/political conflict than about Muslims in general.

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Not very many people have actually answered the OP's question, "How many Muslims do you know?"

At least no one is Thai bashing on this thread which is a pleasant change. The recent Happy and Content in Thailand somehow brought out the Thai bashers also.

I have noticed a few of the usual Thai bashers also appear to be Muslim bashers also.

Some people are not racist, they just hate everyone.

It seems they are not happy unless complaining about someone.

Live and let live.

Life is short then we die.

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I more than freely admit I have some fear of Muslim people because of my identities. I know that most would instantly hate me (or worse) for two or three of my identities. So it's a challenge for me personally knowing that when dealing with INDIVIDUALS who may or may not be of the majority POV. I feel it's sensible to tread carefully but still have an openness to people as people. I have dealt with "coming out" issues with Muslims ... sure they are friendly but if they knew my real identities, would they turn? These are real life issues for me and many other people and to act like they aren't is just denial.

having grown up myself in Morocco and in-spite of being half Jewish I never had any issue with the local Muslim population, the country was and still open and tolerant to all religions, I started to witness the negative aspects when satellite TV channels (especially Al-Jazeera) from Gulf states start to gain momentum there, people started to have different views and attitudes minor racial tensions started, luckily the political leaders managed to counter some of the negative effects by banning those propaganda channels from operating inside the country, religious materials from gulf states were totally banned.

the country is still tolerant and open however fragile somehow but perfect example of tolerant Muslim society


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