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Stacks of cash, suicide note with instructions found next to body of American, 26, in Phuket hotel

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I have all respect for this young man and his decision to commit suicide after all he was put through. I believe many so called “normal” people would have turned angry and violent. It happens more often than not that a person in his situation with such history wishes to kill as many other people before he ends his own life. He did the opposite and tried to be a nice and noble human being to his last breath.

R.I.P young man.

I hope those partly responsible for your ordeal will live long enough to feel ashamed every single day.

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He says on his site that he was 'no more mentally I'll than the average adult'.

The action he took would suggest otherwise.

A tragedy, and such a young age.


That is very very sad, he must have been a kind person to think about other who would find him and to compensate , i hope the next chapter is better for his spirit

A sincere RIP

It is very sad indeed, and you're right, he was obviously a kind person. Young people tend to have that kind of generosity ... as they get older, however, human beings will often become more stingy, which I guess is inevitable because life teaches you that helping others is seldom met with any form of gratitude ... this in turn poses the question of why we help others in the first place, of course ... for them, or for the gratitude and the good feeling it (supposedly) gives us ?

No matter how and why, it's a fact that older people are more self-centered and that their 'generosity' almost always comes with a price ... I live in Pattaya, where the adjective 'generous' carries an uneasy scent ... when I hear some Western old geezer here boasting about the fact that he's 'helping' this Thai girl/boy, what immediatey springs to my mind is the main character in Moliere's most brilliant, accurate, timeless and ferocious play : Tartuffe.

Reading this young man's will is extremely moving.


$1,000 is not stacks of cash

Plus 615 Euros, but still not a 'stack' unless describing the way it was found.

So sad for a young guy to feel the need, but he had his reasons.


I read his entire website and feel sorry for his troubles. I wish he had chosen a different path but this obviously was his choice. I only wish now that his family is able to travel to Thailand to say their last goodbyes before they carry out his final wishes.


His story, from the allergies, acne , migraine, to depression ... this guy had empotional pain that he spent his whole life trying to ignore, and it killed him in the end.

RIP, better luck next time mate.


Nathan's blog makes harrowing reading. As a depressed but highly intelligent man, it seems that all he wanted from the psychiatric profession was a rational debate as to why he should carry on living. Instead, they had him drugged and incarcerated - a traumatic ordeal that left his life in ruins. Then they sent him the bill.

In the comments section, his friends and relatives try to dissuade him from taking his own life. The whole thing is just heartbreaking.


Before I write let me say that I'm saddened, and disturbed, by this story including the online one. I am not suggesting anything suspicious about this young man's decision but...Some things in his story don't add up though again, I'm not suggesting he is untruthful. He must have been suffering from the bad quality of life at the time he wrote about wasted time watching TV and what a person on their deathbed wouldn't give to have those extra years. Yet here he is contemplating suicide where his condition could be put in a similar frame, that is, someone on their deathbed might want to trade places with him. Contradiction? He was obviously a competent person and was capable of handling his difficulties when building/repairing. I, like he, don't believe we come back after death and our 'life' energy returns when whence it came, the cosmos but I do place a large value on life while we have it. Nihilistic views are not uncommon so I think he was able to handle that. I have two options here; either there was something far more serious in his short than he mentions or indeed someone was involved. (obviously those 'experts' at the psychiatric center did nothing to help and obviously made things worse. I am sorry the young man made this choice.


its all liability in american medical system. once in writing and signed.. it claimed his fate throughout the whole legal system.. every medical professional's practice is dependent on liability of their decisions. which is always transcribed with appropriate semantics which he did not do his research or have experience with.

this why the lawyer, judge, and everyone casually put this through bc in writing there is no case. everyone attached to the case is liable if the family pursued them and in the state of "sueing"in usa. this is the harsh reality.. especially in death.. everyone wants to blame someone during their grieving..

he was an honest fellow but definitely had his troubles as its all documented. All in all, I hope he found his peace and i think this case will help the system that appears to at the moment focus on saving your job/liability vs focusing on individual client based attention...

This liability alone is why I got out of the medical field all together. its hard to help a patient in the current state of healthcare.


"My acne is worst around my mouth, which means when I have a breakout (which have been very frequent and often long-lasting), opening my mouth can be extremely painful. I’m forced to cut food into tiny pieces so I don’t have to open my mouth wide, avoid talking, and can’t even smile because of how much pain the acne causes."

...what do all us others say, who choose to carry on? some disabled, some seriously ill? the mothers in the African villages who have to feed their kids on almost nothing? What will his parents and his relatives say? Let's face it, this man chose to end his life because he was BORED. Contrary to that contention of his that this is a decision that concerns only him, and everybody is free to do that, he is in fact being MISSED somewhere, be it by persons, be it by fate, where a contribution that he would one day make is now not going to happen. And then also, he THINKS there is no God and he is not going to be punished, but what does he KNOW about it? This, if nothing else, would prevent me from doing such a thing, terminal illness and incurable pain excepted. This is so <deleted> UP...


That is very very sad, he must have been a kind person to think about other who would find him and to compensate , i hope the next chapter is better for his spirit

A sincere RIP


Suicides are sad for those left behind...who did not have a chance to try and ease his pain...or offer other solutions.

I hate those words.."Right to Die". Whatever that is supposed to mean. Suicide is obviously not punishable, so why make up a list of rights? Just crazy as all hell...yet...here are those foolish posts about "Right to Die". There is no meaning at all. You kill yourself...and your family and friends cry and suffer. You are gone....cremated..buried...gone. Of course you can die.....just know that you are causing a lifetime of grief for those that love you.

Bye. A true gentleman, thought of the police and cremation. Wonder if he thought of mom and dad...or his friends....

I am pro life. Always hoping for the best. I do see where a terminally ill patient who is suffering great pain...would want to end their lives. I have no problem with that...if this was his case.


I have read most of this poignant and heart rending story, https://www.nathanhouse.com/ . I am very sad at the tragic loss of this life. I know it can be a cruel world out there and much of it is far from perfect but I think his psychologist, Dr. Gary Sibcy, is guilty of criminal neglect resulting in death.

I think it is very unfair to heap blame upon his Doctors.

I lived twenty years with a bi-polar individual and there is no right way to deal with this very complex condition. What may seem an effective treatment or plan one month can become twisted and convoluted the next. Drugs designed to help with bi-polar disorder have a huge range of side effects and vary greatly in how different individuals respond to them.

The nature of the condition leads it's victims to become saboteurs of their own treatment's and their doctors often become targets of their anger...often, not because they did anything wrong but simply because they are the closest person to them.

Reading this young man's sad testament was very difficult for me as it brought back all the frustration and helplessness and rage I felt, as the personality of a woman I very much loved was suffocated and twisted by BPD's insidious tenacity.

The true tragedy for this easily likeable young man was that he was so intelligent and perceptive that he knew he was trapped in an inescapable maze...that he would always have to pay for his best days with his worst days, and he knew that for him, that price was too high.


RIP young man.

Don't know the truth of his suicide, but "clinical depression" is something that has no borders and can affect anyone. I don't know if this disease had any bearing on this case, but what I do know is that not enough attention and research is given to it, and other personality disorders and mental health issues, world wide. Clinical depression is not just feeling down, sad or blue, it is totally different and is a disease..but a treatable disease.

I have lost many friends through it, and believe education of the masses on it should be a priority (but not in the eyes of politicians who deem it "not a vote getter"). Maybe a good place to start would be with a change in it's labelling away from "depression", to some other. The American psychiatric journal "Diagnostic and Symptom Manual 5", have done so with outdated terms such as "Manic/depressive" renamed "Bi-Polar disorder" and "Schizophrenia" replaced with "Multiple Personality disorder", therefore why not replace the oft mistaken term Depression, with one that the public can relate to with compassion, and not with uneducated remarks such as "pull yourself together", or "get over it".

Again, in this case I may be wrong, but if helps for the general good then I make no apology.



He made a logical well thoughtout & planned decision with forethought to others (maid & hotel). As an American with access to guns , things could have gone a completely different way. The typical abundance of negativity towards suicide on this forum , was to be expected. Life is like a prison and people can't stand the ones who try ( and succeed) to escape it. The right to die , is your ultimate right.

The ones that say parents suffer are wrong to make that a reason not to choose suicide. His parents are much of the cause of his suffering and bad life , severe acne and psychological disorders and problems he had were inherited from his parents. They have bad DNA and selfishly gave it to him like so many others. Parents should be helpful & responsible thoughout their kids' life , because they brought them into a life of suffering. I didn't read much of them helping him
throughout his incarseration in psyc wards.

"My acne is worst around my mouth, which means when I have a breakout (which have been very frequent and often long-lasting), opening my mouth can be extremely painful. I’m forced to cut food into tiny pieces so I don’t have to open my mouth wide, avoid talking, and can’t even smile because of how much pain the acne causes."

...what do all us others say, who choose to carry on? some disabled, some seriously ill? the mothers in the African villages who have to feed their kids on almost nothing? What will his parents and his relatives say? Let's face it, this man chose to end his life because he was BORED. Contrary to that contention of his that this is a decision that concerns only him, and everybody is free to do that, he is in fact being MISSED somewhere, be it by persons, be it by fate, where a contribution that he would one day make is now not going to happen. And then also, he THINKS there is no God and he is not going to be punished, but what does he KNOW about it? This, if nothing else, would prevent me from doing such a thing, terminal illness and incurable pain excepted. This is so FKED UP...

Everything in your post is so wrong. Life is difficult for most people , with a serious illness or disabled even more. It is ok
to step out and end it . The mothers in African villages ( or elsewhere ) are themselves the reason for their kids suffering.

I did not get the impression that Nathan did it because of boredom , and even if he did , it's his decision. And that god
remark...wow they sure indoctrinated you well. There is no god , and even if there was one it would not show its face around these parts , because what he supposed to have created here is a gigantic failure . To hide its shame , he better push the earth into the sun when no-one is looking. Let's see how quick I get deleted this time for thinking beyond upbringing , education , religion , media indoctrination, DNA,...


I have only read the note. If I chose to end my life, my note would look about like this, so I believe it to be totally genuine. However, there is only one situation where I'd choose to end my life, and that would be legal in the country of my origin, and I hope that situation never happens, but it is a card in the deck. However, now I'll read the thread. I have about 30 minutes to change my opinion.

Rest in peace young man...may you find solace.

Sabbe shankara annica,

Sabbe shankara dukkha,

Sabbe dhamma, annata.

I pursued his blog. He easily could have been my son. Smart kid, focused, searching...

Nathan, I really wish I would have had a chance to talk to you before you made 'the decision'.

The note was signed by the same name listed in the passport but oddly the date was signed of 4/3/16 (March 4, 2016), which is not the typical way most Americans are trained to sign letters, who typically sign the number of the month before the day, i.e. 3/4/16.

That may be an oddity, but if you're 'well traveled', and understand the cultural nuance of the country you're in, you may adopt them while 'in country'. Sometime I do, sometimes I don't. I don't see it as being that odd with a kid that this intelligent. Please don't comment that he wasn't intelligent enough to not end his life. That would just be arrogance and disrespect imho.


Very, very sad. Reading his personal blog shows the mental torture this young man was going through. R.I.P.


I get it. Clinical depression. He was delusional too. No one used the term "mentally defective" except himself. It appears he was committed in attempt to save him from himself, which seems reasonable to me. In that case three weeks was obviously not enough.

Glad you 'get it' and have arm-chair diagnosed him. Yes, he used the term "mentally defective", but only to describe how he felt others viewed him. I never used that term either in my post; in mentioning 'mental torture' I was referring to the anguish he no doubt was going though.

Regardless, R.I.P.


$1,000 is not stacks of cash

Probably many more "stacks of cash" originally...before the pocketing of stacks began! Just sayin'... coffee1.gif


Sad story. RIP young man.

I thought it interesting, and for his age the suicide note was written in cursive.


I have read most of this poignant and heart rending story, https://www.nathanhouse.com/ . I am very sad at the tragic loss of this life. I know it can be a cruel world out there and much of it is far from perfect but I think his psychologist, Dr. Gary Sibcy, is guilty of criminal neglect resulting in death.

I think it is very unfair to heap blame upon his Doctors.

I lived twenty years with a bi-polar individual and there is no right way to deal with this very complex condition. What may seem an effective treatment or plan one month can become twisted and convoluted the next. Drugs designed to help with bi-polar disorder have a huge range of side effects and vary greatly in how different individuals respond to them.

The nature of the condition leads it's victims to become saboteurs of their own treatment's and their doctors often become targets of their anger...often, not because they did anything wrong but simply because they are the closest person to them.

Reading this young man's sad testament was very difficult for me as it brought back all the frustration and helplessness and rage I felt, as the personality of a woman I very much loved was suffocated and twisted by BPD's insidious tenacity.

The true tragedy for this easily likeable young man was that he was so intelligent and perceptive that he knew he was trapped in an inescapable maze...that he would always have to pay for his best days with his worst days, and he knew that for him, that price was too high.

I am not familiar with the laws and mental health issues that apply to the states or federal USA, however in the countries that I am familiar with:

1: Client confidentiality must be maintained by the therapist at all times; Unless the client states that he/she intends to harm themselve, or harm others. Under these circumstances the therapist is legally bound to inform relevant others.

2: Qualified Psychiatrist, not psychologists, are permitted to prescribe medications.


I have only read the note. If I chose to end my life, my note would look about like this, so I believe it to be totally genuine. However, there is only one situation where I'd choose to end my life, and that would be legal in the country of my origin, and I hope that situation never happens, but it is a card in the deck. However, now I'll read the thread. I have about 30 minutes to change my opinion.

Rest in peace young man...may you find solace.

Sabbe shankara annica,

Sabbe shankara dukkha,

Sabbe dhamma, annata.

I pursued his blog. He easily could have been my son. Smart kid, focused, searching...

Nathan, I really wish I would have had a chance to talk to you before you made 'the decision'.

The note was signed by the same name listed in the passport but oddly the date was signed of 4/3/16 (March 4, 2016), which is not the typical way most Americans are trained to sign letters, who typically sign the number of the month before the day, i.e. 3/4/16.

That may be an oddity, but if you're 'well traveled', and understand the cultural nuance of the country you're in, you may adopt them while 'in country'. Sometime I do, sometimes I don't. I don't see it as being that odd with a kid that this intelligent. Please don't comment that he wasn't intelligent enough to not end his life. That would just be arrogance and disrespect imho.

And I'm thinking this is why the kid punched his own ticket, among the other reasons that his life was shattered by the stigma of being admitted to a mental facility involuntarily:

After being discharged, I consulted with three separate attorneys to explore my legal options. Each of them said that if I:

  1. Criticized the mental healthcare system, the doctors, judge, or attorney who imprisoned me, or
  2. Published my story online and become outspoken about my belief in an individual’s right to die, or
  3. Expressed to anyone, at any time, that I had any desire or intent to end my life

That I faced a serious risk of being imprisoned again. I firmly believe what was done to me was wrong, morally and legally, so I wanted to share my story, but felt compelled to leave the state of Virginia out of fear that the “professionals” in the mental health system would seek retribution against me for doing so.

So the 'cure' according to Western psychology, was essentially the casus belli of his decision to terminate his life. So imho, a sharp, non-liberal mind should research that causation. It might save lives.

Ken Kesey addressed just this in One Flew Over a Cuckoos Nest which was made into a movie starring Jack Nicholson. Never see the movie or read the book? You should. An it's applicable to Nathan's assertions. Unfortunately, he was really suicidal, and didn't receive the type of care he needed. One size fits all doesn't work in psychology.

Anyway, RIP kid. ermm.gif


$1,000 is not stacks of cash

Probably many more "stacks of cash" originally...before the pocketing of stacks began! Just sayin'... coffee1.gif

If there had been more stacks of cash, it would have been mentioned in his meticulously written death note. You are a real "Skeptic".


He didn't say a single word about his family or any person close to him in the entire letter?

Just that theres 'no foul play' involved and how to 'split up' the cash.

Sounds legit.

Read his entire blog, slowly. Then you'll 'get it'.


That is very very sad, he must have been a kind person to think about other who would find him and to compensate , i hope the next chapter is better for his spirit

A sincere RIP

yet not the person to care about his devastated family seen commenting on his post. If there is really nothing after life as he points out, why not tough it out a bit for them and then you'll forget about it in death. These kind of suicides are just like drunk driving yet one gets rips the other one gets angry pitch forks.

Go back to his blog and read, "Suicide and Selfishness", not from your perspective, but from his perspective. You don't have to understand. It's not about you or his family.

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