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Industrial psychologist Linda Drake warns GOP voters about Donald Trump


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Industrial psychologist Linda Drake warns GOP voters about Donald Trump, documents reveal Trump land deal nightmare

NEW YORK: -- Linda Drake saw the commercials, read the brochures and knew of the real estate mogul’s purportedly sterling reputation.

So when she and her husband Stephen Drake made a $240,000 down payment on a condominium in 2006 in the yet-to-be-built Trump Ocean Resort Baja — a mammoth luxury building set to be constructed on a beautiful stretch of land in Mexico, just hours south of San Diego — they didn’t hesitate.

Eight years later, all they have left to show for their trust in bloviating billionaire Donald Trump — who had promised so much and delivered nothing at all — was a bruising legal battle and a settlement.

Their epic struggle with the mogul, and his army of lawyers, proved to be a lesson in how not to be taken for a ride by Trump — one which they now hope they can somehow purvey to the hordes of followers of the businessman’s white-hot presidential campaign built on farfetched promises; one that can be reduced to two simple words: Buyer Beware.

Full story: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/trump-land-deal-nightmare-gop-voters-warned-buyer-beware-article-1.2554234

-- NEW YORK DAILY NEWS 2016-03-07

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made a $240,000 down payment

Buying off-plan property development is risky business. There are so many things that can go wrong. The developer or builder going bankrupt or legal problems and so on.

Before blaming Trump for everything, I'd like to know the details of the story.

i would never hand over 240K for something that doesn't exist. I am careful with my money but that's just me. There is a fool born every minute and a fool and his money are easily separated.

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...if the 'case' is still in litigation.....this is slander.....as well as illegal ......

If you would have read the OP you'd know that it is not under litigation. And even if it were in litigation your post is nonsense.

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Well, Trump is on his way with more delegates than anyone else so in this poster's objective opinion, he's got the nonination locked. smile.png

People are fed up with mainstream bullcrap. Negative news works in a positive way for the Donald. People love him warts and all. Anchors away. I often wonder if Nancy Reagan made any comments or thoughts on the Donald before her passing. She gave new meaning to the phrase "Stand By Your Man" I am of the belief without her there would have been no President Reagan.

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Well, Trump is on his way with more delegates than anyone else so in this poster's objective opinion, he's got the nonination locked. smile.png

Yes and if Romney or the establishment try and ambush him that could be the end of the Republican party. All the kings horses and all the kings men will never put the Republican party back together again.

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If half of the information being disseminated about Trump is true...Trump will not get the Republican Nomination...

Never underestimate the stupidity of the American electorate. There is so much info out there already, yet, many still voted for him.

Prediction: If Trump manages to become President, he will be assassinated by his own supporters once they figure out that he never intended to keep any of his campaign promises.

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Buying off plan in a foreign project is always risky. This may have very little to do with

Trump. She should have had her money paid into an escrow account. If they did not

have one in the US when the project was only a couple hours south of San Diego and

many of the customers would have been American should have sent up a huge red flag.

As has been said already, a fool and her money.........................................coffee1.gif

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