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Whenever I view a potential condo I make it clear no kids, dogs, Russians or Arabs in the place. I say in this in Thai and am always understood and never judged. No doubt I will be on this forum.


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Complain to landlord and include the comment that if this does not change you will move. Not sure how your lease is setup but you may loose your deposit. Or fight fire with fire and get those base speakers rocking.


Whenever I view a potential condo I make it clear no kids, dogs, Russians or Arabs in the place. I say in this in Thai and am always understood and never judged. No doubt I will be on this forum.

​I judge your post: +1. I will follow your advice (plus add a few other nationalities to your list).


you have been spoilt with the room above being empty for the whole time you have lived there, have you checked any other rooms to hear if the noise you are hearing is normal,

I find it amazing that you complain of a person 'walking' on the floor above you.

you handled it badly, you should have found out how long he is staying first. i think i what have thrown you out if you moaned about my 'walking'

this is not going to die down, it will not end well.

time to move on if the 'walking' really annoys you.


Had similar problem with noisy dogs left on balcony all day barking. Spoke with Condo Manager and even wrote a polite letter to the occupants.

Am afraid no solution until the occupants moved on.

Try talking to the owner of your condo and suggesting that you may have to move if the noise continues and that your condo won't be easy to rent under current circumstances.. Condos not so easy to rent out these days as over supply.

Good luck but some how think you may have to grin and bare it.


Try talking to the owner of your condo and suggesting that you may have to move if the noise continues and that your condo won't be easy to rent under current circumstances.. Condos not so easy to rent out these days as over supply.

​That's a useful point -- I hadn't thought of it. Thank you, "howzat" for your comment.


Every time they make a load noise, bang on the ceiling with a broom.

I had a problem with someone who amongst other things was banging down a beer glass on the floor after every sip. Every time I heard a bang I returned the favour with a bang on the ceiling.

He soon got the idea and it stopped.

Although I would think carefully about doing this to an aggressive guy like the one you described, make sure you are prepared for more confrontation.


You admit he's just walking. I doubt he intentionally walked heavy to bother you. That's how he walks. The problem is the construction of the condo. Not the Russian. He's free to enjoy his condo normally and walking around is normally. If talking about loud construction noises at night, that'd be different. I'm sure he is rude, as you say, but I think confronting him will only make it worse. Sure if it happened to me, such a complaint, I would have been polite and said I will make an effort to not walk so heavy, and I would, but I still need to walk around, but I don't think the Russian's response is that outrageous given it's normal to walk in your own unit.

Legally, I don't see that you have a leg to stand on. It's just unfortunate for you.

agree, a big guy walking around in a badly designed condo will make noise. it's not as it he's making unnecessary noise at unsociable hours. not sure what the OP's proposed solution is, does he want the guy to walk more softly? lose weight?

maybe you'd be rude if someone came knocking on your condo door telling you to stop walking around in your own condo...

you have two choices; calm down and get on with it or move.


It is not a question of being "a big guy". There are just different ways people choose to move through the world, and behave. Go see a Tea Ceremony demonstration, or take a guided day hike on a glacier in Switzerland. You won't see any wasted energy, slips,loud crashing footsteps, rushing.

Others act differently. Always constantly making noise to draw attention to themselves, clumsily disturbing their environment, whether it's walking into a restaurant or taking hike in the woods (where they scare all the wildlife away).

In my case it was a fairly large gent, at least 20 stone. I went to talk to him. Nice enough guy but he was the typical garrulous Texas oaf. He waddled from side to side and his entire weight came crashing down on one foot with EVERY single step. You can't change how a person walks and management would not do anything for me either. This all happened directly above me from the moment he got up for work at about 05:00. "Bam Bam Bam Bam". I moved my bed to the living room but it did not help. It was a really nice apartment complex but I think it was steel frame construction and their was not much to the floors, seemed to reverberate noise. it had been a different type of construction might have been OK but the situation was not

sustainable and I had to move.


Whenever I view a potential condo I make it clear no kids, dogs, Russians or Arabs in the place. I say in this in Thai and am always understood and never judged. No doubt I will be on this forum.

​I judge your post: +1. I will follow your advice (plus add a few other nationalities to your list).

Same here I check if there are no Brits in the building.. those guys are notorious drunks and so loud (I love generalizing makes life so easy)


Every time they make a load noise, bang on the ceiling with a broom.... an aggressive guy like the one you described, make sure you are prepared for more confrontation.

​Thanks for taking time to post. That idea would likely work if the problem were caused by a Westerner, of sufficient age and social class to still have some consideration for others. However, with a young, sullen, aggressive, Russian, it would be counter-productive. He'd be amused at his success in irritating someone else. I'm not going to bang on the ceiling with a broom handle.

​So far, several solutions have appeared that are far more practical than putting up with it or moving out. At this stage I'm still looking for, and evaluating, various options. I welcome other suggestions.

Discussing this problem with various people, I've been fascinated at the vast differences in the kind of responses from Westerners compared to responses from Thai friends. I learn more every day about Thai thinking methods. (Besides the fact that Thais don't waste endless amounts of time "taking the piss".)


You have one chance going the official way. Complain directly to the condominium management and ask them to forward your complaint to the landlord who rentend the room out to the Russian in the first place. If said landlord asks the Russian to respect other tenants right to a quiet night rest, it could be a nice yellow card. In case he violates the house rules repeatedly, his rental contract could become void.

How can you complain that some-one is walking, I'm sure we have all done it at one time or another. Short of buying him a space pack and asking him to hover in his room I see very little he can do.


I have some proposals what to do:

1. Find for them better condo and pay the difference of rent

2. Find Indians and let they rent a room above Russians

3. Buy good whisky like Chivas and try to explan them of your problem

if it will not work let me know

I see very little he can do.

​Very little *he* can do, but I've already come upon several good options I can do. Still looking and evaluating which is my best option to solve the problem. I have not taken any action yet.


I have some proposals what to do: ... Find Indians and let they rent a room above Russians

There's an idea, and I might be tempted to try it -- except I would make enemies among all the other residents of this condo for bringing such "diversities" in here.

There have been other suggestions on this thread to offer a bottle of vodka, but then, next time the Russian was thirsty, he'd pound on the floor. I'd have a drunken Russian above. No thanks to that.


It is not a question of being "a big guy". ... a different type of construction might have been OK but the situation was not

sustainable and I had to move.

​Thank you, "arunsakda", for posting. Clearly, you understand the situation. Helps me to understand better, too.


Don't think I have ever hear footsteps from the roof even from a hundred hotels. It must be a pretty crappy building

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


You wont win unless you go up there and smash his teeth in. He's Russian, they're all arrogant, ignorant a horrible breed so do something about it or move.

We've lived in 2 houses where we had yappy annoying dogs over the road from us.

What did we do about it?

Moved twice.


Noisy, rude Russian just moved in above. What to do?

Do the exact same thing you'd do if a 'noisy, rude' America, or Thai, or Chinese, or African, or Afgani, or Indian, or Pakistani, or Israeli, or German moved in above. It's not like I've never had this same problem living in an apartment in the West. The offending occupant's nation of birth has about zero to do with anything. Rude and impolite transcends international borders.

You're welcome. Glad I could assist! thumbsup.gif

(I wonder if there is a Russian forum somewhere where some guy is complaining, "Cranky, overly-critical Yank living in apartment below"?) Hummm. ermm.gif


Could also turn on your music loud, to filter out the bump bumps ...

Maybe play Pussy Riot tunes.

you make your noise, when he wants his condo to be quiet for sleep,

deep frequency sound boxes close to the ceiling !!


You're going to wind up with an enemy if you don't already have one.

​...NeverSure, let's turn that around. He's already got an enemy. I'm posting here seeking ideas for tactics. Tactics suitable for Thailand.

"Tactics" can be a two way street. You have a vivid imagination, let's hope for you he doesn't have one as well.

Again, aggressive attitude. “I live here! What you want from me? Walk all time on toes?”

It's very likely that he was rather polite and well restrained within the remit of Russian culture. What many Western Europeans and North Americans mistake as aggression is most of the time "civil" behaviour. It's nothing against you; it is merely the outward and unbridled display of emotions. Holding back is often seen as impolite and insincere in Russian culture.

Next time you turn up at his door, bring a bottle of vodka and some bread; you will be best pals for ever and may even start enjoying your condo "properly" to the detriment of the people living below you.

or you could bring a gun that make him walk like an angel

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