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Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump


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Not to worry.

Trump will never become President.


I wish I had your confidence in this matter.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.

and Trump has convinced the stupid to come out of the closet and vote.

Good Luck to America and the rest of the free world.free world.

This may result in a global catastrophe.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.


The thing is, those who voted for Obama were proven right. America has recovered tremendously since 2008. Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else, unemployment is way down, no new wars started, Bin Laden is dead, and America has won back the respect of the international community. A Trump presidency--as unlikely as most of us believe--would destroy all that.

I still believe in America. Yes, there are stupid people in America. But they are outnumbered by the not-so-stupid. Which is why Trump will never be President.

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@ Pinot: Trying to explain humor to a Republican. facepalm.gif

This 2009 article in Psychology Today cites a couple of academic studies that conclude Republicans do have a measurably lower sense of humor. Quite an interesting read:


Tell a bunch of Obama and Hillary jokes and it will be Democrats without a sense of humor.

Speaking of not understanding humor, the top source of news for young people used to be Jon Stewart on the Daily Show...which aired on Comedy Central. Those dumb kids thought Stewart was speaking truth to the power!..without realizing it was first and foremost a comedy show.

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Let's inject a bit of objectivity to this thread shall we? smile.png


A Breitbart link is never an injection of objectivity.

Here is one for you then...it doesn't offer an opinion of Trump, it just explains how he became so popular (spoiler, it isn't because a bunch of "racist whites" like his "fascist" views)

It's a very good read, I highly recommend it to anyone interested in the phenomenon/train wreck that is Trump...


Trump’s popularity is a direct result of a tsunami of economic and cultural globalism that has flooded the shores of America over the last 25 years. The overwhelming pace of this change has upended both the country and the relationship that working-class voters have with both political parties, but especially the GOP.


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@ Pinot: Trying to explain humor to a Republican. facepalm.gif

This 2009 article in Psychology Today cites a couple of academic studies that conclude Republicans do have a measurably lower sense of humor. Quite an interesting read:


And a measurably higher sense of fear. Between being fearful and having no sense of humor, they're loads of fun being around. sad.png

There are no Right wing comedians...well, they're out there but no one wants to listen to them.

For example, take Dennis Miller...please. Remember once upon a time he was funny?

HRC and Bernie are fair game for the late night shows but Trump is manna from heaven. Just covering his daily spewing of vindictiveness and hate is hilarious.

When people find out I'm American, the conversation almost immediately veers to Donald Trump. I feel the pain experienced by foreign diplomats here in LOS.

As someone with a sense of humor, this is the best of times. Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.


The thing is, those who voted for Obama were proven right. America has recovered tremendously since 2008. Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else, unemployment is way down... -snip-

What are you thinking? Obama has doubled the national debt - added more to it that all of the prior US presidents did for 240 years!!!

He has added 10 trillion dollars to the debt!!

Anyone can look prosperous for a while with huge deficit spending. Do you want another such actor to run it up to $30 trillion?

Obama is the biggest economic disaster in the history of the USA. That's part of what people are rejecting by voting in record numbers for Trump.


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@ Pinot: Trying to explain humor to a Republican. facepalm.gif

This 2009 article in Psychology Today cites a couple of academic studies that conclude Republicans do have a measurably lower sense of humor. Quite an interesting read:


Tell a bunch of Obama and Hillary jokes and it will be Democrats without a sense of humor.

Speaking of not understanding humor, the top source of news for young people used to be Jon Stewart on the Daily Show...which aired on Comedy Central. Those dumb kids thought Stewart was speaking truth to the power!..without realizing it was first and foremost a comedy show.

I'm not a democrat and I would laugh at those Clinton jokes. But, let's be real. The funniest lines ever spoken by Republicans are "Talk to the Hand," by Arnold Governator, and "Talk to the Chair," by Clint Eastwood. facepalm.gif

An accountant's convention has more humor than the entire Republican party.

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There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.


The thing is, those who voted for Obama were proven right. America has recovered tremendously since 2008. Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else, unemployment is way down... -snip-

What are you thinking? Obama has doubled the national debt - added more to it that all of the prior US presidents did for 240 years!!!

He has added 10 trillion dollars to the debt!!

Anyone can look prosperous for a while with huge deficit spending. Do you want another such actor to run it up to $30 trillion?

Obama is the biggest economic disaster in the history of the USA. That's part of what people are rejecting by voting in record numbers for Trump.


If not for the 2008 Financial Crisis, there wouldn't have been a need for TARP, QE, Auto bailout, etc. Wonder which party created this "economic disaster" that Obama was charged with fixing?

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Oh, so now if we raise our right hands we are Nazis. No more swearing in ceremonies for you, I guess. You've never been in a classroom where a benign teacher asked everyone who agreed with something to raise their hands.

You need to get out more, and you need to find something else to worry about.

It is long past time to get serious about what is occurring here.

So let's get serious and knock off the grasping at straws. Trump has been smart enough to label Obama's deal with Iran "a disaster" and it's much like many of the deals we've made lately whether it be trade or anything else.

NOW we learn (and let's get serious):

Iran conducted multiple ballistic missile tests on Tuesday in what it said was a display of "deterrent power," defying U.S. sanctions just imposed earlier this year to try to disrupt its missile program,
reported Agence France Presse.
State media announced that short-, medium- and long-range precision guided missiles were fired from several sites to show the country's "all-out readiness to confront threats" against its territorial integrity. LINK
We've been played for the fool by Dems and Reps long enough. It's enough.
It's time to get serious about serious things.

It is impossible to deny the P5+1 nuclear arms Agreement with Iran and lead by the United States contributed on balance to the moderates' comprehensive win at the polls last month.

The long sought victory by the Iran centrist political middle is a strong statement to the ayatollahs, to the world and to the vast and moderate centrist body politic of the USA. That is, there continues to be a solid basis of USA-Iran relations, cooperation, forward progress. It has to be encouraging news to Americans in respect of Israel as well.

The losers in both the Agreement and in the Iran elections continue to be the hard liner hardheaded militants in the USA, Iran, the ME in general and the fanatic right in Israel.

Governments testing missiles is unfortunate but the US military does it as does the Russian dictatorship, as does India among others. India now has a missile that has range to Beijing. Beijing btw also does not like Iran sponsorship of terrorism in the ME and elsewhere.

Losers in all of this are the boneheads of the extremist right everywhere.

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Not to worry.

Trump will never become President.


I wish I had your confidence in this matter.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.

and Trump has convinced the stupid to come out of the closet and vote.

Good Luck to America and the rest of the free world.free world.

This may result in a global catastrophe.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.


I agree! Many idiots voted for Obama! My choice is Ted Cruz, but I will vote for Trump, if he's the candidate! America will be like Europe, if Hillary or Bernie got elected, as the Socialist Candidates!

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Forum Rule - 14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.

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There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.


The thing is, those who voted for Obama were proven right. America has recovered tremendously since 2008. Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else, unemployment is way down... -snip-

What are you thinking? Obama has doubled the national debt - added more to it that all of the prior US presidents did for 240 years!!!

He has added 10 trillion dollars to the debt!!

Anyone can look prosperous for a while with huge deficit spending. Do you want another such actor to run it up to $30 trillion?

Obama is the biggest economic disaster in the history of the USA. That's part of what people are rejecting by voting in record numbers for Trump.


If not for the 2008 Financial Crisis, there wouldn't have been a need for TARP, QE, Auto bailout, etc. Wonder which party created this "economic disaster" that Obama was charged with fixing?

That's an easy one to answer.

The sub-prime mortgage failure was caused in large part by the passage of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.

It was passed by a majority ruled Democratic party House and Senate and signed into law by the Democrat President Jimmy Carter.

I'm sure you will disagree. So be it.

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Let's inject a bit of objectivity to this thread shall we? smile.png


Breitbart is Europe's equivalent to Fox News. Right Wing loonies.

Brilliant. The old "shoot the messenger" deflection without addressing one thing the article said.

That old chestnut is for dummies who can't debate.

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Getting back to the Diplomatic complaints against Trump.

I have checked my copy of the US Constitution and have found no reference whatsoever to Diplomatic Immunity providing the power of voting in any US election.

My guess is these very same "unnamed" diplomats have serious problems in their own countries that need addressing rather than entering the fray of a US political party primary.

They will have plenty of opportunity to complain after the Republican is elected.

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Let's inject a bit of objectivity to this thread shall we? smile.png


Breitbart is Europe's equivalent to Fox News. Right Wing loonies.

Brilliant. The old "shoot the messenger" deflection without addressing one thing the article said.

That old chestnut is for dummies who can't debate.

Seems some of them can't read either.

From the Breitbart link provided:

" A.J. Delgado is a conservative columnist who’s writings have appeared in Breitbart, National Review, American Conservative, Fox News, and various other sites and publications. She holds a juris doctorate from Harvard Law School and often writes about politics and pop culture."

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Getting back to the Diplomatic complaints against Trump.

I have checked my copy of the US Constitution and have found no reference whatsoever to Diplomatic Immunity providing the power of voting in any US election.

My guess is these very same "unnamed" diplomats have serious problems in their own countries that need addressing rather than entering the fray of a US political party primary.

They will have plenty of opportunity to complain after the Republican is elected.

They are un named for very good reason. Foreign governments are always reluctant to comment on other nations domestic elections. Very rare you will ever read a comment 'on the record'. Foreign governments don't give a toss about the US constitution as they are not governed by it. If a Foreign government was found to be cooperating with a Trump administration that was arbitrarily torturing people, or attacking innocent family members it would cause serious consequences for them. In fact more than likely see them voted out of office. So as a courtesy they will be flagging their intentions post election. I would assume many countries will be winding back their cooperation with America in the advent of a Trump administration. The media is just picking up on the foreign diplomatic discussions and it will be all 'off the record'. Mexico may be flagging they will close US 'economic zones' so the Trump administration can quickly notify the companies to exit the country. Certain Military cooperation will be withdrawn or not go ahead. Most of this has to be planned ahead. Countries involved in Iraq may flag they will withdraw their support. In the South China Sea countries supporting America in 'freedom of navigation' may withdraw planned future support in that area. You wouldn't do those type of things overnight it may leave America exposed. Some countries may cancel economic cooperation and trading with America as it may contravene laws in their country that restrict them from trading with countries that commit international crimes. You would think bureaucrats are scrambling to cover any eventuality particularly with a Trump administration.

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Not to worry.

Trump will never become President.


I wish I had your confidence in this matter.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.

and Trump has convinced the stupid to come out of the closet and vote.

Good Luck to America and the rest of the free world.free world.

This may result in a global catastrophe.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.


The thing is, those who voted for Obama were proven right. America has recovered tremendously since 2008. Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else, unemployment is way down, no new wars started, Bin Laden is dead, and America has won back the respect of the international community. A Trump presidency--as unlikely as most of us believe--would destroy all that.

I still believe in America. Yes, there are stupid people in America. But they are outnumbered by the not-so-stupid. Which is why Trump will never be President.

You conveniently forgot 19 Trillion in debt and climbing. There will be a day of reckoning especially for the "not so stupid" stupids

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^^ There is probably some element of accuracy in your assessment, but even so, countries won't be planning such radical withdrawals or adjustments of international relations based on pre-election rhetoric by Trump.

However, I think it's true that if Trump is elected President it will usher in a new era of isolationism for the USA. For many, this is a good thing. The problem with Trump-brand isolationism is that it will be for the wrong reasons which many of his followers do not yet understand.

Edited by keemapoot
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@ Pinot: Trying to explain humor to a Republican. facepalm.gif

This 2009 article in Psychology Today cites a couple of academic studies that conclude Republicans do have a measurably lower sense of humor. Quite an interesting read:


And a measurably higher sense of fear. Between being fearful and having no sense of humor, they're loads of fun being around. sad.png

There are no Right wing comedians...well, they're out there but no one wants to listen to them.

For example, take Dennis Miller...please. Remember once upon a time he was funny?

HRC and Bernie are fair game for the late night shows but Trump is manna from heaven. Just covering his daily spewing of vindictiveness and hate is hilarious.

When people find out I'm American, the conversation almost immediately veers to Donald Trump. I feel the pain experienced by foreign diplomats here in LOS.

As someone with a sense of humor, this is the best of times. Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

How do you know with such certainty? Are you a psychic? A fortune teller? A prophet? Palmistry, divination, Ouija board consultant ? Or simply your wish and hope? I am amazed how many posters from both sides "know" what is going to happen without a shred of doubt. For me, actually I don't know. Sorry to be unreasonable

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They still don't get it! Trump is the Anti-Establishment (Government) Candidate! They can STUFF IT! The American People will

choose the next President! Not the Lobbyist nor the Political Establishment! I AM LOVING THIS ELECTION!

I agree with you but I'm not so sure how "free" America really is. I hope you are right. My feeling is it's big money that controls outcomes. And I don't mean Trump's money

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Sincerely...Clinton is bad...Trump is bad....but between them, and because the best candidate will not be even be nominated...

....I prefer Trump.

Americans still sleeping...and with old dreams.

The US under Clinton will keep making mistakes in every field. No surprises.

The US under Trump will make a lot of new mistakes...but..at least..will be new surprises.

And...I am in for new surprises. At this time the US do not have nothing more to lose.

After old and new mistakes...will be time for the US to declare Bankruptcy...and no doubts that Trump is the best on that.

In more 4 years, an older Clinton and a failed Trump will be out the picture....

Who knows...in 2020...finally the right candidate or party will have the chance to awake the Americans for good.

Edited by umbanda
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The thing is, those who voted for Obama were proven right. America has recovered tremendously since 2008. Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else, unemployment is way down... -snip-

What are you thinking? Obama has doubled the national debt - added more to it that all of the prior US presidents did for 240 years!!!

He has added 10 trillion dollars to the debt!!

Anyone can look prosperous for a while with huge deficit spending. Do you want another such actor to run it up to $30 trillion?

Obama is the biggest economic disaster in the history of the USA. That's part of what people are rejecting by voting in record numbers for Trump.


If not for the 2008 Financial Crisis, there wouldn't have been a need for TARP, QE, Auto bailout, etc. Wonder which party created this "economic disaster" that Obama was charged with fixing?

That's an easy one to answer.

The sub-prime mortgage failure was caused in large part by the passage of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.

It was passed by a majority ruled Democratic party House and Senate and signed into law by the Democrat President Jimmy Carter.

I'm sure you will disagree. So be it.

Have you seen the movie Inside Job? Explains all.

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Getting back to the Diplomatic complaints against Trump.

I have checked my copy of the US Constitution and have found no reference whatsoever to Diplomatic Immunity providing the power of voting in any US election.

My guess is these very same "unnamed" diplomats have serious problems in their own countries that need addressing rather than entering the fray of a US political party primary.

They will have plenty of opportunity to complain after the Republican is elected.

They are un named for very good reason. Foreign governments are always reluctant to comment on other nations domestic elections. Very rare you will ever read a comment 'on the record'. Foreign governments don't give a toss about the US constitution as they are not governed by it. If a Foreign government was found to be cooperating with a Trump administration that was arbitrarily torturing people, or attacking innocent family members it would cause serious consequences for them. In fact more than likely see them voted out of office. So as a courtesy they will be flagging their intentions post election. I would assume many countries will be winding back their cooperation with America in the advent of a Trump administration. The media is just picking up on the foreign diplomatic discussions and it will be all 'off the record'. Mexico may be flagging they will close US 'economic zones' so the Trump administration can quickly notify the companies to exit the country. Certain Military cooperation will be withdrawn or not go ahead. Most of this has to be planned ahead. Countries involved in Iraq may flag they will withdraw their support. In the South China Sea countries supporting America in 'freedom of navigation' may withdraw planned future support in that area. You wouldn't do those type of things overnight it may leave America exposed. Some countries may cancel economic cooperation and trading with America as it may contravene laws in their country that restrict them from trading with countries that commit international crimes. You would think bureaucrats are scrambling to cover any eventuality particularly with a Trump administration.

Personally I hope all these countries do stop cooperating with the US government.

We can then, with a very clear conscience, roll back our various contributions to the economies of these countries by cutting foreign aid, disavowing our mutual defense treaties, pulling all our troops out of South Korea, Japan, Europe (NATO), the Middle East and all points east and west.

Just imagine what our economy could do with the billions of dollars saved by the US refusing to fund with foreign aid, or defend with our military, any country that failed to cooperate with us.

Your implied threat that the US will suffer irreparable harm with a Trump presidency is silly on its face and ridiculous to the extreme.

We'll just let China and Russia take over in Asia and Europe.

How's your Russian?

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There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.


The thing is, those who voted for Obama were proven right. America has recovered tremendously since 2008. Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else, unemployment is way down... -snip-

What are you thinking? Obama has doubled the national debt - added more to it that all of the prior US presidents did for 240 years!!!

He has added 10 trillion dollars to the debt!!

Anyone can look prosperous for a while with huge deficit spending. Do you want another such actor to run it up to $30 trillion?

Obama is the biggest economic disaster in the history of the USA. That's part of what people are rejecting by voting in record numbers for Trump.


Obama got majorities twice in a row - against the best and brightest (including Palin giggle.gif) that the Republicans could throw against him. Economic news is rather good right now, certainly a lot better than at the end of Bush Jr's 2 terms, when the US was on the brink of a depression.

I agree! Many idiots voted for Obama! My choice is Ted Cruz, but I will vote for Trump, if he's the candidate! America will

be like Europe, if Hillary or Bernie got elected, as the Socialist Candidates!

Up until my early 20's, I grew up half my years in the US and half in Europe, back and forth. In the overall scheme of things, I see European education standards are higher than the US's, and I see some countries in Europe are better governed than the US. More fair-mindedness, more compassion in Europe. In the US, it's more very rich controlling things, and more likely people getting hand-outs. Of course I'm going on averages and overall personal impressions. When comparing populations of tens of millions, there will be exceptions. I think Bernie wants to take the best of European government initiatives, and use that to try and fix some of what's worst about the US. Trump, on the other hand, wants to take some of America's worst proclivities (racism, scorn, ridicule, rich-getting-richer/poor-getting-poorer, ignorance-or-world-affairs, callousness, etc) and amplify that.

For her part, Hillary would govern like a compassionate Republican, which is miles better than any in the group of cold-hearted, vindictive, top-3 Republican contenders.

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Hey Im happy with the daughter of dead JFK as our ambasador to J land....shes working wonders on the trade defecit....NOT.......The whole world doesnt want the shakedown that could come. America could lift itself up with the right ahole as President.....

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Not to worry.

Trump will never become President.


I wish I had your confidence in this matter.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.

and Trump has convinced the stupid to come out of the closet and vote.

Good Luck to America and the rest of the free world.free world.

This may result in a global catastrophe.

There are far too many uninformed, uneducated Americans that this promoter and showman called Trump is playing to and winning over.

Unfortunately, even a stupid vote counts as a vote in America.


The thing is, those who voted for Obama were proven right. America has recovered tremendously since 2008. Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else, unemployment is way down, no new wars started, Bin Laden is dead, and America has won back the respect of the international community. A Trump presidency--as unlikely as most of us believe--would destroy all that.

I still believe in America. Yes, there are stupid people in America. But they are outnumbered by the not-so-stupid. Which is why Trump will never be President.

Thanks for the laugh.

America has recovered "tremendously" cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Definitely a 5 laugh icon statement.

Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else- only because everyone else is doing so badly.

Unemployment down- tell that to black youth.

No new wars- but Iraq is getting worse, caused by Obama's pullout of all troops. Afghanistan is terrible as the refugee situation attests. Libya! Tunisia! Yemen! Lebanon! South Sudan! Palestine! Not looking too peaceful, is it?

Bin Laden dead- so what? They just appointed a new leader and carried right on, and, Isis is worse, caused by Obama's policies of disengagement.

America is now respected 5555555555555555555555555555555555 In your dreams.

Trump would destroy it all. Hmmmmm. Some on here are just plain psychic, but he could hardly do worse than Obama, and if the US can survive 8 years of GW, the worst president of my time, and that's against some really bad presidents, I guess they will survive Trump.

But they are outnumbered by the not-so-stupid

Sure about that? They elected Obama, twice, which is not a recommendation for their intelligence. If they elect HRC, they will definitely be in the "really stupid" bracket, IMO ( of course ).

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If not for the 2008 Financial Crisis, there wouldn't have been a need for TARP, QE, Auto bailout, etc. Wonder which party created this "economic disaster" that Obama was charged with fixing?

That's an easy one to answer.

The sub-prime mortgage failure was caused in large part by the passage of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.

It was passed by a majority ruled Democratic party House and Senate and signed into law by the Democrat President Jimmy Carter.

I'm sure you will disagree. So be it.

Have you seen the movie Inside Job? Explains all.


I'll try and find it on the internet when my time permits.

In the meantime, here are a couple of YouTube videos that you might find enlightening.

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