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Foreign diplomats voicing alarm to U.S. officials about Trump


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The thing is, those who voted for Obama were proven right. America has recovered tremendously since 2008. Its economy is doing better than practically everyone else, unemployment is way down... -snip-

What are you thinking? Obama has doubled the national debt - added more to it that all of the prior US presidents did for 240 years!!!

He has added 10 trillion dollars to the debt!!

Anyone can look prosperous for a while with huge deficit spending. Do you want another such actor to run it up to $30 trillion?

Obama is the biggest economic disaster in the history of the USA. That's part of what people are rejecting by voting in record numbers for Trump.


Obama got majorities twice in a row - against the best and brightest (including Palin giggle.gif) that the Republicans could throw against him. Economic news is rather good right now, certainly a lot better than at the end of Bush Jr's 2 terms, when the US was on the brink of a depression.

I agree! Many idiots voted for Obama! My choice is Ted Cruz, but I will vote for Trump, if he's the candidate! America will

be like Europe, if Hillary or Bernie got elected, as the Socialist Candidates!

Up until my early 20's, I grew up half my years in the US and half in Europe, back and forth. In the overall scheme of things, I see European education standards are higher than the US's, and I see some countries in Europe are better governed than the US. More fair-mindedness, more compassion in Europe. In the US, it's more very rich controlling things, and more likely people getting hand-outs. Of course I'm going on averages and overall personal impressions. When comparing populations of tens of millions, there will be exceptions. I think Bernie wants to take the best of European government initiatives, and use that to try and fix some of what's worst about the US. Trump, on the other hand, wants to take some of America's worst proclivities (racism, scorn, ridicule, rich-getting-richer/poor-getting-poorer, ignorance-or-world-affairs, callousness, etc) and amplify that.

For her part, Hillary would govern like a compassionate Republican, which is miles better than any in the group of cold-hearted, vindictive, top-3 Republican contenders.

HRC will govern just like Obama if she wins, and I don't think Obama would appreciate being called a Republican. Actually, she will do whatever she is told to do by the people that paid her to run.

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Getting back to the Diplomatic complaints against Trump.

I have checked my copy of the US Constitution and have found no reference whatsoever to Diplomatic Immunity providing the power of voting in any US election.

My guess is these very same "unnamed" diplomats have serious problems in their own countries that need addressing rather than entering the fray of a US political party primary.

They will have plenty of opportunity to complain after the Republican is elected.

They are un named for very good reason. Foreign governments are always reluctant to comment on other nations domestic elections. Very rare you will ever read a comment 'on the record'. Foreign governments don't give a toss about the US constitution as they are not governed by it. If a Foreign government was found to be cooperating with a Trump administration that was arbitrarily torturing people, or attacking innocent family members it would cause serious consequences for them. In fact more than likely see them voted out of office. So as a courtesy they will be flagging their intentions post election. I would assume many countries will be winding back their cooperation with America in the advent of a Trump administration. The media is just picking up on the foreign diplomatic discussions and it will be all 'off the record'. Mexico may be flagging they will close US 'economic zones' so the Trump administration can quickly notify the companies to exit the country. Certain Military cooperation will be withdrawn or not go ahead. Most of this has to be planned ahead. Countries involved in Iraq may flag they will withdraw their support. In the South China Sea countries supporting America in 'freedom of navigation' may withdraw planned future support in that area. You wouldn't do those type of things overnight it may leave America exposed. Some countries may cancel economic cooperation and trading with America as it may contravene laws in their country that restrict them from trading with countries that commit international crimes. You would think bureaucrats are scrambling to cover any eventuality particularly with a Trump administration.

Personally I hope all these countries do stop cooperating with the US government.

We can then, with a very clear conscience, roll back our various contributions to the economies of these countries by cutting foreign aid, disavowing our mutual defense treaties, pulling all our troops out of South Korea, Japan, Europe (NATO), the Middle East and all points east and west.

Just imagine what our economy could do with the billions of dollars saved by the US refusing to fund with foreign aid, or defend with our military, any country that failed to cooperate with us.

Your implied threat that the US will suffer irreparable harm with a Trump presidency is silly on its face and ridiculous to the extreme.

We'll just let China and Russia take over in Asia and Europe.

How's your Russian?

They're all learning English.

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Hey Im happy with the daughter of dead JFK as our ambasador to J land....shes working wonders on the trade defecit....NOT.......The whole world doesnt want the shakedown that could come. America could lift itself up with the right ahole as President.....

Guaranteed a prezidentt Trump would screw up relations with the vital ally Japan and the humble and modest Japanese people. Same as the debt obsessives do.

As to Ambassador Caroline Kennedy she's been highly successful after she presented her credentials to the emperor in 2013 live on Japanese national television, the only such attention any of the arcane occasions has ever had there. The Japanese like big name Americans as ambassador and people who don't screw things up.

Last year Amb. Kennedy finally located the Japanese woman who saved her yen in 1962 to send then 5 year old Caroline a set of Japanese dolls at the White House, presenting one of the dolls to the woman at her nursing home.

Included as US ambassadors to Japan since Commodore Perry established relations in 1854 are Douglas MacArthur II, Edwin Reishauer of the Japan Center at Harvard, Walter Mondale, Senate Republican former leader Howard Baker, Senate Democratic former leader Mike Mansfield, former Speaker of the House Tom Foley.

One suspects a prezidentt Trump would appoint you as ambassador and send you over there with a nuke in the teeth to straighten out a trade deal.

Edited by Publicus
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Yes but betting on a presidential election in the USA is illegal and against Forum Rules.

However, simply FYI only, the Las Vegas line as of today on who will be elected Potus November 8th....

HR Clinton is at odds of 1-2 which converts to the percentage probability of 66.7%

Donald Trump is at odds of 3-1 which converts to the percentage probability of 25%

After that no one is close to either while Trump himself is woefully distant of HR Clinton. Oddsmakers have been pretty good at this stuff for a long time. Odds are not definitive or conclusive but they do advise us of something significant.

Those who continue to believe Donald Trump will be elected Potus raise your right hand and repeat after him...

This Donald Trump Rally Looks Like A Scene From Nazi Germany

Trump Gets Crowd To Raise Right Hands And Swear To Vote For Him


That is ridiculous. How can anyone take you seriously when you promote such slanted biased journalism? Totally out of context. What grade did you say you were in?

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No new wars- but Iraq is getting worse, caused by Obama's pullout of all troops. Afghanistan is terrible as the refugee situation attests. Libya! Tunisia! Yemen! Lebanon! South Sudan! Palestine! Not looking too peaceful, is it?

The Middle East and N. Africa are going to messes no matter who is US prez. It's somewhat like, if a person is a Republican, trying to vote for the least obnoxious candidate. In the Middle East, chaos and suffering are the least bad options, when compared to warfare and/or Muslim extremists causing misery each day. Looked at from that perspective, Obama/Clinton/Kerry have done about as good as can be expected, and that includes the Iran deal. If Republicans had been charged with resolving something with Iran, nothing would have happened, and the Iranians would be happily making nukes.

Trying to instate peace in the M.East is like trying to make a tasty meal and only having rotten veges to deal with. In contrast to the Obama administration, any one of the top 3 Republican contenders as Commander in Chief would make bigger messes. They've already been saber rattling, and Cruz even mentioned the possibility of dropping nukes. Trump will want to show what a big dick he has is. Their hero is John Wayne but somebody needs to tell the Reps that in the real world, sometimes the good guy misses, and sometimes the good guy gets shot dead. It's much different than in the movies, where John Wayne never misses, and can never be shot.

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Yes but betting on a presidential election in the USA is illegal and against Forum Rules.

However, simply FYI only, the Las Vegas line as of today on who will be elected Potus November 8th....

HR Clinton is at odds of 1-2 which converts to the percentage probability of 66.7%

Donald Trump is at odds of 3-1 which converts to the percentage probability of 25%

After that no one is close to either while Trump himself is woefully distant of HR Clinton. Oddsmakers have been pretty good at this stuff for a long time. Odds are not definitive or conclusive but they do advise us of something significant.

Those who continue to believe Donald Trump will be elected Potus raise your right hand and repeat after him...

This Donald Trump Rally Looks Like A Scene From Nazi Germany

Trump Gets Crowd To Raise Right Hands And Swear To Vote For Him


That is ridiculous. How can anyone take you seriously when you promote such slanted biased journalism? Totally out of context. What grade did you say you were in?


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No new wars- but Iraq is getting worse, caused by Obama's pullout of all troops. Afghanistan is terrible as the refugee situation attests. Libya! Tunisia! Yemen! Lebanon! South Sudan! Palestine! Not looking too peaceful, is it?

The Middle East and N. Africa are going to messes no matter who is US prez. It's somewhat like, if a person is a Republican, trying to vote for the least obnoxious candidate. In the Middle East, chaos and suffering are the least bad options, when compared to warfare and/or Muslim extremists causing misery each day. Looked at from that perspective, Obama/Clinton/Kerry have done about as good as can be expected, and that includes the Iran deal. If Republicans had been charged with resolving something with Iran, nothing would have happened, and the Iranians would be happily making nukes.

Trying to instate peace in the M.East is like trying to make a tasty meal and only having rotten veges to deal with. In contrast to the Obama administration, any one of the top 3 Republican contenders as Commander in Chief would make bigger messes. They've already been saber rattling, and Cruz even mentioned the possibility of dropping nukes. Trump will want to show what a big dick he has is. Their hero is John Wayne but somebody needs to tell the Reps that in the real world, sometimes the good guy misses, and sometimes the good guy gets shot dead. It's much different than in the movies, where John Wayne never misses, and can never be shot.

" Obama/Clinton/Kerry have done about as good as can be expected, and that includes the Iran deal. If Republicans had been charged with resolving something with Iran, nothing would have happened, and the Iranians would be happily making nukes."

Just in case you're interested in the latest development from Iran. Now that they have received their $150 Billion and still haven't signed the "treaty that isn't a treaty", they are threatening to take their nukes and go home.

Great job there, Obama/Clinton/Kerry.


Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test
Islamic Republic breached international agreements by test-firing ballistic missiles
BY: Adam Kredo
March 8, 2016 12:40 pm
Iran on Tuesday again threatened to walk away from the nuclear agreement reached last year with global powers, hours after the country breached international agreements by test-firing ballistic missiles.
Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.
Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”
There goes another one down the old "legacy" tube.cheesy.gif
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Getting back to the Diplomatic complaints against Trump.

I have checked my copy of the US Constitution and have found no reference whatsoever to Diplomatic Immunity providing the power of voting in any US election.

My guess is these very same "unnamed" diplomats have serious problems in their own countries that need addressing rather than entering the fray of a US political party primary.

They will have plenty of opportunity to complain after the Republican is elected.

They are un named for very good reason. Foreign governments are always reluctant to comment on other nations domestic elections. Very rare you will ever read a comment 'on the record'. Foreign governments don't give a toss about the US constitution as they are not governed by it. If a Foreign government was found to be cooperating with a Trump administration that was arbitrarily torturing people, or attacking innocent family members it would cause serious consequences for them. In fact more than likely see them voted out of office. So as a courtesy they will be flagging their intentions post election. I would assume many countries will be winding back their cooperation with America in the advent of a Trump administration. The media is just picking up on the foreign diplomatic discussions and it will be all 'off the record'. Mexico may be flagging they will close US 'economic zones' so the Trump administration can quickly notify the companies to exit the country. Certain Military cooperation will be withdrawn or not go ahead. Most of this has to be planned ahead. Countries involved in Iraq may flag they will withdraw their support. In the South China Sea countries supporting America in 'freedom of navigation' may withdraw planned future support in that area. You wouldn't do those type of things overnight it may leave America exposed. Some countries may cancel economic cooperation and trading with America as it may contravene laws in their country that restrict them from trading with countries that commit international crimes. You would think bureaucrats are scrambling to cover any eventuality particularly with a Trump administration.

There you go being rational again and making well reasoned and thoughtful sincere arguments.

A waste of time every time. smile.png

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^^ There is probably some element of accuracy in your assessment, but even so, countries won't be planning such radical withdrawals or adjustments of international relations based on pre-election rhetoric by Trump.

However, I think it's true that if Trump is elected President it will usher in a new era of isolationism for the USA. For many, this is a good thing. The problem with Trump-brand isolationism is that it will be for the wrong reasons which many of his followers do not yet understand.

I could live with a little isolationism. Not the Trump kind where you become an international pariah, but the kind where America catches up on a whole lot of issues that have seen no attention on the domestic side of things.

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No new wars- but Iraq is getting worse, caused by Obama's pullout of all troops. Afghanistan is terrible as the refugee situation attests. Libya! Tunisia! Yemen! Lebanon! South Sudan! Palestine! Not looking too peaceful, is it?

The Middle East and N. Africa are going to messes no matter who is US prez. It's somewhat like, if a person is a Republican, trying to vote for the least obnoxious candidate. In the Middle East, chaos and suffering are the least bad options, when compared to warfare and/or Muslim extremists causing misery each day. Looked at from that perspective, Obama/Clinton/Kerry have done about as good as can be expected, and that includes the Iran deal. If Republicans had been charged with resolving something with Iran, nothing would have happened, and the Iranians would be happily making nukes.

Trying to instate peace in the M.East is like trying to make a tasty meal and only having rotten veges to deal with. In contrast to the Obama administration, any one of the top 3 Republican contenders as Commander in Chief would make bigger messes. They've already been saber rattling, and Cruz even mentioned the possibility of dropping nukes. Trump will want to show what a big dick he has is. Their hero is John Wayne but somebody needs to tell the Reps that in the real world, sometimes the good guy misses, and sometimes the good guy gets shot dead. It's much different than in the movies, where John Wayne never misses, and can never be shot.

" Obama/Clinton/Kerry have done about as good as can be expected, and that includes the Iran deal. If Republicans had been charged with resolving something with Iran, nothing would have happened, and the Iranians would be happily making nukes."

Just in case you're interested in the latest development from Iran. Now that they have received their $150 Billion and still haven't signed the "treaty that isn't a treaty", they are threatening to take their nukes and go home.

Great job there, Obama/Clinton/Kerry.


Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

Islamic Republic breached international agreements by test-firing ballistic missiles

BY: Adam Kredo

March 8, 2016 12:40 pm

Iran on Tuesday again threatened to walk away from the nuclear agreement reached last year with global powers, hours after the country breached international agreements by test-firing ballistic missiles.

Irans most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international communitys nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republics national interests.



There goes another one down the old "legacy" tube.cheesy.gif

File that under "don't do stupid shit".

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Everyone is so afraid of Trump but I bet most of you love Obama and he has done the most to anger the american people with his failure to uphold immigration laws and in fact blatantly flaunting his lawlessness. That's not the only issue there's many more but that's the one that has put Trump where he is now and he's not going away.

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Trump didn't give a victory speech after winning 3 primaries recently. However, he did have a display table piled high with his TRUMP products. Upon closer inspection, however, none of the products were really Trump products. Some products were actually supplied by other companies. Several other items were affiliated with Trump in years-gone-by and some were failures because of Trump's love affair with DEBT, and his habit of shirking loan paybacks - a great asset for a man who wants to 'Make America Great Again.' It would seem to be a parody of the WINDBAG, but it's actually factual news from a bona fide news outlet (NPR). When reporting on Trump, reporters only have to tell the truth without embellishments, and their reports wind up showing what a empty bag of hot air Trump is. SOURCE

If I weren't American (and were it not for global implications), I would just say, "ok idiot Americans, go ahead and vote for an idiot, and may you reap all the dross that an idiot gasbag will shaft you with." But I am an American and care for my country (and events in the world) so I can't, in good conscience, say that.

Added notes from the NPR article: The Trump steaks ($50 for fist-sized piece) and not really steaks and are actually provided by a company called Bush Brothers. But that's just the entree. There's more, you gotta read the article,

Here's some dessert: Carly Fiorina just came out and said she's 'horrified' by the idea of Trump being president.

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Everyone is so afraid of Trump but I bet most of you love Obama and he has done the most to anger the american people with his failure to uphold immigration laws and in fact blatantly flaunting his lawlessness. That's not the only issue there's many more but that's the one that has put Trump where he is now and he's not going away.

I would expect a 7 year old girl to be compelled to either love or hate everything or every person in her life. But I'm not a little girl, so I can judge things in degrees, for comparative merits or drawbacks. I like Obama, though he's been too right-leaning for my tastes. That's why I prefer the idea of Sanders taking over. If not Sanders, then HRC, though she may prove to be even more Republican than Obama.

Perhaps you're right about using the word 'afraid' in regard to Trump. I don't like to dwell on fear, so I'm trying to see the sick humor of so many Americans thinking, because he's rich, he will therefore make Americans rich. Those were the same thoughts which inspired Thais to vote for Thaksin in 2000. Indeed, part of Thaksin's campaign said Thaksin couldn't be corrupted because he had already amassed lots of money. Trump's publicity machine is saying the same about Trump. It's almost too weird to contemplate. Can people really believe that men who lust after amassing money all their lives, will all of a sudden cease to worship money - once they get political power?

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If not for the 2008 Financial Crisis, there wouldn't have been a need for TARP, QE, Auto bailout, etc. Wonder which party created this "economic disaster" that Obama was charged with fixing?

That's an easy one to answer.

The sub-prime mortgage failure was caused in large part by the passage of the Community Reinvestment Act of 1977.

It was passed by a majority ruled Democratic party House and Senate and signed into law by the Democrat President Jimmy Carter.

I'm sure you will disagree. So be it.

And from just 5 years before the crash...

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

WASHINGTON, Sept. 10, 2003 —

...The plan is an acknowledgment by the [bush] administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt — is broken.

..."These two entities — Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."


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Donald Trump’s message to Lower Slobbovia

Foreign criticism is thus mostly hyperventilation; diplomats must have someone to complain to, and to report that he said something in what used to be called “cables” to the Home Office. ... However, diplomats from countries where everyone must mind his tongue lest it be removed with a rusty knife, never quite learn how America works, and think the U.S. government can control what a candidate, like everyone else, is allowed to say.


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Trump didn't give a victory speech after winning 3 primaries recently. However, he did have a display table piled high with his TRUMP products. Upon closer inspection, however, none of the products were really Trump products. Some products were actually supplied by other companies. Several other items were affiliated with Trump in years-gone-by and some were failures because of Trump's love affair with DEBT, and his habit of shirking loan paybacks - a great asset for a man who wants to 'Make America Great Again.' It would seem to be a parody of the WINDBAG, but it's actually factual news from a bona fide news outlet (NPR). When reporting on Trump, reporters only have to tell the truth without embellishments, and their reports wind up showing what a empty bag of hot air Trump is. SOURCE

If I weren't American (and were it not for global implications), I would just say, "ok idiot Americans, go ahead and vote for an idiot, and may you reap all the dross that an idiot gasbag will shaft you with." But I am an American and care for my country (and events in the world) so I can't, in good conscience, say that.

Added notes from the NPR article: The Trump steaks ($50 for fist-sized piece) and not really steaks and are actually provided by a company called Bush Brothers. But that's just the entree. There's more, you gotta read the article,

Here's some dessert: Carly Fiorina just came out and said she's 'horrified' by the idea of Trump being president.

"Trump didn't give a victory speech after winning 3 primaries recently. However, he did have a display table piled high with his TRUMP products."

You were there in Florida where he made the speech and heard and saw all of that, did you? He spoke for an hour and it was covered by every major network.

"Here's some dessert: Carly Fiorina just came out and said..."
Why do the losers always have something to say? She's a loser in business and politics. She has retired to a position of washing dishes and vacuuming floors.
Not fewer than five former failed POTUS candidates have spoken against Trump. The latest big loser, Romney made a big speech which is widely regarded as helping Trump. When it's apparent that the people have rejected someone such as Fiorina or Romney, all they can do is sound like sour grapes and help Trump.
So your big quote of the day to make your case is from that early drop out loser?
Edited by NeverSure
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The thing that jumps out from this article for me, is the so-called "list" of countries. Let's see, EU, presently stuck with so many illegal immigrants that they're all panicking about where to ship them (America just said "NO!"), the middle-east where the illegal immigrants are from and are losing ways of shipping terrorists into other countries (because, America just said "NO!") and the Asian countries that have been making billions in profit from American companies that have opened factories in their countries giving away American jobs so the few can't make more money. Hmmmmm.

Go Donald!

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Officials from Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia ...... who all declined to be identified.

cheesy.gif What a load of made-up BS.


All raising alarms about Trump. But all apparently happy for the POTUS to be a proven repeat liar, who apparently breaks laws and get away with it, and who is "owned" by Wall St and the banks.

Trump is dangerous because "the establishment" don't control him. Just like Corbyn is in the UK although at the other end of the spectrum.

Keep fooling yourself with this party line Newspeak.

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Trump didn't give a victory speech after winning 3 primaries recently. However, he did have a display table piled high with his TRUMP products. Upon closer inspection, however, none of the products were really Trump products. Some products were actually supplied by other companies. Several other items were affiliated with Trump in years-gone-by and some were failures because of Trump's love affair with DEBT, and his habit of shirking loan paybacks - a great asset for a man who wants to 'Make America Great Again.' It would seem to be a parody of the WINDBAG, but it's actually factual news from a bona fide news outlet (NPR). When reporting on Trump, reporters only have to tell the truth without embellishments, and their reports wind up showing what a empty bag of hot air Trump is. SOURCE

If I weren't American (and were it not for global implications), I would just say, "ok idiot Americans, go ahead and vote for an idiot, and may you reap all the dross that an idiot gasbag will shaft you with." But I am an American and care for my country (and events in the world) so I can't, in good conscience, say that.

Added notes from the NPR article: The Trump steaks ($50 for fist-sized piece) and not really steaks and are actually provided by a company called Bush Brothers. But that's just the entree. There's more, you gotta read the article,

Here's some dessert: Carly Fiorina just came out and said she's 'horrified' by the idea of Trump being president.

"Trump didn't give a victory speech after winning 3 primaries recently. However, he did have a display table piled high with his TRUMP products."

You were there in Florida where he made the speech and heard and saw all of that, did you? He spoke for an hour and it was covered by every major network.

"Here's some dessert: Carly Fiorina just came out and said..."
Why do the losers always have something to say? She's a loser in business and politics. She has retired to a position of washing dishes and vacuuming floors.
Not fewer than five former failed POTUS candidates have spoken against Trump. The latest big loser, Romney made a big speech which is widely regarded as helping Trump. When it's apparent that the people have rejected someone such as Fiorina or Romney, all they can do is sound like sour grapes and help Trump.
So your big quote of the day to make your case is from that early drop out loser? Cheers.

Some of the people you mentioned, like Romney, you were probably a big fan of, a mere 4 yrs ago. If Fiorina was the Rep front-runner now, you'd be singing praises to her. Similarly, if Trump had fallen off the truck, you'd probably be calling him a loser. Predictable. It's interesting that you didn't comment on the main impetus of my prior post, which showcases how all (not just some) of the Trump products which Trump recently showcased ......are either duds, out-of-circulation, fakes, in receivership, and/or manufactured/owned by other companies. Romney put it nicely: "Trump is a fraud."

To call him a snake oil salesman would be an affront to men who sell snake oil, because at least there's some bit of oil in the little bottles they sell. With Trump, he just tells his aides to go and buy some steaks, some bottles of water, some bottles of vodka, a magazine, and then he puts them on a table with his logo, .......and declares they're all his very very successful products. If it was a SNL skit it would be kind of funny, but the Trumpster thinks he is successfully fooling the public. Message to Trump: we, the general public are dumb to some degree, but we're not as dumb as your jilted customers for Trump University and all the other scams you've orchestrated. ......or maybe some are that dumb 'cause they keep voting for the angry name-calling windbag.

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Getting back to the Diplomatic complaints against Trump.

I have checked my copy of the US Constitution and have found no reference whatsoever to Diplomatic Immunity providing the power of voting in any US election.

My guess is these very same "unnamed" diplomats have serious problems in their own countries that need addressing rather than entering the fray of a US political party primary.

They will have plenty of opportunity to complain after the Republican is elected.

They are un named for very good reason. Foreign governments are always reluctant to comment on other nations domestic elections. Very rare you will ever read a comment 'on the record'. Foreign governments don't give a toss about the US constitution as they are not governed by it. If a Foreign government was found to be cooperating with a Trump administration that was arbitrarily torturing people, or attacking innocent family members it would cause serious consequences for them. In fact more than likely see them voted out of office. So as a courtesy they will be flagging their intentions post election. I would assume many countries will be winding back their cooperation with America in the advent of a Trump administration. The media is just picking up on the foreign diplomatic discussions and it will be all 'off the record'. Mexico may be flagging they will close US 'economic zones' so the Trump administration can quickly notify the companies to exit the country. Certain Military cooperation will be withdrawn or not go ahead. Most of this has to be planned ahead. Countries involved in Iraq may flag they will withdraw their support. In the South China Sea countries supporting America in 'freedom of navigation' may withdraw planned future support in that area. You wouldn't do those type of things overnight it may leave America exposed. Some countries may cancel economic cooperation and trading with America as it may contravene laws in their country that restrict them from trading with countries that commit international crimes. You would think bureaucrats are scrambling to cover any eventuality particularly with a Trump administration.

Countries involved in Iraq may flag they will withdraw their support.

Are you referring to Iran?


Since the Iraqis kicked the US out, no other country is doing much, if anything to help them. Kurds a different story, but they'd still help them anyway.

In the South China Sea countries supporting America in 'freedom of navigation' may withdraw planned future support in that area.


Are you seriously saying the Phillipines will flag away support for the US if Trump is elected? Vietnam wouldn't be keen to go it alone either.

arbitrarily torturing people, or attacking innocent family members

Trump has already reversed that, and won't be forcing the military to do so.

Trump will be very happy if Mexico closes it's special economic zones. That's what he wants.

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Trump didn't give a victory speech after winning 3 primaries recently. However, he did have a display table piled high with his TRUMP products. Upon closer inspection, however, none of the products were really Trump products. Some products were actually supplied by other companies. Several other items were affiliated with Trump in years-gone-by and some were failures because of Trump's love affair with DEBT, and his habit of shirking loan paybacks - a great asset for a man who wants to 'Make America Great Again.' It would seem to be a parody of the WINDBAG, but it's actually factual news from a bona fide news outlet (NPR). When reporting on Trump, reporters only have to tell the truth without embellishments, and their reports wind up showing what a empty bag of hot air Trump is. SOURCE

If I weren't American (and were it not for global implications), I would just say, "ok idiot Americans, go ahead and vote for an idiot, and may you reap all the dross that an idiot gasbag will shaft you with." But I am an American and care for my country (and events in the world) so I can't, in good conscience, say that.

Added notes from the NPR article: The Trump steaks ($50 for fist-sized piece) and not really steaks and are actually provided by a company called Bush Brothers. But that's just the entree. There's more, you gotta read the article,

Here's some dessert: Carly Fiorina just came out and said she's 'horrified' by the idea of Trump being president.

Like Trump is going to worry about what a loser like her says. I said at the beginning she didn't have a chance and I was right about that.

In fact, being attacked by her is probably going to garner MORE support for the Donald. Just another establishment flunkey terrified of the Donald taking her toys away.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Everyone is so afraid of Trump but I bet most of you love Obama and he has done the most to anger the american people with his failure to uphold immigration laws and in fact blatantly flaunting his lawlessness. That's not the only issue there's many more but that's the one that has put Trump where he is now and he's not going away.

I would expect a 7 year old girl to be compelled to either love or hate everything or every person in her life. But I'm not a little girl, so I can judge things in degrees, for comparative merits or drawbacks. I like Obama, though he's been too right-leaning for my tastes. That's why I prefer the idea of Sanders taking over. If not Sanders, then HRC, though she may prove to be even more Republican than Obama.

Perhaps you're right about using the word 'afraid' in regard to Trump. I don't like to dwell on fear, so I'm trying to see the sick humor of so many Americans thinking, because he's rich, he will therefore make Americans rich. Those were the same thoughts which inspired Thais to vote for Thaksin in 2000. Indeed, part of Thaksin's campaign said Thaksin couldn't be corrupted because he had already amassed lots of money. Trump's publicity machine is saying the same about Trump. It's almost too weird to contemplate. Can people really believe that men who lust after amassing money all their lives, will all of a sudden cease to worship money - once they get political power?

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