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Yazidi women: The ISIL sex slaves the world forgot


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Yazidi women: The ISIL sex slaves the world forgot


Their plight no longer makes the headlines.

But the enslavement, rape and torture of Yazidi women and children by ISIL extremists continues.

Fellow Yazidis marked International Women’s Day on Tuesday by urging the world to remember the thousands still held in captivity, staging their protest at a camp for the internally displaced in Iraq’s northern Kurdish region.

“We want to tell the whole international community that more than one and a half years on, Yazidi women are still being killed, raped, and sold as slaves at slave markets,” said protest organiser Susan Safar of the aid organisation ‘Mother’.

“We are in the 21st century and we still have women being sold at the slave market. We have been taken back to the Middle Ages.”

Seized when jihadists attacked their communities around Sinjar Mountain in Iraq in August 2014, some Yazidi captives have escaped or been bought out of slavery.

But for many the nightmare of unimaginable abuse goes on.

An estimated 3,500 people, mainly women and children, are being held as slaves in Iraq by ISIL militants, the United Nations said in January.

“Those being held are predominantly women and children and come primarily from the Yazidi community,” said a report issued in Geneva.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-09

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Enslavement...for infidels...for the world...is the ultimate goal here...

The world has yet to recognize the depth and depravity these Muslim thugs represent...

While the world does some damage in trying to contain the menace...the menace spreads like an out of control disease...

More enslavements, death and destruction is yet to come...

The West will not be spared...

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^^^ You're preaching to the choir. Europe is already toast. It's too late. All of the newborn Mohammeds will become the ruling class. There are already more military aged young Muslim men newly in Europe than there are troops in the entire US military.

The fuel has been provided and the fire has been lit. Rapes are already common but it isn't PC to talk about it. Europe is finished.


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Perhaps today's saddest story.

I commented with a RIP, to the poor raped /95% burnt/ murdered Indian lass, and included a sympathetic RIP to those others similarly afflicted, but no longer sensational enough to be reported about (on a daily basis)... Here they are, right at the end of the daily news edition.... Almost forgotten.

I wonder if they still bother to pray.

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These women are a symptom of the genocide that is destroying not just Christians but everyone who is not islamic; Christians are only making the news as a matter of proximity. Watch closely now whether the US labels DAESH atrocities "genocide." I think its highly likely Obama will not. Why? Obama/West are determined to provide as much cover for a fledgling caliphate as possible. Labeling "genocide" or elevating rape as tools of warfare charges cause to action other legal remedies that conflict with the Obama/Western narrative of "there's nothing to see here, folks. Move along. Move along. Go back to your home,folks, Nothing to see here."

These women should have been a modern canary in the coal mine. Instead, they will be forgotten by history as subsequent, wide scale civilization jihad eclipses their suffering and millions more are destroyed.

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^^^ You're preaching to the choir. Europe is already toast. It's too late. All of the newborn Mohammeds will become the ruling class. There are already more military aged young Muslim men newly in Europe than there are troops in the entire US military.

The fuel has been provided and the fire has been lit. Rapes are already common but it isn't PC to talk about it. Europe is finished.


Its funny the man in the street can see this clearly, our elected representatives see it differently, truly a shame

This is not economic immigration that has had helped so many countries in history, these people are very unlikely to ever work in the counties they go to, they will set up their own law, pursue their own outdated codes of religion , and dam anyone in their way

Turkey is in affect blackmailing Europe, we need a Trump or Churchill over in Europe very quickly to stand up and to tell people whats really happening

I feel bad for them, but if roles were revered would they let us settle in their lands in the event of catastrophic events in Europe? i doubt it

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^^^ You're preaching to the choir. Europe is already toast. It's too late. All of the newborn Mohammeds will become the ruling class. There are already more military aged young Muslim men newly in Europe than there are troops in the entire US military.

The fuel has been provided and the fire has been lit. Rapes are already common but it isn't PC to talk about it. Europe is finished.


Its funny the man in the street can see this clearly, our elected representatives see it differently, truly a shame

This is not economic immigration that has had helped so many countries in history, these people are very unlikely to ever work in the counties they go to, they will set up their own law, pursue their own outdated codes of religion , and dam anyone in their way

Turkey is in affect blackmailing Europe, we need a Trump or Churchill over in Europe very quickly to stand up and to tell people whats really happening

I feel bad for them, but if roles were revered would they let us settle in their lands in the event of catastrophic events in Europe? i doubt it

It is as you state above. In fact, it is so obvious, so stunning, so evident that what is taking place is a massive civilization grand larceny it begs the mind to grasp how any could not see this. Any sane mind must come to accept our leaders, etc., do see this. They do see that Europe/West are being destroyed. They do turn their backs on early victims as readily as they turn their backs on the increasing victims back home. Every one of these women was as good as murdered.

These women were particularly singled out as an exemption to "people of the book" because of their assignment of Iblis (satan) to a different eschatology in their cosmology. Clearly, this is cleansing, genocide. Still, Obama et al wrestle with even applying the christian "genocide" the other people murdered by DAESH/Islamic Jihad.

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What practical difference on the ground & legally does it make if the US Administration declares the suffering of Christians by Daesh as an act of genocide. The Proxmire Act which bound the United States to the provisions of the United Nations’ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide has been in place since 1988, as far as I know various US administrations have never enforced the provisions of the Act.

On the other side of the coin the Assad regime militias have documented crimes against humanity such as mass murder of civilians, ethnic cleansing and rape as a tool of war, yet no action taken by the international community.

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What practical difference on the ground & legally does it make if the US Administration declares the suffering of Christians by Daesh as an act of genocide. The Proxmire Act which bound the United States to the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide has been in place since 1988, as far as I know various US administrations have never enforced the provisions of the Act.

On the other side of the coin the Assad regime militias have documented crimes against humanity such as mass murder of civilians, ethnic cleansing and rape as a tool of war, yet no action taken by the international community.

Unfortunately..... These issues need to be addressed at the end of the "conflict", by the UN (not US), as I doubt that there is any way to get a grip on these criminals, at present.... Catch 22.... Yes, it allows perpertrators of war crimes to continue unchecked, until it's oftentimes too late.

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"These women should have been a modern canary in the coal mine. Instead, they will be forgotten by history as subsequent, wide scale civilization jihad eclipses their suffering and millions more are destroyed" .

Arjundawn.... Best analogy I've seen in a long time.... Which is sad.

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What practical difference on the ground & legally does it make if the US Administration declares the suffering of Christians by Daesh as an act of genocide. The Proxmire Act which bound the United States to the provisions of the United Nations’ Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide has been in place since 1988, as far as I know various US administrations have never enforced the provisions of the Act.

On the other side of the coin the Assad regime militias have documented crimes against humanity such as mass murder of civilians, ethnic cleansing and rape as a tool of war, yet no action taken by the international community.

Such proclamations are a political tool which can be utilized at will of political advantage in the interest of mostly economic leverages. It is only when outrage exeeds the advantage is the application of such proclamations actioned or ceased. or assumed abuses are

When well documented human abuses are ignored but lesser issues are given a priority it becomes evident that the manipulation of issues is foremost in the mindset of the Puppeteers. The Politicians themselves are as much puppets as are the general populace.

As the world shrinks the competition for expanding domination becomes more intense both in act and effect.


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Real followers of Islam do not support them.... as also victims

There are many individual followers of Islam who do not support the forcing of these Yazidi women into the role of sex slaves. But this action is a valid conservative and very real interpretation of Islam as this is what the Prophet Muhammed had done to the women of the Banu Qurayza tribe. So to claim that these moderate Muslims are also "victims" is disingenuous at best.

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