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Ive got women less than half my age interested in me. Amazing thailand

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On behalf of "the silent majority" of older foreign men who don't have droves of gorgeous nubile super hot foxy Thai babes throwing themselves at them, allow me to step forward to say that this rarely happens to me. Even in years past when a girl made overly forward advances at me, or someone said they had a sister or knew a girl who wanted a foreign husband, it turned out most of the time they weren't serious and were only amusing themselves to see how I would react.

As far as co-eds being "interested" in older foreign men, I occasionally see college aged girls on Facebook (friends of friends, friends of relatives, former students, etc.) who suddenly start posting pictures of themselves wearing sophisticated makeup, fashionable clothes, and jewelry, sporting i-phones, eating in fancy restaurants and staying in upscale hotels, sometimes even traveling abroad. Seemingly overnight, all their posts are in English. Because I know the parents don't have the money to support the girl's lifestyle, and can confirm that the girls aren't working, it's pretty obvious that the girl has found a benefactor of one type or another. Frankly, I find it pretty depressing that the girls have lost focus on their educational advancement, and I think foreign men who exploit/encourage this behavior are undermining Thailand's social fabric.

Edited by Gecko123
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If you are stupid enough to believe they are interested in YOU, then I would say you have a big problem with reality. ALL Thai women have only interest in how much $$ they can extract from you for their family and theirselves. Period.

There is no exception. If they see financial benefit to having a relationship with you, they will pursue it aggressively.

If you operate in Thailand under the assumption you are the one special case this does not apply, you are a fool.

Wow - someone has been ripped off and is very sore...

You do realised that there are genuine people in Thailand right? and that they don't all fit the same 'gold digging mold' that your experience is limited to... pretty much the same as anywhere else in the world...


On Topic and away from the Gold Digging bashing comments:

I was a 2 minute rock star yesterday - Walking into the Bank the SCB lady was a little flirty, this spread to the girl on the counter next to her and then the female customer at the next counter !!!... It was quite funny and quite a light hearted moment - they were asking me how long I'd been her, if I had a girlfriend... almost vying to line the Girl up for a date...

This is not an uncommon occurrence in Thailand - Girls can be quite flirty especially within the company of her friends to back her up...

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Good luck with that potential money pit.

It's generally about security not love. Some repeat tourists and expats never seem to understand that or don't want to believe it and are in denial. Have you asked her if she is married, has a Thai boyfriend or several cell phones? Has the mom been sick yet and she needs to leave for a week? smile.png

That one will probably come after "go temple" or "go visit brother" ;)

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If you are stupid enough to believe they are interested in YOU, then I would say you have a big problem with reality. ALL Thai women have only interest in how much $$ they can extract from you for their family and theirselves. Period.

There is no exception. If they see financial benefit to having a relationship with you, they will pursue it aggressively.

If you operate in Thailand under the assumption you are the one special case this does not apply, you are a fool.

Agee with you 100 percent!!

Could not have said it better!

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Good luck with that potential money pit.

It's generally about security not love. Some repeat tourists and expats never seem to understand that or don't want to believe it and are in denial. Have you asked her if she is married, has a Thai boyfriend or several cell phones? Has the mom been sick yet and she needs to leave for a week? smile.png

That one will probably come after "go temple" or "go visit brother" ;)

No need to ask if they have a boyfriend or are married.

If they are not a lesbian then 99 percent have a boyfriend or husband.

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Some of my Thai wife's girlfriends and cousins are in their early twenties and are setting age limits for the Farrang they want to find at 40 - 65. Most of these girls are stunning and from good families, never worked in bars or would do.

They constantly ask us to find them a partner because none of them are interested in Thai men. When I suggest it they say they feel sick.

true. if you know enough Thai men, you'd understand their preference.

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I'm curious to know what the OP means by "interested in me." I often see farangs in Thailand completely misinterpret a Thai woman's gesture or demeanor, particularly if she's working in customer service (i.e., a job that requires her to smile and be friendly). Just because a Thai girl smiles at you does not mean she wants to do the dirty with you.

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If you are stupid enough to believe they are interested in YOU, then I would say you have a big problem with reality. ALL Thai women have only interest in how much $$ they can extract from you for their family and theirselves. Period.

There is no exception. If they see financial benefit to having a relationship with you, they will pursue it aggressively.

If you operate in Thailand under the assumption you are the one special case this does not apply, you are a fool.

Agee with you 100 percent!!

Could not have said it better!

yes this has got me worried because my gf has been with me for 8 years now and never asked for anything. she even bought her own scooter.... and expensive dog. and theres even a brand new house she built that i didnt pay for. maybe shes not really thai?
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If you are stupid enough to believe they are interested in YOU, then I would say you have a big problem with reality. ALL Thai women have only interest in how much $$ they can extract from you for their family and theirselves. Period.

There is no exception. If they see financial benefit to having a relationship with you, they will pursue it aggressively.

If you operate in Thailand under the assumption you are the one special case this does not apply, you are a fool.

Agee with you 100 percent!!

Could not have said it better!

yes this has got me worried because my gf has been with me for 8 years now and never asked for anything. she even bought her own scooter.... and expensive dog. and theres even a brand new house she built that i didnt pay for. maybe shes not really thai?

I can understand you must be worried where your g/f's money came from.

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imo the vast majority of them grow up with the feudal patronage model of life (security- money- image- brands)

just a small % (probably a fraction of 1%) are at a functional level comparable to say japanese, korean women

in my experience often the high function ones have the benefit of affluence, outside the box education-life experience and or progressive-dynamic peers- family.

it is highly unlikely to find this latter group at internet dating sites. usually it via networking

Edited by atyclb
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in my experience, most of the students are looking for tuition assistance. they may not make that clear at first, which can lead a foreigner to think that he is very much like brad pitt, or james bond.

In my experience it is 33/33/33. Gold diggers, uncontrollably curious teenage girls & girls who just want to practice their English because they know their high school Thai "English teacher" does not know beans. No's 2 & 3 are subsets of the same. On a few occasions I have noticed school girls giggling and obviously talking about me and just when I got almost totally paranoid or nearly embarrassingly excited, one has plucked up the courage to ask if they can talk to me and ask me some questions about my home country. This is likely to happen in big university towns with low tourist numbers, in malls or bus stations where I am sitting down, waiting, or reading etc and look approachable. I must admit to feeling very vulnerable and mindful of police & mall security etc when this happens. I try to remember to hide the bag of candies from other onlookers.

Flipping through the contents of my wallet in the Sukhumvit Soi 7 beergarten has a similar effect and I have never been able to tell the difference either for some reason. 555

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If you are stupid enough to believe they are interested in YOU, then I would say you have a big problem with reality. ALL Thai women have only interest in how much $$ they can extract from you for their family and theirselves. Period.

There is no exception. If they see financial benefit to having a relationship with you, they will pursue it aggressively.

If you operate in Thailand under the assumption you are the one special case this does not apply, you are a fool.

All relationships have a financial component. To deny this is a departure from reality. I have been married for three years to a lovely, giving and loyal Thai lady less than half my age. She has a full-time job and does not ask for much. I give her money (not much) for her son's schooling and that's it. She has been so good to me that I look for ways to make her life better and easier, and I love doing it for her. I am of modest means so there is no pot of gold and she is well aware. Your sweeping generalization of "no exception" is a fallacy. From the bitter tone of your post I can only surmise that you have run afoul of the wrong kind of woman. Try looking outside the bars, go-gos, massage joints and nightclubs the freelancers hunt in. You might be surprised at what you find.

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Some of my Thai wife's girlfriends and cousins are in their early twenties and are setting age limits for the Farrang they want to find at 40 - 65. Most of these girls are stunning and from good families, never worked in bars or would do.

They constantly ask us to find them a partner because none of them are interested in Thai men. When I suggest it they say they feel sick.

How do I get in touch with them? wai.gif

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The mia noi is pretty common here...women do not mind being mistresses...I've met fellows, both Thai and Farang, from very modest means to wealthy, who have mistresses...some of the girls even live with the husband and wife...and some of the mistresses have been teachers, doctors, and lawyers...but don't fool yourself...they care about your money much more than your personality, honesty, or integrity...in the case of the professionals, they wanted more sex but were too busy to meet men...they wanted more than one man, and so were mistresses to a couple of married guys...wanted sex and nothing else...or wanted to supplement income...

as a Farang, you run the risk of pissing off a lot of people if you partake in this system...unless you are brutally honest with everyone involved...

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On Topic and away from the Gold Digging bashing comments:


It was quite funny and quite a light hearted moment - they were asking me how long I'd been her, if I had a girlfriend... almost vying to line the Girl up for a date...

This is not an uncommon occurrence in Thailand - Girls can be quite flirty especially within the company of her friends to back her up...

Well said, Richard!!

Edited by Morakot
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Well, ?!?!?...look at it this way....One of my Swiss friends makes very good money in he's home country and virtually takes care on he's girlfriend's whole family's needs and wants.....

So ? it's no wonder that her daughter went to Phuket to try to get a similar milk cow.....she came back soon after, because she didn't want to work for her investment...!!!

For some Thais, Farangs are naive and easily relieved of there money.....by telling them a few lies.....A couple of sad story's,....!

The Girls at Central and Siam Paragon are a whole different league....!!!!

Best regards.

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