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Ex-DSI chief Tarit has amassed 346 million baht in ill-gotten wealth


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Thing is Tarit has good connections knows how to play his cards right, that is why he was able to keep his position under the DEM and PT administrations. He is not really align to any party in particular, its more like what he can do for them due to his connection and influence.

People like him are like the untouchables until someone with bigger authority such as the army stepping in to curb corruption. 200 million is probably just a small portion of what he really owns. Many of the influential politicians like Barnharn, Thaksin have shell accounts overseas, so it won't be suprising if they do find a shell account for Tarit.

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I posted several years ago......check his bank accounts, it was written all over this vile man who was bought and paid for. A pillar of ................................ oh and who appointed him DSI chief I wonder, rotten to the core, I hope he sees the inside of a cell for a very long time along with his cohorts

I second your high hopes, but the reality is you stand more chance of getting gaoled for stealing 2 coconuts.

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You'd think our outspoken democracy advocates would be harshest in their criticism of the man who allowed one of the independent powers to be suborned, thus weakening Thai democracy, such as it was. Instead they claim political motivation, even though his abuse of office was blatant, and try to divert the subject. OTOH they do seem to accept this criminal as one of their own, probably more to do with his criminality rather than political affiliation.

It would seem they passed Democracy 101 - Elections with flying colours, and never bothered with the other 20 units in the course.

Dear Halloween.

I have urged you before to pay attention and I feel I need to repeat that request as you seem to be easily distracted. None of the many posters on TVF who defend democracy have any sympathy for this character. We are merely pointing out for those posters who are easily mislead (like your good self) that this doesn't mean they are really serious about rooting out corruption. As long as they're refusing anyone to take a closer look at their own finances the whole thing is just so much window dressing.

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you could replace the name and job title with many politician, abbot, prominent public "servant", policeman or armed forces bigwig and write approximately the same headline - in many cases the amounts would be larger.

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Thing is Tarit has good connections knows how to play his cards right, that is why he was able to keep his position under the DEM and PT administrations. He is not really align to any party in particular, its more like what he can do for them due to his connection and influence.

People like him are like the untouchables until someone with bigger authority such as the army stepping in to curb corruption. 200 million is probably just a small portion of what he really owns. Many of the influential politicians like Barnharn, Thaksin have shell accounts overseas, so it won't be suprising if they do find a shell account for Tarit.

The patronage system is very much alive and well in Thailand and Tarit's appointment under the DP clearly indicates that he had powerful support that was not coming from Thaksin. There has been a big shake up in that system since the coup with allegiances being realigned hence some big names being hung out to dry, quite literally in at least one case.

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Everybody knew this guy was going to get rich from day 1.

Where are the Reds? defending him that this is all just a set-up and/or he is just another scapegoat.This is the reason Prayut will be PM for some time yet as all these ex-politicians?/Officials to be processed through the busy courts for the next 5 years or more.Thaksin has many relatives in this country??

Forget this generation its too late to change.Educate the young about ethics/morals. But the Thai Teachers we have today I'm pessimistic.

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Being the Chief of the DSI, he would certainly know the right connections in the underbelly of crime. How many others, like this thief, are hidden in the woodwork ?

I like seeing these tall poppies tumble. Go get them Mr.P, but please make sure their punishment matches their crime against the Thai people.

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Waiting----But But But the army.......But But But the PM.......awaiting the answers from the TVF denialists ..............usual---it happens in all countries cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It was always on the cards, 250 million no trace ??? not able to find ???? water board him till he tells the powers that be.

Always good that crooks get caught. Too bad that only people of on shirt colour get caught. Are we going to see a serious effort in checking the wealth of the junta/ruling elite? What do you think, ginjag?

They can get checked when Thaksin's side is in power. Right now it's the Junta's turn to check Thaksin's cronies for corruption.

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I have said it before and I will say it again. I do not believe

that a single political figure of any significant power could

withstand a full investigative check into their finances.

This guy is just one more example. But being head of

DSI simply makes it more funny. But I guess about as

funny as the former head of all police in Thailand that

faced murder charges in the famous blue diamond affair.

What a great country Thailand would be if it was not

being bled dry by these pieces of sh**..... :-(

? Everything said here!
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This odious man of many masters is finally on the way to getting what he deserves. Now they should look into the details of where it came from. If he was paid off to drop cases, they should be re-opened. If he was paid off to bring false charges, they should be dropped.

The money they have identified seems rather small beer. They should continue to look for more from him and other corrupt officials, including police and military.

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The problem I have with this is that sort of "wealth accumulation" it appears to be the norm....so exposés of these people IMO is not the result of effective anti-corruption detection but much more likely the result of political in-fighting.

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Waiting----But But But the army.......But But But the PM.......awaiting the answers from the TVF denialists ..............usual---it happens in all countries cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It was always on the cards, 250 million no trace ??? not able to find ???? water board him till he tells the powers that be.

Always good that crooks get caught. Too bad that only people of on shirt colour get caught. Are we going to see a serious effort in checking the wealth of the junta/ruling elite? What do you think, ginjag?

They can get checked when Thaksin's side is in power. Right now it's the Junta's turn to check Thaksin's cronies for corruption.

That is the only way to look at it. Hopefully he and other reds now getting nailed will not be exonerated when Thaksin's mob get back into power. But remember he was multicoloured anyway. He first served Abhisit and then changed colour to serve Yingluck and Chalerm.

By the way, where is Chalerm? He is also facing a corruption case from his time as minister of health and social security.

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Waiting----But But But the army.......But But But the PM.......awaiting the answers from the TVF denialists ..............usual---it happens in all countries cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

It was always on the cards, 250 million no trace ??? not able to find ???? water board him till he tells the powers that be.

Always good that crooks get caught. Too bad that only people of on shirt colour get caught. Are we going to see a serious effort in checking the wealth of the junta/ruling elite? What do you think, ginjag?

They can get checked when Thaksin's side is in power. Right now it's the Junta's turn to check Thaksin's cronies for corruption.

Nope. The military is unfortunately untouchable and unaccountable no matter who pretend they call the shots.

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I posted several years ago......check his bank accounts, it was written all over this vile man who was bought and paid for. A pillar of ................................ oh and who appointed him DSI chief I wonder, rotten to the core, I hope he sees the inside of a cell for a very long time along with his cohorts

I was wondering because no mention of a prosecution, if he will be brought before the Judiciary or just have his assets taken, then no mention whether the bodgie transfers will have a forensic accounting investigation and confiscated.

Rotten to the core in all walks of life is LOS, nothing is sacred.

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