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It's personal: Obama says GOP hostility to him led to Trump


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It's personal: Obama says GOP hostility to him led to Trump

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama blames years of knee-jerk GOP hostility toward him for fueling Donald Trump's rise, arguing Thursday that Republicans have no one to blame but themselves. Trump's GOP rivals headed into their final debate before next week's key primaries wondering if it was already too late to stop him from claiming their party's nomination.

Relishing the opportunity to ridicule what he called the GOP "circus," Obama sought to tie Trump to his primary election opponents by claiming they see eye to eye on the issues — even if the flamboyant billionaire puts on a more provocative act. The president said that on immigration and other issues, Trump's not so different from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

"What I'm not going to do is to validate some notion that the Republican crackup that's been taking place is a consequence of actions that I've taken," Obama said in the Rose Garden, citing conspiracy theories about his birth certificate as Exhibit A. "I don't remember saying, 'Hey, why don't you ask me about that?'"

Obama's diagnosis of the GOP's ills came as Trump's rivals appeared increasingly worried that he had all but locked up the nomination, and that if anyone can stop him, it's Cruz, a polarizing conservative firebrand. Even Cruz's pickup of an endorsement from Utah Sen. Mike Lee — notably the first from any of his Senate colleagues — underscored just how much he's disdained within the Republican establishment.

Illustrating the dire straits for the anti-Trump forces was growing speculation that Rubio, once seen as the best chance to stop Trump, may soon bow out of the race — potentially even before his home state of Florida votes on Tuesday. Rubio's campaign repeatedly has denied suggestions he'll get out before the primary, a withdrawal that could at least spare him a potentially humiliating defeat on his home turf.

Obama, standing alongside Canada's new prime minister, Justin Trudeau, mused it was "novel" that some Republicans have pointed the finger at him for the deteriorating tone of American politics.

Rather, he said, the Republican establishment had created "an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive." GOP leaders have done that, he said, by telling the party for seven years that "everything I do is to be opposed, that cooperation or compromise somehow is a betrayal, that maximalist, absolutist positions on issues are politically advantageous, that there is a 'them' out there and an 'us,' and 'them' are the folks who are causing whatever problems you're experiencing.'"

The likelihood of a Trump nomination wasn't unnerving Hillary Clinton — at least not publicly. The Democratic candidate told voters in Tampa, Florida, that the GOP race wasn't for her to decide.

"But given what they've all said," Clinton said, "I will take any one of them."

For months now, anti-Trump Republicans have been hoping that a winnowed field would allow a single candidate to emerge as a strong alternative that the party could rally behind. In a twist, the playing field has shifted so their best chance for stopping Trump may be if his three remaining rivals all post wins in their strongest states, denying him the 1,237 delegates he needs to clinch the nomination.

Under that scenario, which Republican candidates and their party's leaders have been reluctant to discuss, the nomination could be wrested from Trump during a brokered national convention in July.

Though the GOP candidates have been eyeing Florida and its 99 delegates for months, none of Trump's rivals was expected to campaign aggressively in the state the next few days, facing the strong possibility of a Trump romp there on Tuesday. For Rubio in particular, failure to win in Florida would spur intense calls from fellow Republicans to end his campaign.

Gov. John Kasich, too, was facing a make-or-break contest on Tuesday: this one in his home state of Ohio. Sixty-six delegates are at stake in that contest, which offers Kasich his best opportunity to win his first state and keep his campaign alive.

Yet Trump's biggest threat remained Cruz, who has secured 359 delegates to Trump's 458 in the Republican contests held so far. Trump renewed his vigorous criticism of Cruz on Thursday, casting the rival he calls "Lying Ted" as too polarizing to break the Washington gridlock or win a general election.

The coming burst of primary contests also weighs heavily on the Democrats, with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders aiming to turn his surprising victory in Michigan into continued longevity for a primary battle that many Democrats had figured was nearing an end. Though Clinton is now halfway to the delegate count needed for nomination, Sanders' success in Michigan offered a fresh rationale for the self-declared democratic socialist to keep fighting Clinton.

The two tussled a night earlier in a Democratic debate about whose record on immigration makes them the better advocate for Latinos. Clinton faulted him for repeatedly voting against a 2007 comprehensive immigration reform bill, while the Vermont senator faulted her for opposing a 2007 effort to allow people who were in the country illegally to obtain driver's licenses.

Peoples reported from Miami. Associated Press writers Kathleen Hennessey and Stephen Ohlemacher in Washington and Ken Thomas and Julie Pace in Miami contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-11

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I mentioned in another thread that Republicans who can "cross the aisle," like a young Newt Gingrich or Jon Hunstman are nowhere to be found in this current political scene.

Watching Fox News for 8 years of Obama's presidency has been like watching a workman with a jackhammer against Obama and democrats.

I hope this Trump business results in some amount if reasonableness by both parties in the future after a shakeup of the GOP.

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Obama is correct for a change. His ruinous policies and division of the American people have led to revolutionary candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders. People are fed up with politics as usual.

You clearly don't understand the OP.
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Obama is correct for a change. His ruinous policies and division of the American people have led to revolutionary candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders. People are fed up with politics as usual.

His division of the American people, interesting, how did he achieve that?

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Yeah just think how great everything would have been if only John (i don't understand the economy) McCain and his trusty side kick Sara (look at my pretty new red shoes) Palin had been elected.

Obama has put up with more CRAP and HATE than any man who was twice ELECTED by the voters should ever have to deal with.....

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Obama is correct for a change. His ruinous policies and division of the American people have led to revolutionary candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders. People are fed up with politics as usual.

His division of the American people, interesting, how did he achieve that?

Using the Saul Alinsky tactics he learned as a community organizer. He turned blacks against whites, the have-nots against the haves, the poor against the rich, Hispanics against the immigration laws, non-gun owners against gun owners, and so on. Obama is all about divide and conquer!

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Voters elected then reelected Barack Obama while Donald Trump decided to show his lunacy and the Republicans led by the crackpot rightwhingenuts such as the tea party decided to go off the deep end.

All they've done is to elect another Democrat coming soon, November 8th.

The Las Vegas line on strictly the winning party, no names, as of this week:

Democratic party is at odds of 2-5 to win November 8th, which converts to the percentage probability of 71.4%.

Republican party is at odds of 7-4 which converts to the percentage probability of 36.3%

Las Vegas odds to be elected Potus November 8th:

HR Clinton is at 1-2 or 66.6%

Donald Trump is at 3-1 or 25%.

Republicans and the rightwhingenuts running the party have done this to themselves.

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Voters elected then reelected Barack Obama while Donald Trump decided to show his lunacy and the Republicans led by the crackpot rightwhingenuts such as the tea party decided to go off the deep end.

All they've done is to elect another Democrat coming soon, November 8th.

The Las Vegas line on strictly the winning party, no names, as of this week:

Democratic party is at odds of 2-5 to win November 8th, which converts to the percentage probability of 71.4%.

Republican party is at odds of 7-4 which converts to the percentage probability of 36.3%

Las Vegas odds to be elected Potus November 8th:

HR Clinton is at 1-2 or 66.6%

Donald Trump is at 3-1 or 25%.

Republicans and the rightwhingenuts running the party have done this to themselves.

Wonder what the odds would be if it was a Hillary/Bernie ticket.....HUUUGE....

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Mr. Obama, no matter what the out come will be and who's going to be in the white house next,

who ever will be, will be BETTER THAN YOU, you have wasted 8 years for nothing and brought

America to where it is today, weak, confused hapless and angry......

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Voters elected then reelected Barack Obama while Donald Trump decided to show his lunacy and the Republicans led by the crackpot rightwhingenuts such as the tea party decided to go off the deep end.

All they've done is to elect another Democrat coming soon, November 8th.

The Las Vegas line on strictly the winning party, no names, as of this week:

Democratic party is at odds of 2-5 to win November 8th, which converts to the percentage probability of 71.4%.

Republican party is at odds of 7-4 which converts to the percentage probability of 36.3%

Las Vegas odds to be elected Potus November 8th:

HR Clinton is at 1-2 or 66.6%

Donald Trump is at 3-1 or 25%.

Republicans and the rightwhingenuts running the party have done this to themselves.

Wonder what the odds would be if it was a Hillary/Bernie ticket.....HUUUGE....

Not nearly as huge as a Trump/Sanders ticket. smile.png

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He just will not go away...quietly...

Two years ago the country kicked out almost all Democrats trying to keep their seats in government...it was a direct condemnation of the President's lack of leadership and the Democratic Congress failure to address important issues...

Today, Democrats and Independents are moving to the Republican Party and most are voting for Trump because of his straight talk and take no prisoners attitude...there is a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic Party for their two candidates...a habitual liar and a socialist...

The country does not know what it will get with Trump until he sits in the big chair and assembles his associates...

If there is hostility in the country toward the Pres...it is because he brought it upon himself...

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You don't know what you are talking about as usual. I understand the OP. I just don't buy Obama's spin.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt whistling.gif

The end of the Republican party is coming in November. It will be Obama's crowning achievement, his coup de grace on an incredible Presidency. He'll be remembered as one of America's greatest Presidents.

I had to Google coup de grace to check the spelling and YES! Coup de grace is exactly what's going to happen to the Republican party, it will be put out of it's terrible ugly misery.

A coup de grâce (/ˌkuː də ˈɡrɑːs/; French [ku də ɡʁɑs] for "blow of mercy") is a death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded person or animal. It may be a mercy killing of civilians or soldiers, friends or enemies, with or without the sufferer's consent.

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Obama is correct for a change. His ruinous policies and division of the American people have led to revolutionary candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders. People are fed up with politics as usual.

Exactly what ruinous policies are you talking about? Do have any memory about what was going on in the USA in 2008 before he was elected? The economy was in a death spiral, the US policies of past presidents had almost put the economy of the entire western world out of business. Not just the US economy. Unemployment was skyrocketing, our servicemen were being killed and injured every day in Iraq. Saved the world economy, saved the US auto industry, forced Bush to end the disastrous intervention in Iraq, steady job growth for almost his entire presidency, housing market booming once again, people who formerly couldn't get health insurance are now insured etc. As for the division of the American people, this is a construct of the Republican party which couldn't seem to grasp that a liberal, black man was elected and could be an effective leader. So despite their 7 years of obstructionism, Obama will end up in the history books as one of the most successful presidents in US history. Fact.

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He just will not go away...quietly...

Two years ago the country kicked out almost all Democrats trying to keep their seats in government...it was a direct condemnation of the President's lack of leadership and the Democratic Congress failure to address important issues...

Today, Democrats and Independents are moving to the Republican Party and most are voting for Trump because of his straight talk and take no prisoners attitude...there is a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic Party for their two candidates...a habitual liar and a socialist...

The country does not know what it will get with Trump until he sits in the big chair and assembles his associates...

If there is hostility in the country toward the Pres...it is because he brought it upon himself...

I agree ggt! Hey, that rhymes.

He brought it on himself, alright, by being black. Republicans were out to get the negro from day one. 60 votes to end Obamacare! 60!

20 million people with health insurance who wouldn't have had it under a Republican administration. Unemployment cut in half to under 5%. The strongest economy in the world. Bin Laden at the bottom of the sea. Iran's nuclear program along with two wars handed to Obama are over. One achievement after another.

And my man, please, where? How? Who? Why? What are talking about? Who are the Democrats and Independents moving to the Republican party? That would be like buying a full fare ticket on the Titanic, after it hit the iceberg! The Republican candidates are the worst in history. No Democrats. No independents. No nothing are moving over to be Republicans. They can't even decide which of the terrible candidates to get behind. You got wingnuts. Period.

It ain't happening no matter how many times you write it. We'll never know what it would have been like under a Trump Presidency. Thank Buddha.

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From the OP: Obama said; "What I'm not going to do is to validate some notion that the Republican crackup that's been taking place is a consequence of actions that I've taken,"

That contradicts the title of this thread. Republicans want to blame blame blame, but Obama reasonably says it's Republican's problems that are causing such havoc in their political party. Similarly, Republicans blame Sec. Kerry for the problems with Iran, even though Kerry is doing an exemplary job of trying to rein in Iran. In contrast, Republicans either don't do anything, or block initiatives, or propose faulty options. If Republicans want to find who is causing the most intransigence and problems in Wash.DC, they only need to look in the mirror. When Republicans aren't blaming others for problems, they're unconstitutionally urging their pals to "delay, delay, delay."

Obama is correct for a change. His ruinous policies and division of the American people have led to revolutionary candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders. People are fed up with politics as usual.

See my paragraph above. Trump is as revolutionary as a very-greedy money-worshiping salesman who will fool most of the people to sell his products. In other words: not revolutionary at all. They're the same sorts who buy expensive ads on Saturday morning cartoon channels so they can sell sugar coated crap to little children. No matter that over half of all American kids are sickly fat. That's fine with Trump, because the ad execs are millionaires (so, for Trump, they're winners) and the kids are losers (because they're often poor and easily hoodwinked).

Edited by boomerangutang
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Yes! Republicans, pleeeeze nominate Trump or Cruz. I want to see Sanders elected and with some 88% of seats in Congress to be elected, I am hopeful that enough moderate Democrats and Republicans or Independents are elected to change the direction of the last 30 years.

While not limited, as a problem, to the US, having 1% of the population controlling 90% of the nation's wealth must be addressed. This is the single most critical issue for the American middle, working class continuation of representative democracy. It has severely torn the social fabric. We can no longer believe that, through our work, slowly but surely we will be better off in the future when our income is stagnant or shrinking and the wealth gathers even more to the 1%.

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President Obama is absolutely spot-on in his assessment. The GOP created this mess and it would be near impossible to weasel their way out of it without inflicting serious damage to their brand. I hope 2017 will mark the end of the Republican party and their wacko following, e.g., Fox News, Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter, Hannity, et al.

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He just will not go away...quietly...

Two years ago the country kicked out almost all Democrats trying to keep their seats in government...it was a direct condemnation of the President's lack of leadership and the Democratic Congress failure to address important issues...

Today, Democrats and Independents are moving to the Republican Party and most are voting for Trump because of his straight talk and take no prisoners attitude...there is a lack of enthusiasm in the Democratic Party for their two candidates...a habitual liar and a socialist...

The country does not know what it will get with Trump until he sits in the big chair and assembles his associates...

If there is hostility in the country toward the Pres...it is because he brought it upon himself...

I agree ggt! Hey, that rhymes.

He brought it on himself, alright, by being black. Republicans were out to get the negro from day one. 60 votes to end Obamacare! 60!

20 million people with health insurance who wouldn't have had it under a Republican administration. Unemployment cut in half to under 5%. The strongest economy in the world. Bin Laden at the bottom of the sea. Iran's nuclear program along with two wars handed to Obama are over. One achievement after another.

And my man, please, where? How? Who? Why? What are talking about? Who are the Democrats and Independents moving to the Republican party? That would be like buying a full fare ticket on the Titanic, after it hit the iceberg! The Republican candidates are the worst in history. No Democrats. No independents. No nothing are moving over to be Republicans. They can't even decide which of the terrible candidates to get behind. You got wingnuts. Period.

It ain't happening no matter how many times you write it. We'll never know what it would have been like under a Trump Presidency. Thank Buddha.

I can always count on a spirited defense of your man...entertaining...and inaccurate...as usual...

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Voters elected then reelected Barack Obama while Donald Trump decided to show his lunacy and the Republicans led by the crackpot rightwhingenuts such as the tea party decided to go off the deep end.

All they've done is to elect another Democrat coming soon, November 8th.

The Las Vegas line on strictly the winning party, no names, as of this week:

Democratic party is at odds of 2-5 to win November 8th, which converts to the percentage probability of 71.4%.

Republican party is at odds of 7-4 which converts to the percentage probability of 36.3%

Las Vegas odds to be elected Potus November 8th:

HR Clinton is at 1-2 or 66.6%

Donald Trump is at 3-1 or 25%.

Republicans and the rightwhingenuts running the party have done this to themselves.


Democrats and the Leftwhingenuts have been running the country, have done this to everybody.

Obama said, the Republican establishment had created "an environment where somebody like a Donald Trump can thrive." Substitute Democratic government which created the discontent and lack of trust in career politicians and thereby spawned Trump. The Republican and Democrat establishment know which side their bread is buttered will in the end hold hands to defeat Trump because change to well funded lifestyles is intolerable.

Back to your gambling

Edited by Linzz
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You don't know what you are talking about as usual. I understand the OP. I just don't buy Obama's spin.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt whistling.gif

The end of the Republican party is coming in November. It will be Obama's crowning achievement, his coup de grace on an incredible Presidency. He'll be remembered as one of America's greatest Presidents.

I had to Google coup de grace to check the spelling and YES! Coup de grace is exactly what's going to happen to the Republican party, it will be put out of it's terrible ugly misery.

A coup de grâce (/ˌkuː də ˈɡrɑːs/; French [ku də ɡʁɑs] for "blow of mercy") is a death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded person or animal. It may be a mercy killing of civilians or soldiers, friends or enemies, with or without the sufferer's consent.

Wow Pinot you are still pushing the line for America to be a one party state with unbridled power and no checks and balances. Doesn't matter huh? It's Democrat so it will be fine? Once an inter generational Democrat always a Democrat come what may....facepalm.gif

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You don't know what you are talking about as usual. I understand the OP. I just don't buy Obama's spin.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt whistling.gif

The end of the Republican party is coming in November. It will be Obama's crowning achievement, his coup de grace on an incredible Presidency. He'll be remembered as one of America's greatest Presidents.

I had to Google coup de grace to check the spelling and YES! Coup de grace is exactly what's going to happen to the Republican party, it will be put out of it's terrible ugly misery.

A coup de grâce (/ˌkuː də ˈɡrɑːs/; French [ku də ɡʁɑs] for "blow of mercy") is a death blow to end the suffering of a severely wounded person or animal. It may be a mercy killing of civilians or soldiers, friends or enemies, with or without the sufferer's consent.

Wow Pinot you are still pushing the line for America to be a one party state with unbridled power and no checks and balances. Doesn't matter huh? It's Democrat so it will be fine? Once an inter generational Democrat always a Democrat come what may....facepalm.gif

California is the one party state and prospering! Republicans marginalized themselves there just as they're doing throughout the rest of the country.

Here is a warning to you old white guys everywhere: Get use to the title "Madam President". There is a well deserved beat down coming.

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Trump ate the other guys' lunch in the debate tonight. He was calm, "presidential," on target and thoughtful. The other guys were like little puppies nipping at his heals. They were awful.

The one poll I've seen so far had Trump getting 90% of viewers saying he won.


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Obama is correct for a change. His ruinous policies and division of the American people have led to revolutionary candidates like Trump and Bernie Sanders. People are fed up with politics as usual.

His division of the American people, interesting, how did he achieve that?

Using the Saul Alinsky tactics he learned as a community organizer. He turned blacks against whites, the have-nots against the haves, the poor against the rich, Hispanics against the immigration laws, non-gun owners against gun owners, and so on. Obama is all about divide and conquer!

You must be living in Illusion land or under heavy influence of tea party drugs. The most non sense surreal statement I have read about USA politics. You must have genes of cruz in blood. You really need rest and your medication urgently.

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You don't know what you are talking about as usual. I understand the OP. I just don't buy Obama's spin.

You say he is correct. That shows you had read the headline, not the article, because I'm sure you don't agree with the message: it is the GOP obstructing everything that lead to this.

And please stop insulting, no need for that.

Edited by stevenl
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You don't know what you are talking about as usual. I understand the OP. I just don't buy Obama's spin.

You say he is correct. That shows you had read the headline, not the article, because I'm sure you don't agree with the message: it is the GOP obstructing everything that lead to this.

I read the headline AND the article and I agreed with Obama that GOP hostility led to Trump. I DISAGREE with him on why. Please don't tell me what I have read or what I think. You really don't have a clue.

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