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Neighbour's trees overhanging my property

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The land is worth 40 million baht and you think he's going to sue you over a bunch of bananas?

I'd leave them there until ready to eat, then eat bananas. If he asks where they went, a monkey came and took them away. He'll never ask though.

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if he complains give him 500 baht or a bottle of booze.

Why on earth should I? I simply want to know the legal situation here and what my rights are.

geeezzze ... ! well go hire a lawyer !! facepalm.gif

Once lawyers were mentioned, I understood where you were coming from, thanks smile.png

What`s all this crap about lawyers? Are you kidding?

Sort this the Thai way and tell some white lies. I have banana trees on my land and once they begin to fruit they usually snap from the weight of the heavy hanging bunches of bananas if left too long.. Cut down the bunches of bananas and the stalks and leaves that over hang your property, then say nothing. If the owner suddenly turns up and asks about his bananas, just say you are very sorry but the bananas broke off the tree and the other parts began to break too, so you tidied it up a bit. No reasons why the owner should not believe you, just look him straight in the eye with a smile and a sincere look on your face, you know, how the Thais do it.

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You simply just have to get a hold of him, if you chopped it off, he may accuse you for stealing! My neightbors bamboo trees overgrow my property I went over and talked to him, he agrees that I can chop the parts of his tree of if it protrudes over my wall. We are both happy, well not me really as I have to do the chopping, he won't do it even though its his tree.

Ask a neightbor for his number if you can't get a hold of him.

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I have the same problem... neighbour's tree overhanging... big pink flowers which falls on our property. But the flowers go brown within and hour or two and with the slightest gust of wind, it ends up in our swimming pool and ends up in the weir box if we don't pick it out immediately. Been going on for years. The owner of the house rents his house out 2 years at a time and we told him about this already, but he blithely ignored us. So now what I've resorted to doing is cut back whatever branches hangs over on my side and then chuck it back onto his property. No complaints so far. But this happens too often and at the entrance of my property there's always a little pile of dead flowers greeting visitors... so now I'm going to buy some sort of weed killer or something and one night will just carefully lean over the fence and pour it under the tree. Hopefully that will solve my problem. In order to keep our pool clean at all times, we have paved our whole front-yard and placed big flower pots with yucca trees (no leaves) around it so as not to deal with having to keep cleaning out leaves from the pool.

I will just have to suck it up if my neighbour ever finds out that I killed his tree off... but won't worry too much about it for now.

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Ok. Noted. But I don't live in Thailand so I don't have to worry about thainess. I live in South Africa so my neighbour should be lucky I don't stone his house, take a shotgun to his tree or burn it down LOLOL. JUST KIDDING!!!

Good luck to the OP. It it was me in that situation, I'd wait for the bananas and just make banana bread LOL.

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I have the same problem... neighbour's tree overhanging... big pink flowers which falls on our property. But the flowers go brown within and hour or two and with the slightest gust of wind, it ends up in our swimming pool and ends up in the weir box if we don't pick it out immediately. Been going on for years. The owner of the house rents his house out 2 years at a time and we told him about this already, but he blithely ignored us. So now what I've resorted to doing is cut back whatever branches hangs over on my side and then chuck it back onto his property. No complaints so far. But this happens too often and at the entrance of my property there's always a little pile of dead flowers greeting visitors... so now I'm going to buy some sort of weed killer or something and one night will just carefully lean over the fence and pour it under the tree. Hopefully that will solve my problem. In order to keep our pool clean at all times, we have paved our whole front-yard and placed big flower pots with yucca trees (no leaves) around it so as not to deal with having to keep cleaning out leaves from the pool.

I will just have to suck it up if my neighbour ever finds out that I killed his tree off... but won't worry too much about it for now.

I find you to be everything the hoi polloi here detest in Thais.

First of all, I can't conceive of how you could even consider killing the tree a solution

second, I can't fathom why you would trumpet your intent here.

But then again, It could be you are just having it large on the interwebs and nothing you say is of any consequence.

Yeah, I'll go with that last option.

There are times when it seems that thaivisa is actually the special Olympics for retired expats.

Edited by HooHaa
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PLEASE... come to my house and clean up the dead flowers on a DAILY BASIS. I was just telling MY experience. I didn't know I was breaking any laws. And your opinion of me really doesn't affect the quality of my life nor do I care 2 stuffs what the hoi poloi there thinks of me. Lastly, I am responsible for what I say NOT WHAT YOU UNDERSTAND. I certainly did NOT tell the OP to do what I INTEND on doing. REALLY???? Who put sand in YOUR VAGINA???

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PLEASE... come to my house and clean up the dead flowers on a DAILY BASIS. I was just telling MY experience. I didn't know I was breaking any laws. And your opinion of me really doesn't affect the quality of my life nor do I care 2 stuffs what the hoi poloi there thinks of me. Lastly, I am responsible for what I say NOT WHAT YOU UNDERSTAND. I certainly did NOT tell the OP to do what I INTEND on doing. REALLY???? Who put sand in YOUR VAGINA???

My apologies, I had no idea how hard it is to keep a pool clean. How you must suffer.

Go kill that neighbors tree.


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If I had nothing to do whole day and just be a keyboard cowboy, I would make time during my busy schedule to clean my pool and lovingly tend the dead flowers and my neighbours tree. But unfortunately, I HAVE A LIFE, A JOB, A FAMILY and more importantly, no time to JUDGE other people.

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  • 2 weeks later...

cut it off, if he says anything say a squirrel did it.

youll also need a work permit if your not thai. its doing work a thai could be hired to do.

Edited by fey
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cut it off, if he says anything say a squirrel did it.

youll also need a work permit if your not thai. its doing work a thai could be hired to do.

One small flaw in your plan is that the owner might realise that squirrels don't use hand tools.

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