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German gets one-year imprisonment in Cambodia for child abuse

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A Cambodian court on Friday convicted a German expatriate for sexually abusing five underage boys and sentenced him to one year in prison, according to a verdict.

"The (Phnom Penh Municipal) court found [name removed], guilty of conducting indecent acts against minors and sentenced him to one year in prison," Xinhua cited the verdict as saying, which also ordered him to pay $1,000 to each of two plaintiffs.

Sabiniewicz was arrested at his animation video dubbing studio in Phnom Penh in June last year and subsequently charged on multiple counts of indecent acts against minors.

Cambodia launched an anti-paedophile operation in 2003 in a bid to end its reputation as a haven for child sex offenders. Since then, dozens of foreigners have been imprisoned for child sex crimes.

source http://www.shanghaidaily.com/article/article_xinhua.aspx?id=323049


''ONE YEAR'' - unbelievable! No wonder the paedo's still flock to Asia, no deterrent!

Yes especially if the guy is actually guilty of the crime.....................coffee1.gif

It seems one of the most difficult things to do on TV is to be objective against any one charged with a crime--If the court says their guilty-then guilty they must be.-------------although lack of objectivity maybe more understandable in a child sex allegation--it still should stand up to scrutiny, maybe even more so.

The Very minimum for this offence is 3 years in jail--Mr Udo received a sentence of 3 months---as he had been held in custody with no arrest warrant for the last 9 months, Then of course there is the $us1,000 to be given to each of the accusers--the equivalent of 5 years wages. These payments that form a part of the Cambodian system have for years been criticised by foreign justices. How much of it makes it to the (*Victim) is not known.

Mr Udo was accused of molesting 6 boys--- 4 of those family's refused in the 9 months that he was held to make a statement that he had molested them or to come to the court to testify.

My Udo stated to the press as he was led from the courtroom.---"“There is no evidence, you see there is no evidence,” he said “I have been abducted you see. There was no arrest warrant.”

I do not know if Mr Udo is guilty or not--just that he seems to have been sentenced on a lot less evidence then 2 Burmese men in Thailand that a large majority of TV readers feel are innocent.

**Note to mods ---why are we taking this sort of news feed from China ?.... the reports from there lack the background and other facts provided by the local news source.


Seems a light sentence if the man is guilty as charged however as it has been noted one year in a Cambodian prison would feel like 20 in a European one. One difficulty is that it is common practice in S.E.A for the accused to pay a substantial amount of compensation to the victim which inevitably will lead to people claiming the offence happened when in fact it didn't. As there is rarely any actual evidence if the offence involves "fondling" it ends up with one persons word against the other. I am not saying that is the case here as there are more than one "victim" involved and there would need to be a lot of planning for all the boys to be singing the same song.

I have no sympathy for anyone who abuses children or anyone else but in this part of the world the truth takes second place to the desire for money


Once Cambodia deports him and with the German embassy in PP being aware of his case, his troubles wont be over. Assuming, not knowing, that there is some substance to the accusations, the man will have his day in a German court as well. Such crimes committed by German citizens are due to be prosecuted in Germany no matter where the crime took place. After that he might spend his days in prison lining up for his daily raincoat handout as he will need it each and every night.


Calm down people! Its doubtful that he will come out in one piece anyway.There will be some Cambodian boys in there that dont like nonces.

Even if he is sectioned they will soon get to him.


Nice to see the hysterical lynch mob is still around, never let the lack of evidence get in the way of a good cut off his balls and throw away the key party hey guys bah.gif

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