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Thai woman claims she was hit by car belonging to British Embassy

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Agent provocateur? How would she know it belonged to British Embassy? Are their Volkswagen's clearly decorated or signed? Or is there some collusion going on here? whistling.gif

It is the driver who is at fault NOT the car owner (assuming her story to be true).


There is no claim about it...she was forcefully cut off and in effect hit, from the side, by the driver of that car

After watching the video several times it is very clear the driver of the car was driving the way everyone drives in Thailand....that being....aggressively and without caution

The car driver was deliberately edging out into the on coming traffic while forcing the next on coming motor vehicle to stop and give way to their dangerous maneuver. ...but, as you can see that deliberate plan did not work out as planned

Rather than cautiously wait a little while longer until there was a break in the traffic passing by, the driver did what nearly every motor vehicle driver does here in Thailand and positions the nose of their car out there into the traffic lane and in between the oncoming traffic while that forces the next on coming motor vehicle to give way and or stop.

If you go by the book and the rules of the road, the existing oncoming traffic, in both lanes, has legal right of way, while any vehicle attempting to blend into or cut into the traffic flow has to give way until safe to enter into the flow of traffic coming from either way.

In this case you can clearly see the car keeps on edging out in the flow of traffic going by but, as often does happen, someone does not see the aggressive maneuver happening and does not react accordingly to the aggressive maneuver occurring ahead of them or around them in their path of travel or does not have enough time and or room to stop while in effect they are suddenly being cut off and suddenly forcing them to try to maneuver around the offending vehicle....if they have any room to do so.

The motor cycle impacted the front, right hand corner and more or less deflected off the front corner of the car while the motorcycle driver, by way of momentum and inertia, was immediately separated from the motor cycle and kept on going straight ahead ...but in the air..... for at least 20 feet before impacting with the ground...as gravity has a way of causing that..........Ouch.

Point is, the A- Hole in the car caused the accident by way of their aggressive driving and there is no room for debate as everything involved is clearly seen on the camera.

I hope the car owners insurance company pays for the grief the car driver caused by the car drivers aggressive driving behavior on that particular day and caught on camera and there for all too see......for the record.



normal behaviour in Thailand, don't admit anything and let the insurance deal with it,

Normal in every country, Thailand is no exception to insurance company requirements not to admit liability.


There is no claim about it...she was forcefully cut off and in effect hit, from the side, by the driver of that car

After watching the video several times it is very clear the driver of the car was driving the way everyone drives in Thailand....that being....aggressively and without caution

The car driver was deliberately edging out into the on coming traffic while forcing the next on coming motor vehicle to stop and give way to their dangerous maneuver. ...but, as you can see that deliberate plan did not work out as planned

Rather than cautiously wait a little while longer until there was a break in the traffic passing by, the driver did what nearly every motor vehicle driver does here in Thailand and positions the nose of their car out there into the traffic lane and in between the oncoming traffic while that forces the next on coming motor vehicle to give way and or stop.

If you go by the book and the rules of the road, the existing oncoming traffic, in both lanes, has legal right of way, while any vehicle attempting to blend into or cut into the traffic flow has to give way until safe to enter into the flow of traffic coming from either way.

In this case you can clearly see the car keeps on edging out in the flow of traffic going by but, as often does happen, someone does not see the aggressive maneuver happening and does not react accordingly to the aggressive maneuver occurring ahead of them or around them in their path of travel or does not have enough time and or room to stop while in effect they are suddenly being cut off and suddenly forcing them to try to maneuver around the offending vehicle....if they have any room to do so.

The motor cycle impacted the front, right hand corner and more or less deflected off the front corner of the car while the motorcycle driver, by way of momentum and inertia, was immediately separated from the motor cycle and kept on going straight ahead ...but in the air..... for at least 20 feet before impacting with the ground...as gravity has a way of causing that..........Ouch.

Point is, the A- Hole in the car caused the accident by way of their aggressive driving and there is no room for debate as everything involved is clearly seen on the camera.

I hope the car owners insurance company pays for the grief the car driver caused by the car drivers aggressive driving behavior on that particular day and caught on camera and there for all too see......for the record.


Are you driving in Thailand?

Ever tried to right turn into a busy road?

No idea which video YOU have seen.


Bet there'll be no comment from the high and mighty in the embassy.

Apart from the comment that was quoted in the report by the Embassy that you obviously missed in your high and mighty indignation.


A 200B helmet, shorts and flips flops. The normal Thai safety standards here. Because the car belonged to an Embassy, she is DEMANDING hmmmmm...

So if the car belonged to McDonalds she would want a life time supply of Big Macs? Maybe if it belonged to A dildo factory, then.........

Yes I feel sorry for her, but insurance sorts that's out. Or maybe not as she might not have any.........

Who said she was wearing as 200 baht helmet? She certainly wasn't wearing shorts and what if she was wearing flip-flops?

Using your bizarre and offensive logic that included McDonald's products as compensation, you should have suggested that she wanted a lifetime's supply of embassy services, money doesn't come into your ridiculous comment.


There is no claim about it...she was forcefully cut off and in effect hit, from the side, by the driver of that car

After watching the video several times it is very clear the driver of the car was driving the way everyone drives in Thailand....that being....aggressively and without caution

The car driver was deliberately edging out into the on coming traffic while forcing the next on coming motor vehicle to stop and give way to their dangerous maneuver. ...but, as you can see that deliberate plan did not work out as planned

Rather than cautiously wait a little while longer until there was a break in the traffic passing by, the driver did what nearly every motor vehicle driver does here in Thailand and positions the nose of their car out there into the traffic lane and in between the oncoming traffic while that forces the next on coming motor vehicle to give way and or stop.

If you go by the book and the rules of the road, the existing oncoming traffic, in both lanes, has legal right of way, while any vehicle attempting to blend into or cut into the traffic flow has to give way until safe to enter into the flow of traffic coming from either way.

In this case you can clearly see the car keeps on edging out in the flow of traffic going by but, as often does happen, someone does not see the aggressive maneuver happening and does not react accordingly to the aggressive maneuver occurring ahead of them or around them in their path of travel or does not have enough time and or room to stop while in effect they are suddenly being cut off and suddenly forcing them to try to maneuver around the offending vehicle....if they have any room to do so.

The motor cycle impacted the front, right hand corner and more or less deflected off the front corner of the car while the motorcycle driver, by way of momentum and inertia, was immediately separated from the motor cycle and kept on going straight ahead ...but in the air..... for at least 20 feet before impacting with the ground...as gravity has a way of causing that..........Ouch.

Point is, the A- Hole in the car caused the accident by way of their aggressive driving and there is no room for debate as everything involved is clearly seen on the camera.

I hope the car owners insurance company pays for the grief the car driver caused by the car drivers aggressive driving behavior on that particular day and caught on camera and there for all too see......for the record.


Are you driving in Thailand?

Ever tried to right turn into a busy road?

No idea which video YOU have seen.

Unfortunately gemguy is right... The car did cause the accident by edging out in to the traffic and forcing other vehicles to stop. That is taking a very black and white view point - there is more to this accident, much of it to do with the general driving culture / behaviour.

However, no one in Thailand, especially in Bangkok waits for the ideal gap in traffic as we could end up waiting for 20 mins or more for the ideal and perfectly safe gap... expecting city drivers to drive like this is quite unrealistic.

In fact the only way we can ever get anywhere when driving is to drive exactly as this driver did and edge out. Driving like that is the norm in Thailand, it's now the norm in many busy cities.

gem guys use of the word aggressive is wrong IMO - the driver of the car was simply being assertive.

In mind of the reality that assertive driving is the norm in Thailand its quite clear that the girl riding the motorcycle was riding without the necessary care and attention, and clearly too fast.


Slightly off topic but a similar incident.

A few months back I was in my car pulling out of a Sub Soi (onto Sukhumvit 71), because of the busy traffic I had to edge out. The situation was nearly identical to that which we are discussing in this thread.

As I edged out into a gap two motorcycles came to a stop. But a taxi sped up, refusing to give way and crossed the median onto the other side of the road (into on coming traffic). Another motorcycle, perhaps distracted by the taxi, or not paying attention, skidded, dropped his bike and slid up to (but not into) the two motorcycles which had already stopped.

I figured this was purely the motorcyclists fault, although there were other factors involved. A dangerous Taxi and myself who instigated it all by trying to pull out into traffic.


There is no claim about it...she was forcefully cut off and in effect hit, from the side, by the driver of that car

After watching the video several times it is very clear the driver of the car was driving the way everyone drives in Thailand....that being....aggressively and without caution

The car driver was deliberately edging out into the on coming traffic while forcing the next on coming motor vehicle to stop and give way to their dangerous maneuver. ...but, as you can see that deliberate plan did not work out as planned

Rather than cautiously wait a little while longer until there was a break in the traffic passing by, the driver did what nearly every motor vehicle driver does here in Thailand and positions the nose of their car out there into the traffic lane and in between the oncoming traffic while that forces the next on coming motor vehicle to give way and or stop.

If you go by the book and the rules of the road, the existing oncoming traffic, in both lanes, has legal right of way, while any vehicle attempting to blend into or cut into the traffic flow has to give way until safe to enter into the flow of traffic coming from either way.

In this case you can clearly see the car keeps on edging out in the flow of traffic going by but, as often does happen, someone does not see the aggressive maneuver happening and does not react accordingly to the aggressive maneuver occurring ahead of them or around them in their path of travel or does not have enough time and or room to stop while in effect they are suddenly being cut off and suddenly forcing them to try to maneuver around the offending vehicle....if they have any room to do so.

The motor cycle impacted the front, right hand corner and more or less deflected off the front corner of the car while the motorcycle driver, by way of momentum and inertia, was immediately separated from the motor cycle and kept on going straight ahead ...but in the air..... for at least 20 feet before impacting with the ground...as gravity has a way of causing that..........Ouch.

Point is, the A- Hole in the car caused the accident by way of their aggressive driving and there is no room for debate as everything involved is clearly seen on the camera.

I hope the car owners insurance company pays for the grief the car driver caused by the car drivers aggressive driving behavior on that particular day and caught on camera and there for all too see......for the record.


Legal right of way is not a replacement for 'due care and attention' which applies to all drives. The woman was obviously riding with due care and attention. The woman's injuries were caused by her excessive velocity in the forward direction. Other riders are seen passing the car without problem. Obviously she was not as attentive as the others.


I can believe it. There is a culture at the British Embassy in Thailand that denies responsibility for anything. It's procedures are illegal, it asked the British journalist being sued for defamation (for exposing human trafficking) to sign a form of indemnity before it would even consider offering help. The Consul, Ms Joanna Roper, is a liar (there, I've made myself open to a defamation suit) and the entire embassy is a waste of time and money.

Makes you proud to be British.

You're so courageous making yourself a target for a defamation claim, presumably your real name is A Skeptic, then? Isn't the British Ambassador Mark Kent, who's Joanna Roper? Did she perhaps refuse to do something for you the British government does not allow her to do?


Motorcyclist was 100% at fault, the car driver edged out slowly, and waited to join the flow of traffic, the bike drove into the car.

An easily avoided accident on the part of the motorcyclist, the rider simply had to look ahead and slow down WHEN YOU SEE A CAR BLOCKING YOUR LANE!


I have download the video in the best available resolution.

From the cars perspective:

The car wants to turn right (indicators on).

It moves very carefully and slowly onto the first lane and almost stops before the dividing line to let pass another motorcycle from the left.

At this moment the Thai woman coming from the right crashes into the front of the car even though there would be enough room to pass safely.

From the video it looks as she crashes into a stationary car.

Obviously more than enough time to realize, slow down and pass.

The usual blind brainless speeding of our beloved Thai motorcyclists.

As if they are alone on the road.

In the west she would have a considerable joint guilt.

By the laws and the rules of driving a motor vehicle the car driver was in the wrong....as in wrong.

The motorcycle has or had the Right Of Way while there are valid reasons as to the rules and regulations pertaining to the understanding of driving conduct relative to: The Right of Way.

The car coming out of the side road is required by law to GIVE way to the existing oncoming traffic coming from either way.

Only when safe to do so then the car can turn into and blend into the oncoming traffic.

As you can see there are 2 lanes of traffic going opposite ways while the car is attempting to cut across one lane and then blend into the flow of traffic in the other lane.

This is allowable only when safe to do so when there is plenty of SAFE room or distance between on coming cars, in either direction, for the car coming from the side road intersection to turn or blend into the traffic flow.

In this case, the acknowledgement of: Right Of Way is all the more important as had the car moved out and into the near lane and in effect cut off the traffic in one lane and then having to wait for the flow of traffic in the other lane to pass by and finally allow the offending vehicle to blend into the flow of traffic.

If no one in the far lane allows the offending vehicle to blend into the traffic flow then the offending vehicle is blocking the near lane.

That would be creating all the more problem while that aggressive style of driving is very common practice here in Thailand where an offending vehicle ends up blocking one lane while the other lane is full of passing vehicles while the offending vehicle can not immediately turn into or blend into the traffic ...so...in effect, the offending vehicle is literally and deliberately blocking traffic in the near lane while making an aggressive and dangerous maneuver attempting to turn into the far lane without acknowledging and or practicing Right Of Way rules and regulations.

There is good reason for the right of way rules and regulations and the need to practice them as you can clearly see in the video the driver of the car was edging out into the near lane traffic and trying to force the on coming traffic to stop and allow their car to do what they should not have been doing in the first place.....that being.... they were NOT waiting until safe to make their move.....rather they were aggressively and impatiently cutting off the flow of traffic so they could make their turn.

You can clearly see the car move further out into their near lane traffic while there are a number of cars passing by the nose of the car while there are a number of cars passing by in the far lane also.

There is no safe break in the traffic in either lanes allowing for the required right of way, practiced decorum of driving a motor vehicle.

Their is no practiced caution on the car drivers part and it is obvious the driver is attempting to force their way into both lanes of traffic...which is everyday common here in Thailand and the REASON why so many accidents like this one happen....and the reason this particular accident happened.



There is no claim about it...she was forcefully cut off and in effect hit, from the side, by the driver of that car

After watching the video several times it is very clear the driver of the car was driving the way everyone drives in Thailand....that being....aggressively and without caution

The car driver was deliberately edging out into the on coming traffic while forcing the next on coming motor vehicle to stop and give way to their dangerous maneuver. ...but, as you can see that deliberate plan did not work out as planned

Rather than cautiously wait a little while longer until there was a break in the traffic passing by, the driver did what nearly every motor vehicle driver does here in Thailand and positions the nose of their car out there into the traffic lane and in between the oncoming traffic while that forces the next on coming motor vehicle to give way and or stop.

If you go by the book and the rules of the road, the existing oncoming traffic, in both lanes, has legal right of way, while any vehicle attempting to blend into or cut into the traffic flow has to give way until safe to enter into the flow of traffic coming from either way.

In this case you can clearly see the car keeps on edging out in the flow of traffic going by but, as often does happen, someone does not see the aggressive maneuver happening and does not react accordingly to the aggressive maneuver occurring ahead of them or around them in their path of travel or does not have enough time and or room to stop while in effect they are suddenly being cut off and suddenly forcing them to try to maneuver around the offending vehicle....if they have any room to do so.

The motor cycle impacted the front, right hand corner and more or less deflected off the front corner of the car while the motorcycle driver, by way of momentum and inertia, was immediately separated from the motor cycle and kept on going straight ahead ...but in the air..... for at least 20 feet before impacting with the ground...as gravity has a way of causing that..........Ouch.

Point is, the A- Hole in the car caused the accident by way of their aggressive driving and there is no room for debate as everything involved is clearly seen on the camera.

I hope the car owners insurance company pays for the grief the car driver caused by the car drivers aggressive driving behavior on that particular day and caught on camera and there for all too see......for the record.


Are you driving in Thailand?

Ever tried to right turn into a busy road?

No idea which video YOU have seen.

There is a very important rule and or rule of decorum called : The Right Of Way

It exists regardless of the aggressive ways Thai people and or other drivers operate their motor vehicles.

When it comes down to the rules and regulations and the laws...and concerning insurance matters also.....the car driver is in the wrong by way of not acknowledging and or practicing the rules of motor vehicle operation and violating the laws of driving decorum known as: The Right Of Way

I do not know which video you were watching but it is very, very clear the car driver caused the accident with their aggressive driving while disregarding what is known as: Right Of Way.

The motorcycle drive had the Right Of Way and therefore is not at fault.

The motorcycle driver was cut off by the aggressive driving conduct of the car driver.

Now, if you want to make excuses for the common Thai driver and their aggressive driving style and make excuses for aggressive driving conduct then that is another matter ...but, as seen in the video, the car driver caused the accident.

If you can not see that or do not acknowledge what is known as: Right of Way and its importance to lowering the amount of accidents then please do not drive and be one more person increasing the possibility of causing accidents with aggressive driving conduct and or disregard for the: The Right Of Way



Maybe the insurance company is not giving her as much compensation for lost days as she wants. Its easier to get that from a private person. When my ex had an accident the insurance paid the cost of the damage but not compensation for lost work of the taxi that hit us. The ex paid for that (ex hit a pilar and as a result we crashed but a taxi hit us in the back after that).

She probably wants more as just her damage and hospital cost (and with good reason) the insurance might not want to give the amount she wants and she prefers to talk with the employee of the embassy.

Insurance coverage isn't for 'what if' scenarios such as extended loss of earnings for injured third parties. If the Thai claimant here was so concerned about her allegedly tenuous hand-to-mouth existence, she should have availed herself of any number or reasonably priced personal accident and injury insurance policies, the type that's sold at most Tesco Lotus check outs these days. It's offered by Thai insurers for Thai customers. Hanging out for the big paycheck just because someone has a larger car is a superb indicator of the average, low-income earners rather pathetic outlook on life and a fair indicator of the sincerity of their concern for the well-being of their offspring.

Mrs NL had a no-cause accident where she was similarly t-boned by an uninsured motorbike with two unlicensed juveniles onboard trying to go around the front of her fully insured car rather than slow down and pass behind. Her insurers were prompt responders, paid hospitalization bills almost immediately and full disbursement up to the maximum government sanctioned amount within 30 days. It wasn't enough for the injured parties family of course but that wasn't any concern of ours.


Legal right of way is not a replacement for 'due care and attention' which applies to all drives. The woman was obviously riding with due care and attention. The woman's injuries were caused by her excessive velocity in the forward direction. Other riders are seen passing the car without problem. Obviously she was not as attentive as the others.

Excessive velocity in the forward direction? Well, who's being a bit pretentious, then? Surely you mean simply going too fast? Speed (velocity) will only take you one way, that's the way you're going, i.e. forward.


There is no claim about it...she was forcefully cut off and in effect hit, from the side, by the driver of that car

After watching the video several times it is very clear the driver of the car was driving the way everyone drives in Thailand....that being....aggressively and without caution

The car driver was deliberately edging out into the on coming traffic while forcing the next on coming motor vehicle to stop and give way to their dangerous maneuver. ...but, as you can see that deliberate plan did not work out as planned

Rather than cautiously wait a little while longer until there was a break in the traffic passing by, the driver did what nearly every motor vehicle driver does here in Thailand and positions the nose of their car out there into the traffic lane and in between the oncoming traffic while that forces the next on coming motor vehicle to give way and or stop.

If you go by the book and the rules of the road, the existing oncoming traffic, in both lanes, has legal right of way, while any vehicle attempting to blend into or cut into the traffic flow has to give way until safe to enter into the flow of traffic coming from either way.

In this case you can clearly see the car keeps on edging out in the flow of traffic going by but, as often does happen, someone does not see the aggressive maneuver happening and does not react accordingly to the aggressive maneuver occurring ahead of them or around them in their path of travel or does not have enough time and or room to stop while in effect they are suddenly being cut off and suddenly forcing them to try to maneuver around the offending vehicle....if they have any room to do so.

The motor cycle impacted the front, right hand corner and more or less deflected off the front corner of the car while the motorcycle driver, by way of momentum and inertia, was immediately separated from the motor cycle and kept on going straight ahead ...but in the air..... for at least 20 feet before impacting with the ground...as gravity has a way of causing that..........Ouch.

Point is, the A- Hole in the car caused the accident by way of their aggressive driving and there is no room for debate as everything involved is clearly seen on the camera.

I hope the car owners insurance company pays for the grief the car driver caused by the car drivers aggressive driving behavior on that particular day and caught on camera and there for all too see......for the record.


Are you driving in Thailand?

Ever tried to right turn into a busy road?

No idea which video YOU have seen.

There is a very important rule and or rule of decorum called : The Right Of Way

It exists regardless of the aggressive ways Thai people and or other drivers operate their motor vehicles.

When it comes down to the rules and regulations and the laws...and concerning insurance matters also.....the car driver is in the wrong by way of not acknowledging and or practicing the rules of motor vehicle operation and violating the laws of driving decorum known as: The Right Of Way

I do not know which video you were watching but it is very, very clear the car driver caused the accident with their aggressive driving while disregarding what is known as: Right Of Way.

The motorcycle drive had the Right Of Way and therefore is not at fault.

The motorcycle driver was cut off by the aggressive driving conduct of the car driver.

Now, if you want to make excuses for the common Thai driver and their aggressive driving style and make excuses for aggressive driving conduct then that is another matter ...but, as seen in the video, the car driver caused the accident.

If you can not see that or do not acknowledge what is known as: Right of Way and its importance to lowering the amount of accidents then please do not drive and be one more person increasing the possibility of causing accidents with aggressive driving conduct and or disregard for the: The Right Of Way


Right of Way... no matter how many times you type it, bold face or otherwise, it simply doesn't exist in LOS in the context that you keep on about.

The Thai Right of Way simply means Me First... always. The motorcycle driver in the OP didn't want to slow down in the face of emerging contra-flow traffic and opted wrongly to go around the front; notably into oncoming traffic rather than slow down and pass safely behind.

How many times when we merge into (initially) faster moving traffic do we see motorbikes indicate (or not) and start to pull out to pass on the driver side totally oblivious to the fact that the car is accelerating faster than they can while ignoring that even faster traffic is coming up behind them. I watch them in the rear view mirror as they start wandering back to the lane they were originally in when they realize they can't pass but some get pretty persistent, jacket flapping around their ears and frequently looking back and down at their exhaust or their back wheel. What is THAT all about?!


After watching the video, it is clear the fault lies with the motorcycle driver. The car slowly enters the road and is more than half way across when the motorcycle, traveling in the right lane, crossed the centerline in an attempt to pass the turning car. Very poor judgment by the motorcycle driver but not uncommon here. It seems the insurance company may think likewise which is why she has resorted to social media in her attempt to shift the blame.


Absolutely silly to read this judicial lecture about right of way of someone who obviously can not cross a road or right turn in Bangkok.

He would starve in his car.

No idea about the need of consideration, attention and adjusted speed?

And this is not only common sense but ALSO part of traffic law in civilized countries.

In my last country it was simply referred to as "paragraph one" wink.png


There is no claim about it...she was forcefully cut off and in effect hit, from the side, by the driver of that car

After watching the video several times it is very clear the driver of the car was driving the way everyone drives in Thailand....that being....aggressively and without caution

The car driver was deliberately edging out into the on coming traffic while forcing the next on coming motor vehicle to stop and give way to their dangerous maneuver. ...but, as you can see that deliberate plan did not work out as planned

Rather than cautiously wait a little while longer until there was a break in the traffic passing by, the driver did what nearly every motor vehicle driver does here in Thailand and positions the nose of their car out there into the traffic lane and in between the oncoming traffic while that forces the next on coming motor vehicle to give way and or stop.

If you go by the book and the rules of the road, the existing oncoming traffic, in both lanes, has legal right of way, while any vehicle attempting to blend into or cut into the traffic flow has to give way until safe to enter into the flow of traffic coming from either way.

In this case you can clearly see the car keeps on edging out in the flow of traffic going by but, as often does happen, someone does not see the aggressive maneuver happening and does not react accordingly to the aggressive maneuver occurring ahead of them or around them in their path of travel or does not have enough time and or room to stop while in effect they are suddenly being cut off and suddenly forcing them to try to maneuver around the offending vehicle....if they have any room to do so.

The motor cycle impacted the front, right hand corner and more or less deflected off the front corner of the car while the motorcycle driver, by way of momentum and inertia, was immediately separated from the motor cycle and kept on going straight ahead ...but in the air..... for at least 20 feet before impacting with the ground...as gravity has a way of causing that..........Ouch.

Point is, the A- Hole in the car caused the accident by way of their aggressive driving and there is no room for debate as everything involved is clearly seen on the camera.

I hope the car owners insurance company pays for the grief the car driver caused by the car drivers aggressive driving behavior on that particular day and caught on camera and there for all too see......for the record.


Are you driving in Thailand?

Ever tried to right turn into a busy road?

No idea which video YOU have seen.

There is a very important rule and or rule of decorum called : The Right Of Way

It exists regardless of the aggressive ways Thai people and or other drivers operate their motor vehicles.

When it comes down to the rules and regulations and the laws...and concerning insurance matters also.....the car driver is in the wrong by way of not acknowledging and or practicing the rules of motor vehicle operation and violating the laws of driving decorum known as: The Right Of Way

I do not know which video you were watching but it is very, very clear the car driver caused the accident with their aggressive driving while disregarding what is known as: Right Of Way.

The motorcycle drive had the Right Of Way and therefore is not at fault.

The motorcycle driver was cut off by the aggressive driving conduct of the car driver.

Now, if you want to make excuses for the common Thai driver and their aggressive driving style and make excuses for aggressive driving conduct then that is another matter ...but, as seen in the video, the car driver caused the accident.

If you can not see that or do not acknowledge what is known as: Right of Way and its importance to lowering the amount of accidents then please do not drive and be one more person increasing the possibility of causing accidents with aggressive driving conduct and or disregard for the: The Right Of Way


Right of Way... no matter how many times you type it, bold face or otherwise, it simply doesn't exist in LOS in the context that you keep on about.

The Thai Right of Way simply means Me First... always. The motorcycle driver in the OP didn't want to slow down in the face of emerging contra-flow traffic and opted wrongly to go around the front; notably into oncoming traffic rather than slow down and pass safely behind.

How many times when we merge into (initially) faster moving traffic do we see motorbikes indicate (or not) and start to pull out to pass on the driver side totally oblivious to the fact that the car is accelerating faster than they can while ignoring that even faster traffic is coming up behind them. I watch them in the rear view mirror as they start wandering back to the lane they were originally in when they realize they can't pass but some get pretty persistent, jacket flapping around their ears and frequently looking back and down at their exhaust or their back wheel. What is THAT all about?!

The law exists.

I know all about the Me First attitude of the Thai drivers as that is what causes a lot of accidents because they do exactly what the car driver did.

In effect the car driver cut out in front of the on coming vehicles and eventually the motorcycle also when they should have waited for a clear break in the traffic...but they did not ....and the women on the motorcycle did not have time to react fast enough and avoid contact while you can see she could not go into the other lane as there was on coming traffic...but your implying she is at fault for not getting out of the way of the car or finding room to go around the car while the car driver is suddenly putting the car in her way........aggressively and deliberately.

Right of way does have precedent here no matter what you say about the usual Thai style driving antics as there has to be a grounds for who actually was at fault here...as seen in the video.

Watch the video several times and you will see the car is making <deleted> moves and being aggressive and that is what caused the accident.

Can happen to you also when (Suddenly and Aggressively ) a driver tries to shoot across both lanes....right in front of you.

So in effect you are implying that you accept that what ever a Thai driver or other driver does they are not to be faulted because it is Thailand and never mind that their A-hole aggressive and impatient driving conduct killed your wife, crippled you and killed your only daughter....while you argue that the person at fault and seen clearly at fault in the video and causing the accident is just doing what ever they want , as is the Style of driving in Thailand and acceptable to you...even when it results in the death of others....you are implying that you advocate no responsibility should be thrust on to anyone while NO laws or rules or regulations or driving decorum should be applied...when there is an accident.



I've got no love for the British embassy, which is well known for its #%*# you attitude, but to be fair in this case it looks like the motorcyclist was at fault. Inching out into traffic to make a right turn is normal practice here. If you don't do it no one will ever stop to let you out.

but that does not make it legal


This sounds like the usual scam with the Thai mentality of whoever has the biggest car should pay.

The police unwilling to lay charges and an insurance company unwilling to pay. I haven't looked at the incident it it would seem that perhaps the bike rider was responsible otherwise a payment would be made. Why don't Thai people insure themselves or alternately attend a hospital they can afford.

A similar thing happened to me. I pulled out my valid drivers license, insurance, and then asked if the other motorcyclist had a license. Turns out she was unlicensed and the moment the policemen realised it was my intention to have the insurance company get involved he just said "mister not your fault" then he left to go back to the station.


Insurance is the key here. If the insurance company deem that the accident was caused by the motorcyclist then the motorcyclists insurance company will pay out whatever they see fit.

If it's the fault of the car driver then the car drivers first class insurance will pay out.

If the motorcyclist was at fault and had no insurance (as most of them don't) then it's hard luck - the injured party will get what they deserve which is pretty much going to be nothing.


After an accident is reported and insurance notified,is it not then the insurance companies job to settle. Is that not the way it is done the world over.The woman should be talking to her insurance company to see how things are going.Unless she had no insurance and the embassies employees company has no company to deal with..

mmmm! Probably, no insurance, no registration, no driving licence and no crash helmet. Just guessing that's all. whistling.gif


Ain't she heard about diplomatic immunity? Sorry she'll just have to pay her own hospital bills.

Diplomatic immunity may most likely not be an issue here :

- first of all we need to know if the driver was holder of a UK diplomatic passport (it could have been an employee of the Embassy using an Embassy car and the driver may have been a Thai national)

- nothing indicated a crime was committed for which diplomatic immunity could have been requested

- as far as we know it was a regretful accident involving a car registered as belonging to the UK Embassy and "the driver did not flee the scene" : it means it is indeed an issue to be settled by insurance companies


Legal right of way is not a replacement for 'due care and attention' which applies to all drives. The woman was obviously riding with due care and attention. The woman's injuries were caused by her excessive velocity in the forward direction. Other riders are seen passing the car without problem. Obviously she was not as attentive as the others.

Excessive velocity in the forward direction? Well, who's being a bit pretentious, then? Surely you mean simply going too fast? Speed (velocity) will only take you one way, that's the way you're going, i.e. forward.

Yeah, sorry about. Quoted physics on the earlier and just got got stuck in 'excessive' language.

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