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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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Before Trump was on the political scene: No major violence at public gatherings

After Trump started making hate speeches, and inciting his brash supporters: Violence.

Trump, the hot-headed divider will keep polarizing Americans, as long as he can.

Trump will win Florida, and will likely win the nomination. Then he'll lose to Sanders or HRC by double digits.

Sanders could win Ohio and Illinois, which would add to his momentum of taking the Dem nomination, because he'll likely win California and other western states.

HRC against Trump gives HRC the win. Sanders vs Trump gives Bernie the win by an even greater margin.

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Before Trump was on the political scene: No major violence at public gatherings

After Trump started making hate speeches, and inciting his brash supporters: Violence.

Trump, the hot-headed divider will keep polarizing Americans, as long as he can.

Trump will win Florida, and will likely win the nomination. Then he'll lose to Sanders or HRC by double digits.

Sanders could win Ohio and Illinois, which would add to his momentum of taking the Dem nomination, because he'll likely win California and other western states.

HRC against Trump gives HRC the win. Sanders vs Trump gives Bernie the win by an even greater margin.


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Donald Trump’s Chicago scam

Friday’s freak show was as prepackaged as an rerun of “Celebrity Apprentice.” The only difference was that Donald Trump delivered his lines on the phone from a hotel room in the Windy City instead of on the set of his made-for-TV boardroom.
It was all a scam.

Baited by Trump. Stage managed by Trump.


Trump is undoubtedly a master at hogging the headlines when he wants.

Cancelling the appearance in Chicago might have been part of that, but he wasn't the one who paid for the "protesters" to be there. That was done by the true fascists in America.

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Before Trump was on the political scene: No major violence at public gatherings

How about Black Lives Matters forcing themselves on stage and taking the microphone away from Bernie Sanders? The same thugs rioted for weeks in Ferguson and all over the country and interrupted rallies by Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush and Martin O'Malley. If it was not Donald Trump, it would be someone else, probably Ted Cruz.

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The sad thing is some buffoon will act out violently at a Trump rally. Someone will do something really stupid. In fact, the opportunity is so rich that any Trump opposition is likely already shilling out operatives to probably wear a Brownshirt, a swastika, or mustache for the media to seize upon (the left has done this numerous times). Without question some minorities will place themselves and act so irritating as to be assaulted by idiots (smart warfare, but uncivil). With substantial sympathy from the media, leftist opposition not fomenting the appearance of violence and racism would be even a larger story- incredulous!

Without doubt this is the developing narrative being choreographed to oppose Trump and send his supporters returning to the socialist plantation called America 2016. Frankly, without the opposition contriving such a confrontation, there is a possibility some Trump supporter would do something really f---d up at these events anyway. Why? Because the entire core of America has been eviscerated and its not only the left that have the idiots, the right has lots of them too. So, violence will be developing, provoked, cultivated, and manipulated by the Left. There are plenty of angry people out there and the left while mastering political violence does not own all the idiots. The right have schmucks too. One way or another, the left must not make this election about their failed Progressive Policies. This election must be about hate and division and separation and it must be couched in the very things Progressive Policies does the most injury to- women, blacks, children, the elderly, the middle class, and other minorities.

Race and conflict and intimidation is standard fare for Trump's opponents. Just watch the numerous blacklivesmatter, riots, and other contrived act-ups.Race/aggression will figure prominently into this election and where absent, it will be generated. Pay attention to Soros funded groups and their attacks. Pay attention to who hates Trump and you will see who <deleted>---d up America.

The right and the left has being meeting in political opposition every four years and we never had anything like this, So what is different now?

What is the catalyst?

For many years the left have chosen democrats and have instead been silently reviving the previously silent Progressive movement within the House of the Democratic Party; the Progressives of Wilson and Roosevelt. The progressives who were so utterly ran out of American polity decades earlier because of their socialist tendencies that they went silent, and decided to actually enact stealth agenda- Progressivism- and existed as background agents on the left for 20th century. Thus, the democratic left became very left and now is indistinguishable from outright socialist platforms. Indeed, even HRC takes a pass when asked to explain the difference between her and Sanders, an avowed Socialist. So, the entire democratic center of America has for some time voted earnestly, loyally, to a party that increasingly did not reflect their views but had instead radically moved to the left while America generally remained in the center. But the republicans did not either.The republicans shifted to the left as well.

Those on the right have thought for a very long time they are always given the choice of the lesser of two evils. Lately this reality couched itself in the labels of RHINOs (Republicans in Name Only) because republicans effectively represented the former center of the Democratic party- once in office RHINOs were effectively Democrats. Republicans would appeal to their base then run to the center. However, they too shifted so far left that legislatively there is no difference between parties- and people are disgusted. Three steps left, one step right, for decades.

Both the left and the right have been grievously wounded over x recent years: opportunity, wages, benefits, upward mobility, inflation. All indexes of life are terribly compromised and yet both see huge profits for billionaires and rich folks and the politicians. Both see this and heat the same platitudes, but nothing changes. Both hate it. Both sides are tired. People on both sides feel they have been lied to for a long, long time. (I do not grasp how the left feels this as America has consistently stepped to the left). I assert government polices have rendered entire populations dependent on government, dependent on other people's taxes, fruits, industry. Its just a fact. The takers in America are near a majority tipping point and any changes in the status quo might reflect directly on their wallet. Lastly, this election is an all out race for the supreme court. People are sickened at the sense that the dream of America is passed and our doors are open, we are bankrupt, poor, hungry, without compass, our laws are not enforced, and everything is an appeal to emotion- while we can hardly put food on our own plates.

There is a sense on the left that the work of Obama must be repulsed before it sets in stone. There is a sense on the left that the work of Obama must be ensured to set it in stone. Honor, truth, right action... none of it matters publicly for some time (left and right). The only thing that matters in US politics now is naked aggression, and winning!

the democratic left became very left and now is indistinguishable from outright socialist platforms.

Socialism is the government ownership and operation of the means of transportation, communication, production. Get it straight that Bernie Sanders calls himself a socialist yet he advocates none of these things. Recognise that socialism in no way exists in the United States of America, the ghost of Evita Culp Hobby notwithstanding if forever creeping.

The UK system of nationalised medical care and provision is social welfare consistent with the notion of a commonwealth, it is not socialism. It is socialised medicine but it is not socialism. Whether or not this is desirable, efficacious, 'successful' are other questions worthy of examination.

Obamacare is a form of government supported and somewhat regulated privately based and operated medical care and provision. It is not socialism and it barely qualifies as social welfare. Yet even Trump rails against it using the politically correct language of the hard right in American politics and government.

Just as Bernie Sanders holds a uniquely American brand of social welfare, Donald Trump is the converse and more. While Sanders holds uniquely American views from the American left, Trump holds and is effectively promoting a long anticipated uniquely American fascism.

Certain countries of Western Europe have some degree of socialism as it always has been formally defined. Most Western European countries for instance own a national airline; others own and operate rail systems etc. Yet others own media to one extent to another, yet far from entirely so. And still other Western European countries own a measure of the means of production, but that is not comprehensive either. (The Thai government is more classic socialist than most Western European ones.)

The post exceeds even Trump in respect of his unique and limited-appeal American fascism. The post reaches back to and is inspired by forms of government and society that existed in Europe during the 1920s, 1930s, and up to 1945.

I would classify Bernie as a social democrat. One can certainly see that he leans toward social justice. No harm in that but probably a step too far this time.

Good to see that he recognises education as key. I consider myself fortunate that I got a great education from a British university. I think it important to distinguish between education generally and vocational training.

Right now we have a problem in the UK where over 60% go to university and "study" something entirely pointless. No, thing is to encourage a broad general education AND offer state funded training for skills that are currently required and possibly new skills in future.

Trying to stop globalisation or automation is not a winning strategy

What makes Trump particularly dangerous is that he paints a false dawn to appeal to failing sections of society. Talk of building a wall may sound attractive to a blue collar "Born in the USA" type. But it will only help if you want to pick fruit...

Edited by Grouse
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Now a black Trump supporter holds his ground against a tide of Black Lives Matter-anti-Trump protesters.


This is the 1st time in my life I can remember black voters not just falling inline behind the Democrat candidate and actually debating each other.

That is a great sign of progress.

This guy is a HERO standing up to the voices of ignorance.

Is his name "Token" by any chance?

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The sad thing is some buffoon will act out violently at a Trump rally. Someone will do something really stupid. In fact, the opportunity is so rich that any Trump opposition is likely already shilling out operatives to probably wear a Brownshirt, a swastika, or mustache for the media to seize upon (the left has done this numerous times). Without question some minorities will place themselves and act so irritating as to be assaulted by idiots (smart warfare, but uncivil). With substantial sympathy from the media, leftist opposition not fomenting the appearance of violence and racism would be even a larger story- incredulous!

Without doubt this is the developing narrative being choreographed to oppose Trump and send his supporters returning to the socialist plantation called America 2016. Frankly, without the opposition contriving such a confrontation, there is a possibility some Trump supporter would do something really f---d up at these events anyway. Why? Because the entire core of America has been eviscerated and its not only the left that have the idiots, the right has lots of them too. So, violence will be developing, provoked, cultivated, and manipulated by the Left. There are plenty of angry people out there and the left while mastering political violence does not own all the idiots. The right have schmucks too. One way or another, the left must not make this election about their failed Progressive Policies. This election must be about hate and division and separation and it must be couched in the very things Progressive Policies does the most injury to- women, blacks, children, the elderly, the middle class, and other minorities.

Race and conflict and intimidation is standard fare for Trump's opponents. Just watch the numerous blacklivesmatter, riots, and other contrived act-ups.Race/aggression will figure prominently into this election and where absent, it will be generated. Pay attention to Soros funded groups and their attacks. Pay attention to who hates Trump and you will see who <deleted>---d up America.

The right and the left has being meeting in political opposition every four years and we never had anything like this, So what is different now?

What is the catalyst?

For many years the left have chosen democrats and have instead been silently reviving the previously silent Progressive movement within the House of the Democratic Party; the Progressives of Wilson and Roosevelt. The progressives who were so utterly ran out of American polity decades earlier because of their socialist tendencies that they went silent, and decided to actually enact stealth agenda- Progressivism- and existed as background agents on the left for 20th century. Thus, the democratic left became very left and now is indistinguishable from outright socialist platforms. Indeed, even HRC takes a pass when asked to explain the difference between her and Sanders, an avowed Socialist. So, the entire democratic center of America has for some time voted earnestly, loyally, to a party that increasingly did not reflect their views but had instead radically moved to the left while America generally remained in the center. But the republicans did not either.The republicans shifted to the left as well.

Those on the right have thought for a very long time they are always given the choice of the lesser of two evils. Lately this reality couched itself in the labels of RHINOs (Republicans in Name Only) because republicans effectively represented the former center of the Democratic party- once in office RHINOs were effectively Democrats. Republicans would appeal to their base then run to the center. However, they too shifted so far left that legislatively there is no difference between parties- and people are disgusted. Three steps left, one step right, for decades.

Both the left and the right have been grievously wounded over x recent years: opportunity, wages, benefits, upward mobility, inflation. All indexes of life are terribly compromised and yet both see huge profits for billionaires and rich folks and the politicians. Both see this and heat the same platitudes, but nothing changes. Both hate it. Both sides are tired. People on both sides feel they have been lied to for a long, long time. (I do not grasp how the left feels this as America has consistently stepped to the left). I assert government polices have rendered entire populations dependent on government, dependent on other people's taxes, fruits, industry. Its just a fact. The takers in America are near a majority tipping point and any changes in the status quo might reflect directly on their wallet. Lastly, this election is an all out race for the supreme court. People are sickened at the sense that the dream of America is passed and our doors are open, we are bankrupt, poor, hungry, without compass, our laws are not enforced, and everything is an appeal to emotion- while we can hardly put food on our own plates.

There is a sense on the left that the work of Obama must be repulsed before it sets in stone. There is a sense on the left that the work of Obama must be ensured to set it in stone. Honor, truth, right action... none of it matters publicly for some time (left and right). The only thing that matters in US politics now is naked aggression, and winning!

"The only thing that matters in US politics now is naked aggression, and winning!"

A lot of words to say a very simple thing. I guess an attempt to explain how we got here.

The Republicans and the Democrats did not get us here, we were not blameless spectators, and it was not our social programs that got as here, it was our " Naked aggression, and endless wars. These wars were not designed to support socialism, but the opposite they were designed and orchestrated to support aggressive capitalism.

"Naked aggression" is what got us here, and now naked aggression will get as out

Do you know what the definition of insanity is? Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

"Naked aggression " is the refuge of those who have no, or have run out of ideas.

it is the temper tantrum of immaturity, who after failing to fix something, instead of taking responsibility for ones inadequacy, In frustration one starts banging and kicking it.

Banging and kicking it , will only brake it more my friend.

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Good points made by Trump...

Besides the fact that the opposition is doing their best to foil Trumps spectacular assemblies....not one opponent has been seriously injured (besides the idiot who fingered the crowd and got jack slapped by a seventy year old.

All the instigation is coming from the other side.....almost intentionally wishing that Trump beats them up (or his supportersdo). One...count him...one out of countless others...gets jack slapped by an old man. Hah...and the trouble maker was a young muscular guy that could have taken on six.

So what violence has anyone else seen? Hospital Reports Please...and show the injuries. Every single sign of trouble was professionally handled by either the police or security/secret service.

you sissies...lol. crying about an old codger that got in a good tap.....and then turning it into a crisis. You would have us believe that thousands of trump supporters were beating the crap out of a few thugs. Not happening.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Donald Trump’s Chicago scam

Friday’s freak show was as prepackaged as an rerun of “Celebrity Apprentice.” The only difference was that Donald Trump delivered his lines on the phone from a hotel room in the Windy City instead of on the set of his made-for-TV boardroom.
It was all a scam.

Baited by Trump. Stage managed by Trump.


Trump is undoubtedly a master at hogging the headlines when he wants.

Cancelling the appearance in Chicago might have been part of that, but he wasn't the one who paid for the "protesters" to be there. That was done by the true fascists in America.

paid for the "protesters" to be there

Right wingers and other tellers of tall tales need to provide independent evidence to provide some concrete basis of this wild claim.

Short of any credible evidence, i.e., claims from other than the well funded mass of highly financed rightwhingenut media, this is vacuous right wing rhetoric that has the effect of corrupting the discourse and the political processes in the United States.

Once the system can be wholly discredited it can then be negated, i.e., dismantled and destroyed. The consequent risk to the stability of the political system and process thus becomes more vulnerable to Trump and his unique brand of the limited-appeal new American strongman fascism. To include too many of his enthusiastic true believer followers.

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This election must be about hate and division and separation and it must be couched in the very things Progressive Policies does the most injury to- women, blacks, children, the elderly, the middle class, and other minorities.

Race and conflict and intimidation is standard fare for Trump's opponents. Just watch the numerous blacklivesmatter, riots, and other contrived act-ups.Race/aggression will figure prominently into this election and where absent, it will be generated. Pay attention to Soros funded groups and their attacks. Pay attention to who hates Trump and you will see who <deleted>---d up America.

Wow, you should apply to be a speechwriter for the Trump campaign. Talk about divisiveness...!

You prove your right-wing credentials by wanting to find someone who is funding the protests. Why does there have to be some old rich person funding it? Are you a conspiracy theorist? The protest is welling due to emotional backlash (mostly by young adults) to Trump's divisive rhetoric. Trump either hates or loves each individual or group of people. Every entity, to Trump, is either wonderful or horrible. That's the temperament of an immature 9 yr old girl, not a grown mature man. ....and his love-hate relationships can flip-flop from day to day. Do you want a hot-headed flip-flopper as prez? I don't, even tho it would be great for comedians and satirists.

"You prove your right-wing credentials by wanting to find someone who is funding the protests. Why does there have to be some old rich person funding it?"

There doesn't have to be an old rich white man funding the protests...but there is.

Do a little research and try to find out where your favorite liberal protest organizations get their funding. You might be surprised just how deeply this guy is rooted in American politics.

Link to the Soros network:


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Good points made by Trump...

Besides the fact that the opposition is doing their best to foil Trumps spectacular assemblies....not one opponent has been seriously injured (besides the idiot who fingered the crowd and got jack slapped by a seventy year old.

All the instigation is coming from the other side.....almost intentionally wishing that Trump beats them up (or his supportersdo). One...count him...one out of countless others...gets jack slapped by an old man. Hah...and the trouble maker was a young muscular guy that could have taken on six.

So what violence has anyone else seen? Hospital Reports Please...and show the injuries. Every single sign of trouble was professionally handled by either the police or security/secret service.

you sissies...lol. crying about an old codger that got in a good tap.....and then turning it into a crisis. You would have us believe that thousands of trump supporters were beating the crap out of a few thugs. Not happening.

From the radical wildman who wants to be President of the United States.....

Donald Trump announced from the stage at a rally in Missouri that a man who had charged him at an event was “probably” linked to the Islamic State, appearing to base his statement on an Internet video that has been described as a hoax, the New York Times reports.

Said Trump: “This was a guy that was looking to do harm. It was probably ISIS or ISIS-related, can you believe it?”

Believe anything Donald Trump or his followers say, no. No credibility at all, whatsoever, none.

Fact is there are many people in the USA and to include here who are not afraid of Donald Trump. We simply oppose him and his limited-appeal unique and new American fascism.

The video is at the link below...

Carl Bernstein: Donald Trump Is An American 'Neo-Fascist'

Carl Bernstein joined CNN's Reliable Sources and was asked tried to explain the Trump phenomena by Brain Stelter, while also properly labeling what his brand of politics are. Bernstein didn't compare him to Hitler or Mussolini's type of fascism, nor is he another version of George Wallace. He did classify him as a new kind of American fascist, one who dishes out loads of authoritarianism, despotism, nativism, and incitement. And it's the first time he's ever heard of an American politician be described this way.


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Good points made by Trump...

Besides the fact that the opposition is doing their best to foil Trumps spectacular assemblies....not one opponent has been seriously injured (besides the idiot who fingered the crowd and got jack slapped by a seventy year old.

All the instigation is coming from the other side.....almost intentionally wishing that Trump beats them up (or his supportersdo). One...count him...one out of countless others...gets jack slapped by an old man. Hah...and the trouble maker was a young muscular guy that could have taken on six.

So what violence has anyone else seen? Hospital Reports Please...and show the injuries. Every single sign of trouble was professionally handled by either the police or security/secret service.

you sissies...lol. crying about an old codger that got in a good tap.....and then turning it into a crisis. You would have us believe that thousands of trump supporters were beating the crap out of a few thugs. Not happening.

From the radical wildman who wants to be President of the United States.....

Donald Trump announced from the stage at a rally in Missouri that a man who had charged him at an event was “probably” linked to the Islamic State, appearing to base his statement on an Internet video that has been described as a hoax, the New York Times reports.

Said Trump: “This was a guy that was looking to do harm. It was probably ISIS or ISIS-related, can you believe it?”

Believe anything Donald Trump or his followers say, no. No credibility at all, whatsoever, none.

Fact is there are many people in the USA and to include here who are not afraid of Donald Trump. We simply oppose him and his limited-appeal unique and new American fascism.

The video is at the link below...

Carl Bernstein: Donald Trump Is An American 'Neo-Fascist'

Carl Bernstein joined CNN's Reliable Sources and was asked tried to explain the Trump phenomena by Brain Stelter, while also properly labeling what his brand of politics are. Bernstein didn't compare him to Hitler or Mussolini's type of fascism, nor is he another version of George Wallace. He did classify him as a new kind of American fascist, one who dishes out loads of authoritarianism, despotism, nativism, and incitement. And it's the first time he's ever heard of an American politician be described this way.


Don't disturb the peace of mind of the clueless with facts!

If they would actually THINK about, who they are supporting and for what, their heads would most likely explode!

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Good points made by Trump...

Besides the fact that the opposition is doing their best to foil Trumps spectacular assemblies....not one opponent has been seriously injured (besides the idiot who fingered the crowd and got jack slapped by a seventy year old.

All the instigation is coming from the other side.....almost intentionally wishing that Trump beats them up (or his supportersdo). One...count him...one out of countless others...gets jack slapped by an old man. Hah...and the trouble maker was a young muscular guy that could have taken on six.

So what violence has anyone else seen? Hospital Reports Please...and show the injuries. Every single sign of trouble was professionally handled by either the police or security/secret service.

you sissies...lol. crying about an old codger that got in a good tap.....and then turning it into a crisis. You would have us believe that thousands of trump supporters were beating the crap out of a few thugs. Not happening.

From the radical wildman who wants to be President of the United States.....

Donald Trump announced from the stage at a rally in Missouri that a man who had charged him at an event was “probably” linked to the Islamic State, appearing to base his statement on an Internet video that has been described as a hoax, the New York Times reports.

Said Trump: “This was a guy that was looking to do harm. It was probably ISIS or ISIS-related, can you believe it?”

Believe anything Donald Trump or his followers say, no. No credibility at all, whatsoever, none.

Fact is there are many people in the USA and to include here who are not afraid of Donald Trump. We simply oppose him and his limited-appeal unique and new American fascism.

The video is at the link below...

Carl Bernstein: Donald Trump Is An American 'Neo-Fascist'

Carl Bernstein joined CNN's Reliable Sources and was asked tried to explain the Trump phenomena by Brain Stelter, while also properly labeling what his brand of politics are. Bernstein didn't compare him to Hitler or Mussolini's type of fascism, nor is he another version of George Wallace. He did classify him as a new kind of American fascist, one who dishes out loads of authoritarianism, despotism, nativism, and incitement. And it's the first time he's ever heard of an American politician be described this way.


Still waiting.....

who got hurt...in all these....so called violent scuffles.

Noooooooooooooo One....... lol.

what krap fox news hounds......all of ya. They played the video over and over for an hour ( a few ruffled feathers...christ, I have seen more action on the MaryTyler Moore show reruns) . It was not the big violent Nazi White Guy with armed thugs beating up the rally crashers. Nothing at all. In fact.....it was called off.

You guys are krazy...with all this garbage about inciting violence.....its all rhetoric. I don't see the bumps and bruises ....... nobody does. You are all so scared of Trump that you yourselves are becoming the drama queens.

hilarious......chicken little running around crying hey....the sky is falling...we are all doomed if trump speaks.

You are creating his status......by your fear of him.

Let the system run it's course. don't be afraid. anyways...you all say he can't win....so why are you pushing this crazy stuff.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Good points made by Trump...

Besides the fact that the opposition is doing their best to foil Trumps spectacular assemblies....not one opponent has been seriously injured (besides the idiot who fingered the crowd and got jack slapped by a seventy year old.

All the instigation is coming from the other side.....almost intentionally wishing that Trump beats them up (or his supportersdo). One...count him...one out of countless others...gets jack slapped by an old man. Hah...and the trouble maker was a young muscular guy that could have taken on six.

So what violence has anyone else seen? Hospital Reports Please...and show the injuries. Every single sign of trouble was professionally handled by either the police or security/secret service.

you sissies...lol. crying about an old codger that got in a good tap.....and then turning it into a crisis. You would have us believe that thousands of trump supporters were beating the crap out of a few thugs. Not happening.

From the radical wildman who wants to be President of the United States.....

Donald Trump announced from the stage at a rally in Missouri that a man who had charged him at an event was “probably” linked to the Islamic State, appearing to base his statement on an Internet video that has been described as a hoax, the New York Times reports.

Said Trump: “This was a guy that was looking to do harm. It was probably ISIS or ISIS-related, can you believe it?”

Believe anything Donald Trump or his followers say, no. No credibility at all, whatsoever, none.

Fact is there are many people in the USA and to include here who are not afraid of Donald Trump. We simply oppose him and his limited-appeal unique and new American fascism.

The video is at the link below...

Carl Bernstein: Donald Trump Is An American 'Neo-Fascist'

Carl Bernstein joined CNN's Reliable Sources and was asked tried to explain the Trump phenomena by Brain Stelter, while also properly labeling what his brand of politics are. Bernstein didn't compare him to Hitler or Mussolini's type of fascism, nor is he another version of George Wallace. He did classify him as a new kind of American fascist, one who dishes out loads of authoritarianism, despotism, nativism, and incitement. And it's the first time he's ever heard of an American politician be described this way.


Don't disturb the peace of mind of the clueless with facts!

If they would actually THINK about, who they are supporting and for what, their heads would most likely explode!

Your point is well taken generally and as a broad and applicable principle.

However, there are a significant number of Trump sycophants who are philosophically and ideologically deeply committed and they know it. And they love it. Consciously. Cheerfully. Comfortably.

A good number of of us know this about 'em. We know it well. Which is why they must be countered with rational and reasoned argument based in the facts and with valid citations of the facts. Consistently so; viably and sustainably so.

Many Trump supporters derive their admiration of Trump, to the point of worshiping him, from early 20th century Europe, in particular, the times there during the 1920s, 1930s up to 1945.

Look around to see for yourself the broad smiles on their faces next time you're out and about.

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So what violence has anyone else seen? Hospital Reports Please...and show the injuries. Every single sign of trouble was professionally handled by either the police or security/secret service.

you sissies...lol. crying about an old codger that got in a good tap.....and then turning it into a crisis. You would have us believe that thousands of trump supporters were beating the crap out of a few thugs. Not happening.

That's one thing we won't agree upon. I don't like sucker-punches, no matter who throws them. Even in old movies, when the hero sucker punches the villain, and everyone in the theater cheers, I didn't cheer. A 6 year old boy can sucker punch a 90 year old grandma, is that cool, in your estimation? Oh, it's ok when an old man sucker punches (blindsides) a younger man who's being manhandled by security staff. ....and you put down the man who was hit. That's low class, bud.

Here's a figurative sucker punch that Trump took against Carly Fiorina a few months ago:

""Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"

Perhaps Trump was trying to witty or funny, but to anyone other than his rabid redneck gun-hugging fans, he fell flat on his fat face with that rude comment.

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Good points made by Trump...

I must have missed those, can you give us a recap?

Yes...I do mind. Just read my previous post ...that you snipped.

It explains it. (the part you failed to copy and paste)....lol

kidding.....his points were exactly what I wrote.

1. Nobody has been hurt...so why are your panties in a bunch?

2. Police and security handled the crazies....with kids gloves.

3. Opposition is making accusations of inflammatory speeches....but nothing happened...just an old codger socked a young, healthy protestor for flipping the bird.

in other words...Nothing to see....move along...

Edited by slipperylobster
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When you get thousands of people into an arena at a political rally along with protesters determined to disrupt it, violently if necessary, you will have incidents. The same would happen if conservatives sent hoards over to Clinton/Sanders rallies. The latter doesn't happen because conservatives/Republicans don't attend rallies by candidates they don't support

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When you get thousands of people into an arena at a political rally along with protesters determined to disrupt it, violently if necessary, you will have incidents. The same would happen if conservatives sent hoards over to Clinton/Sanders rallies. The latter doesn't happen because conservatives/Republicans don't attend rallies by candidates they don't support

The Tea Party protested non-violently with almost no laws broken. They got government permits for their events. Occupy Wall Street camped illegally and had numerous crimes like rape and murder committed and other violence. This is all pretty typical.

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When you get thousands of people into an arena at a political rally along with protesters determined to disrupt it, violently if necessary, you will have incidents. The same would happen if conservatives sent hoards over to Clinton/Sanders rallies. The latter doesn't happen because conservatives/Republicans don't attend rallies by candidates they don't support

It could become tit for tat. Thanks to The Donald: the polarizing divisive candidate.

It's on tape: Donald encouraging his supporters to be violent, even saying he would be more violent than they, while goading them on.

I heard an interesting comment today on radio: someone mentioned that the divisions which led to the US Civil War gained momentum so fast partly because of new technology: The telegraph had first been put to use around late 1850's - just before the war broke out. Hotheads like Donald Trump were able to spread their messages quickly to rile up masses of people.

Now fastforward to now. Internet interaction is mushrooming, enabling hundreds of millions of people to communicate almost instantly. A hothead like Trump can get his message of divisiveness to masses of people. He makes headlines every day. I wouldn't doubt Carson and Christie feel like ding dongs right now for endorsing Trump, ....and they should.

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When you get thousands of people into an arena at a political rally along with protesters determined to disrupt it, violently if necessary, you will have incidents. The same would happen if conservatives sent hoards over to Clinton/Sanders rallies. The latter doesn't happen because conservatives/Republicans don't attend rallies by candidates they don't support

It could become tit for tat. Thanks to The Donald: the polarizing divisive candidate.

It's on tape: Donald encouraging his supporters to be violent, even saying he would be more violent than they, while goading them on.

I heard an interesting comment today on radio: someone mentioned that the divisions which led to the US Civil War gained momentum so fast partly because of new technology: The telegraph had first been put to use around late 1850's - just before the war broke out. Hotheads like Donald Trump were able to spread their messages quickly to rile up masses of people.

Now fastforward to now. Internet interaction is mushrooming, enabling hundreds of millions of people to communicate almost instantly. A hothead like Trump can get his message of divisiveness to masses of people. He makes headlines every day. I wouldn't doubt Carson and Christie feel like ding dongs right now for endorsing Trump, ....and they should.

The technology you reference is being used by groups like Black Lives Matter and Move On to mobilize flash mobs. Trump is simply taking advantage of the mainstream media which has provided him unprecedented free coverage for months now.

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With the U.S. having under 5% of the world's population - the other 95% watches with bated breath - as the Horror ( aka The Donald) unfolds before our very eyes

Stephen King must be salivating about now - having been given fodder for about ten more books

Like manna from heaven

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Trump is undoubtedly a master at hogging the headlines when he wants.

Cancelling the appearance in Chicago might have been part of that, but he wasn't the one who paid for the "protesters" to be there. That was done by the true fascists in America.

paid for the "protesters" to be there

Right wingers and other tellers of tall tales need to provide independent evidence to provide some concrete basis of this wild claim.

Short of any credible evidence, i.e., claims from other than the well funded mass of highly financed rightwhingenut media, this is vacuous right wing rhetoric that has the effect of corrupting the discourse and the political processes in the United States.

Once the system can be wholly discredited it can then be negated, i.e., dismantled and destroyed. The consequent risk to the stability of the political system and process thus becomes more vulnerable to Trump and his unique brand of the limited-appeal new American strongman fascism. To include too many of his enthusiastic true believer followers.

Stop blaming Trump supporters for campaign violence

"...organized groups of left-wing agitators intentionally come to Trump rallies to provoke his supporters. According to the New York Times, the protesters “fling themselves to the ground, forcing law enforcement officers — often outmanned and overwhelmed — to drag them away. They also shout and curse, making obscene gestures.” They should not be surprised when they get a reaction. Walk into a blue-collar bar and start taunting people that way, and you are likely to leave without some of your teeth."


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