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Every Picture Tells a Story: “Thai man no good” right?


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the gf's 'kid' who i call the sumo, sits on its 130kg ass watching tv 18 hours a day. it has to be poked with a stick to do anything and only does it while complaining constantly. the grandmum takes care of it and feeds it from a shovel. im sure he will turn out to be a fine example of society.

Yea, never seen this type of person living in USA, Britain or Australia... ??????

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Soooo true!! The truth hurts!!

Provide some statistics, eh?

Otherwise it is just a spurious and likely erroneous supposition on your part, and nowhere near a "truth".

BTB, I am retired, a US citizen, and never had any kiddos, so all of your accusations fall off the mark. I just do not like unsupported assertions that are intended to demean a category of person.

While it is not my "thing", those who enjoy supping beer from a barstool perch are entitled to waste their time as they wish without BS aspersions cast indiscriminately in their direction.wink.png

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The photo for this post is brilliant. Simple and to the point. Well done.

For those of you stating "most of the Thai girls I have met...", you are saying something that is true. I have met these girls. They hang out in Farang venues, they speak English, and they are looking for a Farang bf. Many have had very negative experiences with Thai men. Many have been impregnated and abandoned. They believe that a Farang bf will treat them better and be more faithful. And many will be disappointed again!

BUT these girls are a very small fraction of Thai women.

You are not meeting the 30+ MILLION Thai women who cannot speak one world of English, have no interest in a Farang bf (beyond simple curiosity generated by watching some western films), and are happily involved with a nice Thai man. They would never step into a place full of Farang men. They would never walk up to you and start a conversation.

It is a small fraction of the posters in this forum who circulate deeply within Thai society.

It is quite true that Thai women, in general, prefer a man who is older than they are, and they prefer an age gap significantly greater than women in the west. I believe there are many reasons for this. When it comes to playing around, of course any woman is going to be interested in a younger, more handsome guy. But in relationships, especially those intended to produce a family, they are much more practical, and look for different qualities in the man. Experience, maturity, family background, and the ability to support the family financially are paramount considerations in this case.

As for money. Every woman (Thai or otherwise) looks to her man for security. Aside from every other aspect of a relationship, and in almost every culture (to varying degrees), it is the man who is expected to be the man. He is expected to provide security for his woman and his family. And it is this role that gives a man some measure of self-respect. Societies that have attempted to subvert this model have done so to their detriment. The US is a perfect example of this, with their welfare system which has produced unexpected and undesirable side-effects with regards to the family unit.

There is no doubt that there exist endless Thai men who are not great examples of manhood. In the US, we have trailer parks full of the American equivalent. But I have young Thai guys working for me. They are university educated. They are kind, respectful, and intelligent. They plan for their future. They work hard. They have a girlfriend, and they are not running around on her (at least as best as I can tell). All of them would, in my opinion, make excellent husbands and fathers.

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Soooo true!! The truth hurts!!

No the truth doesn't hurt if its truthful & you've done the right thing.

l stayed in a loveless marriage & didn't have another woman on the side, until my kids were grown up.

l then very generously paid out the children's mother & came to Thailand, where l am enjoying myself immensely.

l don't moralise about other people's needs & l couldn't care less if someone doesn't like my lifestyle.

Tough bananas.

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Most of the Thai ladies I have met would not consider a Thai man. I met some whose father was Thai and after a couple kids buggered off. I watch one in particular whose wife works in their store while he lays outside on a bench drinking beer alone or with friends with ear buds plugged in. A real winner. I see so many lopsided relationships as far as age goes between foreigners and Thai ladies and there must be a reason for it.

The Thai women who join in partnership with farang men mostly have a sad relationship with Thai men in their past. Nearly all of them that I know have been married to a Thai, got pregnant and been deserted. Now they feel safer with a farang, even one much older.

even one much older.

In about 99% of the time, only if there are financial advantages for them.

Do you really believe that? Financial assistance aside you think theyd prefer a guy their own age..greedy and a whole 2 minutes in the bedroom. Fights all the time cos he doesnt get it three times a day.


Its fun to see how delusional people are. Most girls like guys their age and maybe a bit older say 10 years max. However money makes a lot of things look different and the older guys love to fool themselves. Just look in normal Thai life most are of the same age man and wife (sure there are exceptions but most are not) So now all of a sudden its different with foreigners.. .. what is the difference.. money.

Sure there are exceptions.. but not as much as the old guys like to believe.

Lot of resentment from pretty every other male, directed at me, which has certainly been an eye opener.

Hard to take that seriously, that- you are deluding yourself vibe, if the guy saying something like it or giving off some body language looks like he's about to burst a vein in his head

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The majority of Thai men that I know are hard working and affable husbands. Not to say that some don't struggle to be good husbands, but I know dozens upon dozens of Thai women happily married to Thai men.

Thai women who tell you that a good Thai man is impossible to find are just telling you what you want to hear.

Edited by Gecko123
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Truth be told there is more than enough Thai men that are hard working and honest and come with a long list of good attributes that they can claim.

As a man I am not really interested in meeting men and making friends with men here in Thailand while that can be said about any country I may visit or reside in, as it is the women that attract me ...naturally.

Meantime, I meet more than enough Thai men during business circumstances while I do not try to befriend them any further than any business we do or may do while they do not try to befriend me any more than the existing business acquaintance level of friendship.

I like it that way anyhow while I do not regard Thai men as any worse or better than other men but I am thinking it is somewhat prudent and better not to get too involved or too close to any Thai man or Thai men and what may possibly evolve because more then likely there will be some sort of problems that evolve or develop, somehow or some way....sooner or later.

Possibly, I could be better off in numerous ways if I tried to pursue closer relationships with business related Thai male friends and start to involve myself with or within their social circles as I have often envisioned myself working my way up the Thai social ladder through close friendships with the right people, so to speak, as some foreigners are known to do just that.

I believe such persons are known as "Sycophants"

But I have other matters that occupy my time while the Thai men that I could know better or be more friendly with never ask me to join them in their activities so I do not ask them to join me in my activities ...but we could...but we don't...but maybe we should .....so leave it at that while I would rather use my time pursuing more friendly female relationships than male relationships....if you know what I mean...lol

But hey...if you happen to be a gay male and like men, then the opposite would / could be the case...lol


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You have to move away from Sukhumvit, Silom, Pattaya, etc. in order to learn about the true Thai men. Thai men have the same hopes, fears, wants and aspirations as any flang I know. They are hard working people. They worry about their families, if there will be a flood or a draught and how to best support their families. In fact there's probably more white trash in the USA and England than there are Thai men living off the tourist, etc.

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What gibberish...rambling on about one's personal thoughts about the lack of communication between Thai and foreign men...

What did the "Picture" tell us?

Isn't the Picture the point of this posting?

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I can understand the disdain to forigners by thai men. I tend to have the same disdain for most expats I meet. Either blowing hot air up my ass or telling me how rich they are as they hop on their scooter. All but 2 of my friends are thai. Sincere and good people. As the saying goes " if all you have is bullshit then all you can attract is flies".

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If you were gay, then there are plenty of Thai men available for you to meet.

If you like men dressed as women, again plenty of Thai men for you to meet.

Basically, most Thais only meet potential customers.

And the vast majority of foreign men in Thailand are looking to employ Thai females .........

Hence the vast number of available Thai females around for us to meet.

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Thai men have the same hopes, fears, wants and aspirations as any flang I know.

That just isn't true.

99% of the white foreign men I meet here, are way past the age of wanting to have children and bring them up.

And hardly any of them need to earn money either.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Most of the Thai ladies I have met would not consider a Thai man.

I expect most of the Thai ladies you met wouldn't have a hope in hell of landing a Thai man.

Too old, too broken, too many children, too used, too greedy & grasping. (take your pick)

From what I have seen, white foreigners are the last option for the Thai lady, when they have no choices left.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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Hahaha, why does the " Oh, all Thai man no good." always come from the prostitute, usually who got pregnant to a Thai man who she never married?

They don't see the irony in " I am a hooker, but the man is no good"

It seems that a lot of farangs who take on these dubious women then like to complain about their families. What were they expecting?

These Thai men are actually very smart when it comes to Thai women. Many are hard workers and some are not.

Western women often sit at home while the man goes and earns all the money. Some Thai men have turned this scenario on its head. They hang with their mates all day while the wife brings home the bacon. This doesn't make them stupid IMO, it makes them clever! Not only are their women generally a lot better looking than the westerners, but they also get them to do all the work, while they enjoy life. Sounds good to me.

And some here are bagging them for the culture of the Mia Noi. Once again, they are able to manage this situation a lot better than the farang buffalo who married the hooker that no Thai bloke wanted, but stays faithful to her and paid a huge sin sot and bought her a house.. These Thais blokes who are supposedly no good must be laughing their heads off at the stupidity.

Another source of grievance for many on Thaivisa seems to be that the boys get looked after by the mothers and females too much. I don't here any of them complaining of their good lifestyles.

The best thing I did when I first started living here was to become good friends with three Thai blokes. EVERYTHING they advised me on turned out to be spot on. If I started dating a girl, they would tell me if she was any good or not and why.

They have helped me so much over the years and we have had some great times. I actually don't understand why so many ask questions on Thaivisa, just ask a Thai. They know Thailand much better than farangs. They also know the best places to hang out/travel to. Fun, funny, clever people who enjoy life.

And yes, they do have or did have Mia Nois/ Giks. And hot ones. Why not?

Edited by Roomuck
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You cannot have high class thai friend if you have a isan or low class wife or girlfriend as they dont mix

low class men struggle with money so much you cannot be friend with them

thats the basis

after comes the language

after come the chinese problem hermetic

Edited by jerome2
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Hahaha, why does the " Oh, all Thai man no good." always come from the prostitute, usually who got pregnant to a Thai man who she never married?

They don't see the irony in " I am a hooker, but the man is no good"

It seems that a lot of farangs who take on these dubious women then like to complain about their families. What were they expecting?

These Thai men are actually very smart when it comes to Thai women. Many are hard workers and some are not.

Western women often sit at home while the man goes and earns all the money. Some Thai men have turned this scenario on its head. They hang with their mates all day while the wife brings home the bacon. This doesn't make them stupid IMO, it makes them clever! Not only are their women generally a lot better looking than the westerners, but they also get them to do all the work, while they enjoy life. Sounds good to me.

And some here are bagging them for the culture of the Mia Noi. Once again, they are able to manage this situation a lot better than the farang buffalo who married the hooker that no Thai bloke wanted, but stays faithful to her and paid a huge sin sot and bought her a house.. These Thais blokes who are supposedly no good must be laughing their heads off at the stupidity.

Another source of grievance for many on Thaivisa seems to be that the boys get looked after by the mothers and females too much. I don't here any of them complaining of their good lifestyles.

The best thing I did when I first started living here was to become good friends with three Thai blokes. EVERYTHING they advised me on turned out to be spot on. If I started dating a girl, they would tell me if she was any good or not and why.

They have helped me so much over the years and we have had some great times. I actually don't understand why so many ask questions on Thaivisa, just ask a Thai. They know Thailand much better than farangs. They also know the best places to hang out/travel to. Fun, funny, clever people who enjoy life.

And yes, they do have or did have Mia Nois/ Giks. And hot ones. Why not?

After enough time on this planet, after decades in a career that involves having to read people. You dont need to know the language or the culture to be able to read all that body language.

Thai people know thailand better than foriegners....well maybe the location of some secret waterfalls, but outside bangkok and some of the tourists spots, its the same shit everywhere, temple here, ricefield, mountain, temple rice field, mountain

Ive been all over now, the best looking girls across the country will gravitate to places like pattaya, and once they get there, it will be the best looking ones that are more successful. A lot of people want to believe otherwise, but its just the way it is, has been, all through human history across the globe. Better looking women are just going to be offered more, by more men

Any good honest thai man, is simply not going to earn enough money

That observation about thai culture you mention, mothers babying the sons more, that eventually leads a simlar kind of sense of entitlement thats mirrored in western woman I complain about.

You want to know about Thai culture, just ask a Thai? Seriously? You think they are the ones to be most objective about it?. For religious or Cultural reasons, its the same kind of BS as it is everywhere else - usually all really just so the older generations can still have some power....values get thrown out the window, families squabble once money gets thrown in the mix.

Out of all you said in that post, the only thing that really matters, is thai women look and age a lot better than their western counterparts a LOT! better

Its all just one math equation, the variables being: what she looks like, which flows on to what the kids are going to look like, how much wealth I have, what I look like, whether or not spending how ever much in Thailand for her upkeep is going to hurt or is it going to represent small change, thus never any stress

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Classic excuse Thai ladies use when looking for a farang partner. Money plays no part, it is always 'Thai man no good'.

Out of a country of 60+ million people, it is hardly fair to class all Thai men as no good.

I know a lot of Thai females happily married to their Thai husbands.

I agree. I know many Thai ladies from middle class backgrounds who talk about their fathers as wonderful men. Many Thai women have happy marriages.
Thai men are a bit like Latin American men in regard to a macho attitude. Obviously, this couldn't be universal or the family unit would not be as strong as it
is. We tend to see the behavior of the very lower classes rather than typical behavior. Lower middle class behavior in most countries is not going to be the best.
Thailand is no exception.
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Most Thai men have no paternity gene. Procreate & move on. Thai Government should bring in compulsory child support from the father's beer money.

They do actually have this in the laws already.....

The Laws are not the problem, they have hundreds that are good.

The problem is enforcement, or lack of it.............


By Thai men?

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It is very easy to get a wrong impression of Thai guys unless one has worked with them on a regular basis. Sure one can walk the streets at almost any time of day and see many lounging around in the company of a beer bottle, but many more are at work in offices and factories so not on view.

Similarly I guess many of them see us as piss artists as a result of the minority on view who are.

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Hahaha, why does the " Oh, all Thai man no good." always come from the prostitute, usually who got pregnant to a Thai man who she never married?

They don't see the irony in " I am a hooker, but the man is no good"

It seems that a lot of farangs who take on these dubious women then like to complain about their families. What were they expecting?

These Thai men are actually very smart when it comes to Thai women. Many are hard workers and some are not.

Western women often sit at home while the man goes and earns all the money. Some Thai men have turned this scenario on its head. They hang with their mates all day while the wife brings home the bacon. This doesn't make them stupid IMO, it makes them clever! Not only are their women generally a lot better looking than the westerners, but they also get them to do all the work, while they enjoy life. Sounds good to me.

And some here are bagging them for the culture of the Mia Noi. Once again, they are able to manage this situation a lot better than the farang buffalo who married the hooker that no Thai bloke wanted, but stays faithful to her and paid a huge sin sot and bought her a house.. These Thais blokes who are supposedly no good must be laughing their heads off at the stupidity.

Another source of grievance for many on Thaivisa seems to be that the boys get looked after by the mothers and females too much. I don't here any of them complaining of their good lifestyles.

The best thing I did when I first started living here was to become good friends with three Thai blokes. EVERYTHING they advised me on turned out to be spot on. If I started dating a girl, they would tell me if she was any good or not and why.

They have helped me so much over the years and we have had some great times. I actually don't understand why so many ask questions on Thaivisa, just ask a Thai. They know Thailand much better than farangs. They also know the best places to hang out/travel to. Fun, funny, clever people who enjoy life.

And yes, they do have or did have Mia Nois/ Giks. And hot ones. Why not?

After enough time on this planet, after decades in a career that involves having to read people. You dont need to know the language or the culture to be able to read all that body language.

Thai people know thailand better than foriegners....well maybe the location of some secret waterfalls, but outside bangkok and some of the tourists spots, its the same shit everywhere, temple here, ricefield, mountain, temple rice field, mountain

Ive been all over now, the best looking girls across the country will gravitate to places like pattaya, and once they get there, it will be the best looking ones that are more successful. A lot of people want to believe otherwise, but its just the way it is, has been, all through human history across the globe. Better looking women are just going to be offered more, by more men

Any good honest thai man, is simply not going to earn enough money

That observation about thai culture you mention, mothers babying the sons more, that eventually leads a simlar kind of sense of entitlement thats mirrored in western woman I complain about.

You want to know about Thai culture, just ask a Thai? Seriously? You think they are the ones to be most objective about it?. For religious or Cultural reasons, its the same kind of BS as it is everywhere else - usually all really just so the older generations can still have some power....values get thrown out the window, families squabble once money gets thrown in the mix.

Out of all you said in that post, the only thing that really matters, is thai women look and age a lot better than their western counterparts a LOT! better

Its all just one math equation, the variables being: what she looks like, which flows on to what the kids are going to look like, how much wealth I have, what I look like, whether or not spending how ever much in Thailand for her upkeep is going to hurt or is it going to represent small change, thus never any stress

I disagree with a few points.

Best looking women gravitate to Pattaya? Perhaps to western eyes who like the short, dark skinned, flat nosed, ( which I do think are attractive) are not considered desirable to be wives of Thai men who generally prefer taller, light skinned girls with noses.(I like them also). Most of the Pattaya ladies also are single mothers which Thai blokes are not at all interested in taking on.

I live in Pattaya and my Thai mates are amazed at all the girls they consider unattractive that hook a farang. Out of the 25,000 "working"girls here I reckon 1,000 would be considered hot in Thai eyes. Many are bloody terrible actually, but I put it down to many farangs having low self esteem so they feel more comfortable with an ugly one. My mates ask me " why do farang like ugly women? "

You are claiming to know more about Thais than a Thai. How did you acquire this knowledge. On Thaivisa?

And you claim no Thai men have money? I have met some ridiculously loaded Thai men, but you haven't. I don't want to name drop, but there are many. Look at some of the imported cars getting around despite the high taxes on them, not all are driven by Chinese Thais Despite what you read on thaivisa.

There has been a huge boom in Thailand over the last thirty so years. Thailand actually had the fastest growing economy in the world for a while.

Plenty of Thais have plenty of money. Trust me, I know. They MIGHT take on a Pattaya type as a Mia noi, but don't take them seriously.

What I am sure of though, is that young Thai female teenagers don't have posters of old fat farang men on their bedroom walls growing up. Despite claiming " that Thai man no good"

Edited by Roomuck
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Isnt all this pretty much judging a book by its cover?

A picture can tell a story, but it entirely depends on what you see, and not necessatily what you are looking at.

Who is anyone to sit in judgement and make assumptions, unless you actually know the individual and the back story.

Everything else is guesswork and (mostly) sweeping generalisations.

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Classic excuse Thai ladies use when looking for a farang partner. Money plays no part, it is always 'Thai man no good'.

Out of a country of 60+ million people, it is hardly fair to class all Thai men as no good.

I know a lot of Thai females happily married to their Thai husbands.

.....and I know a few Thai Men happily married to their Wife, good father to his kids, but has a Mia Noi on the side, luckily n kids with that one. The Mia Noi concept is foreign to us, but is widely accepted by Thai Women as long as the men adhere to the "Never The Twain Shall Meet".............'Thai man no good'?? probably but most likely the lady saying that had a bad one, and wants you to think she will 'never butterfly' with a Thai man..................Wrong!!!

In some so-called Western cultures, woman can dump the hard-working middle-aged husband and take half his wealth even though he has not strayed. They have just worked out that they will have maximised their financial "take" from the relationship and don't see any point in further "investing" in the relationship now that the kids are raised and college has been paid for.

Is that not much stranger than a man, whose wife is no longer interested in sex possibly because she has moved beyond the menopause, taking on a Mia Noi? The idea about the Mia Noi is that she will never be a full wife and therefore the official wife is secure. I know several wives who are quite happy that their husbands have something on the side as they have no interest in sex any more and would prefer not to be bothered about it. However, they are secure in their knowledge that he is not going to leave them and has the good sense and manners not to parade his mia noi for all to see

To my mind, this is a lot less strange and frankly more fair to all concerned than the Western solution as stated above. In the Thai example, the family stays intact. In the Western example, the family is fractured.

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