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Kind-hearted beggar who donated over 1 mil baht to a temple is now out of the temple


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Two things bugs me here, the fact that a beggar has a million baht, and that a temple that got said money

has thrown the man out on his ass just because he's unable to look after himself, there are many 'whys' that

beggars to be asked here......

I live near the temple and have met uncle lam. He is mentally and physically challenged and loves his Buddhist religion. He feels a part of the temple, and is doing something with his life (other than sitting at home making smart ass comments on a forum) and he collected the million bhat over decades and decades, which he generously gave to the temple.

I don't imagine he was 'thrown out on his ass' as you so eloquently put it. The temple would have sorted him the room (located opposite the temple) so he can still feel part of it, and no doubt he is welcome whenever he wants to go as he was a big part of life there.

I believe you are probably correct. Everybody else on here is just taking this to slam Buddhism.

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I am an Atheist but would not slam Buddhism anymore than Catholicism or Hinduism or any other belief.

I disagree and find it objectionable when monks and/or priests or whatever and wherever are running temples and churches like private piggy banks bleeding those who can least afford it.

Adding back, the ridiculous wealth and private planes exposed in the media and cars and lifestyles these alleged pious people are living, it's a shame and they should not be shielded nor protected.These people who are stealing, preying on novice priests and monks for sexual satisfaction and all thew while preaching to the rest of us about what is right and wrong.

I have no time for those Reverends in the USA and Africa doing likewise.

OK, in the old man's predicament, if they have looked after him, fair enough,however, it is not how it was put across at the start of the post.

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A million baht! That should have bought him a lifetime of being cared for by the temple, whether he continued to beg for money, or not. It just goes to show what Thai Buddhism stands for. It surely was not meant to be this way. I would bet money they are throwing the food he normally ate to the dogs who scavenge their. What a shame this man had no forethought to use that million on a younger woman and a house so he had a place to live and a woman to take care of him until he dies.

My bro inlaw got crook,booted him out.

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