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How long could survive on three million baht?

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I was thinking 2-2.5yrs tops....I dont pay accomodation and travel to BKK only now and again. Car almost paid.....next month I think.

I was really how quickly you guys would wipe out 3 million baht.

Some quicker than others for sure. ☺

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at my current rate of spending it would give me 100 months or 8.33 years.

that accounts for EVERYTHING i need in life!

Problem is...exchange rate can drop, Also, prices could go up.

Some people would need a hospital room / surgery at any time.

I would not count on things staying the same for eight years.

When people first get here...there are expenses to set up insurance, car/motorbike.....and perhaps a few emergency trips back home. First few years will be more expensive then the following....if all was the same.


Been there done that, I survived 3 years with my savings without any additional income. An average of 25k per month. No problem, just live cheap , rent rooms from 5k - 7k .


And where pray tell are you going to get a 5% return on a GBP 60k investment ?

I get it right now, although I suffer the volatility. January was a "difficult" month!

Murray International, Securities Trust of Scotland, BlackRock Income Strategies and Dunedin Income Growth. Averages out a bit over 5%, with sixteen dividends a year.


If you invested it, and was lucky enough to buy a 10% yield, then a frugal person could live out the rest of their days on 3 M baht.

(3M*10% = B25,000 monthly income)

Such as ?

such as the chap with the 10% yielding investment in the Startrek episode "Beam Me Up Scotty" followed by the sequel "My 10% Wet Dream".

joke aside, investments yielding 10% do exist. of course with risks attached.


at my current rate of spending it would give me 12 months or 1.00 years.

You have the wrong thread.
Look for 'What are the biggest lies foreigners tell in Thailand ?'
Interesting. Care to explain how you have intimate knowledge of my financials to have based your claim upon ?

I base my claim on utter BS on your behalf.

So in other words you are clueless and make spiteful claims out of pure jealousy.

Sucks to be you.

Now come, come girls let's put the handbags and napkins away ...... My answer to the original question is quite simple. For the number of cheap Charlie's on here, that amount would probably last a life time, it may even allow those on overstay have the finances to become legal!

Been there done that, I survived 3 years with my savings without any additional income. An average of 25k per month. No problem, just live cheap , rent rooms from 5k - 7k .

I would be suicidal if I woke up in a 5k room in bangkok, let alone actually live in it

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


I was thinking 2-2.5yrs tops....I dont pay accomodation and travel to BKK only now and again. Car almost paid.....next month I think.

I was really how quickly you guys would wipe out 3 million baht.

Some quicker than others for sure. ☺

Don't be fooled by the hi-rollers in their Bangkok luxury appts., Phuket pool villas tongue.png

50k/month is a good rule of thumbs not for surviving but for a decent life.

Even more without paying for accommodation.

Surviving needs much much less.

The usual money traps to be observed: red-light, bars/booze, imported luxury stuff/food/pricey western restaurants etc.

And: what's the plan when moneys out?

Do you plan to keep a reserve?

Point of (no) return (ticket)?

You have the wrong thread.

Look for 'What are the biggest lies foreigners tell in Thailand ?'

Interesting. Care to explain how you have intimate knowledge of my financials to have based your claim upon ?
i would imagine - just a guess but - that spending thb 8219.17808 a day would keep you too busy to post replies on this forum.

but perhaps you have some really expensive 'hobbies'? smile.png

An accountant your not are you ?....lets say the poster is spending 80k month on accomdation, say another 20 or 30 month on a car, private schooling for the kids etc..all adds up...

spending approx USD 85k a year wouldnt be that hard to do....so one suspects your remarks, plus the other poster are tinged with the green envy monster

Bobotie, I suspect Thaiduncakk and Manfredtillman are replying literally to the thread title without comprehending the content of the OP's post.

But to add some clarity to my reply to the OP.

I work here an on an expat salary (albeit a low one in thr grand scheme of expat salaries but one none the less), I have my basic salary + car allowance + house allowance + Full private medical insurance + paid flight home which totals (with the annual bonus) about 3 million baht.

Now the OP asked "if your job finished tomorrow" then obviously the above salary package would vapourise.

But we still have to pay for the current lifestyle which is;

House rent.

House content insurance.



Car repayments(x2).

Car Insurance(x2).

Car maintenance(x2).

Car annual road tax(x2).

Scooter stuff ( not all that much but it still is an outgoing)(x2).

Fuel for the above vehicles.

Tires for the above vehicles.




Health insurance.

Dog visits to the vet(x4 dogs).




The above does not account for 3 million baht though and is only my Thailand outgoings.

Now we add my outgoings in my home country;

House repayments.

House insurance.

House maintenance.

And suddenly we realise that a big chunk of that 3 million baht salary that just vapourised has been consumed with relative ease.

Perhaps you should mention or start with after tax.


I was thinking 2-2.5yrs tops....I dont pay accomodation and travel to BKK only now and again. Car almost paid.....next month I think.

I was really how quickly you guys would wipe out 3 million baht.

Some quicker than others for sure. ☺

3 years with no rent that's 55 k. Disposable a month. Sounds like a decent emough amount 2 be able do with in reason what you want. But if thats your only wedge. Imo better of doing something with it rather than just blowing it, there will be other days where u might need it. Go get get a little return, u got other money,, different story.

Edit whoops i was.working.with 2million not 3 million.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


Been there done that, I survived 3 years with my savings without any additional income. An average of 25k per month. No problem, just live cheap , rent rooms from 5k - 7k .

I would be suicidal if I woke up in a 5k room in bangkok, let alone actually live in it

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

what do you think is the major reason for people jumping from balconies?


If you are on a retired extension the Thai immigration believe you would be able to stay for 3.85 years at 65,000 baht per month

If you are on a married extension the Thai Immigration believe you would be able to stay for 6.25 years at 40,000 baht per month.

If you have Thai Elite you will be allowed to stay 6 years at 500,000 per year.

Good luck


i would imagine - just a guess but - that spending thb 8219.17808 a day would keep you too busy to post replies on this forum.

but perhaps you have some really expensive 'hobbies'? smile.png

An accountant your not are you ?....lets say the poster is spending 80k month on accomdation, say another 20 or 30 month on a car, private schooling for the kids etc..all adds up...

spending approx USD 85k a year wouldnt be that hard to do....so one suspects your remarks, plus the other poster are tinged with the green envy monster

Bobotie, I suspect Thaiduncakk and Manfredtillman are replying literally to the thread title without comprehending the content of the OP's post.

But to add some clarity to my reply to the OP.

I work here an on an expat salary (albeit a low one in thr grand scheme of expat salaries but one none the less), I have my basic salary + car allowance + house allowance + Full private medical insurance + paid flight home which totals (with the annual bonus) about 3 million baht.

Now the OP asked "if your job finished tomorrow" then obviously the above salary package would vapourise.

But we still have to pay for the current lifestyle which is;

House rent.

House content insurance.



Car repayments(x2).

Car Insurance(x2).

Car maintenance(x2).

Car annual road tax(x2).

Scooter stuff ( not all that much but it still is an outgoing)(x2).

Fuel for the above vehicles.

Tires for the above vehicles.




Health insurance.

Dog visits to the vet(x4 dogs).




The above does not account for 3 million baht though and is only my Thailand outgoings.

Now we add my outgoings in my home country;

House repayments.

House insurance.

House maintenance.

And suddenly we realise that a big chunk of that 3 million baht salary that just vapourised has been consumed with relative ease.

Perhaps you should mention or start with after tax.

Perhaps you should learn to qoute.

But to humour your.

Bt.220,000 hits my bank account every month....


Been there done that, I survived 3 years with my savings without any additional income. An average of 25k per month. No problem, just live cheap , rent rooms from 5k - 7k .

I would be suicidal if I woke up in a 5k room in bangkok, let alone actually live in it

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

what do you think is the major reason for people jumping from balconies?

Being pushed?


I was spending around 30k a month because I like staying in hotels from time to time . Last few months I started experimenting with money and just cooking home.... And I can't even spend 10,000 baht a month. So by my calculations I could live minimum 20 years on 3 million baht.

Of course, no kids and I live in my wife's townhouse for free.


life is short.....but expensive. so get a TENT, live outside with cash in safe.......do this for like 4 months.....bang, save big money

then move in with farang...tell them you are broke...another 2 months

then thai gf...another 2 months


do this JUST ONE YEAR and you will have saved a lot.....

odds of dying....maybe 4 percent. so not bad

i might ask the same question with 9 million baht when i'm 50........

working is not living!! you must be one with people who sell cheap mango shakes

when thailand gets expensive.....well, we are all doomed


But we still have to pay for the current lifestyle which is;

House rent.

The above does not account for 3 million baht though and is only my Thailand outgoings.

Now we add my outgoings in my home country;

House repayments.

You make payments on one house and rent another and you're posting this? I wouldn't even post about my finances if I didn't own my US home free and clear - and my cars and all else too...

Some people's idea of being in tall cotton is far different from mine... whistling.gif



Been there done that, I survived 3 years with my savings without any additional income. An average of 25k per month. No problem, just live cheap , rent rooms from 5k - 7k .

I would be suicidal if I woke up in a 5k room in bangkok, let alone actually live in it

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

I had a nice room with air-con and a swimming pool inside the complex. 6500 baht was the rent + electricity. Just think smart and you can have a good life at a cheaper cost . Bangkok is a big city , you'll be surprised what you can get outside the farang areas.


Avarage salary pr month in uk after tax (thief) is 1800pound pr month, but what is amazing those nanny state lick david socialist eu cameron.

In thailand you can easyli live on halft that amount.

Regards norwegian in norway with dobbel average salary, what a third country uk is ( allah hu akbhar) r.i.p uk.. Searching for immigrants calais want go uk, the money growing on treer i guess???


Avarage salary pr month in uk after tax (thief) is 1800pound pr month, but what is amazing those nanny state lick david socialist eu cameron.

In thailand you can easyli live on halft that amount.

Regards norwegian in norway with dobbel average salary, what a third country uk is ( allah hu akbhar) r.i.p uk.. Searching for immigrants calais want go uk, the money growing on treer i guess???

Well, what do you mean by the "average"? The mean is distorted badly with some high earners. If you want to frighten yourself see what the real income distribution looks like by banging some numbers into the IFS website (below).


In the UK a lot of people are paying around £600 a month to put any kind of roof over their heads - much more in many places - and they're paying another £140 in local authority taxation and £100 in travel. £840 quid just for the right to be in the country and work, with (say) £1300-1400 in after tax income. That describes your bog-standard bank or insurance company employee in Leeds, Manchester or Glasgow. In London and the South East a lot of people are paying £3,000-£6,000 in after tax income just to get a season ticket to get to work.

Take Leeds/Glasgow at £840 and compare to Thailand at £140 (maximum) for accommodation and travel. That's £700 you're paying just to be in a position to work in the UK. Now, okay, you get amenities for the money: libraries, better public services and the like. But the median Brit gives up half their after-tax income just to be in a position to have that income.


The OP is talking about surviving so I think you could potentially go quite a while. Wouldn't be much fun but you could still live a good life. As one poster said the average Thai probably lives on @150000 baht a year don't think I could go that low but I think the family could survive on 50000 a month. I'm nearly in that situation now I work offshore oil and gas and this is the biggest downturn I have seen in my career. My life is at sea and I don't fancy working ashore or ever returning to Oz to live. It will pick up again, so I have decided to tighten the belt and wheather the storm. Fortunately I have a lot more than 3 million to survive on but still I have found the more you try to save the more you notice your outgoings and how quickly they accrue


But we still have to pay for the current lifestyle which is;

House rent.

The above does not account for 3 million baht though and is only my Thailand outgoings.

Now we add my outgoings in my home country;

House repayments.

You make payments on one house and rent another and you're posting this? I wouldn't even post about my finances if I didn't own my US home free and clear - and my cars and all else too...

Some people's idea of being in tall cotton is far different from mine... whistling.gif


Yeah its crazy isnt it, I should have told the bank back home that Iam moving overseas for work and that I will not make any repayments whilst iam away.

As for the rent and cars here. You missed the part of my post where I mentioned I get a house and car allowance so in reality they currently cost me nothing as my employer is paying for them. but hey lets ignore the context of the OP's question and my reply.

Which brings us back to how long would 3 million last if you lost your job tomorrow. I dont particularly like Thailand anymore so when the job goes I'll hang around for however long it takes to get my affairs in order and then get the hell outta here.


I was thinking 2-2.5yrs tops....I dont pay accomodation and travel to BKK only now and again. Car almost paid.....next month I think.

I was really how quickly you guys would wipe out 3 million baht.

Some quicker than others for sure. ☺

Don't be fooled by the hi-rollers in their Bangkok luxury appts., Phuket pool villas tongue.png

50k/month is a good rule of thumbs not for surviving but for a decent life.

Even more without paying for accommodation.

Surviving needs much much less.

The usual money traps to be observed: red-light, bars/booze, imported luxury stuff/food/pricey western restaurants etc.

And: what's the plan when moneys out?

Do you plan to keep a reserve?

Point of (no) return (ticket)?

I am currently still working but you never know whats round the corner. ☺

Been there done that, I survived 3 years with my savings without any additional income. An average of 25k per month. No problem, just live cheap , rent rooms from 5k - 7k .

I would be suicidal if I woke up in a 5k room in bangkok, let alone actually live in it

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

what do you think is the major reason for people jumping from balconies?

Being pushed?

perhaps some, most others because their 3 million Baht evaporated.


at my current rate of spending it would give me 12 months or 1.00 years.

Which means you spend (or waste) BHT250K a month, That's a lot!!! My wife and I lead a very pleasant and comfortable life for about BHT100k monthly, including running a car and visiting restaurants from time to time. We do own our own house.


at my current rate of spending it would give me 12 months or 1.00 years.

Which means you spend (or waste) BHT250K a month, That's a lot!!! My wife and I lead a very pleasant and comfortable life for about BHT100k monthly, including running a car and visiting restaurants from time to time. We do own our own house.

yeah mate. I waste it all an beer and whores.


at my current rate of spending it would give me 12 months or 1.00 years.

Which means you spend (or waste) BHT250K a month, That's a lot!!! My wife and I lead a very pleasant and comfortable life for about BHT100k monthly, including running a car and visiting restaurants from time to time. We do own our own house.

we spend slightly more than THB 250k a month in Thailand (no rent) and a partof this amount is might considered wasted by outsiders. but whatever, i know that there are people who spend a multiple, but i wouldn't dare to blame any of them using the expression "waste".

anybody who asks me why i spend that much will get the simple answer "because i can!"


When I come over I spend around 30k per week, and I have my own property, I guess if I was living full-time, I'd try to reduce that to 15-20k per week

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