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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


"Today the name of Paul Ryan was floated, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and for the first time he did not particularly exclude the possibility of running against Trump"

PALM BEACH: -- It was dubbed Super Tuesday II, a crucial test of who is likely to be the presidential candidate for each of the main parties in the US ahead of elections in November.

US correspondent Stefan Grobe was in Palm Beach, Florida. Euronews’ Chris Cummins asked him if Donald Trump’s defeat in the state of Ohio still leaves the door open for a surprise on the Republican side.

Stefan Grobe: “Well, absolutely. I think what the Republicans have learned on this second Super Tuesday is that they cannot stop Donald trump, they can only slow him down. You’re right, Donald Trump lost Ohio, and that was a big prize for the anti-Trump forces, but then of course they’re still not strong enough to prevent Donald Trump from getting the Republican nomination.

“What everybody’s thinking here is that we’re drifting towards a brokered convention which means that Donald Trump will have the plurality of the delegates before the Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, but not the majority. So, that leaves us with a whole variety of possibilities, even the possibility of a candidate who is not yet known.

“Today the name of Paul Ryan was floated, the Speaker of the House of Representatives – and for the first time he did not particularly exclude the possibility of his running against Trump. But these are pure speculations, my guess is that Donald Trump will eventually be the Republican nominee.”

Chris Cummins: “A little more straightforward for the Democrats and Hillary Clinton?”

Stefan Grobe: “Well, it is. She obviously ran the table on this Super Tuesday, there are virtually no more chances left for Bernie Sanders of snatching the nomination away from her – although he issued a press release tonight saying that he will keep fighting on and take the fight to the Convention in Philadelphia.

“But, to be honest, Bernie Sanders is running out of time and he’s running out of states: there are only very very few big states left where he could score big. But these are states like New York, like Pennsylvania or like California. But in those states Hillary Clinton is in the lead.

“But because of the fact that Bernie Sanders is still hanging in that makes him the best friend of the Republican party because it drains away resources that could be used in a general election campaign, probably against Donald Trump.”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-17

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

LOL you are too funny. Watch and learn.

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

LOL you are too funny. Watch and learn.

Im not being funny I'm concerned for the future....That showman who thinks this campaign is an extension of one of his reality shows is a dead set tragedy and the clowns that vote for him are telling the rest of the world start building bomb shelters in your back yard....

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

LOL you are too funny. Watch and learn.

Im not being funny I'm concerned for the future....That showman who thinks this campaign is an extension of one of his reality shows is a dead set tragedy and the clowns that vote for him are telling the rest of the world start building bomb shelters in your back yard....

Thanks for your contribution. I was wondering when someone would get around to bringing up Trump thumbsup.gif

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

LOL you are too funny. Watch and learn.

Im not being funny I'm concerned for the future....That showman who thinks this campaign is an extension of one of his reality shows is a dead set tragedy and the clowns that vote for him are telling the rest of the world start building bomb shelters in your back yard....

No he is telling the rest of the world and politicians they can KISS AMERICAS ARSE.clap2.gifclap2.gif

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The Oz media is generally aghast at the idea of Trump and love Hilary, so pretty much in step with US msm as expected.

I somewhat doubt any candidate would dare buck the establishment, so Trump would probably be business as usual, albeit with a few dramatics.

But Hilary is definitely more war, Trump still unknown. Interesting the military was polled and favour Trump & Sanders over the rabid war candidates.

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

Funny, how people think a more viable candidate is someone who speaks in tongues (Cruz) or yelps like a chihuahua (Clinton).


Edited by Usernames
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Trump says all the things that the knuckle draggers love to hear, but he won't be able to deliver anything that he promises those suckers, and they won't realise it until he's closed the deal, like the dodgy real estate agent that he is.

Trump is a salesmen, but he'll never be a statesman, he may sell himself to the voters but he'll never be taken seriously on the world political stage!

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The hysterical reaction to Trump is far more interesting than the man himself. It is as if he is a conduit for every psychosis and personality disorder going all spewing out when people consider the prospect of Trump as president. Should it happen I suspect the reality would be far more mundane, after some people are carted off in white suits.

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Mundane? That's a good word.

When asked on Morning Joe who are you consulting with so you are ready on day one?

Trump replied (get this), "I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I've got a very good brain and I've said a lot of things."

Mundane indeed.

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The thing with populist big mouthed politicians is that the more you trump on them the stronger they get. All these hate campaigns against Trump will only lead to making him stronger. The only one who can beat Trump, is the man himself.

But honestly, look at the people who are running, is this the best the US can do?

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The thing with populist big mouthed politicians is that the more you trump on them the stronger they get. All these hate campaigns against Trump will only lead to making him stronger. The only one who can beat Trump, is the man himself.

But honestly, look at the people who are running, is this the best the US can do?

sadly,yes. The voters couldn't vote for Trump as president surely,on the other hand they did vote for Bush TWICE. The intelligence of the average American voter has obviously been vastly overrated.

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

Why would she cut him to ribbons? Her entire career has been marked by corruption, hypocrisy, abuse of power and policy failure. I doubt Trump has either the restraint or concern for how the fallout affects him personally that most politicians do that would prevent him from making hay out of that. No, I don't think he'll win, but you'll sure know what a POS candidate it is that you're voting for when he's done. Regardless who you vote for.The only thing interesting about this campaign anymore is what lies will the voters tell themselves in order to vote for any of them and what kind of person does that make them?

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As an outsider looking in....If Trump should get the nomination when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons, she don't have the razzamatazz like the golden boy what she has is real experience in government and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president.

"when he faces up to a real politician in Clinton certainly in policy she will cut him to ribbons"

​It was said that when he faced up to the Republican contenders he would be cut to ribbons as well. That didn't work as predicted.

"and for us watching this circus we all hope the Trump does not make president."

Well not all. The majority of Republicans than voted for Trump hope he does make president and after all they are the ones that count.

Everyone asks how do we stop him, but obviously those people are not the majority because if they were Trump would not be in the position he is in now. Winning!

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An Informative and interesting article concerning what could or may happen concerning Trump See the intro passage below then the link for the complete article.

US Election 2016: Donald Trump claims there will be 'riots' if Republican elders challenge his presidential nomination


Edited by shunter
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By normal primary voting means it is highly likely Trump will win. Based on delegates won and delegates remaining to be won in the last sets of primaries, Cruz the second place contender would have to win nearly 75 percent of all remaining primaries and Trump win next to none.. That is not going to happen. And Kasich has NO STATISTICAL chance of winning enough delegates.

So .. Donald Trump is likely going to be the Republican nominee - like it or not...

The Republican GOP Establishment Elitists and the Donor Class of cronies (The GOPe) talk about forcing a Brokered Convention against all rules... so they can contravene the will of the Republican voters ... Total Crazy Talk... Should the GOPe and the Cronies pull off a forced brokered convention and install / anoint a Jeb Bush, Rubio, Kasich or Ryan -- all members of the GOPe ... All Hell would break lose... Spiting on the vast majority of Anti-Establishment Republican Voters the 70% who voted for Trump, Cruz and Carson would ignite a Bonfire of the Vanities and would result in a Trump 3rd Party Run or at least a huge portion of those tens of millions of Anti-Republican Establishment voters Staying Home on Election Day...

Only ignorant - naive self-obsessed GOPe and their lackeys would dream up such a Party Suicide

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Mundane? That's a good word.

When asked on Morning Joe who are you consulting with so you are ready on day one?

Trump replied (get this), "I'm speaking with myself, number one, because I've got a very good brain and I've said a lot of things."

Mundane indeed.

Get your measurements registered with your G.P early to avoid the rush.


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Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay believes Ohio Gov. John Kasich will make a deal with Ted Cruz to bow out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination so that the Texas senator has a better chance of winning.


Are you sure you stated that correctly ?

Yeah, just copied and pasted the link, sorry here:


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