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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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More like small white ones too.

That's a strange thing to say.

You do realize that altering other people's posts is against the rules?

More like a small sample of radical left zealots from all those groups and a bunch of white ones too.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Don't know which news source you are looking at. US generals have said that they will not follow Trump and will disobey orders to randomly bomb The Middle East.

Nonsense. US Generals have said no such thing. Your link is to the opinion of ONE MAN and he does not speak for the rest of the American military. They have said they will not follow illegal orders. Donald Trump has never suggested that he would randomly bomb the Middle East.

Military Times survey: Troops back Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders for president


That's an interesting poll and it closely parallels many conversations I've had in the last few years with service people, both active duty and not. My perception is that there is beginning to exist a growing belief inside the armed services that they are being used more as a mercenary force in the service of economic hitmen than as a nation's defensive force. They don't see the enemy but they do see that being labeled "heroes" to the point of meaninglessness, is a poor substitute for being righteous.

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Anyone else noticed the similarity between Trump and Thaksin?

Both relying on voters fed up with the with the status quo, both claiming that as "successful" businessmen, they can translate that success if they ran the country.

Maybe Thailand can teach the USA something here.

IF Thailand has taught the USA anything, it is how the big powers stamp on democracy.

"How to stop Trump" reaks of the precursory tactics of how the army and elites shut down the reds..who (in all fairness) did not loose an election for xx years (14?)

You can have democracy for the plebs, but if the rich and powerful have their power base threatened by a loose cannon (or someone they cant control) they will use all manner of tactics to make sure the "wrong" guy does'nt get voted in.

The Trump issue is also similiar to Thailand in that the people are sick to death of politicians pandering to big business and filling the pockets of themselves and their cronies at the cost of the ever vanishing middle class.

GO- the Trump

After years of technological advances, nothing has changed for the average Joe.

Trump might be dark horse but what have they got to loose?

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Trump is threatening riots. What a disgusting dangerous violence inciting hothead. Compare to how Gore handled a potential civil war when his supporters felt the presidency had been stolen by the Scalia supreme court.

We were ready to go to the streets. Gore led and said don't.

Come on now. Trump is not threatening riots in the streets. He is merely stating the

obvious. If he falls just short of 50% +1 and the GOP establishment moved to install

Kasich, Romney (he is angling) Paul Ryan, (someone who did not run) both anti

establishment candidates (Trump/Cruz) who combined would have 75% of

the candidates would protest. Rioting is the streets of Cleveland. When has stating

the obvious incitement/threatening.

Oh the ratings...the ratings! Who would have imagined a year ago that the whole world will be watching the Cleveland Republican convention. And people are puzzled about Trump? Oh the ratings...the ratings!

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More like small white ones too.

That's a strange thing to say.

You do realize that altering other people's posts is against the rules?

More like a small sample of radical left zealots from all those groups and a bunch of white ones too.

Sure I do. But since you had quoted me as saying:

“Blacks, Mexican, Foreigners, Women, Muslims”

When I had Said:

“Blacks, Mexicans, Foreigners, Women, Muslims, Jews?, The Pope, Reporters and sentences.

I didn’t think you’d have a problem with it.

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All these guys have one thing in common, they tell it like it is. Thats why they are hated by the political correct media and establishment. Liberals despise strong leaders.

I hope he is elected!

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In the beginning of Trump's run for office I disliked him least of all the options. In time I became neutral. Now, today, as I look across the world at all the forces and mouthpieces aligning to protest Trump and scream "the sky is falling" if Trump is elected I realize I have come to like Trump.

When all the forces that represent what is worst in the world, what is failed, what is contrived, what is social/communist engineering, redistributionist, fiat economics, opportunist, divisive, relativist, European Socialist, oppressive and culturally debauched, and of barbarian ideology, come out to protest Trump, they give clarity to those like me. Previously Trump seemed intuitive, now he seems self-evident!

If a man can be measured by his enemies than Trump circumscribes the world.

My thoughts exactly, couldnt of said it better myself.

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All these guys have one thing in common, they tell it like it is. Thats why they are hated by the political correct media and establishment. Liberals despise strong leaders.

I hope he is elected!

No they don't:

Mao, Stalin, Ho Chi Mhin, Kim Il Sung, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Ayotola Khomeini, Sadam Hussein, Marshal Tito.

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All these guys have one thing in common, they tell it like it is. Thats why they are hated by the political correct media and establishment. Liberals despise strong leaders.

I hope he is elected!

The notable thing about most politicians who "tell it like it is" is the elimination of dissenting voices!

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Don't know which news source you are looking at. US generals have said that they will not follow Trump and will disobey orders to randomly bomb The Middle East.

Nonsense. US Generals have said no such thing. Your link is to the opinion of ONE MAN and he does not speak for the rest of the American military. They have said they will not follow illegal orders. Donald Trump has never suggested that he would randomly bomb the Middle East.

Military Times survey: Troops back Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders for president


That's an interesting poll and it closely parallels many conversations I've had in the last few years with service people, both active duty and not. My perception is that there is beginning to exist a growing belief inside the armed services that they are being used more as a mercenary force in the service of economic hitmen than as a nation's defensive force. They don't see the enemy but they do see that being labeled "heroes" to the point of meaninglessness, is a poor substitute for being righteous.

You'd enjoy reading 'The New Great Game' by Lutz Kleveman, it will confirm your findings.


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All these guys have one thing in common, they tell it like it is. Thats why they are hated by the political correct media and establishment. Liberals despise strong leaders.

I hope he is elected!

Stupidity on display.

Erdogan tells it like it is? Like when he recently said Cuba was originally a Muslim land and Christopher Columbus saw a mosque there? Or the way he is behaves like a petty, little girl who has university students prosecuted and jailed for tweeting criticism or jokes directed at him? Or Putin, a KGB thug who uses oppression and murder to stifle anyone that crosses him? Even sending agents abroad to place plutonium in a defectors tea? And Berlusconi, a man who all evidence points to soliciting underage prostitutes.

Yeah, people must dislike guys like these because "they tell it like it is." You cannot be this dense. You are displaying willful ignorance at this point.

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Many of the American voters are angry. And when you are angry you hit out at the establishment. So you turn to an anti establishment figure which this time is Mr Trump. Will that anger carry him through to the nomination? Well I hope so because that makes it all the more entertaining and let's face it the republicans haven't got a viable candidate to turn to. At some point though people will have to wake up to the fact that Trump is nothing more than a windbag. A windbag that has plugged into the anger very effectively and knows how to press the buttons of hate. The other side of the coin is Clinton who will take the election by de-fault and not by any ability to move the US forward.

We had the same sort of thing in the UK when Thatcher was re-elected over again because the Labour party couldn't find an electable alternative. Even today the Labour party in the UK cannot field anyone electable which gives us another 4 years under yet another sub-standard government.

Things are no better in the EU who have made a complete pigs ear of things recently.

No wonder then that China is dominating the world's economy followed by the rise in India's fortunes. The world is changing and we all need to come to terms with that

That, sir, was an excellent analysis!

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Trump is threatening riots. What a disgusting dangerous violence inciting hothead. Compare to how Gore handled a potential civil war when his supporters felt the presidency had been stolen by the Scalia supreme court.

We were ready to go to the streets. Gore led and said don't.

Come on now. Trump is not threatening riots in the streets. He is merely stating the

obvious. If he falls just short of 50% +1 and the GOP establishment moved to install

Kasich, Romney (he is angling) Paul Ryan, (someone who did not run) both anti

establishment candidates (Trump/Cruz) who combined would have 75% + of

the candidates would protest. Rioting is the streets of Cleveland. When has stating

the obvious incitement/threatening. whistling.gif

Will the patriotic GOP members attending the convention in Cleveland be exercising their 2nd Amendment rights? That could turn out to be very entertaining.

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All these guys have one thing in common, they tell it like it is. Thats why they are hated by the political correct media and establishment. Liberals despise strong leaders.

I hope he is elected!

Jesus! Words fail me.....

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In the beginning of Trump's run for office I disliked him least of all the options. In time I became neutral. Now, today, as I look across the world at all the forces and mouthpieces aligning to protest Trump and scream "the sky is falling" if Trump is elected I realize I have come to like Trump.

When all the forces that represent what is worst in the world, what is failed, what is contrived, what is social/communist engineering, redistributionist, fiat economics, opportunist, divisive, relativist, European Socialist, oppressive and culturally debauched, and of barbarian ideology, come out to protest Trump, they give clarity to those like me. Previously Trump seemed intuitive, now he seems self-evident!

If a man can be measured by his enemies than Trump circumscribes the world.

If that's the best praise you can shovel up for Trump (look at his enemies), then you're scrapping the barrel. "circumscribes the world" ....what sort of praise is that? Smog also circumscribes the world. Shall we vote for smog?

Hillary hasn't even begun to imagine the shit storm Trump is going to bring her.

Hillary isn't dumb. Neither is she a shirking violet. She can wrap Trump in a slice of Wonder Bread and toss it to her Doberman.

btw, thanks iReason for finding and posting those interesting items on Trump. Many of us have known for months/years that Trump was a lying flip-flopping windbag. I guess others are still finding out. I wonder how many Floridians (and others) who voted absentee/early would like to have their ballots back - to cancel their Trump vote. Remember Bush Jr, and how millions of those who voted for him in 2000 and 2004 realized too late that Bush was a nincompoop? Well, if Trump get the W.House, those same numskulls and millions more will likewise similarly wish they had seen the light, before voting for him.

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All these guys have one thing in common, they tell it like it is. Thats why they are hated by the political correct media and establishment. Liberals despise strong leaders.

I hope he is elected!

Stupidity on display.

Erdogan tells it like it is? Like when he recently said Cuba was originally a Muslim land and Christopher Columbus saw a mosque there? Or the way he is behaves like a petty, little girl who has university students prosecuted and jailed for tweeting criticism or jokes directed at him? Or Putin, a KGB thug who uses oppression and murder to stifle anyone that crosses him? Even sending agents abroad to place plutonium in a defectors tea? And Berlusconi, a man who all evidence points to soliciting underage prostitutes.

Yeah, people must dislike guys like these because "they tell it like it is." You cannot be this dense. You are displaying willful ignorance at this point.

To "tell it like it is" is much more important than insignificant stuff like human rights (you know, the kind of thing a LIBERAL would care about).

What "it is" is probably difficult for the average Trump supporter to define.

BTW, I must say that I start to despair of the US when a self-aggrandizing clown like Trump seems to cruise ahead to a nomination. It's like the very worst of television (reality shows) have actually become reality.

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All these guys have one thing in common, they tell it like it is. Thats why they are hated by the political correct media and establishment. Liberals despise strong leaders.

I hope he is elected!

Stupidity on display.

Erdogan tells it like it is? Like when he recently said Cuba was originally a Muslim land and Christopher Columbus saw a mosque there? Or the way he is behaves like a petty, little girl who has university students prosecuted and jailed for tweeting criticism or jokes directed at him? Or Putin, a KGB thug who uses oppression and murder to stifle anyone that crosses him? Even sending agents abroad to place plutonium in a defectors tea? And Berlusconi, a man who all evidence points to soliciting underage prostitutes.

Yeah, people must dislike guys like these because "they tell it like it is." You cannot be this dense. You are displaying willful ignorance at this point.

You think you know better than the people living in those countries do you? Erdogan was elected with 52% of the popular vote. Putin was elected with 80% + of the popular vote. They are liked by the people. It still has not been proven that Berlusconi slept with underage girls.

In regard to what he did to that KGB agent, thats how a country deals with a traitor. He wasnt a defector, but a traitor.

Edited by Lukecan
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Many of the American voters are angry. And when you are angry you hit out at the establishment. So you turn to an anti establishment figure which this time is Mr Trump. Will that anger carry him through to the nomination? Well I hope so because that makes it all the more entertaining and let's face it the republicans haven't got a viable candidate to turn to. At some point though people will have to wake up to the fact that Trump is nothing more than a windbag. A windbag that has plugged into the anger very effectively and knows how to press the buttons of hate. The other side of the coin is Clinton who will take the election by de-fault and not by any ability to move the US forward.

We had the same sort of thing in the UK when Thatcher was re-elected over again because the Labour party couldn't find an electable alternative. Even today the Labour party in the UK cannot field anyone electable which gives us another 4 years under yet another sub-standard government.

Things are no better in the EU who have made a complete pigs ear of things recently.

No wonder then that China is dominating the world's economy followed by the rise in India's fortunes. The world is changing and we all need to come to terms with that

Lol, thatcher was the best president you ever had after churchill.

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All empires crumble at some time. Perhaps it will soon be that time for the USA. If Trump gains the W.House, America's demise will be with whimpers, not with roars. It won't be because the US was defeated at war (America survived alright after withdrawing from VN). No, it may be from abysmal leadership from a hot-tempered, name-calling, flip-flopping liar. At the very least, it will put great strain on checks and balances, not to mention debilitating protests on a scale not seen since the anti-VN-war.

Look at the trouble Thailand went through to rid itself of Thaksin (Trump's fraternal twin). Thailand is still suffering repercussions 15 years later, and counting. Multiply that by 10,000 and you get an idea of the troubles Trump will bring to the USA, and the shambles he'll leave in his long wake.

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Liberals are the biggest fools out there. Like Tony Blair, he dragged UK into the Iraq war and believed the BS that Saddam has WMD. As a result of the pointless Iraq invasion, 180 british troops died in their prime, in their 20s and 30s. Poor guys. They died for NOTHING!

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All empires crumble at some time. Perhaps it will soon be that time for the USA. If Trump gains the W.House, America's demise will be with whimpers, not with roars. It won't be because the US was defeated at war (America survived alright after withdrawing from VN). No, it may be from abysmal leadership from a hot-tempered, name-calling, flip-flopping liar. At the very least, it will put great strain on checks and balances, not to mention debilitating protests on a scale not seen since the anti-VN-war.

Look at the trouble Thailand went through to rid itself of Thaksin (Trump's fraternal twin). Thailand is still suffering repercussions 15 years later, and counting. Multiply that by 10,000 and you get an idea of the troubles Trump will bring to the USA, and the shambles he'll leave in his long wake.

Care to tell us what makes Thaksin a bad leader? Yeah he is corrupt, but find me a Thai politician who isnt.

He is loved by the Isaan people who were ignored by the Thai elites for centruies. He made healtcare more accesible to poor people, he provided bunch of social programs for the poor etc.

He is only hated by the Thai version of 30k a year millionares. But your regular guy loves him.

He was so much loved by the people that even after he was toppled, people voted for his puppet. Rest assured if another free election is held, the party which Thaksin supports will win.

Edited by Lukecan
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Liberals are the biggest fools out there. Like Tony Blair, he dragged UK into the Iraq war and believed the BS that Saddam has WMD. As a result of the pointless Iraq invasion, 180 british troops died in their prime, in their 20s and 30s. Poor guys. They died for NOTHING!

You do know that Dubya and Dick Cheney were conservative Republicans......right?

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All empires crumble at some time. Perhaps it will soon be that time for the USA. If Trump gains the W.House, America's demise will be with whimpers, not with roars. It won't be because the US was defeated at war (America survived alright after withdrawing from VN). No, it may be from abysmal leadership from a hot-tempered, name-calling, flip-flopping liar. At the very least, it will put great strain on checks and balances, not to mention debilitating protests on a scale not seen since the anti-VN-war.

Look at the trouble Thailand went through to rid itself of Thaksin (Trump's fraternal twin). Thailand is still suffering repercussions 15 years later, and counting. Multiply that by 10,000 and you get an idea of the troubles Trump will bring to the USA, and the shambles he'll leave in his long wake.

The current leadership has left the US in a shambles. Unchecked illegal immigration with some states giving them driver's licenses and then allowing them to vote. Jobs being shipped to China and Mexico due to lousy trade deals. China and Mexico getting to export things to the US duty-free but charging import duties on US goods to name just one. GM wanted to sell Cadillacs in China so China required that they be built there to do it, yet Chinese shit floods the US duty free.

These are all lousy deals for the working class. This is a working class revolt and it's well past due.


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