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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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DONALD TRUMP’S GHOSTWRITER TELLS ALL “The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.

"Trump, facing a crowd that had gathered in the lobby of Trump Tower, on Fifth Avenue, laid out his qualifications, saying, “We need a leader that wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’

”If that was so, Schwartz thought, then he, not Trump, should be running. Schwartz dashed off a tweet:

“Many thanks Donald Trump for suggesting I run for President, based on the fact that I wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’ laugh.png


The Bloviator. The Huckster.

ThaiVisa member # 256,709,367. Lives in Chiang Mai on tourist visa. Ex-hippie backpacking liberal vegan. Retired minimum wage employee. Voting for Bernie Hillary.

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After the voting public view this movie it will be nigh on impossibe to stop The Donald:

"Hillary's America" Trailer | Official Teaser Trailer HD

And for a documentary, even the credits are misleading. It says Gerald Molen was the producer of Schindler's List and Jurassic Park. Actually, he was a producer of those films, not the producer.

Then it goes on to talk about how it's been hidden that the Democratic party supported slavery before the Civil War and the Klan after. Really? Trump supporters do tend to be less educated but I'm surprised that they wouldn't know about this.

I do recommend everybody who can should watch this trailer. It's breathtakingly stupid. And it will cure you of any desire to see more. Unless you are already completely in the bag for this kind of nonsense.

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DONALD TRUMP’S GHOSTWRITER TELLS ALL “The Art of the Deal” made America see Trump as a charmer with an unfailing knack for business. Tony Schwartz helped create that myth—and regrets it.

"Trump, facing a crowd that had gathered in the lobby of Trump Tower, on Fifth Avenue, laid out his qualifications, saying, “We need a leader that wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’

”If that was so, Schwartz thought, then he, not Trump, should be running. Schwartz dashed off a tweet:

“Many thanks Donald Trump for suggesting I run for President, based on the fact that I wrote ‘The Art of the Deal.’ laugh.png


The Bloviator. The Huckster.

ThaiVisa member # 256,709,367. Lives in Chiang Mai on tourist visa. Ex-hippie backpacking liberal vegan. Retired minimum wage employee. Voting for Bernie Hillary.

Actually, for the first time since polling began, the Democratic candidate is leading the Republican candidate among college educated white voters.


And of course, as i'm sure you're aware, Jewish Americans and Asian Americans, 2 highly successful segments of the American populace overwhelmingly support the Democrats.

The GOP's Asian-American Fiasco | The American Conservative
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Actually, for the first time since polling began, the Democratic candidate is leading the Republican candidate among college educated white voters.


And of course, as i'm sure you're aware, Jewish Americans and Asian Americans, 2 highly successful segments of the American populace overwhelmingly support the Democrats.

The GOP's Asian-American Fiasco | The American Conservative

Good articles, I read them both. To put it simply:

Uneducated, racist whites will vote for Trump.

Everyone else will vote for Clinton.

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Polls at this stage are not terribly predictive. Nevertheless, on the basis of current polling about preferences in voting for the House, HRC is 7.5% ahead of DT, a level that would likely result in a Democrat House if the trend were to persist. So, a sweep of all three branches of govt might be possible due to DT's negatives.


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The key poll the Bloviator is losing in, major: the Electoral Vote. thumbsup.gif


29 votes up for grabs in Florida and the Clown Train decides to close their office there and go party... burp.gif

Excellent. Keep doin' what you're doin' Donnie...

No wonder the middle states inhabitants are pissed. The loonie leftie states though fewer have far more delegates so they start with an advantage to impose their ideology on the majority of states.

I can see the south seceeding again, and this time they'll succeed.

Good luck on the succession. Florida office checks in.

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7 things trump must do...........zerohedge

First, the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in its entirety and, as you have already pointed out, any prohibition on interstate competition in health insurance also should be repealed. Health care and health care insurance should be left to the market.

Second, all recent thousand-page international trade agreements should be replaced with a single, clearly worded paragraph that allows any U.S. business (or consumer) to trade with any other business (or consumer) anywhere else in the world on terms that are mutually satisfactory. Period.

Third, you or the Congress should immediately remove cannabis (marijuana) from its current Schedule One prohibition status under Federal law; cannabis and drug policy generally should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally the entire Drug War should be scrapped and the production and consumption by adults of any “drug” should be legalized.)

Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced; legally minimum wages should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally, all minimum wage laws should be repealed since they cause job destruction.)

Fifth, the U.S. corporate tax rate should be reduced so that it is the lowest (not the highest) in the industrial world; ideally, it should be repealed entirely because it constitutes double taxation on shareholders of corporations who also pay income tax on their dividends.

Sixth, the Federal Reserve should be required by law to end all forms of quantitative easing and interest rate regulation now accomplished primarily through open market operations; interest rates for savers and investors should be market determined. In addition, the Federal Reserve’s budget should be determined by Congressional appropriations like that of any other federal department or agency.

And finally, as a long-run solution for our recurring financial problems and economic recessions, replacing the current inflationary paper dollar with alternative monetary arrangements that provide for a sound, market-based commodity money, such as the gold standard, should be seriously considered

Edited by Nasrullah
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Tony Schwartz: I wrote every word of it. The Art of the Deal.

“I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.”

“This is a man who has more sociopathic tendencies than any candidate in my adult life that I’ve observed.”


And he had to spend 18 months with the Bloviator. The Fraudster. The Huckster.
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I'm afraid of Republican wingnuts, they got the guns.

..... and they've got the lion's share of mental instability. How easy is it to offend a redneck and send that person into a gun-shooting frenzy? As easy as sticking one finger in the air.

Trump Has Invited Victims of Illegal Alien Crime To Speak At GOP

Father of teen murdered by illegal immigrant to speak at RNC

We expect extreme divisiveness from Trump. If The Divider was a Kindergarten teacher, he would divvie the kids up by skin color and country-of-origin, and then do all he could to exacerbate animosity between the many groups. He would teach them disparaging names to call each other. . . . . . .

"That group there, they're the injuns. And that group over there are the blackies. Those with the funny accents are the brownies. You remember who the rag-heads are kiddies? That's right, they're the kids who want to kill you and your brothers and sisters. And the jew kids over there - they want to cheat you out of all your money. And the Mexican kids over there in the other corner; they'll rape you and your sisters."

After the voting public view this movie it will be nigh on impossibe to stop The Donald:

"Hillary's America" Trailer | Official Teaser Trailer HD

If you love Hitler Trump, you'll love that ridiculous fake movie trailer.

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7 things trump must do...........zerohedge

First, the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in its entirety and, as you have already pointed out, any prohibition on interstate competition in health insurance also should be repealed. Health care and health care insurance should be left to the market.

Second, all recent thousand-page international trade agreements should be replaced with a single, clearly worded paragraph that allows any U.S. business (or consumer) to trade with any other business (or consumer) anywhere else in the world on terms that are mutually satisfactory. Period.

Third, you or the Congress should immediately remove cannabis (marijuana) from its current Schedule One prohibition status under Federal law; cannabis and drug policy generally should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally the entire Drug War should be scrapped and the production and consumption by adults of any “drug” should be legalized.)

Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced; legally minimum wages should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally, all minimum wage laws should be repealed since they cause job destruction.)

Fifth, the U.S. corporate tax rate should be reduced so that it is the lowest (not the highest) in the industrial world; ideally, it should be repealed entirely because it constitutes double taxation on shareholders of corporations who also pay income tax on their dividends.

Sixth, the Federal Reserve should be required by law to end all forms of quantitative easing and interest rate regulation now accomplished primarily through open market operations; interest rates for savers and investors should be market determined. In addition, the Federal Reserve’s budget should be determined by Congressional appropriations like that of any other federal department or agency.

And finally, as a long-run solution for our recurring financial problems and economic recessions, replacing the current inflationary paper dollar with alternative monetary arrangements that provide for a sound, market-based commodity money, such as the gold standard, should be seriously considered

This economic stuff is for those who don't have a clue about macroeconomics.

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Tony Schwartz: I wrote every word of it. The Art of the Deal.

“I feel a deep sense of remorse that I contributed to presenting Trump in a way that brought him wider attention and made him more appealing than he is.”

“This is a man who has more sociopathic tendencies than any candidate in my adult life that I’ve observed.”


And he had to spend 18 months with the Bloviator. The Fraudster. The Huckster.

Now we can expect the usual response from The Divider: Trump will try to skewer Schwartz as being the worst writer known to mankind. Trump may also say he's ugly, and has been an underachiever all his life. That's Donald-style, and what we expect from a man who always lashes out heatedly against anyone who is non-flattering of his great Donaldgoldenself.

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The key poll the Bloviator is losing in, major: the Electoral Vote. thumbsup.gif


29 votes up for grabs in Florida and the Clown Train decides to close their office there and go party... burp.gif

Excellent. Keep doin' what you're doin' Donnie...

No wonder the middle states inhabitants are pissed. The loonie leftie states though fewer have far more delegates so they start with an advantage to impose their ideology on the majority of states.

I can see the south seceeding again, and this time they'll succeed.

The loonie leftie states though fewer have far more delegates so they start with an advantage to impose their ideology on the majority of states.

Loonie leftie states? Yeah, you're a socialist. The only person you're fooling with that moniker might be yourself.

And that's not the only problem with what you've written.. Do you understand why those "loonie leftie states" have more delegates? Let me give you a hint: they have a lot more people. One person, one vote. I know that this is something the right wing occasionally complains about. Why should voting just be about people? Why can't all those empty acres get Wyoming some extra delegates and extra electoral credits? It's just not fair.

People that want to give stuff to the ignorant and idle are not socialists, just loonies. However that is another thread and probably a different forum.

Of course I understand they have more people, but it allows city dwellers ( bludgers always seem to live in cities ) to impose a way of life on country folk that is alien and not always right in any sense of the word. That's not being right wing, that's just understanding that city people are not like country people.

Since the 1980s elections of Potus have been decided in the suburbs, which is where most of Americans have lived beginning then. The vast majority of suburban Americans are middle class (lower, middle middle, upper).

In states such as Texas, the cities are blue but both the suburbs and the rural areas are red, so Republicans win the state of Texas each time, big time. Conversely, in New York state, the cities and the burbs are blue which wipes out the rural Republican vote to give the D for Potus the huge win there.

Campaigns for Potus no longer look separately at cities, suburbs, rural areas and more recently, the outlying exburbs dominated by the upper middle classes. Potus candidates and their managers and strategists look at counties, because two of the three factors, i.e., city, suburb, rural, dominate for one party in almost every county in almost every election.

Trump's fundamental major problem in this election, which HR Clinton and the D party are exploiting to the max, are two demographics. And as many people like to say, demographics is destiny.

One vital demographic are married Republican women in the suburbs and in the exburbs, many of whom are college educated and support HRC by an average of 17 points in the polls. When Republicans can't dominate this group in which they are waaay behind in this campaign, they are in serious trouble across the country.

The other R problem this time is among white educated voters in general, which are a predominantly suburban and exburban group (and some yuppies). Remarkably, no Democrat for Potus has ever won this demographic since it was first measured in 1952. However, HR Clinton has 43% of 'em while Trump has only 44%. I say 'only' about Trump cause this demographic is exclusive R party territory, with Romney in 2012 winning it by 12%. An R for Potus running even with the D in this group should cancel his post-election transition plans and lay off his transition team and the sooner he does this the better for all concerned.

As Donald Trump likes to say, but said here in a very different way, "There's something going on." It's actually something coming down and the R's had better hope it doesn't leave 'em entirely flat and laid out kaput.

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Art of the spin: Trump bankers question his portrayal of financial comeback

"Donald Trump, who often says he only likes winners, tells one grand tale of loss:

In 1990, he nearly went bankrupt and was forced to ask dozens of banks to whom he owed money to change the terms on their loans and forgive some of his debts."

"It was, the real estate developer admits in his 1997 book "The Art of the Comeback," the darkest period of his professional life."

"Six people who participated in the loan workout negotiations have a different recollection, raising questions about a key part of the personal narrative,

that many of Trump's supporters have found compelling as he campaigns to be the next president of the United States on Nov. 8."


Of course, the Bloviator's mouth piece, Hope Hicks, declined to comment for this story.

The screws are tightening on the Bloviator's B.S. thumbsup.gif

By the way, The Art of the Comeback: was written by another ghost writer: Kate Bohner.


The Fraud, the Huckster, The Text Book Racist, The Bloviator.

Eat it up Lemmings. cheesy.gif


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Art of the spin: Trump bankers question his portrayal of financial comeback

"Donald Trump, who often says he only likes winners, tells one grand tale of loss:

In 1990, he nearly went bankrupt and was forced to ask dozens of banks to whom he owed money to change the terms on their loans and forgive some of his debts."

"It was, the real estate developer admits in his 1997 book "The Art of the Comeback," the darkest period of his professional life."

"Six people who participated in the loan workout negotiations have a different recollection, raising questions about a key part of the personal narrative,

that many of Trump's supporters have found compelling as he campaigns to be the next president of the United States on Nov. 8."


Of course, the Bloviator's mouth piece, Hope Hicks, declined to comment for this story.

The screws are tightening on the Bloviator's B.S. thumbsup.gif

By the way, The Art of the Comeback: was written by another ghost writer: Kate Bohner.


The Fraud, the Huckster, The Text Book Racist, The Bloviator.

Eat it up Lemmings. cheesy.gif


Sounds a bit similar to White Water




The investigation, led by special prosecutor Robert B. Fiske, found that Clinton had pressured David Hale into making a loan that benefited both Bill Clinton and Madison Guaranty.

The investigation continued, with Kenneth Starr at the helm and businessman David Hale as the star witness. Starr alleged that Bill Clinton, during his term as governor of Arkansas, pressured Hale to make an illegal $300,000 federally-backed loan to Susan McDougal.

Edited by Berty100
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The Bloviator is a indefensible, crass, oafish, boorish, swine.

And an embarrassment to America.

And before the Trumpeteers start barking away, this message could come from any rational person.

Edited by iReason
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Had to laugh....

"Tony Schwartz, the man responsible for ghostwriting Donald Trump’s “The Art of the Deal,” says that the book is a work of fiction. In the July 25 edition of the New Yorker, Schwartz says he feels a “deep sense of remorse” in making Trump more appealing. “I genuinely believe that if Trump wins and gets nuclear codes, there is an excellent possibility it will lead to the end of civilization,” the author said in the interview. –NYT"

Edited by Chicog
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One look at the miserable, low life, Neanderthal crowds that are demonstrating outside the RNC is all it takes.

The Stop Trump left wingnutters are nothing but idiots...milking the system. Their only hope is to drink spiked Kool Aid, to put themselves out of their idiotic misery.

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7 things trump must do...........zerohedge

First, the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in its entirety and, as you have already pointed out, any prohibition on interstate competition in health insurance also should be repealed. Health care and health care insurance should be left to the market.

Second, all recent thousand-page international trade agreements should be replaced with a single, clearly worded paragraph that allows any U.S. business (or consumer) to trade with any other business (or consumer) anywhere else in the world on terms that are mutually satisfactory. Period.

Third, you or the Congress should immediately remove cannabis (marijuana) from its current Schedule One prohibition status under Federal law; cannabis and drug policy generally should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally the entire Drug War should be scrapped and the production and consumption by adults of any “drug” should be legalized.)

Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced; legally minimum wages should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally, all minimum wage laws should be repealed since they cause job destruction.)

Fifth, the U.S. corporate tax rate should be reduced so that it is the lowest (not the highest) in the industrial world; ideally, it should be repealed entirely because it constitutes double taxation on shareholders of corporations who also pay income tax on their dividends.

Sixth, the Federal Reserve should be required by law to end all forms of quantitative easing and interest rate regulation now accomplished primarily through open market operations; interest rates for savers and investors should be market determined. In addition, the Federal Reserve’s budget should be determined by Congressional appropriations like that of any other federal department or agency.

And finally, as a long-run solution for our recurring financial problems and economic recessions, replacing the current inflationary paper dollar with alternative monetary arrangements that provide for a sound, market-based commodity money, such as the gold standard, should be seriously considered


Actually the NAFTA trade agreement reduced 18,000 taxes on US exports, creating 2 million jobs..... and exports are at an all time high.

You want to put the agreement on one paragraph, huh?

Edited by Buzzz
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Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced

Nonsense. It is not a living wage. It should be raised to at least $15 an hour - in California and Hawaii - and it should go up as prices rise. It could be a little less in some states. Edited by Ulysses G.
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Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced

Nonsense. It is not a living wage. It should be raised to at least $15 an hour - in California and Hawaii - and it should go up as prices rise. It could be a little less in some states.

Republicans are funny.

They all say in unison the jobs Obama created are low paying...but then they go and say their job plan is to bring back the $1 an hour jobs from China.

They are against raising the minimum wage and against education that will fuel the future economy.

Republicans are funny.

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7 things trump must do...........zerohedge

First, the Affordable Care Act should be repealed in its entirety and, as you have already pointed out, any prohibition on interstate competition in health insurance also should be repealed. Health care and health care insurance should be left to the market.

Second, all recent thousand-page international trade agreements should be replaced with a single, clearly worded paragraph that allows any U.S. business (or consumer) to trade with any other business (or consumer) anywhere else in the world on terms that are mutually satisfactory. Period.

Third, you or the Congress should immediately remove cannabis (marijuana) from its current Schedule One prohibition status under Federal law; cannabis and drug policy generally should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally the entire Drug War should be scrapped and the production and consumption by adults of any “drug” should be legalized.)

Fourth, the federal minimum wage should either be permanently fixed at its current rate or reduced; legally minimum wages should be left entirely to the states. (Ideally, all minimum wage laws should be repealed since they cause job destruction.)

Fifth, the U.S. corporate tax rate should be reduced so that it is the lowest (not the highest) in the industrial world; ideally, it should be repealed entirely because it constitutes double taxation on shareholders of corporations who also pay income tax on their dividends.

Sixth, the Federal Reserve should be required by law to end all forms of quantitative easing and interest rate regulation now accomplished primarily through open market operations; interest rates for savers and investors should be market determined. In addition, the Federal Reserve’s budget should be determined by Congressional appropriations like that of any other federal department or agency.

And finally, as a long-run solution for our recurring financial problems and economic recessions, replacing the current inflationary paper dollar with alternative monetary arrangements that provide for a sound, market-based commodity money, such as the gold standard, should be seriously considered


Actually the NAFTA trade agreement reduced 18,000 taxes on US exports, creating 2 million jobs..... and exports are at an all time high.

You want to put the agreement on one paragraph, huh?

What makes his comment truly ridiculou is the implicit assumption that all Trump or whoever is that the USA can unilaterally change these agreements.

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America deserves better than those two...

With Bill Weld the former governor of Massachusetts on this ticket it's a lot more attractive to me. He used to be a Republican in a Democrat state.

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USA Today Fact Checking Trumps False Claims.


Trump says "Hillary will raise your taxes very substantially"

-Actually she said she will raise taxes on the top 10%. 90% will see little or no changes.

Trump says "Ambassador Stevens was left helpless to die while Hillary slept"

-Actually, the attack happened at 3 in the afternoon while Hillary was in her office working.

Trump says "Hillary wants to take your guns"

-Actually, Clinton calls for expanded background checks and limiting sale of some automatics.

Trump says "Hillary knows for a fact Obama is actively supporting AlQueda"

-Actually, an old conspiracy theory dreamed up by birther kooks.

Trump says he was "against the war and Hillary has bad judgement for supporting the war"

-Actually, in 2002 on Howard Stern, Trump supported the war. (His VP Mike Pence supported the war.)

Trump says "ISIS is selling millions of dollars a week in Libyan oil."

-Actually, ISIS doesn't sell any Libyan oil.

Trump says Trump said he “got to know Russian President Vladimir Putin very well because we were stablemates on 60 Minutes"

-Actually they were interviewed in separate countries.

Trump calls "NAFTA a disaster signed by Bill Clinton"

-Actually, GWBush negotiated and signed NAFTA.

Trump says "refugees are undocumented, inbred terrorists"

-Actually, the State Department says in general they do have many documents & the process to admit a refugee takes 18-24 months.

Trump says "unemployment is really 42%"

-Actually, the number is 4.9%.

Trump says he "will save $300 billion dollars negotiating prescription drugs contracts"

-Actually, the US spends less than $77 billion total.

Trump says "

Bill Clinton is a child rapist"

Actually, that is just plain stupid. Who listens to that crap?

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At some point along the way way back most people here decided who they are voting for. At this point it's really a bit of a comedy as posters are trying to convert the others who are as stubborn as they are in their beliefs. But on that day, a few million US citizens will probably go to the polls and at that last moment say 'Awh, what the hell!' and pick someone they didn't really expect to pick.

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At some point along the way way back most people here decided who they are voting for. At this point it's really a bit of a comedy as posters are trying to convert the others who are as stubborn as they are in their beliefs. But on that day, a few million US citizens will probably go to the polls and at that last moment say 'Awh, what the hell!' and pick someone they didn't really expect to pick.

The question is will their choice all be for the same candidate.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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At some point along the way way back most people here decided who they are voting for. At this point it's really a bit of a comedy as posters are trying to convert the others who are as stubborn as they are in their beliefs. But on that day, a few million US citizens will probably go to the polls and at that last moment say 'Awh, what the hell!' and pick someone they didn't really expect to pick.

Voting is not trivial and it is not guesswork.

It is a serious civic and patriotic responsibility and franchise.

Undecideds make their final determination the weekend before the election as very few voters enter the polling station on election day not knowing who they'd vote for. In this election there are few undecideds. As an election of Potus approaches voters move toward the centrist and moderate candidate, not in the opposite direction.

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At some point along the way way back most people here decided who they are voting for. At this point it's really a bit of a comedy as posters are trying to convert the others who are as stubborn as they are in their beliefs. But on that day, a few million US citizens will probably go to the polls and at that last moment say 'Awh, what the hell!' and pick someone they didn't really expect to pick.

"trying to convert the others....?" Is that what you think is going on? I can't speak for everyone else, but I just like to antagonize these crazy Trump supporters. They're such loonies.

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At the beginning of 1990 he (Trump) owed a combined $4 billion to more than 70 banks.

Source (thanks iReason)

Trump was wildly manipulative, careless, and Shyster Supreme, but we already knew that about him. However, he needed stupid and greedy banker conspirators to pull off his scams. Bankers from over 70 banks. Not one of those bankers had the balls to say to the Scam Artist: "Hey bud, you're borrowing way too much and we all know you can't pay back more than a tiny portion. My bank is going to call in all the collateral you put up, even though it's not more than a small fraction of what you owe."

In sum: The banks were in cahoots with the swindler. Banks have responsibility to their stockholders. They trashed their responsibility. The bankers should be hauled off to court for dereliction of their duties. It's akin to a doctor force-feeding twinkies and bacon fat into a chronically obese person.

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