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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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If the Americans vote in Trump, well, then they deserve him.

Just like they deserved Obama.

America has done well under President Obama. The economy has recovered from near depression/financial crisis, unemployment cut in half, more respect from around the world, Bin Laden dead, healthcare for the needy, gay marriage now legal, Iran deal, relations with Cuba...I can go on and on. Bravo to those who elected Obama...twice. You made the right choice.

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Donald Trump does not have a campaign

Donald Trump is a candidate without a campaign – and it’s becoming a serious problem. clap2.gif

"Republicans working to elect Trump describe a bare-bones effort debilitated by infighting, a lack of staff to carry out basic functions,

minimal coordination with allies and a message that’s prisoner to Trump’s momentary whims."

"Veteran operatives are shocked by the campaign’s failure to fill key roles. There is no communications team to deal with the hundreds of media outlets covering the race,

no rapid response director to quickly rebut attacks and launch new ones, and a limited cast of surrogates who lack a cohesive message."

"The lack of organization is becoming more and more glaring as Trump faces a tough stretch that’s included a fight over his donations to veterans,

renewed scrutiny of fraud allegations against Trump University and a withering offensive from Hillary Clinton over his fitness to be president.

In each case, Trump has been left to respond almost entirely on his own via social media and interviews, with little obvious support from his campaign,

his party or his top backers."


The wheels are rapidly coming off the doomed Trump Train. thumbsup.gif

The "supposed" billionaire is a cheapskate who believes incoherent "Tweets" in the middle of the night will propel him into the White House. laugh.png

I've said it before: The Bloviator is no match for the machine of politics. A blundering, buffoonish babe in the woods.

A glorious takedown of this inept, massively unqualified clown, is just getting started.

And America will be better for it.


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Nah, i rather get violated by a cactus in my butthole than support an old man (should be wiser) who is a socialist.

Do you know what a 'Socialist' is Ash? Hint, it's got nothing to do with butholes or cactus (or should that be cactii?)

Nice mental image you painted there though, points for style Ash

I know very well what a socialist is as i have lived all my life in a socialist country and "Ze Bern" is a socialist.

Some of us, unlike you "Ze Bern boys", do actually work you know. It's that thing where you get a salary for doing something for someone... should try it smile.png

So you at work now Ash? Pontificating from on high on the Boss's time? You know, the bloke who pays your salary.

Hope you got your finger hovering over the 'Boss Key' in case any of the grown ups at your 'work' take a wander by... wouldn't want you to get chewed out for posting on TV when you're supposed to be 'working' now would we?

Comrade, you need to stop asssuming stuff, you'll be a lot happier.

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I know very well what a socialist is as i have lived all my life in a socialist country and "Ze Bern" is a socialist.

Some of us, unlike you "Ze Bern boys", do actually work you know. It's that thing where you get a salary for doing something for someone... should try it smile.png

So you at work now Ash? Pontificating from on high on the Boss's time? You know, the bloke who pays your salary.

Hope you got your finger hovering over the 'Boss Key' in case any of the grown ups at your 'work' take a wander by... wouldn't want you to get chewed out for posting on TV when you're supposed to be 'working' now would we?

Comrade, you need to stop asssuming stuff, you'll be a lot happier.

Lived all your life in a socialist country eh? How lucky are you then. Give yourself a pat on the back, well done son!

Now stop posting at work or I'll tell your boss. Maximise profit for the bourgeoisie, you know your place Ash, you little worker bee you. Oh, enjoy that trickle down too eh.

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CMO Today: BuzzFeed Turns Down Ad Dollars Over Donald Trump

"BUZZ OFF: In April, BuzzFeed and the Republican National Committee agreed on an advertising deal that would let the GOP promote itself to the digital media company’s young readers."

"On Monday, BuzzFeed Chief Executive Jonah Peretti said the company canceled the arrangement over the tone and substance of Donald Trump’s rhetoric, CMO Today reports.

Mr. Peretti likened ads for the presumptive Republican nominee to cigarette ads because they are “hazardous to our health.”



Principles. Something the Bloviator does not have.

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GOP leaders dump on Trump judge comments, reconsider endorsements

"The Republican primaries end Tuesday with an embattled Donald Trump under pressure to tone down his rhetoric,

including House Speaker Paul Ryan's statement that the businessman's attacks on a federal judge amount to "textbook racism." whistling.gif

"Claiming a person can't do their job because of their race is sort of like the textbook definition of a racist comment," Ryan told reporters Tuesday.

If you say something that's wrong I think the mature and responsible thing is to acknowledge it."

"Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., calling Trump's judicial attacks "the most un-American thing from a politician since Joe McCarthy," told The New York Times:

“If anybody was looking for an off-ramp, this is probably it ..." biggrin.png


Fear and Loathing in the GOP.


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Are Trump fans already crying in their soup? Only Asheron in the vicinity - to try and defend the Indefensible One. Must be lonely at the bottom.

Lol gigglem.gif

And he's posting at work too Boomer, I'm shocked! On the Boss's time!

Just the sort of thing you'd expect a Socialist to do eh

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I know very well what a socialist is as i have lived all my life in a socialist country and "Ze Bern" is a socialist.

Some of us, unlike you "Ze Bern boys", do actually work you know. It's that thing where you get a salary for doing something for someone... should try it smile.png

So you at work now Ash? Pontificating from on high on the Boss's time? You know, the bloke who pays your salary.

Hope you got your finger hovering over the 'Boss Key' in case any of the grown ups at your 'work' take a wander by... wouldn't want you to get chewed out for posting on TV when you're supposed to be 'working' now would we?

Comrade, you need to stop asssuming stuff, you'll be a lot happier.

Lived all your life in a socialist country eh? How lucky are you then. Give yourself a pat on the back, well done son!

Now stop posting at work or I'll tell your boss. Maximise profit for the bourgeoisie, you know your place Ash, you little worker bee you. Oh, enjoy that trickle down too eh.

Delusional much?

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Are Trump fans already crying in their soup? Only Asheron in the vicinity - to try and defend the Indefensible One. Must be lonely at the bottom.

As i said, not all of us can be fragile little snowflakes and do actually work instead of demanding "free" stuff and have time to do stuff like "watch entire OJ Simpsons trials live".

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I know very well what a socialist is as i have lived all my life in a socialist country and "Ze Bern" is a socialist.

So you at work now Ash? Pontificating from on high on the Boss's time? You know, the bloke who pays your salary.

Hope you got your finger hovering over the 'Boss Key' in case any of the grown ups at your 'work' take a wander by... wouldn't want you to get chewed out for posting on TV when you're supposed to be 'working' now would we?

Comrade, you need to stop asssuming stuff, you'll be a lot happier.

Lived all your life in a socialist country eh? How lucky are you then. Give yourself a pat on the back, well done son!

Now stop posting at work or I'll tell your boss. Maximise profit for the bourgeoisie, you know your place Ash, you little worker bee you. Oh, enjoy that trickle down too eh.

Delusional much?

Delusional? No more then your average Trump fan I reckon.

Still posting at work Ash? Living on the edge comrade!

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I know very well what a socialist is as i have lived all my life in a socialist country and "Ze Bern" is a socialist.

Comrade, you need to stop asssuming stuff, you'll be a lot happier.

Lived all your life in a socialist country eh? How lucky are you then. Give yourself a pat on the back, well done son!

Now stop posting at work or I'll tell your boss. Maximise profit for the bourgeoisie, you know your place Ash, you little worker bee you. Oh, enjoy that trickle down too eh.

Delusional much?

Delusional? No more then your average Trump fan I reckon.

Still posting at work Ash? Living on the edge comrade!

I'm not at work hence my question if you are delusional.

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It's looking downright embarrassingly bleak for the Bloviator. biggrin.png

Given the fact that the Speaker of the House from his own party, has called him a "Text Book" Racist.

While previous GOP supporters flee, and now a Major advertiser has turned down $1.5 Million, labeling him: “hazardous to our health.” cheesy.gif

Even V.P. hopeful Newt Gingrich has condemned the Bloviator. ( Damn good that admitted adulterer won't get close to the White House as well. ) thumbsup.gif




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It's super pac time!

20 million dollars to run this ad in swing states, now playing.

The vile monster's DARK SOUL:

Oh the irony in a fascist linking to an "anti-mocking" clip all the while the same person in the very same post mock someone.

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Hillary seems to be going straight for the woman card now. If you are an American male and vote a feminist to top spot, you'll lose the right to complain when you're bound in chains licking the mistresses boots clean. Just a friendly reminder.

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Let's assume Trump was right, and Obama was born in Kenya. Then the US has had an African president for the past 7.5 yrs, and he's been doing a pretty good job. He's certainly a gentleman, can speak complex correct sentences, is witty and is well-like by world leaders. - .....all things Trump fails at.

I say the US was blessed to have a good 2-term president in Obama, whether he's African or not. (of course, all reasonable people and 99.9% of Americans know he's not African, but Trump is not among that group).

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Hillary seems to be going straight for the woman card now. If you are an American male and vote a feminist to top spot, you'll lose the right to complain when you're bound in chains licking the mistresses boots clean. Just a friendly reminder.

Let's see if I can fathom right-whingers' thinking:

HRC plays the 'woman card,' ....so then Trump must be playing the 'man card.' Am I right?

according to Republican right wing logic, then..........

HRC is playing the lipstick card, so Trump must be playing the spray-tan card.

HRC is playing the twice-elected politician card, so Trump must be playing the never-elected-to-anything card.

HRC is playing the married-for-life card, so Trump must be playing the married-to-the-cutest-youngest-perfect-ten card.

HRC is playing the concern-for-downtrodden card, whereas Trump is playing the If-You're-Not-rich-you're-a-loser card.

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Hillary seems to be going straight for the woman card now. If you are an American male and vote a feminist to top spot, you'll lose the right to complain when you're bound in chains licking the mistresses boots clean. Just a friendly reminder.

Let's see if I can fathom right-whingers' thinking:

HRC plays the 'woman card,' ....so then Trump must be playing the 'man card.' Am I right?

according to Republican right wing logic, then..........

HRC is playing the lipstick card, so Trump must be playing the spray-tan card.

HRC is playing the twice-elected politician card, so Trump must be playing the never-elected-to-anything card.

HRC is playing the married-for-life card, so Trump must be playing the married-to-the-cutest-youngest-perfect-ten card.

HRC is playing the concern-for-downtrodden card, whereas Trump is playing the If-You're-Not-rich-you're-a-loser card.

Lol, Sounds about right Boomer.

Shame it's no laughing matter though eh

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Close - but I have fixed your post for you. Dont mention it smile.png

Yet another tired old character assassination attempt.

Put it with "Jail for Abortions"; Trump University Kangaroo court; Allegations of assalting media members; Building a Wall, Muslims ban on entering USA; and all the other desperate attempts at smearing him born out of the fear that Trump going to win the Presidency.

I think most US voters have already seen through this nonsense.

I assume any left-wing complaint will get the 300+ hours of free publicity from an indignant Left-wing Media that the hilarious work of fiction "Megan Kelly" did?

As far as I'm aware, Trump University is a court case and has no political influence at all, other than Trump paying off two politicians to try and stop it going to court. He allegedly defrauded people for fortunes and they are suing him. He could have settled, but he hasn't. His mistake if you ask me.

As for the rest:

"Jail for abortions" - Tick - He said women should be punished for having abortions.

"Assaulting media members" - I've not heard of Assault, perhaps you could provide a link. But he has insulted many of them (including Kelly, see below).

"Building a Wall" - Tick - You should watch John Oliver's assessment of the cost, and also look up how many illegal immigrants come from border crossings, and how many actually just overstay visas. Personally with the amount it cost, I wouldn't be surprised if some of his mafia mates would be involved in the contract. Mexico are not going to pay for it, no matter what Trump says.

"Muslims ban" - Yes, he said it. And as usual, didn't really think it through. For example, how do you tell the difference between a Palestinian Christian and a Palestinian Muslim? More gibberish.

And as for Kelly, she went crawling to Trump for an interview and then basically softballed all the way through it. I was very disappointed, she totally bottled it.

"Jail for abortions" - Tick - He said women should be punished for having abortions.

Punishment need not mean jail time- don't invent stuff he didn't say.

"Assaulting media members" - I've not heard of Assault, perhaps you could provide a link. But he has insulted many of them (including Kelly, see below).

Many of the "media" deserve a good insulting, given their obvious bias against him. A journalists job is to report the news, not make it up.

"Building a Wall" - Tick - You should watch John Oliver's assessment of the cost, and also look up how many illegal immigrants come from border crossings, and how many actually just overstay visas. Personally with the amount it cost, I wouldn't be surprised if some of his mafia mates would be involved in the contract. Mexico are not going to pay for it, no matter what Trump says.

A tax on all remittances to Mexico would easily pay for it, but feel free to ignore what was said long ago.

"Muslims ban" - Yes, he said it. And as usual, didn't really think it through. For example, how do you tell the difference between a Palestinian Christian and a Palestinian Muslim? More gibberish.

Now you're making it up. He said a halt to Islamic immigration till they sort the security issues. Frankly, till they can tell the difference between a terrorist Muslim and a non fanatical Muslim I think he's got it right.

And as for Kelly, she went crawling to Trump for an interview and then basically softballed all the way through it. I was very disappointed, she totally bottled it.

Wrong. She has realised that he may be the next POTUS and is just taking the view, correctly, that the time to mend fences is now, or get frozen out after.

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I'm particularly amused at how Trump has now said he will no longer comment on the Trump University case.

Well I sure hope he's going to comment on how he paid Pam Bondi $25,000 to drop the case against it.


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Hillary seems to be going straight for the woman card now. If you are an American male and vote a feminist to top spot, you'll lose the right to complain when you're bound in chains licking the mistresses boots clean. Just a friendly reminder.

Let's see if I can fathom right-whingers' thinking:

HRC plays the 'woman card,' ....so then Trump must be playing the 'man card.' Am I right?

according to Republican right wing logic, then..........

HRC is playing the lipstick card, so Trump must be playing the spray-tan card.

HRC is playing the twice-elected politician card, so Trump must be playing the never-elected-to-anything card.

HRC is playing the married-for-life card, so Trump must be playing the married-to-the-cutest-youngest-perfect-ten card.

HRC is playing the concern-for-downtrodden card, whereas Trump is playing the If-You're-Not-rich-you're-a-loser card.

so Trump must be playing the married-to-the-cutest-youngest-perfect-ten card.

Which is what many ( ?most ) expat men are in Thailand to do biggrin.png .

I'd say many western men envy him for the women he could afford to marry. It's not like they were low maintenance, eh?

HRC is playing the concern-for-downtrodden card

If you believe that she cares about "poor" people, I have a bridge for sale.

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Many of the "media" deserve a good insulting, given their obvious bias against him. A journalists job is to report the news, not make it up.

So hang on. Reporting that he bribed a politician to interfere with legal proceedings against one of his businesses is "an obvious bias"?

Wrong. It's called journalism. It's what the Press *should* be doing.

A tax on all remittances to Mexico would easily pay for it, but feel free to ignore what was said long ago.

There is not a chance in hell he will ever get that through. The lawsuits will hit him faster than the Trump U ones.

You cannot single out one ethnic group for financial penalties. I'd like to think that even you know that.

Now you're making it up. He said a halt to Islamic immigration till they sort the security issues. Frankly, till they can tell the difference between a terrorist Muslim and a non fanatical Muslim I think he's got it right.

Actually he said a halt to Islamic immigration until "we work out what the hell is going on". The day he has a clue what's going on will be the day Hell freezes over. It's just another ridiculous soundbite that is as stupid as it is unenforceable.

Wrong. She has realised that he may be the next POTUS and is just taking the view, correctly, that the time to mend fences is now, or get frozen out after.

No, she softballed him because Roger Ailes knows he's the only game in town now, and they have no choice but to try and help him. And also because she needed the ratings for her new show and he wouldn't do it unless he had control of it.

Not that it worked mind you.


[…] CNN ranked #1 in cable news in prime time in April. CNN beat Fox News for the fifth time in the last eight months in M-Su prime time (four of the past eight in M-F prime) among adults 25-54. The last time CNN had this many prime time wins in an eight-month period versus Fox News was over 14 years ago (Nov. 2001). LINK

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Many of the "media" deserve a good insulting, given their obvious bias against him. A journalists job is to report the news, not make it up.

So hang on. Reporting that he bribed a politician to interfere with legal proceedings against one of his businesses is "an obvious bias"?

Wrong. It's called journalism. It's what the Press *should* be doing.

A tax on all remittances to Mexico would easily pay for it, but feel free to ignore what was said long ago.

There is not a chance in hell he will ever get that through. The lawsuits will hit him faster than the Trump U ones.

You cannot single out one ethnic group for financial penalties. I'd like to think that even you know that.

Now you're making it up. He said a halt to Islamic immigration till they sort the security issues. Frankly, till they can tell the difference between a terrorist Muslim and a non fanatical Muslim I think he's got it right.

Actually he said a halt to Islamic immigration until "we work out what the hell is going on". The day he has a clue what's going on will be the day Hell freezes over. It's just another ridiculous soundbite that is as stupid as it is unenforceable.

Wrong. She has realised that he may be the next POTUS and is just taking the view, correctly, that the time to mend fences is now, or get frozen out after.

No, she softballed him because Roger Ailes knows he's the only game in town now, and they have no choice but to try and help him. And also because she needed the ratings for her new show and he wouldn't do it unless he had control of it.

Not that it worked mind you.


[…] CNN ranked #1 in cable news in prime time in April. CNN beat Fox News for the fifth time in the last eight months in M-Su prime time (four of the past eight in M-F prime) among adults 25-54. The last time CNN had this many prime time wins in an eight-month period versus Fox News was over 14 years ago (Nov. 2001). LINK

Are you claiming that Fox is a news channel cheesy.gif . It's primarily an entertainment channel with some opinion hosts eg O'Reilly, Kelly, etc.

CNN is just a waste of time.

For real news have to go to proper news channels like Al Jazira, not those silly US entertainment shows.

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Let's assume Trump was right, and Obama was born in Kenya. Then the US has had an African president for the past 7.5 yrs, and he's been doing a pretty good job. He's certainly a gentleman, can speak complex correct sentences, is witty and is well-like by world leaders. - .....all things Trump fails at.

I say the US was blessed to have a good 2-term president in Obama, whether he's African or not. (of course, all reasonable people and 99.9% of Americans know he's not African, but Trump is not among that group).

So Obama is Asian?

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The Taunt Clinton Supporters Think will Haunt Trump gets Airtime in New Ad

"The scene of Donald Trump mocking a New York Times reporter with a congenital disability garners the presumed Republican nominee some of his highest negative ratings among focus groups,

POLITICO has learned."

"After taking some hits in the media, Trump denied that he was making fun of the reporter and claimed he didn't know him.

Kovaleski countered by saying he regularly covered Trump and that the two were on a first-name basis."

"Priorites USA, a super-PAC supporting Clinton, released an ad on Monday featuring a couple speaking about their daughter, Grace, who was born with spina bifida."


And the despicable Bloviator lies about it.

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