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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Trump Touting California Spooks Republican Donors

"Republicans are privately saying they now think Trump can raise no more than around $200 million."

"They had been privately hoping he could get to double that, but more and more the GOP is thinking it will have to do a substantial separate fundraising effort."

"That causes problems for keeping the House and Senate." thumbsup.gif


Yes. Because they want the money to keep their own jobs.

Not for supporting the Bloviator who will drag the whole ship down with him.

And apparently he doesn't care.

He's really really rich yet, since promising during his campaign to put up $1 Billion, he's come up dry. laugh.png

One massive slice of Humble Pie. Coming up!


Dunning Kruger

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Very confusing, because just two weeks ago, the Bloviator said this:

Trump: No Need for GOP Donors, Suggests He May 'Sell Building'

"Billionaire GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump insists he doesn't need big Republican donors to defeat Hillary Clinton this November."

"Trump also suggested on "Fox & Friends" Sunday morning that he may "sell a building" to continue self-financing his own campaign – which he says has already cost him $50 million."

"When asked about a Saturday New York Times story detailing a list of major donors who won’t support him, Trump dismissed all of them."

Trump: No Need for GOP Donors, Suggests He May 'Sell Building'

The GOP Mega-Donors are a bit perplexed.
They're wondering, why should we give this guy money when he's always saying he's got $10 Billion dollars? blink.png
Woundn't make any sense to a donor, now would it?
I wonder how that building sale is going... laugh.png
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Today in ‘Donald Trump’s Campaign Is a Garbage Fire’

"If Donald Trump were an otherwise normal candidate, with a reasonable knowledge of public policy and no pronounced affection for authoritarian rulers,

or habit of blurting out overtly misogynistic and racist comments, the Republican Party Establishment would still be in complete meltdown right now over his campaign’s political incompetence." laugh.png

"Recent reports have uncovered a slew of hair-raising details about the campaign's amateur/quasi-nonexistent status. Trump is raising nowhere close

to the level of money required to run a modern presidential campaign."

"His campaign staff is skeletal and lacks the ability to coordinate a message, leading to chaotic setpieces where the entire Democratic Party message apparatus is being countered only by,

Trump’s personal Twitter account."


Twitter. facepalm.gifAmateurs. biggrin.pngKiss it all goodbye Donnie...

Here's another issue: For all the workers Trump has hired for his campaign (and ad contracts, etc). How sure are they, that they'll get paid by the Trumpster? He's well known for not paying workers. His usual modus operandi is to wait until they've finished their jobs (in terms of the campaign, that will be late October, early November) and then not pay the last installment or last month's wages. Trump has done that often, and always has a soggy reason (sloppy work, surly attitude, or whatever). When Trump loses in November, he will have a ready-made excuse for not paying his campaign staff: "YOU GUYS CAUSED ME TO LOSE! WHY SHOULD I PAY YOU? I PAY TO WIN, NOT TO LOSE!"

If anyone I know was offered a job working with the Trump campaign, I'd strongly suggest they don't go along, unless they want to work for free.

Carson and Trump are great for the general public, because they say what Republican insider are too coy to say. They tell it like it is, and what they say is riddled with racism and ignorance. In other words, they expose GOP for what it really is. Keep it up boys. It's great for other Americans to know what the GOP is really about, beneath the gloss surface.

Your obsession with racism is just silly twaddle ... as you assign racism to practically anything that is said or done by someone you do not agree with... Your content is total pap...

My opinion, above, was in response to Carson saying something like, "the slave trade was good for America" ...because it brought primitive blacks from Africa to the US where they became exposed to Bible teachings. Carson says a lot of dumbass things. The only reason he can get away with saying the slave trade was good, is because he's a black man.

It's a bit off topic, but Carson being allowed to say that about the slave trade is similar to black folks being allowed to say the N word ad nauseum, but no white folks are allowed to say it for any reason. Are there any words white folks can use, but are forbidden for use by black folks? I can't think of any, can you?

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4-in-10 GOP insiders want to derail Trump at the convention

"After a rocky start to his general-election campaign, a sizable number of GOP insiders want the party to change the rules to short-circuit Donald Trump’s nomination at the July national convention."

"Nearly four-in-10 Republican members of The POLITICO Caucus — a panel of activists, operatives and strategists in 10 key states,

would like to see changes that could deny Trump the party’s nod after the presumptive nominee began the November campaign without a credible campaign structure, in addition to making a series of erratic and inflammatory comments." thumbsup.gif

"Among the comments was a recent suggestion that an American-born judge presiding over a civil suit in which he is a defendant can’t be impartial because of the judge’s Mexican heritage."


One Florida Republican actually stated that Trump's descent into madness is dragging the GOP down. laugh.png

And another said they would use any means necessary to deny the nomination to the Bloviator.

But wait, hasn't the Bloviator repeatedly said "I am a unifier"?

Sure has a strange way of showing it... cheesy.gif

Downward Spiral.

Edited by iReason
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Before the derailers come along, I posted the incorrect image of one of Carson's slave comparisons.

My mistake.

But as usual, no response to the substance of the article.

No you didn't, you just realized that you screwed up way more than normal by posting that pic (and now you can't edit it away) and now you try to do some storytelling.

The question is: how is that Dunning-Kruger working for you?

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Looks like the right has run out of ammo to defend the indefensible so it needs to focus elsewhere....anywhere will do as the dive gets deeper and steeper.

It is long overdue....

Matthew Sheffield: “The time to stop Trump was in the 1990s, when the movement’s intellectuals were busy prostrating themselves before Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell as they sought to remake the GOP into a party for white Christians. The time to stop Trump was during the George W. Bush administration, when Republicans swallowed the nonsense that deposing secular dictators was a great way to promote moderate Islam. The time to stop Trump was in 2009, when Sarah Palin was dumbing down conservatism into an alternative lifestyle that glorified anti-intellectualism. The time to stop Donald Trump was in 2013, when Ted Cruz was opportunistically telling Republican voters that obstreperousness was the equivalent of conservative philosophy.”

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Meg Whitman goes a bit nuclear on the vile monster:


Two sources in the room said Whitman also compared Trump to historical demagogues, including Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini. She then turned to Ryan to ask him how he could support Trump. Ryan responded by saying he had party obligations as speaker of the House of Republicans, said the sources inside the room.

Notice the Trumpeters have gone hilariously silent lately about how well the vile monster is doing against our next president, Hillary Clinton, in the polls?


Edited by Jingthing
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Ladies and Gentlemen: The embarrasment of the GOP; the Text Book Racist Buffoon.

Your crass, ignorant Bloviator:

You know him. That obnoxious putz you move away from at a party...

Sometimes repugnant dolts like this, just cause you to leave.

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Trump University’s D- Rating

"Donald Trump gets an ‘F’ for a video he posted to YouTube purporting to tell the “truth” about Trump University,

the real-estate program that has been the subject of three ongoing lawsuits alleging fraud."

"In the video, Trump holds up a sheet of paper showing that the Better Business Bureau gave Trump University an “A” rating,

claiming it proves that what he said during the March 3 debate was correct."

"That’s false. As we wrote in our debate story, the most recent BBB rating for Trump University that we could find for the program was a “D-” in 2010,

which is when the school stopped taking new students."


New York AG: Trump U 'really a fraud from beginning to end'

"New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman stepped up his attacks on Donald Trump’s Trump University business venture on Thursday,

alleging the businessman and presumptive Republican nominee ran a thoroughly fraudulent enterprise."


The Con-Man, the Huckster, the "supposed" billionaire, Bloviator now has stepped into the glare of public scrutiny.

To be exposed on the World Stage for what he is.

Excellent. thumbsup.gif

Downward Spiral.

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I understand the dislike for Trump but it's hard to figure out the perverse adoration for Clinton by some here. The only thing that stands between her and a criminal indictment is some cozy deal with the White House.

A Clinton White House would continue many of the policies currently in place, which is generally positive.

Trump as President would spell unmitigated disaster on all fronts. Massive recession due to trade wars, stock market crash due to unprecedented uncertainty, deficit through the roof as he cuts taxes on the rich, environmental catastrophe as he undoes environmental laws and agreements, foreign relations embarrassment as he installs unqualified people into key positions, US military revolt as he attempts to violate international norms, an even more divisive country as he pits races against one another, etc. And this is just for starters. I haven't gotten into institutions that would be bastardized under Trump, such as the press and the courts.

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I understand the dislike for Trump but it's hard to figure out the perverse adoration for Clinton by some here. The only thing that stands between her and a criminal indictment is some cozy deal with the White House.

A Clinton White House would continue many of the policies currently in place, which is generally positive.

Trump as President would spell unmitigated disaster on all fronts. Massive recession due to trade wars, stock market crash due to unprecedented uncertainty, deficit through the roof as he cuts taxes on the rich, environmental catastrophe as he undoes environmental laws and agreements, foreign relations embarrassment as he installs unqualified people into key positions, US military revolt as he attempts to violate international norms, an even more divisive country as he pits races against one another, etc. And this is just for starters. I haven't gotten into institutions that would be bastardized under Trump, such as the press and the courts.

A Clinton White House would be one of competence, experience, and global class gravitas, both with Hilary, and the ever-present Bill Clinton backstage. The danger, but one of which both of them are now on notice of, is that they will abuse the power vested by the office. Hilary has shown a clear pattern of avoiding scrutiny, disclosure and transparency with her actions, and she has been continually slapped for that. She knows she will be under intense and constant scrutiny, and that will likely keep her in line. With those caveats, she will be a competent leader who will continue rational and consistent policies and especially global trade policies, and will attract the best and brightest. Left to her own devices, she would go too far like Nixon, but knowing she will be under the microscope, she is smart enough to behave (hopefully). She is indeed too cozy with big banks etc., but that is to be expected of those who rule. Get over it.

A Trump White House will be an ill-tempered, neophyte egotistical mess. All the negative effects you mention above will likely be caused not so much as by careful design, but simply by incompetence, lack of judgment and knowledge. He will be a wild card, not just for the country, but for Republicans. A Pandora's box. I still find myself shocked with incredulity that this inarticulate, brash clown I've been watching for 30 years is in this position in history. Amazing. More shocking still is that many otherwise seemingly halfway intelligent people are taken in by this bad seed.

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Fred Malek, a veteran GOP fundraiser and the Republican Governors Association finance chairman, told the Washington Examiner: "What might Republican donors need to see out of Trump to soften their opposition? A more tolerant, inclusive candidate that acts more like what they think a president should be like,"

In his view, the GOP issues are twofold:

On the one hand, Trump's populism bothers donors, (Republican donors like to think the GOP) is the party of free markets, free trade, (etc). On foreign policy, they prefer robust U.S. leadership abroad, making Clinton a preferable commander in chief when measured against Trump's isolationism.

Then there's Trump's behavior. Republican donors see a U.S. that is evolving demographically and becoming less white. Trump's harsh rhetoric directed toward Mexican immigrants and Muslims, and long history of publicly insulting women, anyone who doubts him, and the press corps, leads donors to believe Trump will inflict long-term damage to the GOP, and worse, that he is unfit for the presidency.

Boomer's note: Those are the opinions of a long-time Republican insider who wants to support the Republican nominee, but can't. He wants to do what he's good at: rouse the rich Republican donors to ante up tens of thousands of dollars each to support the GOP candidate, ......but it's a losing proposition. They're burned out after shoveling millions toward losers like Jeb Bush and Carson, and now see Trump as an even bigger loser. Awww, let's pat their pointy bald heads and tell them it will all be better in 4 or 8 or 12 years in the future. That is, if Michelle, Malia, Sasha or Chelsea don't run then.

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I understand the dislike for Trump but it's hard to figure out the perverse adoration for Clinton by some here. The only thing that stands between her and a criminal indictment is some cozy deal with the White House.

A Clinton White House would continue many of the policies currently in place, which is generally positive.

Trump as President would spell unmitigated disaster on all fronts. Massive recession due to trade wars, stock market crash due to unprecedented uncertainty, deficit through the roof as he cuts taxes on the rich, environmental catastrophe as he undoes environmental laws and agreements, foreign relations embarrassment as he installs unqualified people into key positions, US military revolt as he attempts to violate international norms, an even more divisive country as he pits races against one another, etc. And this is just for starters. I haven't gotten into institutions that would be bastardized under Trump, such as the press and the courts.

Trump would do the things the right have wrongheadedly and maliciously been accusing Barack Obama of doing for going on eight years.

The fringe far out right have accused President Obama of racism, of dividing the country, of being one of those awful Mulsims secretly destroying the country, of hating America to the point of being the anti-Christ.

With Donald Trump, we see what the Uniquely American Right would do with power if they got it. It is the lunatic reactionary right that would change America as we know it starting with the Bill of Rights then the rest of the Constitution.

Trump has revealed a complete disrespect of the judiciary and even Speaker Paul Ryan fears and tries to guard against what Trump would do to the congress. (A Democratic party controlled congress especially and with a vengeance.)

The United States has always had either a chief executive or, in the most extreme times, our commander in chief. We've never had a Strongman Loudmouth Lout Ignoramus in the White House. Never will either. You can bet your life on it.

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I understand the dislike for Trump but it's hard to figure out the perverse adoration for Clinton by some here. The only thing that stands between her and a criminal indictment is some cozy deal with the White House.

A Clinton White House would continue many of the policies currently in place, which is generally positive.

Trump as President would spell unmitigated disaster on all fronts. Massive recession due to trade wars, stock market crash due to unprecedented uncertainty, deficit through the roof as he cuts taxes on the rich, environmental catastrophe as he undoes environmental laws and agreements, foreign relations embarrassment as he installs unqualified people into key positions, US military revolt as he attempts to violate international norms, an even more divisive country as he pits races against one another, etc. And this is just for starters. I haven't gotten into institutions that would be bastardized under Trump, such as the press and the courts.

The post above could be 'Best Post of the Day', though keemapot's #3442 is also a contender.

Let's face it, whomever became the Democratic contender would have to weather the vicious onslaught of the Republican Attack Machine (RAM). That's the GOP modus: Pick what they think is the worst characteristic of the opposition candidate, then blow it up as big as ten blimps, and keep hammering on that one or two points.

If the Dem candidate was Sally Plunk who stole a candy bar when she was 9 years old, the GOP would blow that up as if she shot Lincoln, and keep harping on that endlessly.

That's partly why some very good statesmen and women don't run for office. It's too withering to go up against the RAM who play so dirty.

Hillary's mistakes (which she has faced and admitted, btw) are a few pebbles compared to Trumps many large boulders. Perspective.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Trump supporters must be getting tired of continually attacking the messengers, and ignoring the messages. Or maybe not.

The writing is all over the walls, folks. Trump is losing traction, losing momentum. I won't say he's a dead fish in the water, but the orange ruffy is looking pretty sick.

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I watched the 1st half of the 'AMAZING' Trump video, posted by Boon Mee above. Sorry, I wasn't impressed. Trump just blows hot air like an industrial bellows. Everything for him is about money. Money is his God. He's vague and continually putting down the efforts of others. That's the modus of a tyrant: always whittling down others, thinking that will make him bigger. At one point he blames Obama for high oil prices. Will Trump now praise Obama because oil prices have come down drastically? Trump claims he's friends with NY taxi drivers (in a failed attempt to show he's chummy with regular people). Sick. What about the tens of thousands of workers who Trump doesn't pay after the work is done? There are thousands of lawsuits in that regard. Trump has already lost many of those lawsuits, and many are still being processed.

He never makes one mention of the environment. To me, environmental problems are bigger than money issues. You can have a bazillion dollars, but if you can't breathe the air, then you're in bad straits. Trump doesn't care about the environment. He's so rich, that he can buy filtered air to breathe and filtered water to fill his golden bathtubs, no problem. He can have lavish amounts of caviar, champagne and goose liver for him and his wife and kids for the remaining meals of their lives, no problem. ...all eaten with silver spoons, while the beggars outdoors on the sidewalks can't be heard because of his triple insulated walls and windows.

Yet Americans want a leader with at least a tiny modicum of compassion. Trump has zero. He takes heartlessness to new depths.

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All the over the top Hysterical NaySaying by the Lefties on this thread will not do a single thing to stop Trump's March to the Presidency. What really matters is what the Pro Trump - Anti-HRC and Anti-Obama movement does in the United States of America.

Posting reams of negative articles spun up by Leftists and Anti-Trumpers will have no effect on the final outcome... which will be a Trump Victory... The Voters want Trump ... it doesn't matter what the anti-trump Republican Establishment wants because they have proven that they are totally against him from the start and their hyperventilating puffery is not new and they have been wrong since Trump began his campaign. Trump haters do not understand not for a moment the huge wave of the underlying Nationalistic Movement driving Trump to the Presidency. So you screech and pound your keyboard here... in vain.

Then I notice that the anti-Trump brigade screeches louder to drown out the awful news that Hillary Clinton is the worst possible candidate that the Dems could come up with... You Anti-Trumpers can post reams of your over the top rhetoric - you can violate the TVF Forum Fair Use rules by posting the near full contents of your reference Links - to no avail ... And you do this post after post somehow being allowed to violate the Fair Use rules to plaster the biased articles onto the open forum because you know that few readers find the content of the puffed up links to be worth reading... so you try to force it down the reader's throats.

What you Anti--Trumpettes should really do is study why there is an enormous Nationalistic Movement pushing Trump to victory... and most of it has to do with Obama and his attempts to tear down traditional America. The resentment towards Obama is Deep and Wide...

You should study why many Sanders supporters will end up voting for Trump as a protest to being treated like red headed step children by the Dem Party Oligarchy. Because they know Hillary only won the nomination because of super delegates.

Also the more the Republican Establishment rails on against Trump it only drives the numerous Cruz supporters into the Trump Camp - restoring unity. And that the Republican National Committee knows - regardless of what they huff and puff about - that they dare not deny Trump the nomination for there will be Party Civil War on a scale never witnessed before ... And that it would mark the end of the Republican Party.

Come July all the Republican naysayers will all decide to shut up - knowing they will have an enormous voter backlash ... because by that time even more Republican Insider Establishment office holders will have lost their jobs in the primary to a Trump favored candidate. Example Super Elitist Senator McCain is teetering on a loss...

Screech all you want -- the real race is in the United States of America ... not on this relatively lonely Board...

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All the over the top Hysterical NaySaying by the Lefties on this thread will not do a single thing to stop Trump's March to the Presidency. What really matters is what the Pro Trump - Anti-HRC and Anti-Obama movement does in the United States of America.

Posting reams of negative articles spun up by Leftists and Anti-Trumpers will have no effect on the final outcome... which will be a Trump Victory... The Voters want Trump ... it doesn't matter what the anti-trump Republican Establishment wants because they have proven that they are totally against him from the start and their hyperventilating puffery is not new and they have been wrong since Trump began his campaign. Trump haters do not understand not for a moment the huge wave of the underlying Nationalistic Movement driving Trump to the Presidency. So you screech and pound your keyboard here... in vain.

Then I notice that the anti-Trump brigade screeches louder to drown out the awful news that Hillary Clinton is the worst possible candidate that the Dems could come up with... You Anti-Trumpers can post reams of your over the top rhetoric - you can violate the TVF Forum Fair Use rules by posting the near full contents of your reference Links - to no avail ... And you do this post after post somehow being allowed to violate the Fair Use rules to plaster the biased articles onto the open forum because you know that few readers find the content of the puffed up links to be worth reading... so you try to force it down the reader's throats.

What you Anti--Trumpettes should really do is study why there is an enormous Nationalistic Movement pushing Trump to victory... and most of it has to do with Obama and his attempts to tear down traditional America. The resentment towards Obama is Deep and Wide...

You should study why many Sanders supporters will end up voting for Trump as a protest to being treated like red headed step children by the Dem Party Oligarchy. Because they know Hillary only won the nomination because of super delegates.

Also the more the Republican Establishment rails on against Trump it only drives the numerous Cruz supporters into the Trump Camp - restoring unity. And that the Republican National Committee knows - regardless of what they huff and puff about - that they dare not deny Trump the nomination for there will be Party Civil War on a scale never witnessed before ... And that it would mark the end of the Republican Party.

Come July all the Republican naysayers will all decide to shut up - knowing they will have an enormous voter backlash ... because by that time even more Republican Insider Establishment office holders will have lost their jobs in the primary to a Trump favored candidate. Example Super Elitist Senator McCain is teetering on a loss...

Screech all you want -- the real race is in the United States of America ... not on this relatively lonely Board...

It's remarkable how free of data this post is. Rignt now, despite the weakness of Hillary Cllinton as a candidate, the polls show here leading Donald Trump Including even the Rasmussen poll. So if Hillary is so unpopular, and she is, how popular can Trump be?.

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