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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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There is a difference between lack of respect and kindergarten name calling. The number of dead bodies that have followed the Clinton's is quite alarming but it can reasonably be discussed. For example some people thought that it was innocent coincidence that Bill met Lynch for a private meeting on a plane where no cameras or recording devices were permitted. That is a subject that can be discussed. "Vile monster" is not a subject that is conducive to rational adult discussion.

You have managed in your characteristically and nearly endearing way to have totally missed the point. Let me make it plainer for you. Believe it or not, there are people making posts here who don't characterize Hillary Clinton in a way that is totally respectful. Not only that, but through innuendo they imply that she is a murderer. Shocking I know.

Quite alarming to whom? Certainly not to law enforcement authorities. Certainly not to Vincent Foster's poor sister who pleaded with the conspiracy theorists attempting to incriminate the Clintons for his death. Would that the only damage these conspiracy theorists inflicted is on their own reputation and judgement.

And why don't you go back through these pages and see how some people are referring to Hillary Clinton. Apart from references to things like "cankles" and other unflattering references to her appearance, she is repeatedly called a criminal, although as far as I'm aware, she has been convicted of no crime.

This does raise the broader issue of the weird one-sided thinking of most of the conservatives in this forum. Boon Mee cited a report that showed Hillary Clinton not doing as well with certain groups as Obama did at the same stage of their respective campaigns. But he didn't even give a thought to how Trump is doing with certain groups compared to Romney. (Hint: not well at all)

Or how these right wingers repeatedly cite data that shows Hillary is widely disliked and yet it somehow fails to escape their notice that data shows Trump is even more so. And they call her a weak candidate. If that's the case, what does that make Trump? An exhausted one? Doesnt even occur to them.

And when called on this they usually just say something on the order of "Just you wait. People are going to get wise to Hillary sooner or later." The idea that might be counterbalanced by people getting wise to Trump apparently doesn't even cross their minds.

You would think with all those suspicious events that both Bill and Hillary would avoid doing any thing that smacks of impropriety and yet Bill has a secret meeting with the lady investigating his wife for treasonous crimes. No wonder Trump is unstoppable.

Again, I will instruct you in the proper usage of the English language. Clinton and Lynch did not have a secret meeting. A secret meeting would be one that no one except those involved would know occurred. Let's say you meet with your doctor. Are you having a secret meeting with him because no one else is in the room apart from you two? No. It's a private meeting. And it shows how unbalanced your judgement is that you would think that such a meeting would be held in a public airport with the fact of it taking place witnessed by all sorts of people and at this meeting skullduggery would be plotted. Maybe your mother or father should have taken you aside at some point in your youth and told you about something called the telephone. It's a real easy way to communicate with someone without having to be in their presence.

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You would think with all those suspicious events that both Bill and Hillary would avoid doing any thing that smacks of impropriety and yet Bill has a secret meeting with the lady investigating his wife for treasonous crimes. No wonder Trump is unstoppable.

Again, I will instruct you in the proper usage of the English language. Clinton and Lynch did not have a secret meeting. A secret meeting would be one that no one except those involved would know occurred. Let's say you meet with your doctor. Are you having a secret meeting with him because no one else is in the room apart from you two? No. It's a private meeting. And it shows how unbalanced your judgement is that you would think that such a meeting would be held in a public airport with the fact of it taking place witnessed by all sorts of people and at this meeting skullduggery would be plotted. Maybe your mother or father should have taken you aside at some point in your youth and told you about something called the telephone. It's a real easy way to communicate with someone without having to be in their presence.

Stop with the pretentious trolling designed to anger me instead of foster discussion. "Again, I will instruct you in the proper usage of the English language"

The former president steps into her plane. They then speak for 30 minutes privately. The FBI there on the tarmac instructing everybody around ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones


If the meeting wasn't secret why did the FBI tell the reporters, no photos, no pictures, no cell phones?

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You would think with all those suspicious events that both Bill and Hillary would avoid doing any thing that smacks of impropriety and yet Bill has a secret meeting with the lady investigating his wife for treasonous crimes. No wonder Trump is unstoppable.

Quite alarming to whom? Certainly not to law enforcement authorities. Certainly not to Vincent Foster's poor sister who pleaded with the conspiracy theorists attempting to incriminate the Clintons for his death. Would that the only damage these conspiracy theorists inflicted is on their own reputation and judgement.

And why don't you go back through these pages and see how some people are referring to Hillary Clinton. Apart from references to things like "cankles" and other unflattering references to her appearance, she is repeatedly called a criminal, although as far as I'm aware, she has been convicted of no crime.

This does raise the broader issue of the weird one-sided thinking of most of the conservatives in this forum. Boon Mee cited a report that showed Hillary Clinton not doing as well with certain groups as Obama did at the same stage of their respective campaigns. But he didn't even give a thought to how Trump is doing with certain groups compared to Romney. (Hint: not well at all)

Or how these right wingers repeatedly cite data that shows Hillary is widely disliked and yet it somehow fails to escape their notice that data shows Trump is even more so. And they call her a weak candidate. If that's the case, what does that make Trump? An exhausted one? Doesnt even occur to them.

And when called on this they usually just say something on the order of "Just you wait. People are going to get wise to Hillary sooner or later." The idea that might be counterbalanced by people getting wise to Trump apparently doesn't even cross their minds.

Again, I will instruct you in the proper usage of the English language. Clinton and Lynch did not have a secret meeting. A secret meeting would be one that no one except those involved would know occurred. Let's say you meet with your doctor. Are you having a secret meeting with him because no one else is in the room apart from you two? No. It's a private meeting. And it shows how unbalanced your judgement is that you would think that such a meeting would be held in a public airport with the fact of it taking place witnessed by all sorts of people and at this meeting skullduggery would be plotted. Maybe your mother or father should have taken you aside at some point in your youth and told you about something called the telephone. It's a real easy way to communicate with someone without having to be in their presence.

The former president steps into her plane. They then speak for 30 minutes privately. The FBI there on the tarmac instructing everybody around ‘no photos, no pictures, no cell phones


If the meeting wasn't secret why did the FBI tell the reporters, no photos, no pictures, no cell phones?

Do we know the meeting occurred? Yes. So not secret. I haven't seen any headlines that call it a secret meeting. Although god knows what the blogs and such you read call it. And what would those photos, pictures or cell phones have revealed? Clinton and Lynch met inside her plane. The reporters were outside the plane. Were their phones or cameras equipped with xray vision?

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@ Post 4087

Dunno Scot.

Why don't you take your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories to a Clinton thread?

Where you belong.

You'll find plenty of company there.

Where they prattle on with baseless, undocumented nonsense.

Along with their hollow speculation and slander.

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@ Post 4087

Dunno Scot.

Why don't you take your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories to a Clinton thread?

Where you belong.

You'll find plenty of company there.

Where they prattle on with baseless, undocumented nonsense.

Along with their hollow speculation and slander.

This is not a guy who has much use for hard data. He just wrote this "No wonder Trump is unstoppable." I for one, have enough sense, not to write such a thing about any candidate. The odds against Trump are strong, but Nate Silver just gave him 20%. But to a believer like this guy, facts are an irrelevancy. It's like some fundamentalist Christian saying Jesus is coming any day now.

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@ Post 4087

Dunno Scot.

Why don't you take your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories to a Clinton thread?

Where you belong.

You'll find plenty of company there.

Where they prattle on with baseless, undocumented nonsense.

Along with their hollow speculation and slander.

I was responding to a poster who wrote, "But what about the 50% of republicans that can't stand the guy. They are staying home." in response to is it too late to stop Trump. I told him that the anti Trump forces because of their childish name calling are invigorating and revitalizing the Trump supporters in the same way that the Brexit supporters were strengthened when Obama went to Britain and meddled in their politics. It is not that the Republicans like Trump or the Brits liked remain it is that the Republicans don't like people like you and the name calling and the Brits don't like Obama and Americans meddling in their politics.

Edited by Scotwight
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Do you, The United Stated of America, really think that you can't do anything to not allow this Trump idiot to become the President of your own country?

Do you really think so? Are you, Americans, really so suppressed of the mighty power of bullshit speech, that you allow this nutter to take over your values?

Are your really willing to giveup your own freedom to this moron?

(I'm asking as European, who has seen what happens once the idiotic populist get the power.. and the ones who won, run away of the responsibilities)

[This was supposed to be an reply.. well, never mind]

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Trump's campaign smells like one big self-dealing scam

"Donald Trump is a con man, and if you support him for president, you are his latest mark."

"Commentators have been warning voters of this obvious scam for months. Trump's latest campaign filing makes it clear."

"The man is unwilling or unable to do what it takes to win a general election, and,

a huge portion of the money he does raise flows straight into the companies he owns." laugh.png


What a surprise! The Flim-Flam Huckster, "self proclaimed" "billionaire" is funneling campaign donations directly to his own businesses. clap2.gif

Donald Trump’s campaign looks more like a con every day. The press should cover it accordingly

“Conservatism is a racket for a lot of people to get very, very rich. With no thought of winning elections.” MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, 2012. ( The Bloviator )

"Stunned reporters this week have been unrelenting in depicting Donald Trump’s campaign as one whose wheels have not only come loose,

but whose doors and windows have also flown off the hinges."

"Journalists, who are fascinated by fundraising totals and are forever stressing their importance in terms of judging campaign strength,

were gobsmacked to learn Trump has just over $1 million in his campaign coffers after raising just $3.1 million in May." whistling.gif


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You have managed in your characteristically and nearly endearing way to have totally missed the point. Let me make it plainer for you. Believe it or not, there are people making posts here who don't characterize Hillary Clinton in a way that is totally respectful. Not only that, but through innuendo they imply that she is a murderer. Shocking I know.

There is a difference between lack of respect and kindergarten name calling. The number of dead bodies that have followed the Clinton's is quite alarming but it can reasonably be discussed. For example some people thought that it was innocent coincidence that Bill met Lynch for a private meeting on a plane where no cameras or recording devices were permitted. That is a subject that can be discussed. "Vile monster" is not a subject that is conducive to rational adult discussion. Just my opinion but I don't think that negative factual listing and discussion really upsets adults where as trash talk or the yo momma stuff pervading this thread is designed to anger and upset rather than contribute to understanding.

"the dead bodies that followed the Clintons is alarming"

This guy has gone beyond the FOX nonsense and has entered the conspiracy nut demographic.

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As all of this plays out, I think it is quite clear that AG Lynch is not going to indict Hillary....or at least delay the whole thing.

This is actually a good thing...as it shows just how corrupt and immoral the current administration is. After her very unprofessional meeting with Bill....the wacko democrats have now revealed their intentions to cover up and delay.

In the meantime...Trump gains on moral grounds. The independents and undecided are picking sides...with the majority leaning towards Trump. Democrats have two things going against them....at the least.

1. Bill is sticking his appendages where they don't belong...once again. Thus proving that Hillary is using her "connections" to get out of the vile, filthy mess she made.

2. Islamic radicals are at it again....more bad news for the Obama campaign that refuses to name the problem.

Both of these things have pulled Hillary's panties down around her ankles. The public sees more than they need to....

It is actually Hilarious. the stupidity of Hillary...and the lengths she will go, in order to cover up her sloppy dealings.

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Posts in violation of fair use policy have been removed as well as the replies:

14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences.

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@ Post 4087

Dunno Scot.

Why don't you take your unsubstantiated conspiracy theories to a Clinton thread?

Where you belong.

You'll find plenty of company there.

Where they prattle on with baseless, undocumented nonsense.

Along with their hollow speculation and slander.

I was responding to a poster who wrote, "But what about the 50% of republicans that can't stand the guy. They are staying home." in response to is it too late to stop Trump. I told him that the anti Trump forces because of their childish name calling are invigorating and revitalizing the Trump supporters in the same way that the Brexit supporters were strengthened when Obama went to Britain and meddled in their politics. It is not that the Republicans like Trump or the Brits liked remain it is that the Republicans don't like people like you and the name calling and the Brits don't like Obama and Americans meddling in their politics.

This is from that left wing lamestream media outfit known as

In addition, just over half of Republicans would prefer a different nominee (51 percent someone else vs. 48 percent Trump)

Foxnews.com http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/06/29/fox-news-poll-clinton-up-by-6-points-89-percent-say-hot-headed-describes-trump.html

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All of the information is here. And only requires someone to search "vile monster and Bloviator" to get a good read on the incidence of insults.

What makes the conduct of those liberals even worse is the civilized and genteel way that conservatives characterize Hillary Clinton.

Some threads are even a triples, "Is there even one American posting on these vile monster threads that isn't solidly pro-vile monster or solidly anti-vile monster? Like one of those mythical undecideds?"

"Did people catch the recent vile monster press conference supposedly about veterans? He appeared like an angry madman and he promised he would be that way as president. The public has been warned ... the vile monster really is a vile monster and he's telling them that's what you'll get."

I noticed that your citations all come from one poster, Jingthing. It does argue some serious intellectual incapacity on his part that with the wealth of data there is to criticize Trump, he resorts to name calling. But so far he hasn't implied that Trump is a murderer, has he?

If there is evidence that Trump is a murderer even circumstantial by all means bring it up. I'm all for having a good discussion of facts but to call someone a bloviator, Mussolini or Vile Monster are not reasonable to discuss but only mentioned to anger .

No evidence that Trump is a murderer. But evidence that he's a rapist. http://www.huffingto...b_10619944.html

And yet the mainstream media has completely ignored this evidence. Clearly, they're in the bag for Trump.

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Trump is a rapist. Everybody knows this. A 13 year old that Trump raped just filed charges.

Rapist? Provide the link or remove your foot from your mouth.


I'm shocked. Slipperylobster didn't even thank you for providing the link.

He's of the "been conned" by the con master, so now sort of embarrassed.

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Interesting twist on things today - I wonder how many twists and turns will there be til November??

Why Donald Trump Is The Last Great Hope For Globalization

The people of United Kingdom last week voted to end their 43-year association with the European Union in the greatest shakeup of European politics since Ronald Reagan ordered Mikhail Gorbechev to “tear down this wall” in 1987.

In the same vein, Donald Trump’s strong views on trade and immigration have been misrepresented as dogmatic principles, when in reality they are starting points in a long overdue negotiation on behalf of the American middle class. Trade should be free, but fair. Immigration should be welcomed, but measured. Candidate Trump’s pragmatic, entrepreneurial leadership represents America’s best hope of channeling rising nationalistic sentiments in a constructive way before levels of income inequality and social unrest reach points of no return.


Funny that, Forbes is now saying what us pragmatic realistic posters have been saying for a while on this forum. We and Forbes are right - those of the looney liberal left have nothing but personal vitriolic abuse and ignorant petty criticism.

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And with POTUS Trump in charge this is farl less likely to happen - again and again and again:

BECAUSE Trump will take action and not be afraid of being called a rascist !!!

Oregon Killer Who Shot Dead 3 People Was Previously Deported 6 Times


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Interesting twist on things today - I wonder how many twists and turns will there be til November??

Why Donald Trump Is The Last Great Hope For Globalization

The people of United Kingdom last week voted to end their 43-year association with the European Union in the greatest shakeup of European politics since Ronald Reagan ordered Mikhail Gorbechev to “tear down this wall” in 1987.

In the same vein, Donald Trump’s strong views on trade and immigration have been misrepresented as dogmatic principles, when in reality they are starting points in a long overdue negotiation on behalf of the American middle class. Trade should be free, but fair. Immigration should be welcomed, but measured. Candidate Trump’s pragmatic, entrepreneurial leadership represents America’s best hope of channeling rising nationalistic sentiments in a constructive way before levels of income inequality and social unrest reach points of no return.


Funny that, Forbes is now saying what us pragmatic realistic posters have been saying for a while on this forum. We and Forbes are right - those of the looney liberal left have nothing but personal vitriolic abuse and ignorant petty criticism.

Imagine that.

A Trump supporter accusing someone of "nothing but personal vitriolic abuse and ignorant petty criticism". LOLcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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Interesting twist on things today - I wonder how many twists and turns will there be til November??

Why Donald Trump Is The Last Great Hope For Globalization

The people of United Kingdom last week voted to end their 43-year association with the European Union in the greatest shakeup of European politics since Ronald Reagan ordered Mikhail Gorbechev to “tear down this wall” in 1987.

In the same vein, Donald Trump’s strong views on trade and immigration have been misrepresented as dogmatic principles, when in reality they are starting points in a long overdue negotiation on behalf of the American middle class. Trade should be free, but fair. Immigration should be welcomed, but measured. Candidate Trump’s pragmatic, entrepreneurial leadership represents America’s best hope of channeling rising nationalistic sentiments in a constructive way before levels of income inequality and social unrest reach points of no return.


Funny that, Forbes is now saying what us pragmatic realistic posters have been saying for a while on this forum. We and Forbes are right - those of the looney liberal left have nothing but personal vitriolic abuse and ignorant petty criticism.

Imagine that.

A Trump supporter accusing someone of "nothing but personal vitriolic abuse and ignorant petty criticism". LOLcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

Actually, the best part of the quote is that he called the opposition "the loony, liberal left". I think he has about zero self-awareness.

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Interesting twist on things today - I wonder how many twists and turns will there be til November??

Why Donald Trump Is The Last Great Hope For Globalization

The people of United Kingdom last week voted to end their 43-year association with the European Union in the greatest shakeup of European politics since Ronald Reagan ordered Mikhail Gorbechev to “tear down this wall” in 1987.

In the same vein, Donald Trump’s strong views on trade and immigration have been misrepresented as dogmatic principles, when in reality they are starting points in a long overdue negotiation on behalf of the American middle class. Trade should be free, but fair. Immigration should be welcomed, but measured. Candidate Trump’s pragmatic, entrepreneurial leadership represents America’s best hope of channeling rising nationalistic sentiments in a constructive way before levels of income inequality and social unrest reach points of no return.


Funny that, Forbes is now saying what us pragmatic realistic posters have been saying for a while on this forum. We and Forbes are right - those of the looney liberal left have nothing but personal vitriolic abuse and ignorant petty criticism.

Do you ever get your facts right? Certainly not this time. Forbes did not write this or endorse this. The person who wrote this is Anthony Scaramucci. Here's Forbes' blurb about him:

Anthony Scaramucci serves on Donald Trump’s national finance committee. Scaramucci is the founder and co-managing partner of SkyBridge Capital, host of the TMI podcast and co-host of Wall Street Week on Fox Business.

Right on that page there's this from Forbes: Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own

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Trump is a rapist. Everybody knows this. A 13 year old that Trump raped just filed charges.

Rapist? Provide the link or remove your foot from your mouth.


I'm shocked. Slipperylobster didn't even thank you for providing the link.

thank you for what?

These are allegations...only....from 1994, on a wealthy guy.

You have proven nothing...so deserve no thanks.

Where is the court case...charges...etc.

utter garbage.

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Now...let us discuss reality...

Your precious Hillary has less than two weeks.....as far as I am concerned.

My belief is that she will not be formally nominated, as AG Lynch and Hillary's scheming husband (bill the perv) have disrupted the entire legal decorum, and have further compromised the Democratic Party.

Don't you know that Bill will be running the show? Hillary is his little puppet president wanna-be. She is incompetent, and has proven herself thus. It is Bill you are actually electing. (and their corrupted beltway buddies).

She is the one being charged....with criminal intent....while in public office. Now...add to that the scheming maneuverings of Bill to get around all of this. Mix in a delay in the release of emails (which should of been released months ago..but is further delayed).

What a bunch of scheming monkeys.....

There is your case. Not hearsay from a "Jane Doe".

Edited by slipperylobster
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thank you for what?

These are allegations...only....from 1994, on a wealthy guy.

You have proven nothing...so deserve no thanks.

Where is the court case...charges...etc.

utter garbage.

Just because you can't read, it's utter garbage?

The court case has been filed and is scheduled. Trumps lawyer confirmed it.

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thank you for what?

These are allegations...only....from 1994, on a wealthy guy.

You have proven nothing...so deserve no thanks.

Where is the court case...charges...etc.

utter garbage.

Just because you can't read, it's utter garbage?

The court case has been filed and is scheduled. Trumps lawyer confirmed it.

Believe me...I read it....

total garbage. I am shocked at your lack of comprehension.

This was submitted by a Jane Doe....for political purposes. There is no substance to it. 1994.

Watch and learn

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thank you for what?

These are allegations...only....from 1994, on a wealthy guy.

You have proven nothing...so deserve no thanks.

Where is the court case...charges...etc.

utter garbage.

Just because you can't read, it's utter garbage?

The court case has been filed and is scheduled. Trumps lawyer confirmed it.

Believe me...I read it....

total garbage. I am shocked at your lack of comprehension.

This was submitted by a Jane Doe....for political purposes. There is no substance to it. 1994.

Watch and learn

My lord. You think an anonymous person can file a rape case with the court?

In rape cases, the court calendar keeps the victims name private.

The case is filed and Trumps lawyer already responded.

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thank you for what?

These are allegations...only....from 1994, on a wealthy guy.

You have proven nothing...so deserve no thanks.

Where is the court case...charges...etc.

utter garbage.

Just because you can't read, it's utter garbage?

The court case has been filed and is scheduled. Trumps lawyer confirmed it.

Believe me...I read it....

total garbage. I am shocked at your lack of comprehension.

This was submitted by a Jane Doe....for political purposes. There is no substance to it. 1994.

Watch and learn

My lord. You think an anonymous person can file a rape case with the court?

In rape cases, the court calendar keeps the victims name private.

The case is filed and Trumps lawyer already responded.

Don't know what you are doing wrong...but you messed up all my quotes. (see above)

cannot understand what the gibberish is all about.

Let us just wait and look for the big headlines tomorrow. Evidently..you scooped all the big ones.

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