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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Donald "never accused of being racist...." Everyone who knows The Divider knows you don't accuse him publicly of anything bad. Why? Because he will sue you for a lot of money. It's very unlikely he will win (he usually loses), but being slapped (or threatened) with a $5 million lawsuit is pretty effective at keeping people from speaking their minds.

During high profile election season, accusations have been coming forth, and we all know that it's considered improper to file defamation suits during a campaign, though Donald tries it once in awhile - whereas no other candidate does. It's yet another ugly trait that he shares with Thaksin.

Incidentally, that's why Thailand doesn't have campaign debates: VIP Thais learned from Americans (particularly big shots like Trump) how easy is it is to slap defamation lawsuits right and left.

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Donald "never accused of being racist...." Everyone who knows The Divider knows you don't accuse him publicly of anything bad. Why? Because he will sue you for a lot of money. It's very unlikely he will win (he usually loses), but being slapped (or threatened) with a $5 million lawsuit is pretty effective at keeping people from speaking their minds.

During high profile election season, accusations have been coming forth, and we all know that it's considered improper to file defamation suits during a campaign, though Donald tries it once in awhile - whereas no other candidate does. It's yet another ugly trait that he shares with Thaksin.

Incidentally, that's why Thailand doesn't have campaign debates: VIP Thais learned from Americans (particularly big shots like Trump) how easy is it is to slap defamation lawsuits right and left.

In Thailand everybody would be in jail already. Defamation is a crime.

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Pretty much says it all..

No,it doesn't come close to saying it all. ..



"In an episode early in Donald Trumps career, his New York real estate company was sued by the federal government for discriminating against potential black renters. After a lengthy legal battle, it ultimately agreed to wide-ranging steps to offer rentals to nonwhites.

The little-remembered case provides crucial context for the current discussion centering on Trump and race. The celebrity businessman made news last month when he declared, I have a great relationship with the blacks. Ive always had a great relationship with the blacks."

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Hey Trump fans, did you forget about Trump's Wall? Remember, he promised to build it if elected. He also said it was 10 feet higher, after Mexico's Prez agreed with reasonable people, that the wall is a very stupid idea. So how high was Trump's wall originally? It had to be at least 20 feet. 10 feet higher = 30 feet. What's it going to be made out of? Masonry? Steel bars? Steel sheets, compacted red Trump hats? Some of the things that Reps don't think about because it entails too much cerebral power:

>>> A wall would disrupt movement of desert animals.

>>> Along the Rio Grande, what's Trump's wall going to do? How close to the river? There are American farms on the northeast side, It's going to cut thousands of acres from that land. It's going to cut the farms' access to, and views of the river. Imagine you bought view property along the river, and then along come Trump's 30 foot high wall. Bummer.

>>> Every time in the history of humans where there's been a wall, people have figured a way to get over it, under it or around it. Look at the Great Wall of China. As soon as a section was done, people were easily crossing it, or going through gullies under it. Most Mexicans enter the US by car or plane, so the wall would only be affecting a small %.

>>> The costs would be astronomical. So were the costs of Reagan's Star Wars, and Republicans loved that, even though it never worked. Trump promises to triple outlays for border guards. Yup, in typical Republican style, he wants to jack up federal spending to stratopheric heights. There never was a Republican politician who didn't want to increase spending astronomically. They should rename it the Budget-Busting Party = BBP.

check out this parody from August last year. It's still applicable.

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More on Trump's 1,954 mile wall. Conservative estimates by engineers say it would cost between 12 and 22 billion dollars, and that's if it's 20 ft. tall. If it's ten feet taller, then multiply the estimates by 1.5 = 18 to 33 billion dollars. Lot of money for something that would be an eyesore, force Americans to lose acreage, and wouldn't work for its purpose.

Oh, almost forgot, Trump says Mexico will pay for it. Oh ok, no problem. Forget all I've said about costs. No problem. Mexico will send the US $20 billion to pay for the wall. Case closed.

Below is another brief video (this one by CNN) which shows how it's essentially impossible to build the wall as Trump specifies:

An added note: if the wall is 20 feet high, how hard would it be to get a 25 foot ladder (I could build one in 2 hrs) and a rope to shimmy down the US side?

A ladder wouldn't even be needed. Ever heard of a rope with a grappling hook? Even the rope itself could be a rope or chain ladder - also easy to make, cost about $60.

There are sooooooo many reasons that Trump's wall wouldn't work. But again, once you get a Republican jazzed about a very expensive idea that won't work, there's no diverting that person. They march on like zombies, ever eager to spend billions of dollars on non-workable schemes.

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More on Trump's 1,954 mile wall. Conservative estimates by engineers say it would cost between 12 and 22 billion dollars, and that's if it's 20 ft. tall. If it's ten feet taller, then multiply the estimates by 1.5 = 18 to 33 billion dollars. Lot of money for something that would be an eyesore, force Americans to lose acreage, and wouldn't work for its purpose.

Oh, almost forgot, Trump says Mexico will pay for it. Oh ok, no problem. Forget all I've said about costs. No problem. Mexico will send the US $20 billion to pay for the wall. Case closed.

Below is another brief video (this one by CNN) which shows how it's essentially impossible to build the wall as Trump specifies:

An added note: if the wall is 20 feet high, how hard would it be to get a 25 foot ladder (I could build one in 2 hrs) and a rope to shimmy down the US side?

A ladder wouldn't even be needed. Ever heard of a rope with a grappling hook? Even the rope itself could be a rope or chain ladder - also easy to make, cost about $60.

There are sooooooo many reasons that Trump's wall wouldn't work. But again, once you get a Republican jazzed about a very expensive idea that won't work, there's no diverting that person. They march on like zombies, ever eager to spend billions of dollars on non-workable schemes.

Nonsense. USA won't be paying for it.

Another thing...Great wall of china...it worked. Remember, it was four times longer and ten times wider. So, in effect, 40 times bigger. Mexican labor is cheaper than American labor...that is why your cost estimates are too high. Just divide that by ten.

As for ladders and such....I imagine cauldrons of hot, burning oil, attached to motion sensors...might help. lol

Seriously...motion sensors and camera would probably alert the nearest border patrol.

As for unsightly....well...I lived 3 miles from the mexican border near San Diego. The view was really horrible...without the wall.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Mark Cuban Says Donald Trump Is a 'G-ddamn Airhead'

"There's that guy who'll walk into the bar and say anything to get laid,"

"That's Donald Trump right now to a T. But it's all of us who are going to get f......"

"Everybody's got that friend that you just shake your head at.

He's that guy who'd get drunk and fall over all the time,

or just says dumb sh-t all the time, but he's your friend."


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It was just a 'suggestion'

Please keep up? whistling.gif

Yes you are right!!!

Everything he say is "just a suggestion".

This is how you look at Trump, the saver of the USA!

So, you support somebody that lies all the time, promisse you everything and don't do sh*t!

Please do you self a favor, vote for Trump, but please don't come back whining later!!!

Edited by dutchisaan
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Mark Cuban Says Donald Trump Is a 'G-ddamn Airhead'

"There's that guy who'll walk into the bar and say anything to get laid,"

"That's Donald Trump right now to a T. But it's all of us who are going to get f......"

"Everybody's got that friend that you just shake your head at.

He's that guy who'd get drunk and fall over all the time,

or just says dumb sh-t all the time, but he's your friend."


Wow! That's a real intellectual analysis / not.

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More on Trump's 1,954 mile wall. Conservative estimates by engineers say it would cost between 12 and 22 billion dollars, and that's if it's 20 ft. tall. If it's ten feet taller, then multiply the estimates by 1.5 = 18 to 33 billion dollars. Lot of money for something that would be an eyesore, force Americans to lose acreage, and wouldn't work for its purpose.

Oh, almost forgot, Trump says Mexico will pay for it. Oh ok, no problem. Forget all I've said about costs. No problem. Mexico will send the US $20 billion to pay for the wall. Case closed.

Below is another brief video (this one by CNN) which shows how it's essentially impossible to build the wall as Trump specifies:

An added note: if the wall is 20 feet high, how hard would it be to get a 25 foot ladder (I could build one in 2 hrs) and a rope to shimmy down the US side?

A ladder wouldn't even be needed. Ever heard of a rope with a grappling hook? Even the rope itself could be a rope or chain ladder - also easy to make, cost about $60.

There are sooooooo many reasons that Trump's wall wouldn't work. But again, once you get a Republican jazzed about a very expensive idea that won't work, there's no diverting that person. They march on like zombies, ever eager to spend billions of dollars on non-workable schemes.

Nonsense. USA won't be paying for it.

Another thing...Great wall of china...it worked. Remember, it was four times longer and ten times wider. So, in effect, 40 times bigger. Mexican labor is cheaper than American labor...that is why your cost estimates are too high. Just divide that by ten.

As for ladders and such....I imagine cauldrons of hot, burning oil, attached to motion sensors...might help. lol

Seriously...motion sensors and camera would probably alert the nearest border patrol.

As for unsightly....well...I lived 3 miles from the mexican border near San Diego. The view was really horrible...without the wall.

The wall that Israel built works very well .... anyone can google and take a look. You'll be impressed unless you are a member of HAMAS - who cries everyday about it -- hahahahaha

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It was just a 'suggestion'

Please keep up? whistling.gif

So let me see if I've got this right. Donald Trump declares emphatically 1,000 different times, "Believe me folks, I'll build a wall along the Mexican border. I promise you."

....When The Divider says that over and over, he's lying? Is he lying about everything else he absolutely promises? ....or just some or most things. Just a note: when he's giving a stump speech, is he talking to the rednecks the same way he talks to each of his several wives when he wanted to get in their panties. In other words, is he just saying all the sweetest things he thinks the other person wants to hear, so he can screw them? Later he can say to his wives (same as he can say to his fans) "Ha, you believed what I said earlier?! Ha, suckers. You'd probably believe me if I said I had a dick as big as a donkey's, ha ha ha."

Trump fans are essentially saying "YES." His fans and his Goldman Sachs handlers are indicating; "don't take what he says literally. So what if he changes 180 degrees day to day. So what if he's clueless on important topics. We love the guy. There's nothing he can do or say which will shake our faith in him. Plus he's an outsider who admits he doesn't know anything about how government works. Isn't that great?! He's totally unprepared to take charge, and that's why we love him so!"

Since others are guessing who will win and by how much, I'll put forth my 2 satang's worth: Trump will lose in as big a landslide as Goldwater who lost 44 states in 1964.

Goldwater was, and Trump is popular with white men 35 and up, but they're a small minority of the US population. Wake up and smell the frijoles, hombre.

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Panetta: Don't gamble on Trump's 'crazy positions'

"(Former Secretary of Defense) Leon Panetta, who served as the Director of the CIA from 2009-2011, told CNN's Chris Cuomo on "New Day."

"Trump is talking about the world in a way that takes us back to the 1930's."

"He's talking all this isolationism, America first, he's talking about distributing A-bombs around the world — those are crazy positions," Panetta added, laugh.png

referencing Trump's comments in March when he raised the possibility that Japan should arm itself with nuclear weapons to take on threats from North Korea.

Panetta said that Trump says things "almost as if he's not even thinking" and added that he's not sure what Trump stands for." clap2.gif
"Meanwhile, former CIA Director David Petraeus penned an op-ed in the Washington Post Friday, cautioning that "anti-Muslim bigotry aides Islamist terrorists."
Well, Mr. Panetta, there are a lot of the Wall Street Funded Bloviator's lemmings who don't really know what he stands for either.
Given the fact, that he has retreated on all of his "promises" that he has "suggested" cheesy.gif
I've read that he is being "educated" by the GOP Establishment 'tho... thumbsup.gif


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'Author PJ Rourke is joining other prominent conservative authors like Bill Kristol, George Will and Erick Erickson in continuing to oppose a Trump candidacy.
"This man just can't be president," O'Rourke said, alluding to the nuclear codes the commander-in-chief takes control of upon assuming office. "They've got this button — this briefcase. He's going to find it."

Funny ( not ) how democracy has suddenly become unpopular because some people don't like the candidate. Bush the younger was far madder than Trump, yet no one was saying democracy should have been suspended when he was up for re election.

O'Rourke is clearly insane ( or perhaps just really really stupid ) if he thinks Trump can use the nukes willy nilly just because he doesn't like a country.

Who is the insane or stupid one? Trump has been all over the map with his flip flops related to the world's most powerful military. One man is an author who puts pen to paper. The other is positioning himself to be in charge of 'The Football' (the name for the football-shaped valise with launch codes, which is never more than a few feet from the president).

Trump is a man who ruined the career of a man who wrote an unflattering report about T's Taj casino. T told him to re-write the report. The other man refused. Trump shouted, "You'll never work again. I'll make sure of that!" and he was right, at least for the next several years - until the man sued Trump for defamation and won. The settlement specified that the amount never be disclosed, but the winner (as opposed to the loser, Trump) said it was very large amount (probably tens of millions).

Do YOU actually believe the POTUS can just nuke another country at will? I CERTAINLY do NOT. While they may not be generally published, I'm sure there are rules specifically to prevent any such misuse of the nuclear option.

Who the h**l is O'Rourke anyway? I never heard of him. I write too, but I don't imagine that it makes me any sort of authority on world affairs.

The anti Trumpists are obviously grasping at any straw, no matter how irrelevant to try and turn people against Trump. Doesn't make any difference though, as if the contest does come down to the Donald or HRC, attacking HRC is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel, given her record. Personally, I'm looking forward to the entertainment.

Trump is a man who ruined the career of a man who wrote an unflattering report about T's Taj casino

Trump's ex butler was on tv last night saying that Trump was a wonderful employer. For every person they can find to say anti Trump things there are people out there that support Trump.

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It was just a 'suggestion'

Please keep up? whistling.gif

So let me see if I've got this right. Donald Trump declares emphatically 1,000 different times, "Believe me folks, I'll build a wall along the Mexican border. I promise you."

....When The Divider says that over and over, he's lying? Is he lying about everything else he absolutely promises? ....or just some or most things. Just a note: when he's giving a stump speech, is he talking to the rednecks the same way he talks to each of his several wives when he wanted to get in their panties. In other words, is he just saying all the sweetest things he thinks the other person wants to hear, so he can screw them? Later he can say to his wives (same as he can say to his fans) "Ha, you believed what I said earlier?! Ha, suckers. You'd probably believe me if I said I had a dick as big as a donkey's, ha ha ha."

Trump fans are essentially saying "YES." His fans and his Goldman Sachs handlers are indicating; "don't take what he says literally. So what if he changes 180 degrees day to day. So what if he's clueless on important topics. We love the guy. There's nothing he can do or say which will shake our faith in him. Plus he's an outsider who admits he doesn't know anything about how government works. Isn't that great?! He's totally unprepared to take charge, and that's why we love him so!"

Since others are guessing who will win and by how much, I'll put forth my 2 satang's worth: Trump will lose in as big a landslide as Goldwater who lost 44 states in 1964.

Goldwater was, and Trump is popular with white men 35 and up, but they're a small minority of the US population. Wake up and smell the frijoles, hombre.

I guess you must have missed all the women and the black people in the crowds of Trump supporters.

You also miss the big picture. People don't "love" Trump because of HIM, they would love anyone that is going to give the establishment a good kicking, but he happens to be the only one available to do that job. If a better anti establishment candidate had presented themselves Trump wouldn't be the favoured one now.

I think all the anti Trumpers on here don't understand how much America's middle class DESPISE and LOATH the parasites politicians in Congress. US politics is broken, and the middle class voters want it to change. HRC would change nothing. Bernie would have been in with a good chance except the corrupt Dems establishment put the fix in before the primaries even started with the super delegates.

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It was just a 'suggestion'

Please keep up? whistling.gif

Yes you are right!!!

Everything he say is "just a suggestion".

This is how you look at Trump, the saver of the USA!

So, you support somebody that lies all the time, promisse you everything and don't do sh*t!

Please do you self a favor, vote for Trump, but please don't come back whining later!!!

Everything you say about Trump applies equally to HRC, so who you gonna' vote for? Both lie, and both promise stuff that they may or may not do.

The only difference is that with HRC nothing will change, and with Trump things MIGHT change. If you think the US is in a good place now, vote for HRC, but don't come back whining later!!!

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More on Trump's 1,954 mile wall. Conservative estimates by engineers say it would cost between 12 and 22 billion dollars, and that's if it's 20 ft. tall. If it's ten feet taller, then multiply the estimates by 1.5 = 18 to 33 billion dollars. Lot of money for something that would be an eyesore, force Americans to lose acreage, and wouldn't work for its purpose.

Oh, almost forgot, Trump says Mexico will pay for it. Oh ok, no problem. Forget all I've said about costs. No problem. Mexico will send the US $20 billion to pay for the wall. Case closed.

Below is another brief video (this one by CNN) which shows how it's essentially impossible to build the wall as Trump specifies:

An added note: if the wall is 20 feet high, how hard would it be to get a 25 foot ladder (I could build one in 2 hrs) and a rope to shimmy down the US side?

A ladder wouldn't even be needed. Ever heard of a rope with a grappling hook? Even the rope itself could be a rope or chain ladder - also easy to make, cost about $60.

There are sooooooo many reasons that Trump's wall wouldn't work. But again, once you get a Republican jazzed about a very expensive idea that won't work, there's no diverting that person. They march on like zombies, ever eager to spend billions of dollars on non-workable schemes.

Nonsense. USA won't be paying for it.

Another thing...Great wall of china...it worked. Remember, it was four times longer and ten times wider. So, in effect, 40 times bigger. Mexican labor is cheaper than American labor...that is why your cost estimates are too high. Just divide that by ten.

As for ladders and such....I imagine cauldrons of hot, burning oil, attached to motion sensors...might help. lol

Seriously...motion sensors and camera would probably alert the nearest border patrol.

As for unsightly....well...I lived 3 miles from the mexican border near San Diego. The view was really horrible...without the wall.

The wall that Israel built works very well .... anyone can google and take a look. You'll be impressed unless you are a member of HAMAS - who cries everyday about it -- hahahahaha

The difference is that Israel shoots anyone that tries to cross the wall. All the US needs to stop illegals entering is a POTUS that enforces the law. Unfortunately the US presently has a POTUS that won't let the border guards do their job.

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More on Trump's 1,954 mile wall. Conservative estimates by engineers say it would cost between 12 and 22 billion dollars, and that's if it's 20 ft. tall. If it's ten feet taller, then multiply the estimates by 1.5 = 18 to 33 billion dollars. Lot of money for something that would be an eyesore, force Americans to lose acreage, and wouldn't work for its purpose.

Oh, almost forgot, Trump says Mexico will pay for it. Oh ok, no problem. Forget all I've said about costs. No problem. Mexico will send the US $20 billion to pay for the wall. Case closed.

Below is another brief video (this one by CNN) which shows how it's essentially impossible to build the wall as Trump specifies:

An added note: if the wall is 20 feet high, how hard would it be to get a 25 foot ladder (I could build one in 2 hrs) and a rope to shimmy down the US side?

A ladder wouldn't even be needed. Ever heard of a rope with a grappling hook? Even the rope itself could be a rope or chain ladder - also easy to make, cost about $60.

There are sooooooo many reasons that Trump's wall wouldn't work. But again, once you get a Republican jazzed about a very expensive idea that won't work, there's no diverting that person. They march on like zombies, ever eager to spend billions of dollars on non-workable schemes.

The wall only needs to be a chain link fence 4 feet high, as long as crossing it means getting shot. Would only take a few to prevent the rest. Don't need to kill them, just shoot them in the leg.

To anyone that thinks that is not something good to do, ask an Israeli if they think shooting people trying to cross their wall is a bad idea.

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Well, Trump just smashed Kentucky and Oregon.

Trump will not have to debat Hillary cause,

Hillary will loose to Sanders... this is how.

Oh, yyyyyyeeeeesssss. If only, if only. If he actually did that he'd win in a landslide biggrin.png .

Sadly, it doesn't matter how many delegates Bernie gets, the corrupt Dem's establishment has already secured HRC's nomination. The only hope to prevent this awful woman from becoming POTUS is to elect the Donald.

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This is like the Hillary email server nonsense the Republicans are hanging their hats. Democrats don't need this. Trump is enough of a buffoon on his own.

This Trump University crap really happened, but I wouldn't think this would have much impact on the election. It will probably get continued and when Trump eventually loses, he'll declare victory and insult the plaintiffs, the usual.

By the time the Trump University case gets decided, Trump's name will have an asterisk beside with the final election results.

*Did not compete

The FBI is investigating Hillary because there is a serious crime involved. The FBI is not investigating Trump University. wai2.gif

Latest poll.

Georgia: Trump vs. Clinton Atlanta Journal-Constitution Trump 45, Clinton 41

Trump +4

In 1996 GA voted for Bill Clinton over Bob Dole, 47-45.

Other than that however...

2004 Bush 58 Kerry 41

2008 McCain 52 Obama 47

2012 Romney 53 Obama 45

In 1968 GA voted for George Wallace.

Donald Trump leading the state polling in GA is a yawn. Doesn't change a thing. Nor does it save Trump or the R party.

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Where are the stories about the riot at the Democrat convention in Nevada the other day when Bernie supporters protested the Hillary people stealing delegates? I would think if it leads on CNN it would at least get some mention around here.

Bernie Sanders supporters turned the Nevada State Democratic Convention into chaos and many Democratic leaders fear the scene may replicate itself in the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.


Edited by mopar71
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More on Trump's 1,954 mile wall. Conservative estimates by engineers say it would cost between 12 and 22 billion dollars, and that's if it's 20 ft. tall. If it's ten feet taller, then multiply the estimates by 1.5 = 18 to 33 billion dollars. Lot of money for something that would be an eyesore, force Americans to lose acreage, and wouldn't work for its purpose.

Oh, almost forgot, Trump says Mexico will pay for it. Oh ok, no problem. Forget all I've said about costs. No problem. Mexico will send the US $20 billion to pay for the wall. Case closed.

Below is another brief video (this one by CNN) which shows how it's essentially impossible to build the wall as Trump specifies:

An added note: if the wall is 20 feet high, how hard would it be to get a 25 foot ladder (I could build one in 2 hrs) and a rope to shimmy down the US side?

A ladder wouldn't even be needed. Ever heard of a rope with a grappling hook? Even the rope itself could be a rope or chain ladder - also easy to make, cost about $60.

There are sooooooo many reasons that Trump's wall wouldn't work. But again, once you get a Republican jazzed about a very expensive idea that won't work, there's no diverting that person. They march on like zombies, ever eager to spend billions of dollars on non-workable schemes.

Nonsense. USA won't be paying for it.

Another thing...Great wall of china...it worked. Remember, it was four times longer and ten times wider. So, in effect, 40 times bigger. Mexican labor is cheaper than American labor...that is why your cost estimates are too high. Just divide that by ten.

As for ladders and such....I imagine cauldrons of hot, burning oil, attached to motion sensors...might help. lol

Seriously...motion sensors and camera would probably alert the nearest border patrol.

As for unsightly....well...I lived 3 miles from the mexican border near San Diego. The view was really horrible...without the wall.

The wall that Israel built works very well .... anyone can google and take a look. You'll be impressed unless you are a member of HAMAS - who cries everyday about it -- hahahahaha

The difference is that Israel shoots anyone that tries to cross the wall. All the US needs to stop illegals entering is a POTUS that enforces the law. Unfortunately the US presently has a POTUS that won't let the border guards do their job.
Ok, I bite.

You write that Israel will shoot everybody that tries to cross the wall!

Than you say you have a president that won't let the border guards do there job!

So, you mean it is written down somewhere, that the border guards have to shoot people?

Man, you realy want to go back to 1939.

But if Trump want to build this wall on the south border, please ask him to build one on the north border to.

I think the Canadians will be verry pleased if he does this. It will keep the Americans in there own country.

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This place is going to be a hoot the morning after Trump wins the general election.

As for a wall, Trump is a builder who builds really big things. I suspect he has a good idea what he's talking about. Has anyone mentioned razor wire which seems to keep hardened criminals in a walled-in prison?

People just keep selling Trump short as he continues to kick ass and take names. He's getting stronger and has been from the beginning. OTOH Hillary is getting weaker, essentially tying Bernie in one state today and losing badly to him in another - Oregon. She is the loser to watch. The perennial loser Hillary. She can't shake Bernie even with the system rigged in her favor.

Never, ever sell a guy like Trump short because you'll lose every time.


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Nonsense. USA won't be paying for it.

Another thing...Great wall of china...it worked. Remember, it was four times longer and ten times wider. So, in effect, 40 times bigger. Mexican labor is cheaper than American labor...that is why your cost estimates are too high. Just divide that by ten.

As for ladders and such....I imagine cauldrons of hot, burning oil, attached to motion sensors...might help. lol

Seriously...motion sensors and camera would probably alert the nearest border patrol.

As for unsightly....well...I lived 3 miles from the mexican border near San Diego. The view was really horrible...without the wall.

The wall that Israel built works very well .... anyone can google and take a look. You'll be impressed unless you are a member of HAMAS - who cries everyday about it -- hahahahaha

The difference is that Israel shoots anyone that tries to cross the wall. All the US needs to stop illegals entering is a POTUS that enforces the law. Unfortunately the US presently has a POTUS that won't let the border guards do their job.
Ok, I bite.

You write that Israel will shoot everybody that tries to cross the wall!

Than you say you have a president that won't let the border guards do there job!

So, you mean it is written down somewhere, that the border guards have to shoot people?

Man, you realy want to go back to 1939.

But if Trump want to build this wall on the south border, please ask him to build one on the north border to.

I think the Canadians will be verry pleased if he does this. It will keep the Americans in there own country.

There was no wall in 1939.

The depression was still on in 1939 so why would Mexicans want to illegally go into the US?

I didn't say that it's written that border guards should shoot people. Do you understand what "the difference" means?

If you don't know about what Obama has instructed about the border, you need to do some research before pickin' on me.

Trump doesn't listen to me. You can ask him to build a wall on the Canadian border yourself.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Trump: Acting 'presidential' would have sunk me.

Donald Trump is attributing his success in the Republican primary to his boisterous and oftentimes controversial style of campaigning, and said he probably wouldn't have gotten this far if he had acted "presidential."
"Overall, I have to be very happy with the outcome," he said in an interview that aired Tuesday evening. "And I think if I didn't conduct myself in the way I've done it, I don't think I would have been successful."
"Actually, if I were soft, if I were, you know, 'presidential' … okay, 'presidential,' in a way, it's a bad word because there's nothing wrong with being presidential, but if I would not have fought back the way I fought back, I don't think I would've been successful," he added.
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IT’S OFFICIAL: DONALD TRUMP Breaks Bush Record With Most Votes Ever for Republican Primary Candidate.

"With his win tonight in the State of Oregon along with previous victories in West Virginia and Nebraska, Donald J. Trump broke George W. Bush’s record with the most votes won by any Republican Primary Candidate in party history.
George W. Bush won 10.8 million votes in the 2000 Republican primary. Donald Trump has won 11.1 million votes so far this year." LINK
Let's remember that Trump started in a field of 17 candidates to split the votes with. Two others are still on the ballots (Cruz and Kasich) and are still getting votes. Trump still has several primaries including the big state of California to add to his total.
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