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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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-snip- Real American patriots (not the fascists in the trump hats) will mobilize against this incredibly dangerous rise of a horrific DEMAGOGUE and while many or most will have to hold their noises, Hillary Clinton is the ONLY choice to stop him.

Trump's going to Clobber Hillary in the general election. He is the next POTUS. As is his history, he keeps growing and getting stronger while Hillary gets weaker as is her habit.

So I guess by your definition there just aren't that many "Real American Patriots" left. Or maybe there are, depending on another definition. Part of my definition is that if you don't have borders you don't have a country, and if you export your jobs to third world countries the middle and lower classes don't have an economy.


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Nets Fret Over Sanders ‘Not Going Quietly,’ Hurting Hillary

After Hillary Clinton lost yet another primary contest to Bernie Sanders in Oregon on Tuesday, Wednesday’s network morning shows began sounding the alarm that he could damage her chances in the general election and lamented that the socialist senator was “not going away.”

On NBC’s Today, correspondent Kristen Welker declared: “The Democrats are as divided as ever this morning....All of this complicating Clinton's efforts to try to focus on the fight against Donald Trump.”

Some Sanders fans would rather back Trump than Clinton

"...But there are signs that the rift that’s developed in this topsy-turvy campaign may be deeper than 2008. A March Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed one-third of Sanders voters couldn’t see themselves getting behind Clinton. Exit polls from the West Virginia primary earlier this month indicated close to half of Sanders supporters in that state would vote for Trump in a general election matchup with Clinton.

Emphasis mine

Too bad Hillary. You're just a loser.

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White House rejects Donald Trump's offer to build $100 million ballroom

"The White House confirmed Monday that Donald Trump had offered to spend $100 million on a new White House ballroom, but said the offer was quickly rejected.

"I'm (not) sure it would be appropriate to have a shiny gold 'Trump' sign on any part of the White House," Press Secretary Josh Earnest said.

"That's what most of the buildings that he offers to build include, so I'm unclear if something like that would have been required with this offer as well.

I can tell you that this was not something that was at all seriously considered," Earnest said."

"A White House ballroom suitable for state visits and other occasions is a longtime Trump hobby horse that reemerged Sunday, the last full day of campaigning before the Iowa caucuses.

In a campaign rally in Sioux City, Trump said he had offered to pay for the ballroom himself, and would get it built if he becomes president."

"We’ll get the top people, the top everything. We’ll have the best ballroom" laugh.png


It will be tremendous. It will be fantastic! (Of course, it's another lie that he would backtrack on) cheesy.gif

Fortunately for America, he will never get the chance to follow up on that "suggestion".

More sheer lunacy from the Bloviator.clap2.gif

And some actually follow this clown? facepalm.gif

Edited by iReason
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Nets Fret Over Sanders ‘Not Going Quietly,’ Hurting Hillary
After Hillary Clinton lost yet another primary contest to Bernie Sanders in Oregon on Tuesday, Wednesday’s network morning shows began sounding the alarm that he could damage her chances in the general election and lamented that the socialist senator was “not going away.”
On NBC’s Today, correspondent Kristen Welker declared: “The Democrats are as divided as ever this morning....All of this complicating Clinton's efforts to try to focus on the fight against Donald Trump.”
Some Sanders fans would rather back Trump than Clinton
"...But there are signs that the rift that’s developed in this topsy-turvy campaign may be deeper than 2008. A March Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed one-third of Sanders voters couldn’t see themselves getting behind Clinton. Exit polls from the West Virginia primary earlier this month indicated close to half of Sanders supporters in that state would vote for Trump in a general election matchup with Clinton.
Emphasis mine
Too bad Hillary. You're just a loser.

Managing more than one problem at a time for her is just.....a problem

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White House rejects Donald Trump's offer to build $100 million ballroom

"The White House confirmed Monday that Donald Trump had offered to spend $100 million on a new White House ballroom, but said the offer was quickly rejected.

"I'm (not) sure it would be appropriate to have a shiny gold 'Trump' sign on any part of the White House," Press Secretary Josh Earnest said.

"That's what most of the buildings that he offers to build include, so I'm unclear if something like that would have been required with this offer as well.

I can tell you that this was not something that was at all seriously considered," Earnest said."

"A White House ballroom suitable for state visits and other occasions is a longtime Trump hobby horse that reemerged Sunday, the last full day of campaigning before the Iowa caucuses.

In a campaign rally in Sioux City, Trump said he had offered to pay for the ballroom himself, and would get it built if he becomes president."

"We’ll get the top people, the top everything. We’ll have the best ballroom" laugh.png


It will be tremendous. It will be fantastic! (Of course, it's another lie that he would backtrack on) cheesy.gif

Fortunately for America, he will never get the chance to follow up on that "suggestion".

More sheer lunacy from the Bloviator.clap2.gif

And some actually follow this clown? facepalm.gif

A very generous offer.

I think Trump is on to something.

Inviting foreign dignitaries to the White House has always been a big part of our foreign policy. Why not let President Trump do it. After all, he is an expert in that field. It would not cost the tax payers anything...and this dumb dumb you are talking about can require Trump not to put any Coat of Arms on the walls. It would be a donation.

Nothing wrong here...nothing funny, and makes good sense.

Why not put slot machines as well....invite the high rollers in, and have them pay our taxes?


Meanwhile...how is Hillary doing with her Criminal Investigation? How are all those Ugly Democratic gatherings going? Working out for you? lol

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More warnings about the orange beast. This is serious.

News outlets that treat trump as a "normal" candidate in a "normal" election year are doing a massive disservice to the public.


To call this fascism doesn’t do justice to fascism. Fascism had, in some measure, an ideology and occasional coherence that Trump utterly lacks. But his movement is clearly fascistic in its demonization of foreigners, its hyping of a threat by a domestic minority (Muslims and Mexicans are the new Jews), its focus on a single supreme leader of what can only be called a cult, and its deep belief in violence and coercion in a democracy that has heretofore relied on debate and persuasion. This is the Weimar aspect of our current moment. Just as the English Civil War ended with a dictatorship under Oliver Cromwell, and the French Revolution gave us Napoleon Bonaparte, and the unstable chaos of Russian democracy yielded to Vladimir Putin, and the most recent burst of Egyptian democracy set the conditions for General el-Sisi’s coup, so our paralyzed, emotional hyperdemocracy leads the stumbling, frustrated, angry voter toward the chimerical panacea of Trump.


For Trump is not just a wacky politician of the far right, or a riveting television spectacle, or a Twitter phenom and bizarre working-class hero. He is not just another candidate to be parsed and analyzed by TV pundits in the same breath as all the others. In terms of our liberal democracy and constitutional order, Trump is an extinction-level event. It’s long past time we started treating him as such.

Edited by Jingthing
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A super PAC with longtime Republican ties is funding an ad comparing Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler:


Well, the Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping Bloviator did like to keep a volume of Hitler's speeches at his bedside. laugh.png

Looks like he did some frequent late night reading... thumbsup.gif

Ridiculous. Trump is nothing like Hitler. Whoever makes that claim problem ties their shoestrings together.

Garbage Journalism....

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Nets Fret Over Sanders ‘Not Going Quietly,’ Hurting Hillary
After Hillary Clinton lost yet another primary contest to Bernie Sanders in Oregon on Tuesday, Wednesday’s network morning shows began sounding the alarm that he could damage her chances in the general election and lamented that the socialist senator was “not going away.”
On NBC’s Today, correspondent Kristen Welker declared: “The Democrats are as divided as ever this morning....All of this complicating Clinton's efforts to try to focus on the fight against Donald Trump.”
Some Sanders fans would rather back Trump than Clinton
"...But there are signs that the rift that’s developed in this topsy-turvy campaign may be deeper than 2008. A March Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed one-third of Sanders voters couldn’t see themselves getting behind Clinton. Exit polls from the West Virginia primary earlier this month indicated close to half of Sanders supporters in that state would vote for Trump in a general election matchup with Clinton.
Emphasis mine
Too bad Hillary. You're just a loser.

I would welcome anybody to the Winning Trump side, especially Sander people.

They seem to understand what is wrong with the country...what is wrong with the past administrations, why we don't need 4 more years of the Cintons, why crooked hillary should be in jail.

That's refreshing, as most Democrats are like lemmings..following Hillary and Bill off the Cliff.....oblivious to their fates. USA will suffer tremendously if uneducated, uninformed democrats rally behind Hillary. They should be jumping ship

This is just what we want...

Democrats are in despair....

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More warnings about the orange beast. This is serious.

News outlets that treat trump as a "normal" candidate in a "normal" election year are doing a massive disservice to the public.


To call this fascism doesn’t do justice to fascism. Fascism had, in some measure, an ideology and occasional coherence that Trump utterly lacks. But his movement is clearly fascistic in its demonization of foreigners, its hyping of a threat by a domestic minority (Muslims and Mexicans are the new Jews), its focus on a single supreme leader of what can only be called a cult, and its deep belief in violence and coercion in a democracy that has heretofore relied on debate and persuasion. This is the Weimar aspect of our current moment. Just as the English Civil War ended with a dictatorship under Oliver Cromwell, and the French Revolution gave us Napoleon Bonaparte, and the unstable chaos of Russian democracy yielded to Vladimir Putin, and the most recent burst of Egyptian democracy set the conditions for General el-Sisi’s coup, so our paralyzed, emotional hyperdemocracy leads the stumbling, frustrated, angry voter toward the chimerical panacea of Trump.


For Trump is not just a wacky politician of the far right, or a riveting television spectacle, or a Twitter phenom and bizarre working-class hero. He is not just another candidate to be parsed and analyzed by TV pundits in the same breath as all the others. In terms of our liberal democracy and constitutional order, Trump is an extinction-level event. It’s long past time we started treating him as such.

Calm down and have a cup of coffee.

There are no Hitlers or Musolinni's in this election. Are you guys under medication? Too much tin foil wrapped so tightly around the head?

Chicken little had more accurate reporting. I think hysteria....or just hot air?

Making things up is a sign of desperation.....from the losing side.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Regardless of whether Trump is Hitler, Mussolini, or Pinocchio, his judgment is what is constantly in question, of course, in addition to his cursory knowledge of issues. Yesterday, for example, before any official announcement, Trump got on Twitter and announced: "Looks like yet another terrorist attack. Airplane departed from Paris. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant? Great hate and sickness!"

This is of course playing to the anger in his base, but it also shows horrible lack of constraint, and typical of the unprepared statements we see coming constantly from him. Can you imagine this guy with the nuclear football at his side at all times? Scary.

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Regardless of whether Trump is Hitler, Mussolini, or Pinocchio, his judgment is what is constantly in question, of course, in addition to his cursory knowledge of issues. Yesterday, for example, before any official announcement, Trump got on Twitter and announced: "Looks like yet another terrorist attack. Airplane departed from Paris. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant? Great hate and sickness!"

This is of course playing to the anger in his base, but it also shows horrible lack of constraint, and typical of the unprepared statements we see coming constantly from him. Can you imagine this guy with the nuclear football at his side at all times? Scary.

What is the problem with being tough, smart and vigilant?

Don't understand your post at all.

Terrorism is a reality in Egypt....or have you forgotten the Russian airplane that was shot down in the same country, recently.

Trump is not President yet...if he feels this incident bears any resemblance (which it does), then his statement is fine...and relevant.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Regardless of whether Trump is Hitler, Mussolini, or Pinocchio, his judgment is what is constantly in question, of course, in addition to his cursory knowledge of issues. Yesterday, for example, before any official announcement, Trump got on Twitter and announced: "Looks like yet another terrorist attack. Airplane departed from Paris. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant? Great hate and sickness!"

This is of course playing to the anger in his base, but it also shows horrible lack of constraint, and typical of the unprepared statements we see coming constantly from him. Can you imagine this guy with the nuclear football at his side at all times? Scary.

What is the problem with being tough, smart and vigilant?

Don't understand your post at all.

Terrorism is a reality in Egypt....or have you forgotten the Russian airplane that was shot down in the same country, recently.

Trump is not President yet...if he feels this incident bears any resemblance (which it does), then his statement is fine...and relevant.

Of course everybody is concerned about terrorism, and of course all signs would point to that as a kneejerk response. And of course we should be tough as hell on terrorism. But, there could be other causes and it is inflammatory and premature to come out with this statement before experts have signaled a high probability., or couch your statements better. Not doing so is just cheap inflammatory crap.

For example, I was watching an aviation expert yesterday from London discuss the possible causes of this crash in depth yesterday on TV. There were many possibilities, and even this expert said there was not yet enough information to determine it was terrorism. This was after Trump made his statement.

Trump is a loose canon.

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Regardless of whether Trump is Hitler, Mussolini, or Pinocchio, his judgment is what is constantly in question, of course, in addition to his cursory knowledge of issues. Yesterday, for example, before any official announcement, Trump got on Twitter and announced: "Looks like yet another terrorist attack. Airplane departed from Paris. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant? Great hate and sickness!"

This is of course playing to the anger in his base, but it also shows horrible lack of constraint, and typical of the unprepared statements we see coming constantly from him. Can you imagine this guy with the nuclear football at his side at all times? Scary.

What is the problem with being tough, smart and vigilant?

Don't understand your post at all.

Terrorism is a reality in Egypt....or have you forgotten the Russian airplane that was shot down in the same country, recently.

Trump is not President yet...if he feels this incident bears any resemblance (which it does), then his statement is fine...and relevant.

Of course everybody is concerned about terrorism, and of course all signs would point to that as a kneejerk response. And of course we should be tough as hell on terrorism. But, there could be other causes and it is inflammatory and premature to come out with this statement before experts have signaled a high probability., or couch your statements better. Not doing so is just cheap inflammatory crap.

For example, I was watching an aviation expert yesterday from London discuss the possible causes of this crash in depth yesterday on TV. There were many possibilities, and even this expert said there was not yet enough information to determine it was terrorism. This was after Trump made his statement.

Trump is a loose canon.

You better check French and Russian Newspapers.

Plenty of Headlines about this being a probable terrorist attack..

Your sources are not authentic, if they do not mention the hijacking history in this Region

It does not take Rocket Science to figure this out. Experts are always cautious...but 2 plus 2 is showing 4.

I think we will get vindication very soon....

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^Of course, the first thing in my mind and everyone's mind when hearing this news is a terrorist attack. We are talking about a future USA president jumping to conclusions before experts have spoken.

That is lack of judgment, loose canon stuff for a President.

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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...


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Some Sanders fans would rather back Trump than Clinton
"...But there are signs that the rift that’s developed in this topsy-turvy campaign may be deeper than 2008. A March Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll showed one-third of Sanders voters couldn’t see themselves getting behind Clinton. Exit polls from the West Virginia primary earlier this month indicated close to half of Sanders supporters in that state would vote for Trump in a general election matchup with Clinton.
Emphasis mine
Too bad Hillary. You're just a loser.

Fans of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders alike have always had some fundamental characteristics in common.

Surveys show that yes a third of Sanders fans would vote for Trump although the Trump fans who would vote for Sanders would be fewer than a third of 'em.

The strongest commonality is that if we pick up the USA as a board almost everyone that is loose rattles over to either Trump or Sanders.

We have anyway seen this before over the past 180 years in US politics. There have been for instance the Luddites, the Know Nothings, the Anti-Masons, KKK, the American Independence Party of George Wallace, the States Rights Party of Strom Thurmond and his fellow racists of the South, the New Union Party and many more of one kind or another.

The glitch in this election campaign is that all of these movements and more, such as the tea party et al, seem to have combined to seize control of the Republican party.

The saving grace for the USA in this is that there have been six party systems in the US, from the original Federalists of George Washington and Alexander Hamilton to include the Adams Family in opposition to the Democratic-Republican party of Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, then to the first Democratic party of Andrew Jackson vs the first Republican party of Abraham Lincoln, through to the Republican party of Theodore Roosevelt to include Ronald Reagan in contrast to the Democratic party of FDR-LBJ and now the Clintons.

Political parties come and go or existing political parties transition through phases. The Democratic party is the oldest vote-based political party of the world (1828) and thus the most politically stable, while the Republican party in the 21st century is morphing into a bizarre American hotplate of resentments, chaos, self-contradictions and more under the sudden spell of the uniquely American Mussolini.

However the broad centrist and moderate American electorate has always prevailed over sudden and spastic movements that blip the political radar at a given point of US history so the present stirring of the pot by Donald Trump will be no exception.

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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...


Yes , Gates said very similar...and worst things about Obama this week. The difference being the latter comments were based on his actual experience rather than speculation

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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...


Yes , Gates said very similar...and worst things about Obama this week. The difference being the latter comments were based on his actual experience rather than speculation

And what do you infer from Henry Kissinger stating Hilary ran the best State Department he's seen in several administrations? Ramblings of a senile old man?

Sent from my GT-N5100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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^Of course, the first thing in my mind and everyone's mind when hearing this news is a terrorist attack. We are talking about a future USA president jumping to conclusions before experts have spoken.

That is lack of judgment, loose canon stuff for a President.


Future presidents only have the same news we get.

They report...we decide. That includes all people in the usa.

The President has access to classifed/surveillance/NSA communications that we (and Trump) do not have. Trump is free to voice his opinion....same as us.

I don't see any problem with saying we need to be strong and vigilant...

He did not say.."lets fire a nuke"

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That's okay, Hillary's not afraid of Donald Trump.



I frankly think that crooked Hillary has suffered brain trauma.

She has so many things going against her, legally, morally, and professionally.....that it must be hard to keep her composure.

Now the breaking news that Trump is more popular than she is...lol

by 9 points...

It's like Trump is on a galloping horse, and Hillary is hanging on to the tail

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Regardless of whether Trump is Hitler, Mussolini, or Pinocchio, his judgment is what is constantly in question, of course, in addition to his cursory knowledge of issues. Yesterday, for example, before any official announcement, Trump got on Twitter and announced: "Looks like yet another terrorist attack. Airplane departed from Paris. When will we get tough, smart and vigilant? Great hate and sickness!"

This is of course playing to the anger in his base, but it also shows horrible lack of constraint, and typical of the unprepared statements we see coming constantly from him. Can you imagine this guy with the nuclear football at his side at all times? Scary.

What is the problem with being tough, smart and vigilant?

Don't understand your post at all.

Terrorism is a reality in Egypt....or have you forgotten the Russian airplane that was shot down in the same country, recently.

Trump is not President yet...if he feels this incident bears any resemblance (which it does), then his statement is fine...and relevant.

Of course everybody is concerned about terrorism, and of course all signs would point to that as a kneejerk response. And of course we should be tough as hell on terrorism. But, there could be other causes and it is inflammatory and premature to come out with this statement before experts have signaled a high probability., or couch your statements better. Not doing so is just cheap inflammatory crap.

For example, I was watching an aviation expert yesterday from London discuss the possible causes of this crash in depth yesterday on TV. There were many possibilities, and even this expert said there was not yet enough information to determine it was terrorism. This was after Trump made his statement.

Trump is a loose canon.

You are just reading too much into a wise statement.

Perhaps English is not your native language.

"Looks Like" does not mean "positively is"

This is a definite terrorist act...the plane did a sharp bank one way, and then a 360 the other, before dropping to 10,000 feet...

The pilot did not respond for an hour before the incident.

you sound foolishly convinced it was an accident...while most Nations are calling it a hostile action

Edited by slipperylobster
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That's okay, Hillary's not afraid of Donald Trump.


I frankly think that crooked Hillary has suffered brain trauma.

She has so many things going against her, legally, morally, and professionally.....that it must be hard to keep her composure.

Now the breaking news that Trump is more popular than she is...lol

by 9 points...

It's like Trump is on a galloping horse, and Hillary is hanging on to the tail

Without joking, Hillary did suffer a concussion in in 2012 that was so severe it took 1/2 a year of recovery, and people have commented that she suffers a condition from it that doesn't allow her to focus on any mentally-challenging work for more than about 15 to 20 minutes at a time without having to rest for quite a while. I've seen it stated that that's why her campaign appearances are always very brief. I don't know how much truth there is to any lingering mental health issues due to her concussion, but it if true, that seems a dangerous mental state for anybody in a position of such potential responsibility.

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Yet another major figure, former SecDefense Bob Gates (who served under both George W. and Obama, and was Director of CIA), came out today and said he does not trust Trump with nukes.

Lack of judgment....lack of temperament...lack of knowledge...lack of experience...insert your own lack of...


Yes , Gates said very similar...and worst things about Obama this week. The difference being the latter comments were based on his actual experience rather than speculation

There is nothing to speculate about Donald Trump. He is an ignoramus and he's the uniquely American 21st century Mussolini. This is plain and clear.

HRC is the tough survivor who knows the ropes. That is the choice we have, i.e., it's either the 21st century home grown American fascist or the bulwark against extremism HRC.

Bob Gates makes clear that while he had some disagreements with President Obama, Gates considers Trump wholly unqualified to be Potus. The former SecDef is focused on exposing Donald Trump because he sees the peril and danger of a Trump presidency. So those who try misrepresent Bob Gates share in Trump's M.O. and in the extremist's objective to gain state power. Those who try to minimise Trump share his radical agenda. Trump is their once in a lifetime windfall.

Trump and his hunger games fan base.

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That's okay, Hillary's not afraid of Donald Trump.



I frankly think that crooked Hillary has suffered brain trauma.

She has so many things going against her, legally, morally, and professionally.....that it must be hard to keep her composure.

Now the breaking news that Trump is more popular than she is...lol

by 9 points...

It's like Trump is on a galloping horse, and Hillary is hanging on to the tail

Without joking, Hillary did suffer a concussion in in 2012 that was so severe it took 1/2 a year of recovery, and people have commented that she suffers a condition from it that doesn't allow her to focus on any mentally-challenging work for more than about 15 to 20 minutes at a time without having to rest for quite a while. I've seen it stated that that's why her campaign appearances are always very brief. I don't know how much truth there is to any lingering mental health issues due to her concussion, but it if true, that seems a dangerous mental state for anybody in a position of such potential responsibility.




HRC testified 11 hours before the Benghazi Committee and put 'em out of business for good. This was during the time the whackjob right had been trying to say HRC had become an incontinent elderly person who can't sustain herself in public for more than an hour or so without having to change her diaper. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

The extreme rightwhingenuts are getting ever more desperate with each passing month. blink.pngbeatdeadhorse.gifneus.gif

Edited by Publicus
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On NBC’s Today, correspondent Kristen Welker declared: “The Democrats are as divided as ever this morning.

Sure there's debate among Democrats. Debate is good for the political process. On the other side of the aisle, look at what's happening: Nearly all Republican leaders are either actively against Trump or vacillating. Nothing like that is happening on the Dem side. It's like comparing the divide under the back side of your shorts with the Rift Valley.

Too bad Hillary. You're just a loser.

You wish. But the reality is she's won two elections for Senator in one of the largest population states in the union. Both were against Republican opponents and both were by wide margins. The second win was 14% more than her prior win, against the best the Republicans could put up against her. In other words, she won twice and her approval ratings went up and up.

Has Trump ever won an election? No. Has he ever been involved with any legislation to help anyone? No. In his 50 year career he hasn't expended one calorie to assist anyone other than himself. Who's the loser?

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