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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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The Bloviator continues his incoherent misogynist babble:

Donald Trump in 1998: Bill Clinton Is a ‘Victim’ of ‘Unattractive’ Women: Trump said Bill Clinton was a ‘victim’ to an ugly group of female accusers.

"During an August 1998 appearance on Fox News, the real estate mogul was asked about then-President Clinton’s multiple alleged extramarital affairs and sexual harassment cases.

Trump proceeded to rail against the Clinton accusers."

“The whole thing, it’s just so unattractive,” the orange-hued demagogue told host Neil Cavuto, according to transcripts.

Linda Tripp may be one of the most unattractive human beings I’ve ever seen,not women, human beings. She’s just an unattractive person.

This Goldberg person, her agent or whatever she is, is just a terrible woman. You look at Paula Jones, I mean the whole cast of characters.”

He added: “It’s like it’s from Hell. It’s a terrible group of people.”

"Seconds later, Trump felt the need to reiterate his obsession with their appearance. “The whole group, it’s truly an unattractive cast of characters,

Linda Tripp, Lucianne Goldberg—I mean, this woman—I watch her on television, just vomiting. She is so bad. The whole group—Paula Jones, Lewinsky,

it’s just a really unattractive group. And I’m not just talking about physical, but I am also talking about physical.”

Have you actually seen a photo of Linda Tripp?

I don't understand why he thought Tripp was one of Bill's floosies though. She just stabbed Lewinski in the back. So much for sisters together. Yes, a really unattractive person, inside and out.

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The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lap Dog Bloviator is a surely confusing.

First he rails against Bill Clinton's accusers, calling them: "A terrible group of people.”

And then later, accuses Bill Clinton of raping them. blink.png

The Deep Cynicism of Trump's Rape Accusation

Did the Republican level an allegation that he doesn’t believe for political gain? Or did he have his wife pose with a man he regards as a rapist at their wedding?

"Perhaps Donald Trump truly believes that Bill Clinton is a rapist, or at best,

“one of the worst abusers of women” in U.S. history, as he said. And therefore, Trump invited a man he believes to be a rapist to his wedding,

where Trump had his new wife pose beside the ostensible abuser, Trump smiling as the man he believed to be a sexual predator posed with his arm encircling his new bride’s waist."

"Trump went on Fox and said of Hillary Clinton and the man he believes to be a rapist, “I’ve known her and her husband for years and I really like them both a lot.”

He even chatted on the phone with Bill Clinton before getting in the race. In this telling,

Trump has a deeply weird attitude toward rapists, abusers of women, and the sorts of photos one takes at one’s wedding."

"A frivolous or disingenuous rape accusation would typically make Trump supporters apoplectic. It’s the sort of thing they accuse the liberal media, lying politicians,

and “social justice warriors” of perpetrating. They regard false rape accusations as serious if not unforgivable transgressions.

Yet in this telling, Trump is engaged in that behavior for pure political benefit."


For cynical political gain? Ya think?

Who would have this guy as a neighbor? Let alone as the Leader of the Free World... facepalm.gif

Seems that HRC would have been fine with him as a neighbour back then.

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Angry and resentful losers who have been left behind are being led and driven by Trump the nuclear brain radical wildman and the most far out extreme fringe right that has ever existed in the United States, a rightwing that rivals Mussolini and his March on Rome.....

Michael Gerson: “As a leader, Trump has succeeded by appealing to stereotypes and ugly hatreds that most American leaders have struggled to repress and contain, His political universe consists of deceptive experts, of scheming, of criminal Mexicans, of lying politicians and bureaucrats and of disloyal Muslims. Asked to repudiate David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, Trump hesitated, later claiming a ‘bad earpiece.’ Asked to repudiate the vicious anti-Semitism of some of his followers, Trump responded, ‘I don’t have a message to the fans.’”

“This is not flirting with the fringes; it is French-kissing them. Every Republican official endorsing Trump should know: This is the company he keeps. This is the company you now keep.”

Erick Erickson: “If the Republican Party wants to go in his direction, I guess I’m not a Republican anymore.”

The Trump campaign and its thrilled followers are conducting their own Mussolini style Long March on Washington.

Past time to head it off cause we know what happened back then. So more Americans who respect the Bill of Rights need to step forward.

Here's a question for you, if Trump appeals to the right wing, why are the right wing elites so opposed to him? They loathe him as much as any HRC supporter, and are probably trying to get HRC elected, given that she is part of the 1% and ain't gonna rock the boat if she wins.

Here's a question for you,

Here's the answer you engendered.

All the right wingers I read are thrilled and elated their savior has been delivered to them in the person of Donald Trump.

They've decided to play down the uniquely American Mussolini nature of Donald Trump. The far out whingenut right simply restricts itself to say it's time for a change. The old ways don't work. Stuff like that. That's as far as they'll go for the present time forward. The whingers don't discuss much of the content of Trump's daily drivelings and droolings if anything at all of 'em.

Nothing about for instance Trump's crackpot wild man conspiracy stuff, such as Vince Foster or Ted Cruz's father and Lee Harvey Oswald, or about the Donald Trump who carried the racist Birthers daily for several years, or......

The right I'm reading have become lambs in the interest of gaining their goal of a lifetime, which is to put a fellow radical nutcase crackpot in the White House and to do it as quietly as possible.

Whistle while you work.


I find that I actually support what you say this time. Now there's a surprise!

If I could vote in the US I'd certainly overlook the Donald's supposed shortcomings if it meant the losers in the big house were in for a good kicking, and I doubt I'm the only one with that viewpoint.

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It is understandable that rightwhinge foreigners would not care about the Bill of Rights but it is alarming to actually see in the present reality that rightwing Americans don't care about it.

Except for the second amendment of course.

American rightwhingers target the Fourteenth Amendment with the greatest focus however. Its equal protection clause.

Equal protection.

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It is understandable that rightwhinge foreigners would not care about the Bill of Rights but it is alarming to actually see in the present reality that rightwing Americans don't care about it.

Except for the second amendment of course.

American rightwhingers target the Fourteenth Amendment with the greatest focus however. Its equal protection clause.

Equal protection.

I hope that you are not referring to moi as a rightwinganything. I'm a socialist ( small s ). I support Trump only to see him give the losers in the big house a good thrashing. Certainly 1%er HRC isn't in any shape or form a socialist so I couldn't support her. I'd have supported Bernie though.

BTW equal protection for what exactly in relation to the OP?

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It is understandable that rightwhinge foreigners would not care about the Bill of Rights but it is alarming to actually see in the present reality that rightwing Americans don't care about it.

Except for the second amendment of course.

American rightwhingers target the Fourteenth Amendment with the greatest focus however. Its equal protection clause.

Equal protection.

I hope that you are not referring to moi as a rightwinganything. I'm a socialist ( small s ). I support Trump only to see him give the losers in the big house a good thrashing. Certainly 1%er HRC isn't in any shape or form a socialist so I couldn't support her. I'd have supported Bernie though.

BTW equal protection for what exactly in relation to the OP?

One of the more oddball contradictions of this election are the people who like Bernie but who support Trump while they hate Hillary. Redirection indeed, if not misdirection x3.

Most interesting is that these folk seldom say anything good about Bernie while blanketing the board with praise of Trump -- and attacks on HRC.

Fourteenth Amendment guarantees the equal protection of the laws to all people residing in the United States, citizen or not. Equal protection means each person residing in the United States is a legal person in that the person has legal rights. Not the same equal rights or protections as a citizen, but protections under law nonetheless.

Mussolini Trump and the Trumpettes don't care about the Bill of Rights or any other amendment(s) to the Constitution they don't like. It is the rule of the strongman over any rule of law in any respect.

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It is understandable that rightwhinge foreigners would not care about the Bill of Rights but it is alarming to actually see in the present reality that rightwing Americans don't care about it.

Except for the second amendment of course.

American rightwhingers target the Fourteenth Amendment with the greatest focus however. Its equal protection clause.

Equal protection.

I hope that you are not referring to moi as a rightwinganything. I'm a socialist ( small s ). I support Trump only to see him give the losers in the big house a good thrashing. Certainly 1%er HRC isn't in any shape or form a socialist so I couldn't support her. I'd have supported Bernie though.

BTW equal protection for what exactly in relation to the OP?

One of the more oddball contradictions of this election are the people who like Bernie but who support Trump while they hate Hillary. Redirection indeed, if not misdirection x3.

Most interesting is that these folk seldom say anything good about Bernie while blanketing the board with praise of Trump -- and attacks on HRC.

Fourteenth Amendment guarantees the equal protection of the laws to all people residing in the United States, citizen or not. Equal protection means each person residing in the United States is a legal person in that the person has legal rights. Not the same equal rights or protections as a citizen, but protections under law nonetheless.

Mussolini Trump and the Trumpettes don't care about the Bill of Rights or any other amendment(s) to the Constitution they don't like. It is the rule of the strongman over any rule of law in any respect.

You're being silly now. For Trump to ignore the bill of rights he'd have to get a large enough majority in both houses and a majority of judges in the SCOTUS to legally change anything, and THAT ain't gonna happen.

Mind you, he'd only be following in Obama's footsteps if he did try to ignore the law, and Obama has indeed been quite successful, but only because he hasn't had any real opposition to his diktats.

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Check Out the 1-Percent Bling at Donald Trump's Victory Party

"On Tuesday night, Donald Trump's campaign reportedly turned away a Politico reporter who covers the candidate,

after the reporter had helped write a story critical of Trump's campaign manager earlier in the day."

"So who did get into the ritzy victory party at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida? Rich people.

NBC reporter Katy Tur shared the decadent outfits at the party for the candidate whose campaign depends on economically struggling voters."

Donald Trump’s tax cuts for top 1% set up general election fight

"Donald Trump is running on a plan to dramatically cut taxes for the ultra-rich while talking up his willingness to raise taxes on the same group. Sooner or later, it’s going to get him into trouble.

“Do you believe on raising taxes on the wealthy?” Trump was asked on the TODAY Show on Thursday morning.

“I do,” he said. “I do. Including myself, I do.”

"But then Trump released his actual tax plan — one of the most detailed policy proposals he’s put out of any kind — and, instead, it was everything they wanted.
Trump’s proposal would cut taxes for everyone, but especially the richest of the rich. If enacted, the top income tax rate would drop from 39.6 percent to 25 percent."

"It would also create an even lower 15 percent rate for pass-through income that economists predicted rich individuals would rejigger their finances to qualify for instead.

The corporate tax rate would drop from 35 percent to 15 percent.

"And wealthy individuals like Trump would be able to leave their fortunes to their kids without paying any estate tax at all"


Do the Lemmings ever do any research? facepalm.gif

The "Outsider". The "Man of the People". The "Establishment Upsetter". The Non-One Percenter. cheesy.gifclap2.gifcheesy.gif

Naa, the Wall Street Funded, RNC Lap Dog, egotistical, narccisstic, bigoted, misogynistic buffoon.

I wonder if, as has been reported, if the volume of Hitler's speeches are there at the foot of the Bloviator's bed. laugh.png


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San Diego Pledges 100% Renewable Energy. San Diego, the US's 8th largest city, is set to become the first large city in the United States to run on 100 per cent renewable energy after the mayor Kevin Faulconer (Dem, of course) announced his support for a 2035 target.

The city is embracing clean energy including solar and wind power and is also aiming to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050.

Reps have made it clear they have no plans to cut greenhouse gases anywhere, because they think GW is a big hoax. That's why Big Oil leans to the Reps.

And it's a big NO from me on nuclear. I'd rather have coal being burned than nuclear.

LOL. Now how is that going to be done? Donald is not in Office Yet ! Go Figure it out. He can't pass any Bills until he is elected to Office. duhh

Hillary did what she did in Office. Only problem, her criminal activities and negligence far outweigh any bills introduced. If you want to play "what if".....or "Compare the two Candidates" you are talking apples and oranges (Orange as in Donald, Apple as in Rotten Hillary Apple). Nobody can say, for sure, what will go down when Don gets elected. One thing we do know right now is...Don is not a Criminal....Crooked Hillary may well be a Criminal, when the FBI gets done with her.

There are many folks who do things to benefit others without having to be an elected politician in office. Donald has never done anything in his 69 years to assist anyone but himself. If you have any examples to the contrary, let us know.

I've known people with barely any money who started do-good groups, do-good organizations, organized park clean-ups, volunteered to help elders at hospitals, etc. I haven't done much, but when I had a band in Washington D.C., we played for free at hospitals and prisons and parks. In Thailand, I created a park for picnics and kids to play, with bathrooms, parking area. I sometimes walk in the park (and the streets nearby), picking up trash that Thais throw out.

What sort of public service has The Divider ever done? He avoided the draft 5 times claiming he had a crippled foot, but when asked, he can't recall which foot it was. While his buddies were patrolling the jungles of Vietnam, The Donald was living the high life all night, every night in NYC nightclubs, spending the $2.5 million his daddy gave him for graduating from High School.

HRC was doing public service before she was elected Senator for NY twice. As First Lady, she worked hard to get a preliminary draft for a comprehensive health bill which would be affordable to non-well-off Americans, but Republicans shot it down every which way they could. At the least, she gained experience and inside info re; the situation in the US re; hospitals, Big Pharma, etc. The sorts of things that Donald has scant knowledge of.

" As First Lady, she worked hard to get a preliminary draft for a comprehensive health bill which would be affordable to non-well-off Americans, but Republicans shot it down every which way they could."

The Republicans had lots of help shooting her health care plan down. Clinton had Democrat control of both Houses of Congress for the first two years of his administration. Try not to let any facts get in the way of a good old fashioned partisan post.

From Wikipedia:

"Instead of uniting behind the original proposal, many Democrats offered a number of competing plans of their own. Hillary Clinton was drafted by the Clinton Administration to head a new Task Force and sell the plan to the American people, which ultimately backfired amid the barrage of fire from the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries and considerably diminished her own popularity. On September 26, 1994, the final compromise Democratic bill was declared dead by Senate Majority Leader George J. Mitchell.[3]"


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Angry and resentful losers who have been left behind are being led and driven by Trump the nuclear brain radical wildman and the most far out extreme fringe right that has ever existed in the United States, a rightwing that rivals Mussolini and his March on Rome.....

Michael Gerson: “As a leader, Trump has succeeded by appealing to stereotypes and ugly hatreds that most American leaders have struggled to repress and contain, His political universe consists of deceptive experts, of scheming, of criminal Mexicans, of lying politicians and bureaucrats and of disloyal Muslims. Asked to repudiate David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, Trump hesitated, later claiming a ‘bad earpiece.’ Asked to repudiate the vicious anti-Semitism of some of his followers, Trump responded, ‘I don’t have a message to the fans.’”

“This is not flirting with the fringes; it is French-kissing them. Every Republican official endorsing Trump should know: This is the company he keeps. This is the company you now keep.”

Erick Erickson: “If the Republican Party wants to go in his direction, I guess I’m not a Republican anymore.”

The Trump campaign and its thrilled followers are conducting their own Mussolini style Long March on Washington.

Past time to head it off cause we know what happened back then. So more Americans who respect the Bill of Rights need to step forward.

Here's a question for you, if Trump appeals to the right wing, why are the right wing elites so opposed to him? They loathe him as much as any HRC supporter, and are probably trying to get HRC elected, given that she is part of the 1% and ain't gonna rock the boat if she wins.

Don't ask him questions as you'll only get something like this back: "radical fascist right whingenuts blah blah blah"

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The Wall Street Funded, Flip-Flopping, RNC Lap Dog Bloviator is a surely confusing.

First he rails against Bill Clinton's accusers, calling them: "A terrible group of people.”

And then later, accuses Bill Clinton of raping them. blink.png

The Deep Cynicism of Trump's Rape Accusation

Did the Republican level an allegation that he doesn’t believe for political gain? Or did he have his wife pose with a man he regards as a rapist at their wedding?

"Perhaps Donald Trump truly believes that Bill Clinton is a rapist, or at best,

“one of the worst abusers of women” in U.S. history, as he said. And therefore, Trump invited a man he believes to be a rapist to his wedding,

where Trump had his new wife pose beside the ostensible abuser, Trump smiling as the man he believed to be a sexual predator posed with his arm encircling his new bride’s waist."

"Trump went on Fox and said of Hillary Clinton and the man he believes to be a rapist, “I’ve known her and her husband for years and I really like them both a lot.”

He even chatted on the phone with Bill Clinton before getting in the race. In this telling,

Trump has a deeply weird attitude toward rapists, abusers of women, and the sorts of photos one takes at one’s wedding."

"A frivolous or disingenuous rape accusation would typically make Trump supporters apoplectic. It’s the sort of thing they accuse the liberal media, lying politicians,

and “social justice warriors” of perpetrating. They regard false rape accusations as serious if not unforgivable transgressions.

Yet in this telling, Trump is engaged in that behavior for pure political benefit."


For cynical political gain? Ya think?

Who would have this backstabbing guy as a neighbor? Let alone as the Leader of the Free World... facepalm.gif

You clearly do not understand that Clinton threw the first punch on the topic of women.

She got what she deserved.

If she does not want these topics out in open, and wants go stay congenial, then she should not get so personal.

All this is just the way our system has been working. Trashing other candidates. What did you expect?

However..that is all meat for another thread. This topic is not about who did what, years ago.. You can regurgitate trashy stories on both sides of the fence unitl the cows come home. Not what we are talking about.

Topic is about the "The Unstoppable Trump Machine". There are 4 or 5 of us on either side, and not many others are interested. You are really wasting your time trying to dig out garbage to post on Trumps history. Nobody is going to care. Hillary has current issues...like an FBI Investigation on criminal handling of classified information while in """"Public Office"""".

Trump is clean as a whistle....as far as the FBI is concerned.

Touche...old chap.

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You're exactly right. I know many, many people in the valley of all levels. Most of them are highly agnostic in politics, but for sure there is arguably more brain power in the South Bay than anywhere else on earth, and they see this guy clearly for exactly what he is.

How about Google? Do you honestly believe they are not a political company caught up in the Obama mystique and dead bent on stopping the Trump train from reaching the station, running over Hillary in the process?

Of course Silicon Valley is in the tank for Hillary. They are in the tank for Obama and will keep up the Democrat party affiliation when/if Hillary wins.

All that brain power and they don't see Trump for what he is. They fear him for what he might become...the next President.

And all that lobbying and money spent during the last eight years will be for naught.


Google's extraordinary access to Obama revealed as White House visitor logs show 427 meetings between company and administration officials
Top lobbyist visited the White House 128 times, visitor logs show – more than any other lobbyist
PUBLISHED: 17:26 GMT, 17 May 2016 | UPDATED: 19:09 GMT, 17 May 2016
When top White House officials want to know what Google executives are thinking, they don't need to go near a computer – since company officials have been hovering at the White House about once a week through the course of the Obama administration, White House logs reveal.
The tech giant's top lobbyist, Johanna Shelton, has visited the White House a total of 128 times since President Obama got elected in 2009.
Shelton visited the White House more than any top 50 lobbying firm, according to White House visitor logs analyzed by a nonprofit called the Google Transparency Project that is critical of the company's influence.

For sure all the goliath companies, Cisco, HP, Oracle, you name it, will be supporting Hilary, and Apple is a famous example, as their stuff is made in China. Not only them, VIRTUALLY EVERY tech company I know sources important components from Taiwan & China, and software from India. So, it's understandable every corporate is against Trump as he wants to shut the corporations entire global supply chains down.

Honest, if Trump is elected, I look for lots of BIG US companies to start moving corporate headquarters overseas. Do not be fooled into thinking they will stand by and be destroyed by this idiot.

So much for their patriotism. They are 1%ers only interested in how much money they can make. I hope Trump squeezes them till they squeal.

The 1%ers will be fine. Who will be hurt is the common man and his family who have 401/ks, pension funds, stock market investments and life saving wiped out by their investments in these companies being eroded by Trump's stupid populist pandering. You Trump guys need to wake up. The only one who will be hurt is all of you and your families.

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I like Trump because he is lot of fun. but this guy has nothing to offer.

you can not just say you want decrease tax, renegotiate agreement with China, give money to veterans... something will have to go. bye bye your saving, bye bye your house, bye bye your 401k...

if this guy is elected, we are all doomed and the future will be very dark. so be careful what you wish for.

nobody like Hillary, but she is better than Trump. more pragmatic.

Edited by returnofthailand
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Republican Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico boycotted the Trump rally in Albequerque so The Donald turned his flamethrower on her too....

Trump attacks Latina Republican swing state governor

Boy, how about that Republican unity Donald Trump is promoting? Here he is, talking about New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez:

“We have got to get your governor to get going,” Trump said to a cheering audience. “She’s got to do a better job. Okay? Your governor has got to do a better job. She’s not doing the job. Hey! Maybe I’ll run for governor of New Mexico. I’ll get this place going. She’s not doing the job. We’ve got to get her moving. Come on: Let’s go, governor.”

Martinez is, to recap: a woman. A Latina woman, to be more specific. The Republican governor of a swing state. The political wisdom of attacking her is … unclear, at best. She is also one more prominent Republican who is not yet endorsing Trump.

As a Martinez spokesman said: Trump also criticized Martinez for allowing “large numbers” of Syrian refugees to resettle in the state. Although governors have limited control over these federal resettlements, Trump faulted Martinez for allowing it to happen.

“If I was governor, that wouldn’t be happening,” Trump said.


Trump wants radical and wholesale change and to sweep out everyone he doesn't like or approve of no matter what. One could imagine the unique American Mussolini as potus-dictator federalising the New Mexico National Guard to remove Martinez as governor. The only Latina governor in US history boycotted the Trump rally in Albequerqe, saying she was "busy."

Or maybe Trump would extend his wall to surround New Mexico too given it is right there at the border with Mexico and it has the name "Mexico" in it.

Gov. Martinez has not endorsed Trump but had endorsed Sen. Marco Rubio before the hapless waif dropped out of the Republican race for the party's nomination. Gov. Martinez has also announced she would not attend the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

However, Gov. Martinez reversed herself to say she wuz "obligated" to attend the convention because, after a few phone calls from people such as Speaker Paul Ryan, the convention chairman, she wuz reminded that as the chairperson of the U.S. Republican Governors Association it would be awkward if she herself boycotted the convention.

New Mexico btw has 5 Electoral College votes which have gone to the Democrat for Potus in five of the past six general elections (the only exception being in 2004 when GW Bush narrowly won). Hasta La Vista New Mexico Republican party 2016.

This is a significant instance of how the doofus Trump believes he can win in November by ignoring actual simple and basic EC and popular vote math. Donald Trump is an obsessive compulsive radical wildman crackpot lunatic so this is just another item to document the fact.

Republican Governor Niki Haley of North Carolina has btw some native American ancestry as does Democratic party Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, yet Trump is counter attacking Sen Warren as "Pocahantas" as Sen. Warren has begun criticising Trump for his drooling over the impending housing market crash in 2008 so he himself could benefit by swooping up more big bucks.


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Unfortunately for some.

Today's breaking news clinches a sure Presidential Seat for Trump.

We really don't care how much you whine, and moan, about Trump....it's just something you are going to have to live with.

Look at the bright side....Obama got eight years...and Hillary tagged along for the ride. She is about to get the apron strings cut, though.

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Angry and resentful losers who have been left behind are being led and driven by Trump the nuclear brain radical wildman and the most far out extreme fringe right that has ever existed in the United States, a rightwing that rivals Mussolini and his March on Rome.....

Michael Gerson: “As a leader, Trump has succeeded by appealing to stereotypes and ugly hatreds that most American leaders have struggled to repress and contain, His political universe consists of deceptive experts, of scheming, of criminal Mexicans, of lying politicians and bureaucrats and of disloyal Muslims. Asked to repudiate David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, Trump hesitated, later claiming a ‘bad earpiece.’ Asked to repudiate the vicious anti-Semitism of some of his followers, Trump responded, ‘I don’t have a message to the fans.’”

“This is not flirting with the fringes; it is French-kissing them. Every Republican official endorsing Trump should know: This is the company he keeps. This is the company you now keep.”

Erick Erickson: “If the Republican Party wants to go in his direction, I guess I’m not a Republican anymore.”

The Trump campaign and its thrilled followers are conducting their own Mussolini style Long March on Washington.

Past time to head it off cause we know what happened back then. So more Americans who respect the Bill of Rights need to step forward.

Here's a question for you, if Trump appeals to the right wing, why are the right wing elites so opposed to him? They loathe him as much as any HRC supporter, and are probably trying to get HRC elected, given that she is part of the 1% and ain't gonna rock the boat if she wins.

Don't ask him questions as you'll only get something like this back: "radical fascist right whingenuts blah blah blah"

Good to see youse guyz are finally starting to get aroused. Keep it coming. One looks forward to youse guyz getting back to your usual level of normal. thumbsup.gif

The emergence of the uniquely American Mussolini Donald Trump makes this unlike any election of the country's history. Clinton is the odds-on favorite and the Bill of Rights also needs defending against The Benito Bandito.

Change in this election means one thing and one thing only -- the uniquely American Mussolini. So no matter how the far out lunar right slices it, it's still baloney with green cheese.

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Important Breaking News....Democrats reacting violently to a Trump Rally

It's really getting out of hand...rock throwing..police injuries...and gas.

Unprovoked...and illegal.

Democrats are through...this finishes it for them.

Out of control...dumb..and violent.

Dumb Hillary supporters are in the news again..

Violently protesting outside a Trump Rally in New Mexico.

Proof in the Pudding.... It is the ignorant democratic supporters who do not understand how a protest is supposed to run.

It's just an unruly mob of uneducated street people.

again and again.

No violence on Trumps part....and we know who we are going to vote for. Not the dummies in the democratic sector.


Too many people of a certain far out persuasion seem to have missed the facts so let's try this again.....

They’re Bernie Sanders supporters," Trump said, adding "we’re going to get about 40%" of Sanders' supporters votes in the November election.

Where in the news accounts did it say the people in the streets were Democrats.

Where were the signs or speeches to vote for Hillary...or to vote for Bernie.

Where is there a connection of the Democratic party, or to HRC, or to Bernie Sanders, in the anti-Trump protesters who were Latino in the state with the most Latinos per capita.

Who besides rightwingenuts ignorant of facts said the rioters were Democrats. Or liberals. Or leftists. Or registered voters.

Two things are apparent: One is that this was a riot and it was intended to be a riot; Second is that only a fascist would call an anti-fascist rioter a fascist.

These were anti Trump-Mussolini protesters which is what upsets Trump and his fanboyz.

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A post violating Fair Use has been remove. This has been a consistent problem and seasoned members know what the rule is. Continue and suspensions will be issued.

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Yet another example of how Trump conducts fraudulent business:


[uS presidential hopeful Donald Trump signed off on a controversial business deal that was designed to deprive the American government of tens of millions of dollars in tax, the Telegraph can disclose.

The billionaire approved a $50 million investment in a company – only for the deal to be rewritten several weeks later as a ‘loan’.

Experts say that the effect of this move was to skirt vast tax liabilities, and court papers seen by the Telegraph allege that the deal amounted to fraud.]

There's so much more of this stuff out there, especially if and when Trump releases his tax returns. But this is just one example of how the rich can avoid paying millions in taxes while the rest of us peasants have to pay every last dime.

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From the same article Berkshire:

(The Bloviator in a nutshell)

"Jack Blum, chairman of the Tax Justice Network and a financial crime attorney, said Mr Trump was a "poster child" for tax avoidance property schemes,

which ultimately harm the middle-income American."

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There are well over 300 million Americans. A tiny percentage of whom are registered Trump supporters. Neither me thumbsup.gif

It's worth noting for foreigners, don't assume that any random American you meet supports the trump fascist movement. Even if they seem to meet the profile, old white man with a scowl on their face.

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Mmmehh.. doesn't really fit into fascism, just the usual garden variety political populism: http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm . Unlike our current domicile which fits like a glove.

Rense is a neo-Nazi site. I hate it when people link to Rense because like most decent people, I hate NAZIS!

Not a coincidence that the trump movement enjoys support of Nazis and their fellow white supremacist travelers.

Edited by Jingthing
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Mmmehh.. doesn't really fit into fascism, just the usual garden variety political populism: http://www.rense.com/general37/char.htm . Unlike our current domicile which fits like a glove.

Rense is a neo-Nazi site. I hate it when people link to Rense because like most decent people, I hate NAZIS!

Not a coincidence that the trump movement enjoys support of Nazis and their fellow white supremacist travelers.

Happened to be the first hit in Google that I got, that's all. The white supremacy neo-nazis seem to have little in common with the politics of the originals who were national socialists. I kind of like this little graph:


more discussion at https://www.quora.com/Why-are-Nazis-considered-to-be-right-wing-parties . I'd place Trump somewhere between Thatcher and Friedman, on the authoritarian side.

EDIT: And indeed thatcherism does seem to ring a bell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thatcherism

Nigel Lawson, Thatcher's Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1983 to 1989, listed the Thatcherite ideals as:

Free markets, financial discipline, firm control over public expenditure, tax cuts, nationalism, 'Victorian values' (of the Samuel Smiles self-help variety), privatisation and a dash of populism.
Edited by DrTuner
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Angry and resentful losers who have been left behind are being led and driven by Trump the nuclear brain radical wildman and the most far out extreme fringe right that has ever existed in the United States, a rightwing that rivals Mussolini and his March on Rome.....

Michael Gerson: “As a leader, Trump has succeeded by appealing to stereotypes and ugly hatreds that most American leaders have struggled to repress and contain, His political universe consists of deceptive experts, of scheming, of criminal Mexicans, of lying politicians and bureaucrats and of disloyal Muslims. Asked to repudiate David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan, Trump hesitated, later claiming a ‘bad earpiece.’ Asked to repudiate the vicious anti-Semitism of some of his followers, Trump responded, ‘I don’t have a message to the fans.’”

“This is not flirting with the fringes; it is French-kissing them. Every Republican official endorsing Trump should know: This is the company he keeps. This is the company you now keep.”

Erick Erickson: “If the Republican Party wants to go in his direction, I guess I’m not a Republican anymore.”

The Trump campaign and its thrilled followers are conducting their own Mussolini style Long March on Washington.

Past time to head it off cause we know what happened back then. So more Americans who respect the Bill of Rights need to step forward.

Here's a question for you, if Trump appeals to the right wing, why are the right wing elites so opposed to him? They loathe him as much as any HRC supporter, and are probably trying to get HRC elected, given that she is part of the 1% and ain't gonna rock the boat if she wins.

Don't ask him questions as you'll only get something like this back: "radical fascist right whingenuts blah blah blah"

Good to see youse guyz are finally starting to get aroused. Keep it coming. One looks forward to youse guyz getting back to your usual level of normal. thumbsup.gif

The emergence of the uniquely American Mussolini Donald Trump makes this unlike any election of the country's history. Clinton is the odds-on favorite and the Bill of Rights also needs defending against The Benito Bandito.

Change in this election means one thing and one thing only -- the uniquely American Mussolini. So no matter how the far out lunar right slices it, it's still baloney with green cheese.

You really are the textbook example of the phrase (paraphrasing now) "in the future the fascists are the anti-fascists".

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The Psychological Quirk That Explains Why You Love Donald Trump

The popularity of the GOP front-runner can be explained by the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

"Many commentators have argued that Donald Trump’s dominance in the GOP presidential race can be largely explained by ignorance; his candidacy, after all, is most popular among Republican voters without college degrees. Their expertise about current affairs is too fractured and full of holes to spot that only 9 percent of Trump’s statements are “true” or “mostly” true, whereas 57 percent are “false” or “mostly false”, the remainder being untruths.The problem isn’t that voters are too uninformed. It is that they don’t know just how uninformed they are."

"Psychological research suggests that people, in general, suffer from what has become known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect. They have little insight about the cracks and holes in their expertise. People with severe gaps in knowledge and expertise typically fail to recognize how little they know and how badly they perform. And if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at that task. This includes political judgment."

"In voters, lack of expertise would be lamentable ... if people had some sense of how imperfect their civic knowledge is. If they did, they could repair it. But the Dunning-Kruger Effect suggests something different. It suggests that some voters, especially those facing significant distress in their life, might like some of what they hear from Trump, but they do not know enough to hold him accountable for the serious gaffes he makes. They fail to recognize those gaffes as missteps."


Well said. thumbsup.gif

Get informed.

A President is not made from bombastic Mussolini rallies, nor from phoning into talk shows or ignorant irrational Tweets.

Edited by iReason
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He'll never release his tax forms and the reason is obvious, this very, very rich man doesn't pay taxes.

As a businessman, he pays as little as legally required like anyone in his position would do. If you don't think that rich people pay enough, don't blame them. Blame the 535 members of your Congress who preserve this byzantine tax code for the benefit of their corporate donors

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