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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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The Psychological Quirk That Explains Why You Love Donald Trump

The popularity of the GOP front-runner can be explained by the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

"Many commentators have argued that Donald Trump’s dominance in the GOP presidential race can be largely explained by ignorance; his candidacy, after all, is most popular among Republican voters without college degrees. Their expertise about current affairs is too fractured and full of holes to spot that only 9 percent of Trump’s statements are “true” or “mostly” true, whereas 57 percent are “false” or “mostly false”, the remainder being untruths.The problem isn’t that voters are too uninformed. It is that they don’t know just how uninformed they are."

"Psychological research suggests that people, in general, suffer from what has become known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect. They have little insight about the cracks and holes in their expertise. People with severe gaps in knowledge and expertise typically fail to recognize how little they know and how badly they perform. And if one lacks such knowledge and intelligence, one remains ignorant that one is not good at that task. This includes political judgment."

"In voters, lack of expertise would be lamentable ... if people had some sense of how imperfect their civic knowledge is. If they did, they could repair it. But the Dunning-Kruger Effect suggests something different. It suggests that some voters, especially those facing significant distress in their life, might like some of what they hear from Trump, but they do not know enough to hold him accountable for the serious gaffes he makes. They fail to recognize those gaffes as missteps."


Well said. thumbsup.gif

Get informed.

A President is not made from bombastic Mussolini rallies, nor from phoning into talk shows or ignorant irrational Tweets.

The idea that people without degrees are uninformed is ludicrous.

In fact, some of the most stupid people I have met have degrees. Some of the nastiest people I have met have degrees. Some of the most waste of space human beings I have met have degrees. Being able to obtain a degree does nothing more than indicate that a person has a good memory and can learn stuff.

People don't support Trump because of his "lies", they support him because they want him to give politicians a good kicking.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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People don't support Trump because of his "lies", they support him because they want him to give politicians a good kicking.

Amazing. Trump isn't going to give anyone a good kicking. Trump will kiss up to anyone who kisses up to him. It doesn't matter if the person is a murderous dictator (read Putin), disgraced governor (read Christie), dingbat conservative (read Palin), ultimate brown-noser (read Sean Hannity), or any other looney. All they need to do is ignore that Trump is a total mental case and pledge their support for him. Then they're golden. This includes politicians as well. Everyone else...well, Trump will find a nickname for them.

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People don't support Trump because of his "lies", they support him because they want him to give politicians a good kicking.

Amazing. Trump isn't going to give anyone a good kicking. Trump will kiss up to anyone who kisses up to him. It doesn't matter if the person is a murderous dictator (read Putin), disgraced governor (read Christie), dingbat conservative (read Palin), ultimate brown-noser (read Sean Hannity), or any other looney. All they need to do is ignore that Trump is a total mental case and pledge their support for him. Then they're golden. This includes politicians as well. Everyone else...well, Trump will find a nickname for them.

Putin currently stands out as world leader. It's sad that America has slid so far backwards under obama. China, and north korea are getting more powerful. America needs Trump to get the country back on the horse. Make America great again. As it is now, Putin is taking the lead against the evil cults, while obama supports them.

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You are flip flopping your arguments. First you say Hillary endorsed specific "Bills" to Government...asking why Trump Never did so.

Obviously, if he was a Senator, as Hillary was, then he may have done many...but alas...you can't say why a dog does not quack like a duck.

If Trump was an elected official, he would probably done what all other Republican officials have been doing: wasting time, getting his paycheck, blocking all initiatives by forward-leaning politicians who are trying to improve things in the good ol' USA.

If you'd read and understood my post, which you were responding to, you'd see that a person doesn't have to be a politician to spark good action to help others. I challenge you to name ONE THING which Trump has done in the past 50 years which helps anyone other than himself.

Your other information....what he did as a young man fifty years ago has no bearing on what he can do today. I was arrested for Grand Larceny, and had no option but to join the service or go to jail. I am a better man today (45 years later). Read up on Bush Jr..he was a loser as a kid, as well.

I didn't say 50 years ago. I said; "in his 69 years" I don't care any more about Bush Jr. He stole the election in 2000, thanks in large part to the ultra-right wing Supreme Court. He did his damage for 8 years, with damage still reverberating. Yet Bush Jr. was better than Trump would be, in several ways.

You are really groping for something in desperation...that just is not there. Trump wins the nomination. Trump is more popular than Hillary, Trump will be President..like it or not.

Hillary is a damn criminal...Irresponsible with lives of Americans and with Sensitive Information entrusted to her care.

Trump is a success....Hillary is a dumpster. Even Bill chose other women.

You spend all your time researching these irrelevant details...but hey...ya think Hillary had sex before she was 18? You think she smoke marijuana? who cares.???

Such things as Trump losing lawsuits and counter-lawsuits are not 'irrelevant details' to people like me. I'd like to know that the person leading the most powerful nation in the world has at least a somewhat decent character. Other 'irrelevant details' according to Trump fans: name-calling, clashes with most world leaders he meets, vindictive to the 10th degree, knows little about important issues, has no experience in the halls of power, lies like a rug and never apologizes and never admits making mistakes. I wouldn't want a man like that leading the Podunk Illinois cub scout troop, let alone a country. His foul character would be a bad influence for impressionable boys.

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The only one getting a good kicking, is the Bloviator himself.

By the Establishment.

Paul Ryan not ready to endorse Donald Trump

"House Speaker Paul Ryan is tamping down speculation he plans to imminently endorse Donald Trump

Ryan and senior GOP leaders hope that the discussions will help Trump align his views more closely to Republicans on Capitol Hill."

"This is an agenda for the next president," Ryan said of the House Republican effort.

But he said the agenda won't touch hot-button issues that Ryan and Trump disagree on, including deporting millions of undocumented immigrants -- a centerpiece of Trump's campaign."
"That's not in our agenda project," Ryan said, adding that the GOP is a "big tent party."
"Earlier in the day, Ryan released a short video Wednesday that denounces "bitterness in our politics" including within his own party and urges "solutions" instead of "anxiety,"
which fanned speculation about his relationship to the GOP front-runner."
If the Bloviator is to get any further, he has to suck up to his Masters: The RNC.
Just like he already has with Wall Street. And by doing so, completely reversing his primary campaign promise of self funding. Or, was that just another "suggestion"? laugh.png
Note: Hot button issues. That would be plural.
All of the Bloviator's lunatic Mussolini rhetoric needs to disappear. All of that nonsense that attracted the Lemmings in the first place. Gone.
Of course, none of it is feasible or rational anyway...
Anti-Establishment? Right. cheesy.gif
Feet of Clay comes to mind...
Edited by iReason
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According to a recent NBC/WSJ poll, this election is shaping up to have the widest gender gap of any prez election since that sort of data was started, in the 1950's.

Excerpt: "women chose likely nominee Hillary Clinton 51 to 38 percent in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal match-up between her and Trump,
while men supported Trump 49 to 40."


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The only person who can stop Trump now is Hillary Clinton so certainly her chances being elected or going to jail would be on topic because if she goes to jail she won't be able to stop Trump.

Edited by Scotwight
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The only person who can stop Trump now is Hillary Clinton so certainly her chances being elected or going to jail would be on topic because if she goes to jail she won't be able to stop Trump.

Sure. Why have a topic about stopping Trump if you are silenced every time you talk about the only one that could stop him. Crazy, lying Hillary. If she falls flat on her face (which she will), there is nothing in the way of that Trump Machine.

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Such things as Trump losing lawsuits and counter-lawsuits are not 'irrelevant details' to people like me. I'd like to know that the person leading the most powerful nation in the world has at least a somewhat decent character. Other 'irrelevant details' according to Trump fans: name-calling, clashes with most world leaders he meets, vindictive to the 10th degree, knows little about important issues, has no experience in the halls of power, lies like a rug and never apologizes and never admits making mistakes. I wouldn't want a man like that leading the Podunk Illinois cub scout troop, let alone a country. His foul character would be a bad influence for impressionable boys.

Hillary makes Trump look like a saint. Whitewater. Troopergate. Paula Jones. Monica Lewinsky. Travelgate. Vince Foster’s suicide. Juanita Broaddrick. She is quite a business women though.

She made 9000% profit in cattle futures with no experience in commodities trading! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Rodham_cattle_futures_controversy)


You gonna blame HRC for her husband's dilly dallying from decades ago? Jeeesh, that's desperation.

Let me know if your hero ever discusses issues in any realistic way, then I may be interested. As far as tempest in a teacup scandals re; HRC's husband - which may or may not have happened ages ago, sorry, they don't get me worked up. If it gets your froth going, go for it.

Incidentally, HRC stuck by her husband even during rough times. For his part, Trump dumps wives like last weeks' newspapers. There's always a younger cuter giggly piece of ass available for him, isn't there?

I don't know if you even looked closely at marriage vows, but it says something about "through thick and thin, for richer or for poor, through good times or bad" "......we will stand by one another." Or words to that effect.

Trump loves to brag at how great he is at making deals (he's not good at it, by the way), but how good is he at keeping his word, or sticking with deals? Not so great if you look at him dumping his first two wives. He's as reliable in making a deal as Palin was in staying in the office her electorate voted her into. They voted her into office. She quit. She loves Trump and Trump loves her and everything she stands for. Two peas in a rotten pod.

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Such things as Trump losing lawsuits and counter-lawsuits are not 'irrelevant details' to people like me. I'd like to know that the person leading the most powerful nation in the world has at least a somewhat decent character. Other 'irrelevant details' according to Trump fans: name-calling, clashes with most world leaders he meets, vindictive to the 10th degree, knows little about important issues, has no experience in the halls of power, lies like a rug and never apologizes and never admits making mistakes. I wouldn't want a man like that leading the Podunk Illinois cub scout troop, let alone a country. His foul character would be a bad influence for impressionable boys.

Hillary makes Trump look like a saint. Whitewater. Troopergate. Paula Jones. Monica Lewinsky. Travelgate. Vince Foster’s suicide. Juanita Broaddrick. She is quite a business women though.

She made 9000% profit in cattle futures with no experience in commodities trading! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Rodham_cattle_futures_controversy)


You gonna blame HRC for her husband's dilly dallying from decades ago? Jeeesh, that's desperation.

Let me know if your hero ever discusses issues in any realistic way, then I may be interested. As far as tempest in a teacup scandals re; HRC's husband - which may or may not have happened ages ago, sorry, they don't get me worked up. If it gets your froth going, go for it.

Incidentally, HRC stuck by her husband even during rough times. For his part, Trump dumps wives like last weeks' newspapers. There's always a younger cuter giggly piece of ass available for him, isn't there?

I don't know if you even looked closely at marriage vows, but it says something about "through thick and thin, for richer or for poor, through good times or bad" "......we will stand by one another." Or words to that effect.

Trump loves to brag at how great he is at making deals (he's not good at it, by the way), but how good is he at keeping his word, or sticking with deals? Not so great if you look at him dumping his first two wives. He's as reliable in making a deal as Palin was in staying in the office her electorate voted her into. They voted her into office. She quit. She loves Trump and Trump loves her and everything she stands for. Two peas in a rotten pod.

No not at all. In one example Hillary Rodham engaged in a series of trades (not her husband) of cattle futures contracts. Her initial $1,000 investment had generated nearly $100,000 when she stopped trading after ten months.

Secret Service agents: Hillary is a nightmare to work with Top 8 Hillary Clinton “Blue” Quotes Google it.
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I think nobody understand how elections work in the USA. I don't understand anything...

electors, what is that? . I though people vote.

you vote but nobody care for who you vote at the end and you call yourself a democracy....

let me laugh ! I could be the next president if pay enough your electors.

Edited by returnofthailand
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I think nobody understand how elections work in the USA. I don't understand anything...

electors, what is that? . I though people vote.

you vote but nobody care for who you vote at the end and you call yourself a democracy....

let me laugh ! I could be the next president if pay enough your electors.

Each state is it's own election competing for the electoral college votes of that state.

It's possible to win the national popular vote and lose the election.

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I think nobody understand how elections work in the USA. I don't understand anything...

electors, what is that? . I though people vote.

you vote but nobody care for who you vote at the end and you call yourself a democracy....

let me laugh ! I could be the next president if pay enough your electors.

Four times in U.S. history, the Electoral College system resulted in election of a candidate for president who had received fewer popular votes nationwide than another candidate. The USA is a Republic. Republic definition. A form of government in which power is explicitly vested in the people, who in turn exercise their power through elected representatives.

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trump is playing Bernie for a fool. If he's that gullible, perhaps a blessing he won't be president.

I absolutely agree and Amen to that - Just one other left to go wai.gif... and to destroy - Besides the Democratic elite (after the Republican elite), of course.

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People don't support Trump because of his "lies", they support him because they want him to give politicians a good kicking.

Amazing. Trump isn't going to give anyone a good kicking. Trump will kiss up to anyone who kisses up to him. It doesn't matter if the person is a murderous dictator (read Putin), disgraced governor (read Christie), dingbat conservative (read Palin), ultimate brown-noser (read Sean Hannity), or any other looney. All they need to do is ignore that Trump is a total mental case and pledge their support for him. Then they're golden. This includes politicians as well. Everyone else...well, Trump will find a nickname for them.

Amazing. Where do I say he WILL give politicians a good kicking? I said the people that support him WANT Trump to give politicians a good kicking. By supporting Trump they are sending a message to the establishment that they have had enough, and they aren't going to take it anymore.

That is why when you see a Trump rally on tv it's thousands of people, and when you see an HRC rally on tv it's a close up so that we can't see the almost empty hall behind the cameras.

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At least the rotten Republican elite couldn't derail the Trump Train.

It's official - Trump reaches the magic number of Republican delegates to clinch nomination


HT to NeverSure (Too funny to not to steal thumbsup.gif , thanks)


No doubt the establishment are crying in the back rooms, having lost their last hope of stopping the Donald.

Go Donald, GO GO GO.

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Such things as Trump losing lawsuits and counter-lawsuits are not 'irrelevant details' to people like me. I'd like to know that the person leading the most powerful nation in the world has at least a somewhat decent character. Other 'irrelevant details' according to Trump fans: name-calling, clashes with most world leaders he meets, vindictive to the 10th degree, knows little about important issues, has no experience in the halls of power, lies like a rug and never apologizes and never admits making mistakes. I wouldn't want a man like that leading the Podunk Illinois cub scout troop, let alone a country. His foul character would be a bad influence for impressionable boys.

Hillary makes Trump look like a saint. Whitewater. Troopergate. Paula Jones. Monica Lewinsky. Travelgate. Vince Foster’s suicide. Juanita Broaddrick. She is quite a business women though.

She made 9000% profit in cattle futures with no experience in commodities trading! (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hillary_Rodham_cattle_futures_controversy)


You gonna blame HRC for her husband's dilly dallying from decades ago? Jeeesh, that's desperation.

Let me know if your hero ever discusses issues in any realistic way, then I may be interested. As far as tempest in a teacup scandals re; HRC's husband - which may or may not have happened ages ago, sorry, they don't get me worked up. If it gets your froth going, go for it.

Incidentally, HRC stuck by her husband even during rough times. For his part, Trump dumps wives like last weeks' newspapers. There's always a younger cuter giggly piece of ass available for him, isn't there?

I don't know if you even looked closely at marriage vows, but it says something about "through thick and thin, for richer or for poor, through good times or bad" "......we will stand by one another." Or words to that effect.

Trump loves to brag at how great he is at making deals (he's not good at it, by the way), but how good is he at keeping his word, or sticking with deals? Not so great if you look at him dumping his first two wives. He's as reliable in making a deal as Palin was in staying in the office her electorate voted her into. They voted her into office. She quit. She loves Trump and Trump loves her and everything she stands for. Two peas in a rotten pod.

Oh PULEEEESE. Don't start with the divorce thing. With divorce rates at about 40 to 50% in the US, divorce is almost the norm, not the exception. Only three wives is probably good going for a rich man these days. How many wives has Rod Stewart had and no one puts him down for it?

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According to a recent NBC/WSJ poll, this election is shaping up to have the widest gender gap of any prez election since that sort of data was started, in the 1950's.

Excerpt: "women chose likely nominee Hillary Clinton 51 to 38 percent in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal match-up between her and Trump,

while men supported Trump 49 to 40."


I would interpret that as "women support HRC only BECAUSE she is a woman" while "men support Trump because they DON'T want THAT woman in the White House".

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the vile monster.

Liar liar pants on fire.

Lyin' Donald:

But the Republican Party, the media and voters cannot pretend that Mr. Trump is a normal candidate. Mr. Trump is pathologically dishonest and morally bankrupt. How many more lies will he tell before the week is over? Republicans who care about their integrity should be counting along with us.


American voters -- how LOW will you go? If you go as low as the vile monster, abandon all hope.

Edited by Jingthing
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No Trump supporter cares about what he says, only that he is anti establishment. You can chant your little verses as much as you like and it won't change anything.

Have a nice day.

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Here's a question for you, if Trump appeals to the right wing, why are the right wing elites so opposed to him? They loathe him as much as any HRC supporter, and are probably trying to get HRC elected, given that she is part of the 1% and ain't gonna rock the boat if she wins.

Don't ask him questions as you'll only get something like this back: "radical fascist right whingenuts blah blah blah"

Good to see youse guyz are finally starting to get aroused. Keep it coming. One looks forward to youse guyz getting back to your usual level of normal. thumbsup.gif

The emergence of the uniquely American Mussolini Donald Trump makes this unlike any election of the country's history. Clinton is the odds-on favorite and the Bill of Rights also needs defending against The Benito Bandito.

Change in this election means one thing and one thing only -- the uniquely American Mussolini. So no matter how the far out lunar right slices it, it's still baloney with green cheese.

You really are the textbook example of the phrase (paraphrasing now) "in the future the fascists are the anti-fascists".

Paraphrasing out of the blue can be handy-dandy indeed.

While a number of us occasionally do legitimate paraphrasing, it is in the instance above self-serving and facile. That is, too cute by a half.

Your textbook besides. laugh.png

Nothing -- and I mean nothing -- excuses or forgives support of Donald Trump the uniquely American Mussolini. Consequently, the centerpiece of this unique and bizarre Trump campaign is to this poster to protect the Bill of Rights from his chokehold grip.

Trump is the nuclear brain minus too many electrons.

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You really are the textbook example of the phrase (paraphrasing now) "in the future the fascists are the anti-fascists".

Paraphrasing out of the blue can be handy-dandy indeed.

While a number of us occasionally do legitimate paraphrasing, it is in the instance above self-serving and facile. That is, too cute by a half.

Your textbook besides. laugh.png

Nothing -- and I mean nothing -- excuses or forgives support of Donald Trump the uniquely American Mussolini. Consequently, the centerpiece of this unique and bizarre Trump campaign is to this poster to protect the Bill of Rights from his chokehold grip.

Trump is the nuclear brain minus too many electrons.

Unfortunately for you and any HRC supporters, she herself is the reason people support Trump, as no rational person could ever want that awful woman in the White House.

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First they said he would last a week

then they said he'd lose after the debate

then they said attacking Kelly would finish him

then they said attacking women would finish him

then they said attacking Mexicans would finish him

then they said David Duke would finish him

then they said wanting to punish women having abortions would finish him

then they said G W Bush would finish him

then they said Romney would finish him

then they said the fake Native American would finish him

then they said he'd never get enough delegates for an uncontested convention

Now they say he won't win the general election

They sure been wrong about everything else so far cheesy.gif .

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According to a recent NBC/WSJ poll, this election is shaping up to have the widest gender gap of any prez election since that sort of data was started, in the 1950's.

Excerpt: "women chose likely nominee Hillary Clinton 51 to 38 percent in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal match-up between her and Trump,

while men supported Trump 49 to 40."


I would interpret that as "women support HRC only BECAUSE she is a woman" while "men support Trump because they DON'T want THAT woman in the White House".
Having a feminist in the white house would certainly be a jackpot for Canadian and Mexican women, they could take their pick of the male refugees.
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