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Britain slams Israeli decision to expand settlements in West Bank


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Britain slams Israeli decision to expand settlements in West Bank
Source: Xinhua

LONDON, March 16 (Xinhua) -- Britain on Wednesday condemned the Israeli government's decision to further expand settlements in the West Bank, calling the move "an obstacle to peace".

"We condemn the Israeli government's decision to take over 585 acres of land in the West Bank as 'state land'. Such steps clearly damage the diminishing prospects for a two state solution," a British Foreign Office spokeswoman said in a statement.

Israel has appropriated a large tract of fertile land and declared it as "state land" in the West Bank, Israeli officials and local media said Tuesday.

Full story: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-03/17/c_135195760.htm

-- Xinhua 2016-03-17

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Hypocrites, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


So the EU fund illegal Palestinian building in areas allotted to Israel under the Oslo accords, but when Israel tries to take legal action the EU retreats behind diplomatic immunity.


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Hamas has declared that the recent terror attacks committed by Palestinians in Israeli settlements in the West Bank show that "the next phase of the ‘Jerusalem intifada’ will cause great fear among settlers, who will no longer enjoy security."

In a press statement released on Thursday, Hamas Spokesman Husam Badran praised the two stabbing attacks and the shooting attack that took place Wednesday in Nablus that resulted in the injuring of three IDF soldiers.

Badran said that the recurrent infiltrations by Palestinians into Israeli settlements, and the stabbing and shooting attacks they carry out inside, signal that the next phase of the intifada will sow fear among settlement residents.

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All the Israeli settlers from the West Bank will face sooner or later a similar 2005 Gaza pullout.

The Israeli government is well aware of the international laws and pressure forthcoming from illegal occupation.

Organising a systematic slow pullout is highly advised instead of annexation of more fertile land like in OP...


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Hypocrites, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


So the EU fund illegal Palestinian building in areas allotted to Israel under the Oslo accords, but when Israel tries to take legal action the EU retreats behind diplomatic immunity.


Israel and its supporters speaking of Oslo accord while spitting on it on daily basis....

Let bring israel and europe on a legal process and see how israel settlers would react to the outcomes.. settlements are illegals and i would enjoy a global trial which would have a harsh outcome for Israel. That s why they will never agree to international justice

I m waiting all the israel fanboys comment this news...

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Hypocrites, what's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.


So the EU fund illegal Palestinian building in areas allotted to Israel under the Oslo accords, but when Israel tries to take legal action the EU retreats behind diplomatic immunity.


EU just respects Israeli twisted Declaration of Independence within the borders 'defined' in 1948. Not the borders defined in 1967 or even later.

OP just confirmed that Palestinian occupied Territories are in fact subjected to continuous illegal Israeli annexation...

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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous other wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

So you justify the illegal settlements because of this? This show how low your arguments are nowdays.. israel don t give a shi.t about peace, the new settlements prove it each day. They just steal lands and yet are suprised the Palestinian complain and attacks.

If israel wanted peace ,the settlements would have stopped a long time ago.

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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

I must be losing my memory as I cannot remember ANY "Palestinian" Army in the world.

I can remember the Israeli forces fighting the Syrians, Jordanis, the Egyptians and even the Lebanese (I won't mention too much about the Shatila refugee camp) but I cannot find any reference to the Palestinian military forces.

Can you help me out here?

What are their numbers, equipment, Army, Navy and Air Force manpower , ships, aircraft etc?

Are they listed in Jane's directory?

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For those interested in this subject, there's an interesting and rare documentary available on YouTube which you can find under :

"The Land speaks Arabic" (:French: "La Terre parle Arabe")

I can't post the link through my tablet...but you can just copy/paste. It's available in English and French. Enjoy!

It's an unbiased historical footage which debunks a lot of fallacies and false perspectives.

For those persisting in refuting the Colonisation of Palestine it's rather a must.

Cheers !

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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

I must be losing my memory as I cannot remember ANY "Palestinian" Army in the world.

Don't worry. From your ignorant posts, it is quite obvious that you very little at all about the conflict at all.

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947 until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries. They did not call themselves "Palestinians" yet, because there was no such country as "Palestine" and never had been. They were still just plain "Arabs".

AFTER Israel declared Independence, Five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel to back them up, only to LOSE in the end. They have been losing non-stop ever since.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

I must be losing my memory as I cannot remember ANY "Palestinian" Army in the world.

I can remember the Israeli forces fighting the Syrians, Jordanis, the Egyptians and even the Lebanese (I won't mention too much about the Shatila refugee camp) but I cannot find any reference to the Palestinian military forces.

From your ignorant posts, it is quite obvious that you very little at all about the conflict.

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947 until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries. They did not call themselves "Palestinians" yet, because there was no such country as "Palestine" and never had been. They were still just plain "Arabs".

AFTER Israel declared Independence,Five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel to back them up, only to LOSE in the end.

Herodotus wrote about Palestine..

Not sure but i think it was wayyyy before 1945.

The term paalestine and the people living there can be traced to 800 bc

It is nice to try to teach other about history, but it d better when you not only chose the facts you like


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Israel continues to shoot itself in the foot. The Oslo Accords are dead, the 2 state solution is dead. Continued land thefts such as the OP make a viable Palestinian state impossible. The Palestinian population is growing and not going away, making it more than likely now that there will be a one state solution.

Israel can't have it both ways. If, as they claim, they are not occupying illegally, then go ahead and annex the lot.

The pretence would be gone then, and Israel would either have to accommodate 4.5 million new Palestinian citizens, or impose apartheid, which the world would not tolerate.

Israel can do it the hard way or the easy way, but one day the two communities will live together in Israelistine.

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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

I must be losing my memory as I cannot remember ANY "Palestinian" Army in the world.

Don't worry. From your ignorant posts, it is quite obvious that you very little at all about the conflict at all.

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947 until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries. They did not call themselves "Palestinians" yet, because there was no such country as "Palestine" and never had been. They were still just plain "Arabs".

AFTER Israel declared Independence, Five Arab armies (Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq) immediately invaded Israel to back them up, only to LOSE in the end. They have been losing non-stop ever since.

The first phase of the war started the day after Partition in 1947 when Jewish terrorist gangs started their ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.
The Palestinians since 1937 had been disarmed by the British who were assisting Jewish militias, and their leadership executed, imprisoned or exiled. They didn't stand a chance against the well armed, trained, and financed Zionist forces.
Just because the bully wins does not make it right.
I suggest readers view Al Jazeera's excellent documentary series Al Nakba for the truth about the background to the conflict.
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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous other wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

Why would they agree to borders when it was "their" country in the first place?

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Britain and the EU should mind their own business.

With all the Arabs flooding into the EU, it's a nice change to see them losing a bit of land.

It is Britain's business, not only because they created the conflict in the first place encouraging European Zionists to colonize Palestine, but also because if Israel engages in a 3rd wave of ethnic cleansing, Europe will have to cope with an influx of 4.5 million Palestinian refugees when they already have homes to go to in Israel. It will dwarf the Syrian refugee crisis.

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If the Palestinians wanted the 1948 borders, they should have agreed to them in the first place instead of declaring war on Israel. They did NOT accept them and have started numerous other wars - all of which they lost - since. There are repercussions for starting wars and refusing to make peace.

Why would they agree to borders when it was "their" country in the first place?

The Palestinians NEVER HAD A COUNTRY. Try to keep up. The UN offered them one and they refused. They have been moaning about it ever since.

However, they seemed quite happy living there all those centuries before until Ben Gurian declared the state of Israel.

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Britain and the EU should mind their own business.

With all the Arabs flooding into the EU, it's a nice change to see them losing a bit of land.

I would rather say the contrary. Israeli foreign policy didn't endorse any participation in the Syrian refugee crisis.

Palestinian refugees in Syria were not allowed to relocate in the West Bank and/or the Golan Heights which are actually under Israeli occupation.

Moreover, like mentioned in OP, further Israeli annexation of fertile land continued in the West Bank without any specific real humanitarian reason or rational cause. There's no real emergency here...

Attempts from the Palestinian Authorities to populate the West Bank has been systematically refused by Israel. Even now in case of relocating the Palestinian and other Syrian refugees into sovereign Palestinian territory.

EU and Britain not only have a historical responsibility, but the diplomatic intervention should pressurise the Israeli government on an international scale.



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The Palestinians STARTED the violence in the first place and KARMA has bitten them on the butts. The death toll does not work in their favor.

So, Palestinian Children dying at the hands of Israeli soldiers is OK because it is just them having inherited bad karma from their great grandparents?!?!?! If the same were said for a Jewish child that would be a crime, no?

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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

At last we agree on something. I hope this one state solution is a promise rather than a threat.

Did the poll ask these Israelis what they propose to do with the 2.5 million Palestinians who are currently living there?
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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Did the poll ask these Israelis what they propose to do with the 2.5 million Palestinians who are currently living there?

I guess Merkel can take most, any left over can be housed in the abodes of virtue signaling celebrities.

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Perhaps after inciting the current third intifada the Palestinians should realize their actions have consequences. Israel knows full well what world reaction always is, Israel has stopped caring. The sole consideration for Israelis is that there is now cross party agreement that a two state solution is not possible any time soon, indeed pre-intifada a poll of Israelis found 44% in favour of annexing Judea and Samaria, I suspect we are past the tipping point now where a majority are in favour.

Did the poll ask these Israelis what they propose to do with the 2.5 million Palestinians who are currently living there?

I guess Merkel can take most, any left over can be housed in the abodes of virtue signaling celebrities.

I see...3rd wave of ethnic cleansing 1947,1967..now 2016. The world will not tolerate this final solution to the Palestinian problem.

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