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Britain slams Israeli decision to expand settlements in West Bank


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Thank you very much for calling my posts ignorant. If they are try enlighten me and everybody by posting neutral and non biased posts for a change.

You and several others always take the Israeli side NO MATTER what the post is about and claim how poor little Israel is surrounded by enemies who want to destroy it.

I am more that happy to point out why your posts are ignorant. In fact I have already done so. Your most recent posts are pretty typical of all of them. You try to claim that there was no Palestinian army, but Arabs from the Palestinian region with volunteers from other countries fought the first phrase of what turned into the 1948 war. That is a historical FACT.

The first large-scale assaults began on January 9, 1948, when approximately 1,000 Arabs attacked Jewish communities in northern Palestine. By February, the British said so many Arabs had infiltrated they lacked the forces to run them back. 5

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947, until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries. The Jews suffered severe casualties and passage along most of their major roadways was disrupted.

You also claim that I always take the side of Israel. That might be true, but YOU always take the side of the Arabs, so whining about it is as hypocritical as one can get. At least my posts are historically accurate. Yours are NOT. Yours are almost always incorrect.

You suggest that Israel doesn't try to make peace, but, of course, that is complete nonsense. Israel has made numerous attempts to make peace, over many decades. That is a well-documented FACT and claiming otherwise is easily proven. EVERYONE knows that Israel made peace with Egypt and Jordan, but there have also been decades of attempts with the Palestinians.

Israel-Palestinian Negotiations:History & Overview


I rest my case.

I and and almost everybody else who has responded are wrong. Every country in the world which condemns Israel are wrong. Only Israel and its few supporters including the very few supporters on TVF are correct.

I shall not bother to respond further to any of your posts on the subject of Israel as you obviously are to biased to give any other response.

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Aside from the usual hyperbole and hysterics can anyone explain exactly where the land is situated? Is it in zone A,B or C? According to the Oslo accords if it is in zone C this land was designated as belonging to Israel. If not is the land close to a settlement? The title of the o.p would suggest yes. It was always envisaged that Israel would expand major settlements in exchange for land elsewhere. Furthermore Israelhas a housing shortage with some people living in mobile homes awaiting permanent housing, in light of Palestinian refusal to engage in bilateral negotiations I see no reason why Israel shouldn't alleviate this. To argue it puts a two state solution in jeopardy is dishonest if Israel built on land envisaged to be theirs. Conversely the EU knowingly funding Illegal Palestinian homes in zone C would indeed jeopardize a two state solution, were it not for Israel demolishing them.

Alas none of these points seem to be answered anywhere in the news, I wish Morch was here to throw some light on this.

Too bad, it's in area A. Just below Jericho, and too far away to claim illegaly legitimacy for Israel through the Oslo Accords...


attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect1458310390.853911.jpg

From your link.

“Israel’s decision to declare 234 hectares near Jericho in Area C of the West Bank as state land is a further step that risks undermining the viability of a future Palestinian state and therefore calls into question Israel’s commitment to a two-state solution,” the EU said in a statement.

Area C is the grey area on the map intended for Israeli control. Hoisted on ones own petard I suspect.

The land grab mentioned in OP is located north of the town of Almog. More precisely between Almog and Jericho. The distance between both places is 8.4 kms. Area C, wich you've mentioned, starts some 50 to 60 kms south of Almog. Can be seen on my previous map from my previous post.

In fact, the Israeli government applied a well know illegal land grab tactic, by refuting the Palestinian Land Laws, and referring and applying Land Laws who date back from the Ottoman Empire.

Quote from link :

"As a legal basis for similar moves in the past, Israel has utilized a 1858 Ottoman law which states that land that lies fallow for several years may revert to government property."

Of course, Palestinian farmers/land owners were previously refused access to their land, were killed, or simple dispossessed of their land titles dating from Ottoman Empire.

So any land annexed illegaly by this way can be unlawfully enforced by the Oslo Accords by implementing a security zone and limited access to the Palestinians, which will result in a full annexation of Jericho in the near future.

More correctly, you can translate the latest land grab from Area A as 'new area C', which updated map of vanishing area A and B has been previously posted correctly on TV so many times...

Cheers !


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I don't approve of these new settlements but I also think if Israel left Judea and Samaria completely that the Palestinians wouldn't give up on their real goal which they share with Hamas.

Now you're playing the psychic.

Judea and Samaria ceased to exist almost 2000 years ago. Only the old Zionist knuckleheads like Menachem Begin used those terms Israel has to accept that fact and build a secure and prosperous country within their 1967 borders.

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Perhaps your 44% poll will go down, because after the UK, Germany and France are also against the further annexation of Occupied Palestinian Territory by Israel.


Please tell me who gives a shit what "the UK, Germany and France" think? Don't they have enough troubles of their own? Just like Thais, they think they are the center of the universe when the truth is they are now irrelevant.

I belly laugh every time someone says that what Israel does is "against international law" or "they should be tried in an international court" or any similar BS. You and who's army?

If you want to beat Israel you'll have to do it with boots on the ground and that would be suicide for all of Europe combined.

Because Britain and the rest of the EU are Israel's largest trading partner. It would be economic suicide for Israel to do anything to upset them to the point of sanctions.

Israel's and your arrogance that they can treat international law with contempt is astounding. What's so special about Israel that makes them above the law?

So now the tiny countries of the UK, Germany and France became the whole EU? Or did I miss something?

The US is Israel's #1 trading partner amounting to almost 5x that of the UK. The only other EU country to even make the list is the very tiny Belgium. LINK

Get over yourself.


Yes, you did indeed miss something! Please read more carefully. I wrote "Britain and the rest of the EU are Israel's largest trading partner"
The EU accounts for just over 29% of Israel's exports. The USA 23%.
So Israel should indeed sit up and take notice that it does not offend the EU with its continued land grab in the West Bank.

The EU can't afford to lose a single customer. The US, Canada, Mexico and all of S. America and also China and Russia are actually Israel's largest trading partner. Probably the EU's, too. whistling.gif Well, you are allowing the concept of adding up a bunch of countries to reach a total.

When it takes 500 countries which rarely agree on anything (think threatened Brexit and arguments about Muslim immigration and now border fences) to make a big enough splash to become "a trading partner", you're in a world of hurts.

I told you once and I'll tell you again. The UK is so tiny we could put it in Texas for the better weather and no one would be able to find it again. thumbsup.gif


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Thank you very much for calling my posts ignorant. If they are try enlighten me and everybody by posting neutral and non biased posts for a change.

You and several others always take the Israeli side NO MATTER what the post is about and claim how poor little Israel is surrounded by enemies who want to destroy it.

I am more that happy to point out why your posts are ignorant. In fact I have already done so. Your most recent posts are pretty typical of all of them. You try to claim that there was no Palestinian army, but Arabs from the Palestinian region with volunteers from other countries fought the first phrase of what turned into the 1948 war. That is a historical FACT.

The first large-scale assaults began on January 9, 1948, when approximately 1,000 Arabs attacked Jewish communities in northern Palestine. By February, the British said so many Arabs had infiltrated they lacked the forces to run them back. 5

In the first phase of the war, lasting from November 29, 1947, until April 1, 1948, the Palestinian Arabs took the offensive, with help from volunteers from neighboring countries. The Jews suffered severe casualties and passage along most of their major roadways was disrupted.

You also claim that I always take the side of Israel. That might be true, but YOU always take the side of the Arabs, so whining about it is as hypocritical as one can get. At least my posts are historically accurate. Yours are NOT. Yours are almost always incorrect.

You suggest that Israel doesn't try to make peace, but, of course, that is complete nonsense. Israel has made numerous attempts to make peace, over many decades. That is a well-documented FACT and claiming otherwise is easily proven. EVERYONE knows that Israel made peace with Egypt and Jordan, but there have also been decades of attempts with the Palestinians.

Israel-Palestinian Negotiations:History & Overview


I rest my case.

I and and almost everybody else who has responded are wrong. Every country in the world which condemns Israel are wrong. Only Israel and its few supporters including the very few supporters on TVF are correct.

What a joke. I addressed your points. I gave you an accurate history lesson, with quotes and links to credible sources to prove my points (even your leader dexterm uses it constantly) and you counter that the completely unsupported OPINIONS of a bunch of Israel-hating zealots on Thai Visa, who are known for posting incorrect information, distortions and outright lies, outweighs all that. Yeah, I BET you want to ignore my posts from now on billd776.

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I'm fine with Britain's criticism as long as it's fairly balanced with criticism of Palestinian actions. For example when Biden criticized the Palestinian leadership making the recent murderer of the American visitor to Israel a hero and refusing to condemn such terrorist attacks.

Israel does stuff to retard hopes of peace and so do the Palestinians. There is blame to go around on both sides.

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Palestinian total economic losses in Occupied Territories almost equates US security/military foreign aid to Israel for only one year :

You fill your posts with a lot of pictures, charts and other trivia, but it would be nice if you told the audience your point. We are not supposed to have to guess.

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Before you rant further, I suggest that you read the outline of the Treaty, which was drafted so as to allow Israel a material advantage, ( and therefore the Palestinians a disadvantage) in terms of the % of territory granted, as compared with the 2 populations. I think that if any other group was asked to accept such a one- sided deal, they, too would have refused

Stupid argument. The British had ALREADY given the Palestinians approximately 70% of what was supposed to be the Jewish homeland - The British Mandate. Nowadays, it is called Jordan. The later split of 56% to the Jews and 44% to the Arabs was a division of only the remaining 30%. On top of that, much of the 56% figure is actually the Negev desert, which was state-owned and had few settlements. It was pretty much worthless. The Palestinians were given FAR more land in the whole process.

Transjordan was never part of a Jewish Homeland...quote us a reference where the British ever said it was.

The League of Nations - the forerunner of the UN - issued the British Mandate for Palestine which formalized British rule over the Levant and gave Britain responsibility for creating a Jewish Homeland in the area. Indeed Transjordan was never a part of a Jewish Homeland, because Great Britain gave that part of the land away.

Palestine Mandate. Prompted and advised by Israel Zangwill, the Congress urged Great Britain to enforce, fully and soon, the conditions of the mandate over Palestine granted Great Britain by the League of Nations in 1922. Britain's obligation under this mandate is to assist Jewry in establishing in Palestine a Jewish national home.


Jordan is Palestine. Palestine is Jordan.This is the royal decree and sentiments of two of the kings of Jordan and plenty of others. There is absolutely no difference between Jordan and Palestine, nor between Jordanians and Palestinians (all actually Arabs).

“Palestine and Jordan are one…” said King Abdullah in 1948.

“The truth is that Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan,”said King Hussein of Jordan, in 1981.

“Palestine is Jordan and Jordan is Palestine; there is only one land, with one history and one and the same fate,” Prince Hassan of the Jordanian National Assembly was quoted as saying on February 2, 1970.

I ask
Transjordan was never part of a Jewish Homeland...quote us a reference where the British ever said it was.
And all you can do is quote the Jewish American Congress' wishful thinking of what they hoped Britain might say, but in actuality did not say.
You have failed yet again, and been exposed as a fabricator, and you call these things facts and capitalize them to boot but what Britain did actually say is this...
"The British Foreign Office confirmed the position in 1946, in discussions over the independence of Transjordan, stating that "the clauses of the Palestine Mandate relating to the establishment of a Jewish national home were, with the approval of the League of Nations, never applied in Transjordan."
You contort the truth to create the mythology you desire. The truth is that Israel has already stolen 86% of historical Palestine, and as part of the OP now greedily wants even more.
Why cant they build their settlements within the 67 lines...plenty of land there.
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I'm fine with Britain's criticism as long as it's fairly balanced with criticism of Palestinian actions. For example when Biden criticized the Palestinian leadership making the recent murderer of the American visitor to Israel a hero and refusing to condemn such terrorist attacks.

Israel does stuff to retard hopes of peace and so do the Palestinians. There is blame to go around on both sides.

..and this from the man who has just urged us all to stay on topic.


What has Joe Biden and the death of an American tourist got to do with the OP?

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Sorry thread full...
Neversure wrote...

The EU can't afford to lose a single customer. The US, Canada, Mexico and all of S. America and also China and Russia are actually Israel's largest trading partner. Probably the EU's, too. whistling.gif Well, you are allowing the concept of adding up a bunch of countries to reach a total.
When it takes 500 countries which rarely agree on anything (think threatened Brexit and arguments about Muslim immigration and now border fences) to make a big enough splash to become "a trading partner", you're in a world of hurts.
I told you once and I'll tell you again. The UK is so tiny we could put it in Texas for the better weather and no one would be able to find it again.
What a joke. Rather than admit you were wrong when you asserted quite arrogantly with a personal flame to boot "Get over yourself" that the EU was not Israel's largest trading partner (but in fact is ....exactly as I have proven) and thus may actually have some real political clout when it comes to sanctions, you then deflect with some sort of obsessive size really does matter and compare UK to Texas, then lump together such diverse trading blocs as "The US, Canada, Mexico and all of S. America and also China and Russia" as being bigger than the EU...well of course they are...why not add Micronesia too? ...except they dont have a joint parliament that could impose sanctions..
As I said above, it would pay Israel well not to lose almost a third of its export income by upsetting their largest and closest trading partner, because of its land thefts and unjust repressive treatment of the Palestinians..
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The truth is that Israel has already stolen 86% of historical Palestine, and as part of the OP now greedily wants even more.

More hogwash. No one ever claimed that the British said that Jordan was part of the Jewish Homeland - that is something that you made up - but it was taken from the same land. Jordan was part of the British Mandate which was meant to provide land for a Jewish Homeland. As I said before, "Indeed Transjordan was never a part of a Jewish Homeland, because Great Britain gave that part of the land away."

Great Britain gave 70% of historical Palestine - the Mandate - to the Arabs before the UN tried to partition the rest. How can you claim that Israel has "stolen 86% of historical Palestine" with a straight face? As usual, your numbers don't add up.

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May I recommend Ilan Pappe's "The ethnic cleansing of Palestine"?

This gives a terrific account of the lead up to and the 1948 events and nicely gives the root of today's problems

I think one has to separate Jewish aims from Zionist. Many Jews are not Zionists

Sadly, the British gave equal control of Palestine to indigenous Palestinan Arabs and the Zionists. At this time only 6% of the land was owned by Jews. By 1948 the Jewish population was less than 30%.

When the the mandate was unilaterally terminated, the ethnic cleansing began with forced movement of nearly a million Palestinian Arabs accompanied by atrocities and demolition of many Palestinian villages

Israeli white washing of this crime against humanity is just astonishing

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Stealing peoples land and they wonder why the violence never stops ,

Will you be taking to the streets any time soon to protest the seizure of the land by arab nations when they forced out 1 million jewish arabs, seizing their land, and assets. That forced expulsion and seizure encompassed more jewish arabs than the arabs who left Israel.

Please tell me what compensation you recommend and how you would make the theft and expulsion right.

Bet you don't even know that the arabs did that, right?

BTW, do you know where most of those jewish arabs went? Israel. And do you know where they settled? Go on, take a guess.

Again and again, this forum is filled up with the biased statements of jew haters who refuse to consider the actual historical facts. Just once, I would like to see the proponents of the Israel is wrong address the reality that 1 million jewish arabs were tossed out of arab countries and all their possessions stolen. If they had not been treated in this manner, they would not have ended up in Israel full of hate for the people who slaughtered them in the streets and who stole what their families had built up over the centuries.

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The truth is that Israel has already stolen 86% of historical Palestine, and as part of the OP now greedily wants even more.

More hogwash. No one ever claimed that the British said that Jordan was part of the Jewish Homeland - that is something that you made up - but it was taken from the same land. Jordan was part of the British Mandate which was meant to provide land for a Jewish Homeland. As I said before, "Indeed Transjordan was never a part of a Jewish Homeland, because Great Britain gave that part of the land away."

Great Britain gave 70% of historical Palestine - the Mandate - to the Arabs before the UN tried to partition the rest. How can you claim that Israel has "stolen 86% of historical Palestine" with a straight face? As usual, your numbers don't add up.

As usual you play silly word games, conflating events of 1922 with 1947, to create your own pseudo history.

Jordan was part of the British Mandate which was meant to provide land for a Jewish Homeland. As I said before, "Indeed Transjordan was never a part of a Jewish Homeland, because Great Britain gave that part of the land away."
You just contradicted yourself.
After the 48 war, Israel occupied 78% of 1947 Mandatory Palestine. They have since stolen more land in the West Bank, which are now Jewish only areas accounting for a further 8.8% of the original 1947 Mandatory Palestine.
Leaving Palestinians a mere 13.2% of the original 1947 Mandatory Palestine, and the Zionists in the OP in their greed now want even more.
I say let them have the remaining 13.2% (it would not make a viable Palestinian state anyway), then let them accommodate the 2.5 million Palestinians who are residing there. The pretence of negotiating a two state solution would be gone, and we would be left with the only alternatives:
Full blown apartheid
Ethnic cleansing
Equal citizenship for new Israeli Palestinians.
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Stealing peoples land and they wonder why the violence never stops ,

Will you be taking to the streets any time soon to protest the seizure of the land by arab nations when they forced out 1 million jewish arabs, seizing their land, and assets. That forced expulsion and seizure encompassed more jewish arabs than the arabs who left Israel.

Please tell me what compensation you recommend and how you would make the theft and expulsion right.

Bet you don't even know that the arabs did that, right?

BTW, do you know where most of those jewish arabs went? Israel. And do you know where they settled? Go on, take a guess.

Again and again, this forum is filled up with the biased statements of jew haters who refuse to consider the actual historical facts. Just once, I would like to see the proponents of the Israel is wrong address the reality that 1 million jewish arabs were tossed out of arab countries and all their possessions stolen. If they had not been treated in this manner, they would not have ended up in Israel full of hate for the people who slaughtered them in the streets and who stole what their families had built up over the centuries.

Off topic deflection...we are discussing expansion of Israeli colonies in the occupied West Bank. I wouldn't get into that minefield of murky Mossad false flag operations to encourage Jewish immigration to Israel, if I were you. Another thread another time maybe.
I have repeatedly said any final compensation deal should include Jews, Christians and Moslems who can prove their case.
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After the 48 war, Israel occupied 78% of 1947 Mandatory Palestine. They have since stolen more land in the West Bank, which are now Jewish only areas accounting for a further 8.8% of the original 1947 Mandatory Palestine.

Before "1947 Mandatory Palestine" (whatever that is), there was Mandatory Palestine. The British turned over 70% of Mandate Palestine to the Arabs. The UN Partition attempted to divide what was LEFT. After the 48 war - which the Palestinians started - Israel should have taken ALL OF IT. The Palestinians refused the UN deal and - as usual - resorted to violence. No one owed them ANYTHING.

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Again and again, this forum is filled up with the biased statements of jew haters who refuse to consider the actual historical facts.

Exactly right. I am glad someone so well educated and eloquent said it. This forum is flooded with lies every single day from a few obsessive, hateful zealots who twist and distort the facts about Israel and other zealots line up to "like" their posts, no matter how dishonest and contrived.

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Again and again, this forum is filled up with the biased statements of jew haters who refuse to consider the actual historical facts.

Exactly right. I am glad someone so well educated and eloquent said it. This forum is flooded with lies every single day from a few obsessive, hateful zealots who twist and distort the facts about Israel and other zealots line up to "like" their posts, no matter how dishonest and contrived.
Indeed. Also very often the lame cover of "anti-Zionism" is used but fools nobody.
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May I recommend Ilan Pappe's "The ethnic cleansing of Palestine"?

The book is VERY biased and based on fabrications. It was panned by numerous REAL historians.

Writer David Pryce-Jones, called Pappé "an Israeli academic who has made his name by hating Israel and everything it stands for".

dexterm loves to quote historian Benny Morris. In his review of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Benny Morris wrote: "At best, Ilan Pappe must be one of the world's sloppiest historians; at worst, one of the most dishonest. In truth, he probably merits a place somewhere between the two." He added that "Such distortions, large and small, characterize almost every page of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine."

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After the 48 war, Israel occupied 78% of 1947 Mandatory Palestine. They have since stolen more land in the West Bank, which are now Jewish only areas accounting for a further 8.8% of the original 1947 Mandatory Palestine.

Before "1947 Mandatory Palestine" (whatever that is), there was Mandatory Palestine. The British turned over 70% of Mandate Palestine to the Arabs. The UN Partition attempted to divide what was LEFT. After the 48 war - which the Palestinians started - Israel should have taken ALL OF IT. The Palestinians refused the UN deal and - as usual - resorted to violence. No one owed them ANYTHING.

As usual you play silly obfuscating word games, conflating names, dates and events of 1917,1922 with 1947, to create your own pseudo history and phony stats. All European colonizers and their apologists need to create myths in order to justify the injustice they have perpetrated against the resident native population, which Israel is continuing to do in the OP.
Not playing the deflection game today. sawsdee krap.
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May I recommend Ilan Pappe's "The ethnic cleansing of Palestine"?

The book is VERY biased and based on fabrications. It was panned by numerous REAL historians.

Writer David Pryce-Jones, called Pappé "an Israeli academic who has made his name by hating Israel and everything it stands for".

dexterm loves to quote historian Benny Morris. In his review of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, Benny Morris wrote: "At best, Ilan Pappe must be one of the world's sloppiest historians; at worst, one of the most dishonest. In truth, he probably merits a place somewhere between the two." He added that "Such distortions, large and small, characterize almost every page of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine."

Nah, the book is very highly rated

Why are you whitewashing the 1948 ethnic cleansing?

Do you deny it happened?

I admit that the British made easy for the Zionists by crushing an earlier Palestinian uprising. But the Zionists did a thorough job!

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Benny Morris (Ben Gurion university - I kid you not) accepts that the ethnic cleaning if 700,000 of 900,000 Palestinians is a fact. Furthermore only 7% of the land was purchased, the remainder taken by the sword.

I understand that Jews would like to whitewash this because of the echoes of pogroms and deportations. But facts are facts

John Pilger rates the book by the way. Recommended read.

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Stealing peoples land and they wonder why the violence never stops ,

Will you be taking to the streets any time soon to protest the seizure of the land by arab nations when they forced out 1 million jewish arabs, seizing their land, and assets. That forced expulsion and seizure encompassed more jewish arabs than the arabs who left Israel.

Please tell me what compensation you recommend and how you would make the theft and expulsion right.

Bet you don't even know that the arabs did that, right?

BTW, do you know where most of those jewish arabs went? Israel. And do you know where they settled? Go on, take a guess.

Again and again, this forum is filled up with the biased statements of jew haters who refuse to consider the actual historical facts. Just once, I would like to see the proponents of the Israel is wrong address the reality that 1 million jewish arabs were tossed out of arab countries and all their possessions stolen. If they had not been treated in this manner, they would not have ended up in Israel full of hate for the people who slaughtered them in the streets and who stole what their families had built up over the centuries.

It's rather off topic, but you can find the following here :

"Laskier, Michael (1994), North African Jewry in the Twentieth Century: The Jews of Morocco, Tunisia, and Algeria, NYU Press, ISBN 9780814750728"

Quote :

"As in Morocco and Algeria, Tunisian Jews did not face expulsion or asset confiscation or any similar government persecution during the period of exile, and Zionist agents were allowed freedom of action to encourage emigration."

Moreover, Jews under French protectorate or colonial control gained French nationality and citizenship under decret Cremieux. The exodus of French colonists in early 60's have nothing to do with the Palestinian Nakba.

Debunks already 30% of your claim.

You didn't provide feedback concerning :

- the timing of remaining exodus from other Arab countries. All of them started AFTER the Palestinian Nakba, and some of them ended early '90s...

- other regional conflicting influence after the post WW Fascism ruling in Lybia for instance and the Suez canal war inflicted by Israel into Egypt.

- the collaboration between local Arab government with the new Zionist Israeli government to facilitate the transfers.

- the multiple requests of Arabian leadership to the Security Council/UN, to not proceed in the Palestinian refugee exodus, in order to avoid future violent reprisals against Jewish population in Arab countries.

- the many Jewish Arabs who refused to leave for Israel, and who were still welcome in those Arab nations.

- the orders from the early Israeli government to gather information against their host countries.

This canard is also used by the Israeli government to evict more Palestinian homes and land like in OP and to refuse to accept and/or recognise the crisis of the Palestinian refugees.

It's also contradicting that so many Arab populations were converted from paganism to Judaism before the mass regional Islamic conversions. Especially North Africa, before the 7th century. So many Arabs should be able to claim Aliyah and a part of the West Bank even if they are Muslims today...

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Why are you whitewashing the 1948 ethnic cleansing?

Do you deny it happened?

It is called WAR and a WAR that the Palestinians started. These things happen in WAR and the Arabs killed as many Jews as they could. However, a LOT of knowledgeable people say it did not happen in the way that Ilan Pappe claimed. That is why Benny Morris - and many others, say he is a liar. You believe him, because he is saying what you want to hear.

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Moving forward, now what. I agree with the British criticism but I also think that there is not sincere will or leadership on either side that favors good faith negotiations in the foreseeable future. So you need criticize both sides.

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Why are you whitewashing the 1948 ethnic cleansing?

Do you deny it happened?

It is called WAR and a WAR that the Palestinians started. These things happen in WAR and the Arabs killed as many Jews as they could. However, a LOT of knowledgeable people say it did not happen in the way that Ilan Pappe claimed. That is why Benny Morris - and many others, say he is a liar. You believe him, because he is saying what you want to here.

Very one sided "war". Palestinian leaders and militaristic types had already been removed by the Brits.

Why do you not accept the facts? Plenty of documentary evidence

Nobody is against the Jews but the Zionists caused a great deal of trouble for the world

Please stop using the Holocaust as an invisibility blanket

We know what happened

Incidentally, when did the "Israel project" change from being a Marxist paradise of kibbutz and the like and turn into a terrorist nationalistic land grab? Please enlighten me

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