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25 million Thai citizens do not use the internet because they do not know how

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Some interesting numbers rolleyes.gif

March 17, 2016

Telecoms consultancy Yozzo has released a report on Thailand’s telecom market at the end of 2015 in which it highlighted a vibrant, healthy market that is let down by mis-investment by the state.

Report author Allan Rasmussen told TelecomAsia that according to the ICT Ministry’s own national statistical office 25 million Thai citizens do not use the internet because they do not know how, 47,000 do not use the internet because of network access issues and 216,000 because they find it too expensive. However, the ICT Ministry is spending $427 million (15 billion baht) [on the state telcos] to roll out internet so that everyone can get online at cheaper prices - when that is obviously not the issue.

“It would be a wise move to teach them how to surf [the internet] as obviously neither lack of network nor pricing is the major issue,” he said.

On the plus side Rasmussen noted that overall the data shows that the Thai population is very well positioned when it comes to mobile communication with very high mobile internet usage as part of a daily routine.

“It is especially great to see the female population having a small upper hand with 83.9% using a smartphone to access the internet while ‘only’ 79.6% of males do the same,” he said.

The report also shows that 2015 was a record year in terms of smartphone sales, with 22 million units.

“Samsung is probably also smiling as 20% of this volume carried their brand, mostly due to the introduction of their Galaxy J series (J2, J5 and J7) but overall the 47% year-on-year growth in sales was due to the fierce handset promotions from the operators as they tried to move users from 2G to 3G or 4G handsets.

“In June 2015 alone, there were a staggering 1,800 different mobile device models competing in the market Thai market a clear indication on just how interesting the Thai market is for mobile device manufactures,” he noted.

In terms of social media YouTube stood out with a 70% growth in watch time and equal (70%) growth in uploaded content. But the real killer was that Thailand now has 18 local YouTube channels with more than a million subscribers each, which is 4.5 times the average.



TL wai.gif


Hard to believe the figure is as high as 25 million, when virtually every 20 baht noodle seller has to pried from the Facebook app on their smartphone to serve you, and even the beggars on the overhead walkways are too busy to beg because they're surfing the net.


The stats are misleading. I think they don't even know that they are accessing Internet when they use Facebook, Line, YouTube or other apps on their phones.

My wife certainly doesn't. I think most don't even know what the Internet is..... time to wait for the next generation. Generation I.


from OP:

“It is especially great to see the female population having a small upper hand with 83.9% using a smartphone to access the internet while ‘only’ 79.6% of males do the same,” he said/

Why is that "great to see?"


The best thing would be not to tell them,then,

more and more people trying to get through

the single gateway,(when its up and running)

will slow traffic to stand still.

regards Worgeordie


You have to be able to read and write to use the internet........ most here are barely literate in their own language. I am pretty sure Isaan dialect/language is not a viable option on the net.

When you see people on the phone they are playing games you need the skills of an 8 year old to play.

Others know basics to send thumbs ups to photos and upload them.

I personally know a 44 year old Thai woman that cannot read or write Thai and English. She lives in Europe most of the time and speaks German though cannot read it. Learnt from her husband. She communicates on a smart phone with just photos of herself and food she eats.

2 other women I know left here in their twenties, 20 years ago to the States and they can read and write English but struggle to speak Thai on home visits and have almost forgotton how to read Thai.

Many middle aged people in my GF's village over the age of 40 hardly speak Thai, just Isaan, they hear Thai on the TV and most have difficulty reading Thai as they left school at 12...... So education first not iPads, smart phones etc.... Education !


the ICT Ministry is spending $427 million (15 billion baht) [on the state telcos] to roll out internet

There is no shortage of internet providers in Thailand. Maybe this spending is for the government's Single Gateway development with state-owned DTAC.


I can believe the stats...I have a lot of Thai in-laws that do not use the internet on their super cheap mobile phones and the very few that have computers. When you get away from the cities and look at the older generation internet usage is very low to zero. And for my "old" in-laws it's purely super cheap mobile phones for plain old calls....or just the house landline...they have zero interest in & knowledge of the internet....they only want to talk to their kids/other family members using a plain ol' phone call.


the ICT Ministry is spending $427 million (15 billion baht) [on the state telcos] to roll out internet

There is no shortage of internet providers in Thailand. Maybe this spending is for the government's Single Gateway development with state-owned DTAC.

You keep putting out misinformation, must be a red thing. Could you please back up that DTAC is a state owned company. Last thing I know was that one of its major shareholders was foreign.


the ICT Ministry is spending $427 million (15 billion baht) [on the state telcos] to roll out internet

There is no shortage of internet providers in Thailand. Maybe this spending is for the government's Single Gateway development with state-owned DTAC.

You keep putting out misinformation, must be a red thing. Could you please back up that DTAC is a state owned company. Last thing I know was that one of its major shareholders was foreign.

Let me help Srikcir out of his hole. DTAC is "not" a Thailand state owned company. However, Telenor of Norway is the majority share holder of DTAC and the majority shareholder of Telenor is the Norwegian state. So with Telenor being state owned by Norway it is a state owned company in a round about way DTAC is state owned but by Norway not by Thailand...just trying to help Srikcir out of his hole.

Quote from the Telenor 2014 Corporate Governance Report

The Norwegian State as the main shareholder The Norwegian State is the main
shareholder in Telenor, with a holding of approximately 54% of the Telenor
shares. The ownership interest is managed by the Ministry of Trade,
Industry and Fisheries. The Norwegian State emphasises that state-owned
companies should comply with principles for good corporate governance.


So nice of you to help him biggrin.png

His bold statements are so often faulty this time his statement was right.. just not as he intended it.


My 5 year young girl gets upset when my wifi router doesn't deliver because our TOT ADSL is down again ( happens weekly) she has both a simless iPad and a simless smartphone.

And I am not going to pay for a sim card (yet)

Maybe time to move to 3BB?


25 million fewer people walking on busy thoroughfares and road crossings with their faces buried in their Facebook app…instead of paying attention to what's around them.

Sounds like a good thing to me.

  • 2 weeks later...

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