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Come! Tell us true! Likes and Dislikes in Thailand


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hate the weather except 4 weeks in December when the Thais are frozen but I swim almost nude

hate the whole insufferable nonsense about Thai food being the eighth wonder of the world, when most of it is swill, and overpriced

hate the way my Thai friends always ask about my food and use their phones to take photos of their <deleted> meal and send the photo to me

hate the kids and adults who go out in nighties and pyjamas to public food shops on Sunday mornings: dirty habit.

hate the reality that even most serious relationships (not short-time in Cowboy) demand or anticipate some kind of money thing---whether gay or straight. I have ATM tattoed on my head.

hate the rip offs at hospitals when the nurse sees that I have Platinum level insurance

hate the whole education thing where the students are more interested in IPhones and Gucci (and plagiarism+ general idleness) and the Thai teachers are equally idle and change your marks so the kids all pass

hate 95% of taxi drivers who are irritating with their naff music or scamming (I have been here 11 years and I know how to get from Chula to Sukhumvit 22 without going via Rama 9)

hate the taxi drivers who ask me about my Thai wife (I'm gay) in terrible Tinglish and then ask me if I want girl, before trying to discuss Man. United or Chelsea.

hate the "superstar' talent shows where unknown (and KNOWN) vocalists sing way off key like cats with PMT (but nobody ever says anything)


the thread title is like or dislike..so much Hate in your reply!

One wonders why he is here! A bitter gay who would be better of in the Arab world where at least he could get his male sex for free!

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All sex tourist who come to Thailand

Thanks for this positive view of Sex tourists - though I fee the term Sex Tourist is a bit of a slur - I enjoy sunsets, food, travel, music, and many facets of Thai culture. The girls make it all better though. However, you do not mention any dislikes!

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I hate the ignorant, arrogant,impatient, and impolite people both on and off the road.

I hate the polution and don't care attitudes.

I hate that crime has increased over the last 15 years of being involved with Thai.

I love the easy going rural life. Love the longer available shopping times. Love the big parks. Love the 'nice' people of Thailand. Love the longer periods of dry days (not the heat). Love the variety of scenery around the country. Love the 'honest' smile of the ladies. Love the honest respect towards the King and family.

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I dislike the lack of competition and my inability to buy good quality products that are easily available in the west, without going through lots of hassle and having to pay extortionate import duty.

Come to think about it, I hate the lack of quality period plus I hate the craziness on the roads!

But I love everything else, the sights, sounds, my gardens, the attitude of most locals, the food, the climate (most of the time), the scenery and on and on.

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I dislike the mass of inferior arrogant stupid backpackers with no sense of human at Ko phanga island. I were there some days before full moon last month, with the mass of influx drunken stupid backpackers around beaches and market made me not to stay for the full moon party. Similar kind of backpackers were also observed at Ko lanta and phuke/patong beach areas, so I quit the program for ko samui and phi phi.


Tropical climate, local foods/bars and clean beaches

Thai knows how to screw and how to make money from arrogant stupid farangs

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I dislike all the people "surviving" on chump change proclaiming they are living a decent life and want for nothing more.

I'm sad that we can't be friends in that case, my "chump change" it does me very nicely and I don't want for more. But the value of my savings and investments exceed even your wet dreams, no need to spend it all here on a daily basis though! laugh.png

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I dislike all the people "surviving" on chump change proclaiming they are living a decent life and want for nothing more.

I like saving as much money as I can, whenever I can.

Bacon and pineapple pizza tonight, about 15bht per pizza.

The most expensive bit being the Mozzarella cheese.

On my second one now!

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Likes: Food, golf, inexpensive massages, Thai attitude to sex, absence of nanny state laws. Cost of living one-third of Australia.

Dislikes: Falangs who don't respect Thai customs, falangs who rip off other falangs, a###holes on Thai Visa

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I like the absolute sense of freedom in Thailand. No nanny state watching every step you take.

From OP "I dislike all drivers!" Do you actually drive here?

I love driving here and feel perfectly safe.

"No nanny state watching every step you take" in Thailand, eh? I wouldn't bank on that belief notion, if I were you.coffee1.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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I like the absolute sense of freedom in Thailand. No nanny state watching every step you take.

From OP "I dislike all drivers!" Do you actually drive here?

I love driving here and feel perfectly safe.

Redundant post edited-out. Sorry about that, gents!wai.gif

Edited by TuskegeeBen
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Only dislikes are the rubbish, air pollution, the corrupt police who instead of arresting thieves, are the thieves and farangs being rude the Thais.

I also have a negative thing for the useless staff banks employ. I think bank work must be reserved for the educated who lack brains. I used to hate them but now get enjoyment from very politely asking them question after question of basic things they should know but don't. It is wrong, I know, but I just can't help myself.

I love everything else, people, food, music, freedoms, weather, prices for goods and services, culture, laid back attitude,(Mai bpen rai,), the way Thais can be who they want to be, gay, ladyboy, tomboy whatever but as long as they are Jai Dee they are accepted.

And also soft flawless skin.

Thailand has given me a happiness that I could never have imagined. I am very grateful for that.

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I Like .....

The Thais

their food

their weather

their smiles

their indifference

their beer

their girls

their mistakes

their country

their manners

their thinking

their attitude

their sanook

their attention

their curiosity

their faults

I dislike ....


no one

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I like the absolute sense of freedom in Thailand. No nanny state watching every step you take.

From OP "I dislike all drivers!" Do you actually drive here?

I love driving here and feel perfectly safe.

You must be one of the very few, they drive like idiots, they think they own the road, if they decide to overtake, regardless if you are coming they do so. I don't know how many times I had to move on the shoulders to avoid head on collision, but they don't care. Sometimes I wish I was driving a Sherman tank, so I could crush a few of those reckless drivers.

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I like that my Gf is gone for two plus weeks and I fired up the smoker and am bbq ing ribs for the neighbors....and if my gf was here she would say...you dont have to to that .....but Im doing it and baked four doxeb choc chip cookies for the kids running around....

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I dislike all the people "surviving" on chump change proclaiming they are living a decent life and want for nothing more.

I'm sad that we can't be friends in that case, my "chump change" it does me very nicely and I don't want for more. But the value of my savings and investments exceed even your wet dreams, no need to spend it all here on a daily basis though! laugh.png

The richest man I ever met (net worth 10 billion US) had one further aspect apart from wealth: humility. It's a shame that those with less to boast about do it the most.

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I like being able to have sex with an attractive young woman whenever I like.

Which is why I'm here.

In CM,

I also like the warm weather, my wife, children, home, bicycles, the jungle trails, the mountain road to Wat Doi Suthep, and the endless selection of bars and coffee shops.

I'm not keen on the smog, and Thai immigration.

Have to agree, the women and the food are nice. I am from Florida and have lived in the tropics or the desert all my life. So, I am not overly impressed with the weather. I do like the big bike motorcycle scene; there is a bike event every month in the South. I enjoy riding my Harley with my bros and tipping a few in the local girlie bars. I don't think it is so free here, especially of late, too many hassles and controls. There is more freedom of action in both Cambodia and the Philippines; and Vietnam offers a different structured control, but much more efficient--of course, my Vietnamese and my Tagalog are much better than my Thai, so I may be biased.

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I think in general the people are very sweet and kind. Never had any kind of run in with the locals and have always been treated well. I like the beaches and scenery. I do not like the hot and humid weather. Love the food!

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I like the sex bangin as much as I can and drinkin piss all day.

If you get pi$$ed all day, how are going to be able to have sex bangin at night?

yeah right, but the bangin part is all in my head ... the gettin pissed all day is real

but on the rare occasion I get the sex .... haha

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I do not like the fact that we are always more or less vulnerable here to all kinds of nasty stuff that can or could be perpetrated against us, if and when they want...while all too often they do.

And I do not like it when they try to cheat me or give me the run around in any which way and that can happen all too often when you are vulnerable and considered an easy target by all too many Thais who are about as unscrupulous as people can be...all too often.


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