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Goat Roper

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Do you make this ignorant <deleted> up as you go along?

Most European intellectuals will admit, off the record, that the European bias towards the Palestinians is nothing but ( the same old European ) anti-Semitism with a new name, "anti-Zionism". As far as I'm concerned, anyone who denies this, is either a liar or stupid. Take your pick.

I mean the other Arabs do nothing but despise and use the Palestinians. Do you really think that the "cultured" Europeans have any respect for this ornery rabble?

The only thing that the Palestinians have proven to be any good at, is killing children and getting on your enemies nerves and in your enemies way. That is why the Europeans have taken them under their wing.

The sheik that was blown up by Israeli security was a Hamas leader who planned multiple suicide bombings. If you call that a "moderate", no wonder Israel plans to take out every scumbag that takes the job in the future.

They have already got rid of his first substitute, and here's to many happy returns.

Sissy-warrior, I don't like when people talk out of their ass about serious subjects and make up bull-sh1t history from thin air.

Go huff and puff at someone who hasn't studied this sh1t!

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Since the thread is about Muslims and now about Israel and the Palestinians...there won't be any peace until there's a moderate in the Arab camp. Arafish has to go. He's a terror-supporter and basically does not believe Israel has the right to exist. :o

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Since the thread is about Muslims and now about Israel and the Palestinians...there won't be any peace until there's a moderate in the Arab camp. Arafish has to go. He's a terror-supporter and basically does not believe Israel has the right to exist. :D

Compared to me, the voice of reason! :o

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georgie...the discussion is very serious...I'm sad that you choose to become abusive...from an intellectual perspective you have one leg over a chasm and the other foot on a banana peel...

there are any number of interpretations that can be used to congeal historical facts as we know them. Herodotus was the first a long time ago but he certainly knew his readership. As I am from LA that has a large jewish community I have heard countless recitations of the accepted knowledge regarding the inception of Israel. Quite simply it is a fairy tale as it presumes that there were only a handfull of bedouins there before with no right to the land even though they were urbanized, property owners and had been there for centuries.

Support for Israel has to do with the Holocaust and the understanding that it should never happen again and most reasonable persons would agree to the idea of a jewish state. I agree as well but never at the expense of evicting and marginalizing an existing population and enlisting the assistance of the biggest bully the world has known for support.

people in america during the cold war went on about the commies in the soviet union and the need to either contain or otherwise neutralise them. 20 millon russians died in ww2...most folks didn't know or if they did didn't care. The same ignorance prevails these days with our present problems with Islam.

So, georgie...I dig that you are probably jewish and a fervent Israel supporter, you emotional responses would be unlikely otherwise...rather than get upset and hurl abuse lets talk about it...

arabs, muslims, terrorism and worldwide US military activities are an important item for discussion...please don't spoil it with schoolyard imprecations...

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Do you make this ignorant <deleted> up as you go along?

Most European intellectuals will admit, off the record, that the European bias towards the Palestinians is nothing but ( the same old European ) anti-Semitism with a new name, "anti-Zionism". As far as I'm concerned, anyone who denies this, is either a liar or stupid. Take your pick.

I mean the other Arabs do nothing but despise and use the Palestinians. Do you really think that the "cultured" Europeans have any respect for this ornery rabble?

The only thing that the Palestinians have proven to be any good at, is killing children and getting on your enemies nerves and in your enemies way. That is why the Europeans have taken them under their wing.

The sheik that was blown up by Israeli security was a Hamas leader who planned multiple suicide bombings. If you call that a "moderate", no wonder Israel plans to take out every scumbag that takes the job in the future.

They have already got rid of his first substitute, and here's to many happy returns.

Sissy-warrior, I don't like when people talk out of their ass about serious subjects and make up bull-sh1t history from thin air.

Go huff and puff at someone who hasn't studied this sh1t!

to say you have studied your shit is laughable Georgie, you wouldnt have a clue what is happening in Israel or Palestine - curl up with a factual book for once, your irrational, cantankerous and wrong!

Israel this week alone, have killed many children, broke the arms of a reporter, openly threatened to murder Arafat, killed 17 people inside a Mosque, because they followed 3 kids throwing stones.

Another American financed occupation - thats the facts Georgie, toddle off and do some home work!

Even the Jewish communityin the US dont agree with you!

You can say what you like about the Muslims though cant you? :o

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Wondered when you were going to show up gent.

..now, what makes you an expert on the Middle East? Give us some first-hand examples of your experiences in Israel, Egypt, Lebanon etc. OK? :o

I wouldny say I am an expert mate, I have been to the places you mentioned and a few more in the region.

what would happen if we posted a heading Jews, you worry me - that surely would be deleted and the poster would be banned - it happened to me before!

please read -

Let it be known that:

The State of "Israel" does not represent the voice of Judaism and/or the Jewish people. The Torah clearly forbids the formation of a State, for the Jewish people, in their time of exile.

The Torah forbids stealing land, subjugating and oppressing a people etc.

The root cause of the endless bloodshed and suffering in the Holy Land is Zionism and the State of "Israel".

The root cause for the continual rise of worldwide anti-Semitism is Zionism and the State of "Israel".

The Jewish people have been living in Muslim countries, including Palestine, in peace and harmony with their Arab neighbors, until the advent of Zionism.

True to the above and for many other reasons, the rabbinic authorities universally, have vehemently opposed the State of "Israel" since the time of its inception.

Consequently, Sharon has no legitimacy to be the representative of the Jewish people.

The only working solution to a true and lasting peace is the total dismantling of this illegitimate State of "Israel" - a transformation to a Palestinian rule. Any other of the countless proposals for peace, whereby the State of "Israel" would continue to exist, is futile. As the Torah states "why are you violating the words of G-d, it will not be successful" (Numbers, 14: 41).

Our fervent prayer to G-d is, for this transition from the State of "Israel" to a Palestinian State, to transpire, speedily and peacefully, without any further suffering and bloodshed. Under this new Palestinian rule, we will once again, G-d willing, be able live side by side, Jew and Arab, in brotherhood.

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Please note: modern day terrorism was born on 22nd July 1946 when Jewish extremists blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalem killing 92 Britons, Arabs and Jews and wounded of a further 58.

"For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind" (Hosea 8:7)

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Muslims,Jews there will never be peace as long as you have exstremists on either side, but what has this to do with Thailand ? :o

What has this to do with Thailand?

I asked the same question already in this thread.....

Maybe we should talk about nice Thai Muslim girls?

Or better even ...

Are there any nice Thai Jew girls?

Are there any nice Thai Christian girls?

Are there any nice Thai Buddhist girls?

Are there any nice Thai Hindu girls?

Are there any nice Thai girls, without confession at all?

Make love, not war is the solution.....


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ok i take on board what has been said by all, having known both arab muslims and israeli jews i would think that there are problems on both sides (over abuse of power)one website which does give you an idea what the israeli people have to contend with is the idf (israel defense force) website where in certain topic they actually have links to hamas websites to show and prove some of the things being said.

as far as i am aware the jewish state was put in place after the war by the allies and goverend by the british who in turn got oasted by jewish freedom fighters (terrorists depending on your perspective)

any way the prime problem in the middle east is quite simple the arab nations will not allow a jewish state and do anything within there power to destroy it. the state of israel will not allow that to happen that is why every person in israel has to join and do time in the idf. the whole nation is a military force by this reckoning.............

but before i get slagged of i am not jewish and do not agree with some of the current goings on with the sharon goverment BUT i know i would not like to be in the impossible position of never knowing were or when i might die by a fanatics hand......

any way thats my bit check out the idf website

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Don't worry about sweetie-warrior Boon Mee. Look at his old posts; I don't think that any kind of history is exactly his specialty! :o

Just talking from experience here, whenever I had to transit Israel to and from work, I was always (as was everyone else from the plane) treated with utmost courtesy and respect. So, I did a little research on the place and one of the things that stuck in my mind is it was a virtual desert (most of it) before the Jews started to irrigate and plant orchards - turned it into garden...resourceful, hard-working folks them Jews.

Wonder where they 'Got' the water, maybe from the last remaining bit of land the Palistinians owned?

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...Thai and malaysian troops would have to patrol the borders to prevent Jemaah islamya from taking over...a perfect set up for crazy assed raghead extremists. But malays will never be thais and we are set up now for a long struggle..perfect  for the purposes of fundamentalist SE Asia muslims.

...but he sure wants to go on the haj one day...excellent fodder for raghead <deleted>.

I have been informed that the Arabs do not like to be called "towel heads or rag heads."

The item they wear on their heads is actually a small sheet.

Effective immediately, please call them "sheet heads."

Thank you for your cooperation... :o

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I was raised as a Roman Catholic. I was an Altar Boy. I am now a believer in God who thinks that probably no religion is entirely correct, but Buddhism is probably the best of the lot.

The reason that I get so emotional about the Israel/ Palestine issue is because so many ignoramuses have such strong convictions that Israel is completely in the wrong, when they have no idea what they are talking about.

If pressed about history, these dummies make up terms like "revisionist Zionist history", which means that whatever ignorant tripe they believe, that they found on the Internet, is the real truth, because as they have demonstrated on here, over and over again, they have no idea about, and no interest in, academic history.

These morons are simply looking for someone to look down on and picking on the Jews has always been a tradition amongst such marginal people.

Sissy-warrior starts arguing against historical facts by talking about something that he calls "revisionist Zionist history", like someone besides he, the gentleman, and the Neo-Nazis had ever heard of it. Why don't you teach us about the Turner Diaries and The Protocols of Zion while you are at it. They are "factual" too. :o

As far as the gentleman goes, this guy has spent months putting 100s or maybe 1,000s of anti-Semitic posts on-line. Besides being an utter fool in every regard, he has no credibility.

mbkudu is right on about the same wave-length. Look back at all the intensely silly snippets about Israel that he throws in just about everywhere. I think that we have his latest example above.

By the way, here is some history for you. The so-called Jewish "terrorists" almost always gave warnings when they were going to blow something up. They called the King David Hotel, which was the Military Headquarters of the English Army, who fukced over the Jews considerably, repeatedly asking them to get all the people out. The reply was, "We don't take orders from Jews".


Compare that to vicious Palestinian terrorism. There is no comparison.

As far as I am concerned, just the fact that brain-dead characters like this are so dead set against Israel means that it must be doing something right!

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I have never made a single anti- semetic comment anywhere. Have you ever considered the thousands of Jews living in Israel and Palistine and millions living abroad who are sick and tired of the inflexibility and brute violence of the Israeli


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I have never made a single anti- semetic comment anywhere. Have you ever considered the thousands of Jews living in Israel and Palistine and millions living abroad who are sick and tired of the inflexibility and brute violence of the Israeli


I did a project in Israel that spanned three years, was on site near a year straight and the Israelis have a motto, "Never Again", and they mean this and anyone anywhere that threatens their sovereignty will have to deal with them in a military way if need be and they are not afraid of any government anywhere. I am not beating the drum and saying they are always correct, I am only passing along an observed opinion by being on the ground in Israel, That's all :o

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Actually the "sold the land" arguement is factual incorrect. The 6-day war was a well concieved land grab scheme to gain more fertile land.

Please dont forget that Israel murdered US citizens in that war, or has everyone forgotten the USS Liberty?

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I have never made a single anti- semetic comment anywhere. Have you ever considered the thousands of Jews living in Israel and Palistine and millions living abroad who are sick and tired of the inflexibility and brute violence of the Israeli


Have you looked at the situation in Israel?

Do you really think that they have any choice other than to be violent and inflexible?

This is exactly what I mean by stupid statements; Why do you think that Israel still exists? :o

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=Drewcifer,Mon 2004-04-26, 04:08:40]Actually the "sold the land" arguement is factual incorrect. The 6-day war was a well concieved land grab scheme to gain more fertile land.

Oh yeah? Jews didn't buy any land from the Palestinians?

What web-site did you read that that one on brain-less-fer, or did you just make it up? Another scholar! :o

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I do not consider myself either anti-Semitic or anti-Islamic.

I'm an atheist, with little time for any of the theistic religions, and an abhorrence of all forms of fundamentalism.

Theism has been the root cause of many of the worlds conflicts; it's such a pity so many people are still dependent on superstitious mumbo jumbo. :o

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Georgie wrote: "As far as the gentleman goes, this guy has spent months putting 100s or maybe 1,000s of anti-Semitic posts on-line. Besides being an utter fool in every regard, he has no credibility."

sh+t I have been busy, whats next???, As I have stated on many occasions, I am not a Jew Hater, I am talking politically, which is nothing to do with Jews or the religion - whos the fool Georgie?, you hide behind that anti semitic crap anytime someone posts on Israel.... your the fool, to believe the lies!

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Actually the "sold the land" arguement is factual incorrect. The 6-day war was a well concieved land grab scheme to gain more fertile land.

What a load a crap. Well conceived plan...hey, listen up! It were them A-Rabs that attacked them Jeeeews - OK?

Here we go again with revisionist history... :o

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Actually the "sold the land" arguement is factual incorrect. The 6-day war was a well concieved land grab scheme to gain more fertile land.

What a load a crap. Well conceived plan...hey, listen up! It were them A-Rabs that attacked them Jeeeews - OK?

Here we go again with revisionist history... :o

Good post Boon, I like it! :D

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What a load a crap.  Well conceived plan...hey, listen up!  It were them A-Rabs that attacked them Jeeeews - OK? 

Well Boon Mee, believe your reply is a bit too easy and could be answered by

"It was them Jeeeeews who hit them A-Rabs".

Let's go a back a bit to the facts, however:

In 67' was a lot of sabre-rustling and shouting by the Arab Nations, chiefly Egypt and Jordan, anti-Israel calls and threatening of war against Israel. Something not uncommon in the Middle-East. Nasser ordered a withdrawal of the United Nations Emergency Forces stationed on the Egyptian-Israeli border, (not so uncommon) which could have lead to a blockade of all goods bound to and from Israel.

The U.S. got involved in the issue, (also not uncommon) afraid for an Arab-Israeli fight and tried diplomacy as well as suggesting naval action to avoid the blockade. President Lyndon B. Johnson did not get real support of other nations for his idea and Israel felt, shall I say, abandoned and decided not to trust any Western Nation and certainly not the USA.

That's when Israel launched a, what they called pre-emptive strike against Egypt, They got the Sinai and the Gaza Strip. Jordan than attacked Israel and lost the West Bank and part of Jerusalem. Israel went on to capture the Golan heights from Syria.

Under this aspect, I believe it is safe to say Israel did the attacking, or threw the first stone. I believe Israel was surprised themselves about the rapid development and the end of the war, that's when they decided to keep the land, which, I am convinced had been planned from the beginning to get the lands to stabilize the Israeli position.

Mind you, Israel got a lot of support around the world, having shown military cleverness and succeeded against forces having thought to be superior wherefore rather nobody mentioned to land-grapping.

So far the facts, as I see them, nothing Anti-Israeli, just facts and even myself, having been a bit younger, applauded them.

PS: I still feel these kind of discussions should be down in the bear pit.

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Axel, let's say that you are walking down the street in Harlem. 20 big, ugly black guys surround you with baseball bats, broken bottles and meat cleavers.

What they don't know is that you just happen to have a Glock 9mm with 20 armor piercing, expanding rounds down your pants.

The biggest black guy says, Axel, you phony ass white-boy. You liberal, passive-aggressive piece of sh1t, we're going to cut you in a million pieces and feed you to the rats. :o

Do you wait until you are half dead and bloody under a pile of smashing fists, bottles and cleavers, or do you whip out your Glock, declare a pre-emptive strike, kick some ass and take names? :D

Yeah, I thought so, and besides that the Arabs had already attacked the Jews before 1967, anyway, so your little tale is meaningless in context.

Enough of your liberal Islamic propaganda bullsh1t; Get moving white-boy. :D

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