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Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders appears in court to answer charges of hate speech


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Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders appears in court to answer charges of hate speech


Dutch far-right leader Geert Wilders is back in court to answer charges of discrimination and hate speech against the country’s Moroccan minority.

The charges date back to a rally in March 2014 where he called for ‘fewer Moroccans’. Wilders claims that his comments are protected by his right to freedom of speech. At the hearing the lead prosecutor, Wouter Bos, said free speech came with responsibilities within a democracy.

“The suspicion is that with these words Wilders insulted Moroccans as a group. Further, the suspicion is that with these words he incited discrimination and hatred. Thank you.”

Wilders has previously been acquitted of making anti-Islam remarks in 2011.

A handful of his supporters and the Dutch branch of the German anti-Islam Pegida party rallied outside the courtroom.

Pegida Dutch branch leader Edwin Wagensveld said:

“This is absolutely not a fair process. We are living in a democracy, and one has a right to say things openly, without calling on violence, and we are against that but we have the right to say what we want”

The controversial politician’s party holds a comfortable lead in opinion polls, but has never held power in the country.

If convicted Wilders could go to jail for up to one year and be fined a maximum of 7,400 euros.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-19

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I've heard plenty of hate speech but it tends to come from those who would have all 'non believers' killed.

Personally, I believe in nothing when it comes to the 'supernatural' / realm of fantasy.

Edit: This is a carefully worded post to avoid breaking any hate speech laws and forum rules.

Edited by ukrules
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Europe is politically correcting itself toward Sharia Law for its grandchildren. Bye bye Europe of Olde.

................and in the process we`re silencing the few opposing the carefully planned extermination of the West.Our ancestors will rightfully judge us as cowards !!

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"“This is absolutely not a fair process. We are living in a democracy, and one has a right to say things openly, without calling on violence, and we are against that but we have the right to say what we want”"

Because of those reasons there is a process, where the judges will decide if the complaint is justified yes or no. The moaning about the process before it has even started is totally unjustified, let the legal process run its course.

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"“This is absolutely not a fair process. We are living in a democracy, and one has a right to say things openly, without calling on violence, and we are against that but we have the right to say what we want”"

Because of those reasons there is a process, where the judges will decide if the complaint is justified yes or no. The moaning about the process before it has even started is totally unjustified, let the legal process run its course.

In my opinion the compliant is utter nonsense and hopefully will be thrown out of court.

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"“This is absolutely not a fair process. We are living in a democracy, and one has a right to say things openly, without calling on violence, and we are against that but we have the right to say what we want”"

Because of those reasons there is a process, where the judges will decide if the complaint is justified yes or no. The moaning about the process before it has even started is totally unjustified, let the legal process run its course.

In my opinion the compliant is utter nonsense and hopefully will be thrown out of court.

Could be, but I doubt you're very familiar with Dutch law.

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"“This is absolutely not a fair process. We are living in a democracy, and one has a right to say things openly, without calling on violence, and we are against that but we have the right to say what we want”"

Because of those reasons there is a process, where the judges will decide if the complaint is justified yes or no. The moaning about the process before it has even started is totally unjustified, let the legal process run its course.

In my opinion the compliant is utter nonsense and hopefully will be thrown out of court.

Could be, but I doubt you're very familiar with Dutch law.

You're correct. I'm not.

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Let me get this right he said he wanted FEWER Morocons.

And that is a HATE speech.

Holland is STUFFED if this is the case.

The Muslims can go around and burn a country's flag( which took them in).

And say KILL the infidels and NOTHING is said.


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What this article fails to mention is that his party is ranked the highest in polls.

That being the case, expect charge after charge to be filed until they can eventually pin something - anything - on the man to silence him.
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As Voltaire once observed, if you want to find out who rules over you simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.


Yes this is entirely a politically motivated prosecution from those who will stop at nothing to silence those opposing their ideology.

The kangaroo-court trial of Geert Wilders, the leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in The Netherlands, begins tomorrow with a procedural session.

As has been previously reported, most of the complaints against Mr. Wilders were filed on pre-printed forms that had been handed out to people. Some of the complainants were invited by the police to fill out the form.

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Let me get this right he said he wanted FEWER Morocons.

And that is a HATE speech.

Holland is STUFFED if this is the case.

The Muslims can go around and burn a country's flag( which took them in).

And say KILL the infidels and NOTHING is said.


Try doing a bit of research on what other comments the guy made about Moroccans as a group that equates to 'hate speech'.

Personally I would be surprised, if found guilty, a harsh sentence is handed down.

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What this article fails to mention is that his party is ranked the highest in polls.

(Quote) The controversial politician’s party holds a comfortable lead in opinion polls, but has never held power in the country.(Unquote).

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What this article fails to mention is that his party is ranked the highest in polls.

The controversial politician’s party holds a comfortable lead in opinion polls, but has never held power in the country.(Extract from the article)

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This will assure his party of a landslide victory at the next elections.

I seem to recall not so long ago the Thais saying they wanted fewer 'chinese' in as tourists. Was that hate speech? Mind you looking at the video of chinese at a hotel buffet in Chiang Mai I wouldnt blame the Thais. More prawns anyone? I once witnessed something similar at a hotel in Phuket.


Back to the thread. I fail to see how wanting 'fewer' Moroccans can be construed as hate speech. There will be a solution to the Muslim take over of Europe and it will not be pretty. Many good people are being driven in to a corner and they will take it into their own hands. WW3 will be a global religious war.

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This will assure his party of a landslide victory at the next elections.

I seem to recall not so long ago the Thais saying they wanted fewer 'chinese' in as tourists. Was that hate speech? Mind you looking at the video of chinese at a hotel buffet in Chiang Mai I wouldnt blame the Thais. More prawns anyone? I once witnessed something similar at a hotel in Phuket.

Back to the thread. I fail to see how wanting 'fewer' Moroccans can be construed as hate speech. There will be a solution to the Muslim take over of Europe and it will not be pretty. Many good people are being driven in to a corner and they will take it into their own hands. WW3 will be a global religious war.

You have the right of your opinion, free speach, but so do I.

Please look at this person, Geert Wilders, what he stands for and what solutions he will bring to The Netherlands.

This man is the same as Trump, a big mouth, spread hate, but doesn't spend anytime talking how we, in The Netherlands, can solve this big problem.

Yes, free speech! However do something positive.

Please Andaman, do some research before you post.

Have a nice day.

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This will assure his party of a landslide victory at the next elections.

I seem to recall not so long ago the Thais saying they wanted fewer 'chinese' in as tourists. Was that hate speech? Mind you looking at the video of chinese at a hotel buffet in Chiang Mai I wouldnt blame the Thais. More prawns anyone? I once witnessed something similar at a hotel in Phuket.

Back to the thread. I fail to see how wanting 'fewer' Moroccans can be construed as hate speech. There will be a solution to the Muslim take over of Europe and it will not be pretty. Many good people are being driven in to a corner and they will take it into their own hands. WW3 will be a global religious war.

You have the right of your opinion, free speach, but so do I.

Please look at this person, Geert Wilders, what he stands for and what solutions he will bring to The Netherlands.

This man is the same as Trump, a big mouth, spread hate, but doesn't spend anytime talking how we, in The Netherlands, can solve this big problem.

Yes, free speech! However do something positive.

Please Andaman, do some research before you post.

Have a nice day.

Never mind research, how about you do some reading before you post?

Please explain exactly what I have written/said that is in support of Wilders. It does not matter what he stands for, or if he is like Trump, if he is in court for saying "we need fewer Moroccans" then it's not really going to stick is it? So please Dutchisaan you do some reading and basic english comprehension before you spout off about free speech. I wasn't exercising any.

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Europe is politically correcting itself toward Sharia Law for its grandchildren. Bye bye Europe of Olde.

................and in the process we`re silencing the few opposing the carefully planned extermination of the West.Our ancestors will rightfully judge us as cowards !!

No. They'll likely judge our political leaders as cowards. But then, cowardice in the face of reality is a fundamental qualification for politicians in general.

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What this article fails to mention is that his party is ranked the highest in polls.

Tell no tales. Google and you will see the reality.Wilders is in the minority. Spreading false figures belongs to the fascist propaganda.

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Here's more about Holland prostituting its legal system to in effect enforce Islamic libel laws. The 'evidence' was in many case on a pre-printed form the police actually invited people to fill in. Their level of Dutch was so low that many thought they were being asked to vote. This is the epitome of malicious prosecution.


These questionable practices extend well beyond Dutch mosques. One complainant spoken to by lawyer Mr. Knoops reported when he went to a police station to make a complaint, the officers there said they also felt “uncomfortable” about Mr. Wilders’ words. The officers filled out the complaint forms out on behalf of the men, which they couldn’t read as an interpreter was not present. The man remarked “I was told to sign the document”.

Of course liberals will see nothing wrong in any of this as the end always justifies the means for ideologues. Edited by Steely Dan
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We don't seem to see too many Muslim clerics in court on such charges.

Would be good if Dutch member/s can confirm the total number of Islamic hate preachers have been banned / deported in recent years. In the meantime from an English language Dutch newspaper...

Muslim clerics who preach hatred face deportation, Dutch minister says
Integration minister Rita Verdonk also banned several from travelling to the Netherlands and had others deported between 2003 and 2007.
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Here is a video of Mr Wilders opening speech. If I were Dutch I'd be absolutely horrified by the hypocrisy, fraudulence and abuse of the Dutch legal system, not on.y by its judiciary but also by its police. Mr Wilders gives many examples of several people who were not prosecuted for saying things far more inflammatory than anything he said. As an aside the standing Hungarian president Victor Orban made a speech recently which was less tactful than anything Mr Wilders said.

But for leftists this is not about truth of justice, it is merely a process aimed at silencing their opposition and further undermining the democratic system, as leftists do the world over given enough time.


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Here is a video of Mr Wilders opening speech. If I were Dutch I'd be absolutely horrified by the hypocrisy, fraudulence and abuse of the Dutch legal system, not on.y by its judiciary but also by its police. Mr Wilders gives many examples of several people who were not prosecuted for saying things far more inflammatory than anything he said. As an aside the standing Hungarian president Victor Orban made a speech recently which was less tactful than anything Mr Wilders said.

But for leftists this is not about truth of justice, it is merely a process aimed at silencing their opposition and further undermining the democratic system, as leftists do the world over given enough time.


If you were Dutch your though process would be totally different.

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Here is a video of Mr Wilders opening speech. If I were Dutch I'd be absolutely horrified by the hypocrisy, fraudulence and abuse of the Dutch legal system, not on.y by its judiciary but also by its police. Mr Wilders gives many examples of several people who were not prosecuted for saying things far more inflammatory than anything he said. As an aside the standing Hungarian president Victor Orban made a speech recently which was less tactful than anything Mr Wilders said.

But for leftists this is not about truth of justice, it is merely a process aimed at silencing their opposition and further undermining the democratic system, as leftists do the world over given enough time.


Anyone interested enough to comment on this thread should take 10 mins to listen to Wilders in his speech given in the link by Steely. All I can see is that Wilders is 100% correct.

Thanks for the link Steely.

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Dutch constitutional laws don't support differentiation and discrimination for their citizens communities or religion.

Free speech stops when you apply terms of discrimination and defamation.

Dutch law entities who criticised publicly Geert Wilders biased and racist policies were correct.

It's no big secret that he has been trained for 2 years in the Middle East and that he traveled almost 40 times back where he met top officials. From the beginning of his political career he expressed exaggerated interest in this ME country and requested detailed feedback on numerous occasions concerning the Dutch decision for running UN voting in violations of that ME country.

It's also known that he's sponsored by certain lobbies from the US who also preach islamophobic hate speach and support unconditionally this ME country...

Edited by Thorgal
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Here is a video of Mr Wilders opening speech. If I were Dutch I'd be absolutely horrified by the hypocrisy, fraudulence and abuse of the Dutch legal system, not on.y by its judiciary but also by its police. Mr Wilders gives many examples of several people who were not prosecuted for saying things far more inflammatory than anything he said. As an aside the standing Hungarian president Victor Orban made a speech recently which was less tactful than anything Mr Wilders said.

But for leftists this is not about truth of justice, it is merely a process aimed at silencing their opposition and further undermining the democratic system, as leftists do the world over given enough time.


Anyone interested enough to comment on this thread should take 10 mins to listen to Wilders in his speech given in the link by Steely. All I can see is that Wilders is 100% correct.

Thanks for the link Steely.

He is not on trial for the speech from that link, but for a speech he gave during a local election campaign.

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