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Metropolitan police chief tells foreigners to carry passports or copies at all times


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Almost all foreigners are advised to not carry their passports for obvious reasons. I carry a laminated copy of my passport and visa along with photos on my phone. The only times i carry my passport is when i go to the bank, immigration or tour around the country to check in to hotels etc.

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I always carry my passport with me but there is a reason and it is not that I feel that is the best thing to do. I had lived here for about 5 years and was out evening shopping, passport at home. My friend and his wife, from next door, were with us and his passport was in his home too. Thieves broke into his place took his passport and other items. Mine might have been stolen too but for some reason they stopped at just breaking the lock on the back door. I appreciate that taking ones passport everywhere could be dangerous too aah...decisions, decisions.

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Motorbike license does the same thing, right?

all a licence shows is that at sometime in the last five years you had a passport and visa to stay in Thailand - it does not show you have a current valid visa.

True, but doesn't Thailand have a data base with every aliens passport details on it?

If not then someone is not doing their job properly. Oh wait! This is Thailand.

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C'mon guys.!

Go to any Kodak shop with your passport.

For $3 they will colour copy your passport front page and Visa/Extension, reduce to wallet card size and laminate with one on the front and the other on the obverse.

In less time than it takes you to enjoy a cold frothy.

Do it on the way home from your annual Immi visit - you'll need a coldie by then.

All well and good until the guy on the spot decides he wants the originals. Good luck with quoting chapter and verse of the law to him on your way to the cells..

I think you need a second layer of foil on your aluminum cap to keep the voices out.

Unless, of course .. you have something to hide.

Anyway, feel free to carry your original passport ... do tell us later the joys of getting the replacement and new Visa stamp.

For the rest of us, with beautiful color laminated copies of the cover and visa ... please pardon us if we stay calm and proceed .. business as usual.

Not only replacing a Thai visa, but many of us also have valid visas for other countries. The thought of having to replace all of them and the headache involved, no thanks. I'll carry a copy and deal with whatever consequence Sargent Somchai feels like dishing out at the moment.

I wonder if they will raid any actual tourist spots during the day and shake down the Chinese. I highly doubt it. They won't be bothered in any way, shape, or form.

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C'mon guys.!

Go to any Kodak shop with your passport.

For $3 they will colour copy your passport front page and Visa/Extension, reduce to wallet card size and laminate with one on the front and the other on the obverse.

In less time than it takes you to enjoy a cold frothy.

Do it on the way home from your annual Immi visit - you'll need a coldie by then.

All well and good until the guy on the spot decides he wants the originals. Good luck with quoting chapter and verse of the law to him on your way to the cells..

How many people have been arrested and taken to police cells for not having their original passport with them?

Not just recently but perhaps over the last 10 years. My perception would be very few, and only when they have no other form of id on them and were for whatever reason unable to provide something quickly. Interesting to see the figures if they are available.

The Military and Police just love playing silly bugger games - we have to hope foreigners don't get caught between them.

Strange all those dubious African looking types with their drugs, the African looking "ladies" on the prowl and the Indian watch selling touts that wander those areas all must have had their passports, a copy or other suitable id including current valid visa with them whistling.gif

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In principle I see nothing wrong with police having the power to check passports but it is a system open to abuse if there are not proper protocols.

Recently the former Australian PM and his conservative colleagues thought it worth a few votes to pump up the former immigration dept into a new paramilitary style unit. They renamed it "Border Force" with new uniforms, medals and arm them with guns. They also put a former military person in charge who thought is was a good idea to have a random passport check of commuters for visa overstayers outside the main city railway station in Melbourne. When asked how they were going to spot and select suspects they could not give a satisfactory explanation. Of course the sh*t hit the fan. A protest demonstration quickly formed amid accusations or racial profiling and the govt quickly rushed to the media to say it was all a misunderstanding and nothing like that would ever happen again.

Law enforcement is both a privilege and power that must be protected. It is abuse of the power that leads to problems. In the Melbourne case there was no way of suspecting a potential visa breach except by stopping a person of asian or middle eastern appearance which I now believe make up something like 15% of the Australian population.

In the Thai context it may be easier to select a foreigner but there no way to suspect that person of an offence of any type over any other activity. It would be a most unpleasant experience for a genuine tourist to experience a random check and an even more unpleasant experience if they are arrested or penalised in someway for not being able to produce it. While it may pick up the occasional overstayer the bad experience by the overwhelming genuine tourists would have a significant impact on the tourism industry.

As for detecting big time criminals or terrorists, well they would hardly be big time if they allowed themselves to be found without a passport and would probably have fake ones which cannot be checked in a random street search anyway.

Then there is the potential for less than ethical police that will accept a few hundred baht from someone not carrying a passport to avoid the threat of a trip to the police station .... I wont even mention that possibilty.

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don't knock them when they are doing their job foreigners must carry their passports or a facsimile of the id section it is an offense not to carry the passport..

100% incorrect. It absolutely is not an offence "not to carry the passport".

I am happy to bet you USD $10,000.... You in?

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Yes, have to respect the rules of any country that you visit or live in. I carry a photo of my passport on my phone to ensure I abide by the law.

At the end of the day if this catches only one illegal foreigner or only saves one life by arresting a potential threat then this initiative has worked.

I am sure the very same people that suggest this is too controlling of the govt will be the same ones that complain about the govt if someone that this initiative is targeting commits a violent crime.

Can't win if you do and can't win if you don't.

I bet you never ran out of apples for the teacher

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“The reason I decided to do the mission tonight is because many entertainment venues which attract foreign tourists are located in these areas. And since many foreigners visit these areas I’m afraid some of them might have ill-intentions to be involved in dark business, or even crimes, especially trans-national crime.

“This operation also helps to boost confidence between tourists and the security forces”, he added.

The biggest pile of horsesh!t I've ever heard.

People who frequent clubs = criminals is what he is saying. Jesus weptfacepalm.gif

I think what he means is that foreigners are more likely to congregate at these venues that makes their task a lot easier.

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don't knock them when they are doing their job foreigners must carry their passports or a facsimile of the id section it is an offense not to carry the passport..

100% incorrect. It absolutely is not an offence "not to carry the passport".

I am happy to bet you USD $10,000.... You in?

Im in as long as you agree to follow the letter of the law and not accepted deviations and or interpretations

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Anyone living here should know they have to carry a copy of their passport. I hope the message is communicated to tourists via their hotels or Embassies.

Anyone living here with decent Thai legal advice would understand that this is BS.

You of all people should know better.

There is no legal requirement to carry your passport or a copy. It has to be accessible within a reasonable period of time I.e you can leave it at home.

This has always been the case and was confirmed by a different chief of police only last year.

But you should have access to decent Thai legal advice Brewster and you should be able to confirm this.

I agree that carrying a copy on ones phone is prudent to avoid drama but if you get the wrong cop they'll just demand the original anyway. The law does not require you to have original or copy on you. Period.

I never mentioned the law, just that longtime expats like myself, unlike tourists, should know that carrying a copy of your passport is prudent. I have no desire to have any hassle if stopped, and having to retrieve my passport, or find someone to retrieve it, would be hassle.

I would imagine that this crackdown is linked to the new overstay penalties which come into effect tomorrow. I make sure my passport copy has not only my ID page, but also my Extension of stay stamp.

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Whether you need a photocopy or original is missing the point.

It's this idea that foreigners need to carry ID because they might be criminals!

Is anyone else beginning to feel like we aren't welcome?

Carrying ID is normal for everyone. Thais have to carry their National ID card. In the US to do most things like drive a car, go to the bank, write a check, etc. You are asked for ID.

The problem from my point is that targeting foreigners simply to check if they carry ID is not tourist friendly at all.

I agree. It's perfectly reasonable to be checking for criminal activity but assuming that can be done purely by checking the ID of foreigners is ridiculous. The other problem is that the rules aren't always that clear. A while back there was a suggestion that a copy of your passport want good enough which was then changed to say it was OK. Most passports are a bit big to carry so some sort of ID card would be easier, particularly for those living in the country. At one time it was said a Thai DL was OK but of course without access to an immigration database it won't show visa details.

I've noticed that the most important price of police equipment here is a table. Nothing seems to happen without one.

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don't knock them when they are doing their job foreigners must carry their passports or a facsimile of the id section it is an offense not to carry the passport..

100% incorrect. It absolutely is not an offence "not to carry the passport".

I am happy to bet you USD $10,000.... You in?

Im in as long as you agree to follow the letter of the law and not accepted deviations and or interpretations

Gotcha!! Confessions of illegal gambling by 2 big time foreign criminals. Can I join the police now?

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No way do I carry my original passport - after some lowlife nicked it on an overnight bus - got my passport back but couldn't press charges as he said found on floor - BS - it's the most important document i have - now I carry copies - 1 in wallet - 1 in rucksack - 1 in bike - only take original if leaving country

I lost my passport, didn't get stolen.. But found it again after about 4 days.

When researching what I needed to get a replacement I realised it was going to be like something out of a horror show, and an expensive horror show! I wasn't even sure if I had enough proof of things to enable me to get a new passport. I envisaged having to go back to my home country on an ETD, get a new passport, back again to Thailand.. Then go through the whole visa process again with my Thai employer!

There's no way I'm putting myself in that position again! My passport stays at home or hotel without a doubt!

The consequences of not having it with you if asked by the police are nothing in comparison to losing it.

Edit: spelling

Edited by Jay1
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don't knock them when they are doing their job foreigners must carry their passports or a facsimile of the id section it is an offense not to carry the passport..

100% incorrect. It absolutely is not an offence "not to carry the passport".

I am happy to bet you USD $10,000.... You in?

Im in as long as you agree to follow the letter of the law and not accepted deviations and or interpretations
Gotcha!! Confessions of illegal gambling by 2 big time foreign criminals. Can I join the police now?

??? ??? ???

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Or a photocopy. You need to change that headline.

True, and there would be a huge black market in knocked off passports down Nana Plaza otherwise.

Not the plaza , but in case you missed the news a month or so back , one of the worlds biggest illegal knocked off passport operations was busted in BKK after operating for years

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Yes, have to respect the rules of any country that you visit or live in. I carry a photo of my passport on my phone to ensure I abide by the law.

At the end of the day if this catches only one illegal foreigner or only saves one life by arresting a potential threat then this initiative has worked.

I am sure the very same people that suggest this is too controlling of the govt will be the same ones that complain about the govt if someone that this initiative is targeting commits a violent crime.

Can't win if you do and can't win if you don't.

oh right they do that in Australia do they? stop anyone for no reason and ask to see their passport? I should not be surprised from you I suppose but I think you would be in bliss in North Korea

LannaGuy, you know that the DJ is a Junta lover and he oppose everything in the news against the Junta, in the same time he praises all the rules and so called laws, don't blame him, he's in love at first sight .....

Edited by ikke
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don't knock them when they are doing their job foreigners must carry their passports or a facsimile of the id section it is an offense not to carry the passport..

100% incorrect. It absolutely is not an offence "not to carry the passport".

I am happy to bet you USD $10,000.... You in?

Im in as long as you agree to follow the letter of the law and not accepted deviations and or interpretations
Gotcha!! Confessions of illegal gambling by 2 big time foreign criminals. Can I join the police now?

??? ??? ???

I see my criminal detection skills have got you worried. ?

Edited by kimamey
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