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Anti-Trump protesters clash with police at Utah rally


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Anti-Trump protesters clash with police at Utah rally


Donald Trump has said he believes he can secure enough backing to win the Republican US presidential nomination outright – and avoid a difficult selection process by delegates at a special convention.

He was speaking at a rally in Utah ahead of the state’s caucus next Tuesday.

Outside the venue in Salt Lake City anti-Trump protesters clashed with police.

Recent outbreaks of violence during protests at his rallies have prompted criticism of the billionaire from Democrats and Republicans.

Trump said he had more supporters than opponents at the rally and he would not let his campaign be “stifled”.

If no candidate can assemble 1,237 Republican delegates by July, the party’s presidential nominee for the November election will be chosen by convention delegates in Ohio.

Trump, who has won 678 delegates so far, has continued to score victories in the state-by-state nominating process as Republicans have failed to unite behind rival candidates Ted Cruz or John Kasich.

On Friday the Republicans’ 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney recommended voting for Cruz to prevent Trump from securing the nomination, accusing the frontrunner of encouraging racism, misogyny and violence.

Trump responded by tweeting that Romney was “a mixed-up man who doesn’t have a clue. No wonder he lost!”

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-20

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You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. The protesters have a right to speak also. He wants to stir up the hate? He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

What does the right to speak have to do with illegally blocking roads to prevent others from attending?

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You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. The protesters have a right to speak also. He wants to stir up the hate? He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

I'll see your "can't yell "fire" in a crowded theater" and raise you a "your right to swing your arms ends where the other man's nose begins".

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Not sure what the protester demographic was, but Utah is a famously conservative place, and votes heavily Republican. Similar with Arizona, where we saw the road blockade to the Trump rally. Even Arizona is changing complexion with influx of non-whites.

As we move to western states, where growth is strong, economies are good, and where there is no angry white-man rust-belt effect, and to states like California, that have huge populations of moderate, reasonable people, we hopefully will now see across-the-board demonstrations against Trump, by Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and all thinking people.

False Prophet

Pretender to the Throne


Reality Star

Butt of late night jokes for years


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Not sure what the protester demographic was, but Utah is a famously conservative place, and votes heavily Republican. Similar with Arizona, where we saw the road blockade to the Trump rally. Even Arizona is changing complexion with influx of non-whites.

As we move to western states, where growth is strong, economies are good, and where there is no angry white-man rust-belt effect, and to states like California, that have huge populations of moderate, reasonable people, we hopefully will now see across-the-board demonstrations against Trump, by Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and all thinking people.

False Prophet

Pretender to the Throne


Reality Star

Butt of late night jokes for years


I've got no problem with protesting as long as it doesn't infringe on other people's rights, but what's the end game here? Is it to provoke a response and then try to control the narrative that stems from that response? I don't get it. It seems to me if it is a candidate for election you're against, the best protest is to vote for the other guy. What am I missing?

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Not sure what the protester demographic was, but Utah is a famously conservative place, and votes heavily Republican. Similar with Arizona, where we saw the road blockade to the Trump rally. Even Arizona is changing complexion with influx of non-whites.

As we move to western states, where growth is strong, economies are good, and where there is no angry white-man rust-belt effect, and to states like California, that have huge populations of moderate, reasonable people, we hopefully will now see across-the-board demonstrations against Trump, by Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and all thinking people.

False Prophet

Pretender to the Throne


Reality Star

Butt of late night jokes for years


So as long as the protesters are thinking the correct thoughts, it is okay to blockade roads against those with whom they disagree?

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You can't yell "Fire" in a crowded theater. The protesters have a right to speak also. He wants to stir up the hate? He who lives by the sword, dies by the sword.

Oh dear... You poor, lost soul.

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Edited by keemapoot
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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

That's a can of worms.

So apparently two protesters are being escorted out of the Tucson Trump rally. One with a KKK headgear on and the other giving the Heil Hitler salute. This appeared to upset the sensibilities of an African American Trump supporter, because after all this is hate speech to him, so he pummels the guy. Who's charged and why?

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

That's a can of worms.

So apparently two protesters are being escorted out of the Tucson Trump rally. One with a KKK headgear on and the other giving the Heil Hitler salute. This appeared to upset the sensibilities of an African American Trump supporter, because after all this is hate speech to him, so he pummels the guy. Who's charged and why?

You're right, a can of worms indeed. Trump will bring out all types of loonies and closet-weirdos and people with agendas from all sides, and groups funded by anti-Trumpers, and everything else bad and good, including anarchists and trouble-makers.

It will be wild, and will be easy to attribute blame to anyone you side against. It could get ugly.

Trump is a bad dog. He needs to be put down.

Edited by keemapoot
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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

That's a can of worms.

So apparently two protesters are being escorted out of the Tucson Trump rally. One with a KKK headgear on and the other giving the Heil Hitler salute. This appeared to upset the sensibilities of an African American Trump supporter, because after all this is hate speech to him, so he pummels the guy. Who's charged and why?

You're right, a can of worms indeed. Trump will bring out all types of loonies and closet-weirdos and people with agendas from all sides, and groups funded by anti-Trumpers, and everything else bad and good, including anarchists and trouble-makers.

It will be wild, and will be easy to attribute blame to anyone you side against. It could get ugly.

Trump is a bad dog. He needs to be put down.

Well, I've got no skin in this game really. I can't vote for either one of the presumptive nominees. Normally, under those circumstances I'd like to see as much friction, exposed hypocrisy, hoisting on own petards as possible. I don't think it damages the country, not really. Might be good for it, if anything, but I don't want to see people get hurt either.

Anyway, this whole thing feels to me like it's peaking too soon. Must be a couple more shoes left to drop.

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Not sure what the protester demographic was, but Utah is a famously conservative place, and votes heavily Republican. Similar with Arizona, where we saw the road blockade to the Trump rally. Even Arizona is changing complexion with influx of non-whites.

As we move to western states, where growth is strong, economies are good, and where there is no angry white-man rust-belt effect, and to states like California, that have huge populations of moderate, reasonable people, we hopefully will now see across-the-board demonstrations against Trump, by Democrats, Republicans, Independents, and all thinking people.

False Prophet

Pretender to the Throne


Reality Star

Butt of late night jokes for years


I've got no problem with protesting as long as it doesn't infringe on other people's rights, but what's the end game here? Is it to provoke a response and then try to control the narrative that stems from that response? I don't get it. It seems to me if it is a candidate for election you're against, the best protest is to vote for the other guy. What am I missing?

We've seen the same thing across university campuses the last few years and now they are bringing it to presidential politics.

If the leftists don't want someone to speak, they stop it, physically if necessary. If someone in the university administration doesn't bow down to their demands, they force them out.

Someone needs to put a stop to this tactic before it gets out of control and escalates to where they get brave enough to start publicly wearing their matching brown shirts and jackboots.

The people need to wake up and realize that the people who are crying "fascist!" are the ones who are in fact behaving like fascists...and if left unchallenged they will not go away after the election...even if a Democrat wins. History has shown, that once the leftist does away with the opposition they begin to "purge" their own. Whether in Soviet Russia or the modern American college campus. Hillary, beware!

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I'm sure the anti-Trump alliance are blaming Trump for the violence. Then you hear this stuff:
"If Trump wasn't running, these protesters wouldn't be clashing violently with police." Amazing!

"Beautiful. Defending democracy requires Republicans to cancel the democratic decision of the largest voter turnout of any primaries in American history. And this is now a moral imperative for Republicans."
- Pat Buchanan

And obviously for the Democrats too. Now, to wait for the TV dog-pile onto Buchanan. Shouldn't take long. ermm.gif

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.... having tried every dirty trick in the book.....

...now hire thugs to stage protests........

...piece of cake after all the invasions of foreign countries and toppling of governments....

...jeez...how many American Presidents have been murdered......

... and......will stop at nothing .......

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I wanna vote for trump, the fact that he is taking all this bullshit, the democrat/republican 'establishment' currupt insiders that make the government serve their profiteering interests so suddenly they say he's a member of the kukluxklan, funny, i saw him with black people on his tv show now suddenly he's a klansman..what a bunch of bullshit and the american people are starting see thru the Illuminati's bullshit,

i am an expat living here but i still have an address in california thru a relative, i wanna vote in the california republican primary, i think i'd have to register as a republican? last time i registered i was a green of all things, cruz is a <deleted>, an illegal cuban immigrant running for the president of israel.. this is an american? total sellout trump has his own money and doesn't need to sell out..

i would have voted for obama when he ran against mccain but of cource he wound up following the same policy as bush.. lets overthrow the secular government in libya and support alqueda, lets support alqueda in its war with the secular basher al-assad regime.. millions die and women and christians lose their rights.. under obama illegal immigration is not illegal.. and now here comes hilary cunton fuk that bitch

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All Trump has shown is that the opposition supporters are extremist radicals that don't respect freedom of speech and believe that violence is an answer to others that have opposing views.

Uh, no, Trump has shown that saying things like "I wish we were back in the day where you could punch someone in the head" endorses violence.

Protesters have the same right to freedom of speech, and if they want to shout "Trump you're a bigot as well as racist not fit for the presidency" they have the same right to express this just the same as Trump's freedom of speech to call women "fat pigs,dogs,slobs and disgusting animals".

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So apparently two protesters are being escorted out of the Tucson Trump rally. One with a KKK headgear on and the other giving the Heil Hitler salute.

For years the Left has been sending its operatives to Tea Party rallies posing as racists, etc.



The leftists did it before, and they will certainly do it again.

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.... having tried every dirty trick in the book.....

...now hire thugs to stage protests........

...piece of cake after all the invasions of foreign countries and toppling of governments....

...jeez...how many American Presidents have been murdered......

... and......will stop at nothing .......

American presidents have been assassinated or shot at by Democrats, anarchists and leftists. And they call right-wingers dangerous.

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Part of the principles of democracy is the right to protest. The way you protest though needs to done in a democratic way. As much as I disagree with just about everything that Trump stands for democracy dictates that he has the right to a platform. If the republicans decide that Trump is the man for them and that his way is the right way for them then so be it. Maybe it will re-define the republican party and at least it gives the people a clear choice of the direction that they want the USA to go in.

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Great to see the decent American People standing up to this racist, incite-full blow-hard Trump and his adoring sycophants.

Love the banner 'Lets build a wall around Trump' - 'and make him pay for it' very funny.

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Great to see the decent American People standing up to this racist, incite-full blow-hard Trump and his adoring sycophants.

Love the banner 'Lets build a wall around Trump' - 'and make him pay for it' very funny.

Decent American people? Here is some of the scum that attended the New York City Trump protest. Activists with the Spartacist League – a hard line, Communist, Trotskyite group.

The Spartacist League, modeled on a Marxist group from 1910s Germany, is known for its defense of the North American Man/Boy Love Association – a pedophile group which campaigns for the abolition of sexual age of consent laws. In 2005, it published in its magazine “Worker’s Vanguard”: NAMBLA simply advocates the decriminalization of consensual sex between men and boys.


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Great to see the decent American People standing up to this racist, incite-full blow-hard Trump and his adoring sycophants.

Love the banner 'Lets build a wall around Trump' - 'and make him pay for it' very funny.

Decent American people? Here is some of the scum that attended the New York City Trump protest. Activists with the Spartacist League – a hard line, Communist, Trotskyite group.

The Spartacist League, modeled on a Marxist group from 1910s Germany, is known for its defense of the North American Man/Boy Love Association – a pedophile group which campaigns for the abolition of sexual age of consent laws. In 2005, it published in its magazine “Worker’s Vanguard”: NAMBLA simply advocates the decriminalization of consensual sex between men and boys.


What no devil worshippers? You read too much Right Wing propaganda Pimay1

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^^^The protests should properly take place, should be non-violent and should take place to show the world and Americans and how Americans reject:

Racism, Sexism, Anti-Gay, Anti-Muslim (categorizing all Muslims incorrectly)

Anti-Free Trade

Anti-Engagement with the world

False American Exceptionalism

Perfect example of 'I feel something therefore it is a fact others must live by.' This post is a perfect microcosm of the mindset of those wasting America today- they project their own perceptions as a binding reality upon others and believe the duty to be civilly disobedient to bad government extends to being uncivil to other citizens they disagree with- two entirely different things: One is demanding the social contract, the other is simply terrorizing their neighbors.

America has a long and proud tradition of protesting, civil disobedience, etc. Indeed, H.D. Thoreau would love such things, if properly directed. However, the modern application of applying incivility upon others to stifle speech or association they disagree with is an entirely leftist, socialist, new phenomena. America has no rich history of silencing others and celebrating that as "free speech."

Silencing others is always tyranny= mob rule. Indeed, the modern left is only mob rule. The left, always celebrating emotion as intellect, will always act violently upon others because their existence is a boiling cauldron of feeling and rage.

Those "protesting" Trump are in many cases committing crimes. This makes them criminals.

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All Trump has shown is that the opposition supporters are extremist radicals that don't respect freedom of speech and believe that violence is an answer to others that have opposing views.

Uh, no, Trump has shown that saying things like "I wish we were back in the day where you could punch someone in the head" endorses violence.

Protesters have the same right to freedom of speech, and if they want to shout "Trump you're a bigot as well as racist not fit for the presidency" they have the same right to express this just the same as Trump's freedom of speech to call women "fat pigs,dogs,slobs and disgusting animals".

This is what the First Amendment actually says

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

I would draw your attention to the following portion of the First Amendment...

"or the right of the people peaceably to assemble"

Every protester at every political event is in violation of this clause of the Constitution, regardless of party affiliation.

These anarchists can protest as loudly as they wish, as often as they wish but NOT WHERE they wish.

You might want to rethink that old "freedom of speech" canard when it impacts the right of "freedom to peaceably assemble".

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