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Video of feeding frenzy by ‘greedy’ Chinese tourists in Chiang Mai goes viral


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Why are none of these comments removed for race baiting? Is it assumed that there will be no ethnic Chinese reading to be offended by the blatant racism?

How is it racism? It's just inexcusable behaviour by a mass of tourists who happen to be Chinese and people are rightly complaining about it. Playing the race card is just a get out used by the leftist, PC crowd.

Wow, some of the comments are racist, the ones which generalize on all of Chinese people, the ones calling Chinese people a 'sub-species', the ones calling for Chinese to be banned from restaurants. Some people are commenting on the people in the video, that is obviously fine, but then generalizing on all Chinese people based on these individuals is not, get it now?

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I wonder if this behavior is a direct result of China having a large population of people who are unaware of manners.

I think they are taught "don't hang back or you will miss out!"

Wherever they go, they have to fight to get their share or miss out.

Good manners are not rewarded.

Has anyone seen this type of behavior in Bangladesh or India?

India - yes. Can't comment on Bangladesh as never been.

Indians say it's because they have too many people, so you have to push and grab or go without. I've seen fat middle aged ladies waddle to the front of queues in banks and airport check-ins and just try and push their way to be served next. It's their idea of looking after their families interests. I've seen a group of Indian "business and professional" men wreck a free buffet at a five star hotel and act like pigs.

Guess it's more than just China.

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Don't we love them, those "high quality tourists" whom Thai authorities permanently try to "lure" in with ever new freebies and goodies and relaxed visa schemes, to boost Thai tourism? I feel great being surrounded by so much Hi Quality now, I love it!!!! sick.gif

I feel great being surrounded by so much Hi Quality now, I love it!!!!

When has it ever been a high class destination? As long as I can remember Thailand has always attracted very low class tourists. I think some foreigners here start to get a bit deluded as to who they really are, they emigrated with a bit of money which seemed a lot here and suddenly they thought they were middle class, I meet them a lot, very low class people with their noses in the air, funny bunch, but I guess benefiting from the economy is the closest they will come to being important.

You don't have to be hi-so to be disgusted by their behaviour. Nor are people interested in the reasons for it. It is just uncivilised, and non-Chinese have the right to be offended by it.

Even the Chinese authorities and media condemn such ill mannered greedy, wasteful and unruly behavior. But of course there's always someone who wants to defend it. Say it's just their culture - well it's not. Behave in a Chinese buffet like that and see what happens. Sadly many tourists behave like pigs when abroad and in the case of the Chinese an awful lot do.

Thailand has a very diverse tourist base - not all beer swilling wife-beater wearing sex tourists or cheap charlies as some just love to make out. They aren't deluded - just fixated with the sex trade.

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I feel great being surrounded by so much Hi Quality now, I love it!!!!

When has it ever been a high class destination? As long as I can remember Thailand has always attracted very low class tourists. I think some foreigners here start to get a bit deluded as to who they really are, they emigrated with a bit of money which seemed a lot here and suddenly they thought they were middle class, I meet them a lot, very low class people with their noses in the air, funny bunch, but I guess benefiting from the economy is the closest they will come to being important.

You don't have to be hi-so to be disgusted by their behaviour. Nor are people interested in the reasons for it. It is just uncivilised, and non-Chinese have the right to be offended by it.

Even the Chinese authorities and media condemn such ill mannered greedy, wasteful and unruly behavior. But of course there's always someone who wants to defend it. Say it's just their culture - well it's not. Behave in a Chinese buffet like that and see what happens. Sadly many tourists behave like pigs when abroad and in the case of the Chinese an awful lot do.

Thailand has a very diverse tourist base - not all beer swilling wife-beater wearing sex tourists or cheap charlies as some just love to make out. They aren't deluded - just fixated with the sex trade.

Where have I or anyone else defended these peoples behavior? I defended good Chinese people from ridiculous bigoted generalizations, comments that are crimes in many of the countries the commenters come from.

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As usual Thailand bent over and said ENTER.biggrin.png


Australia is doing the same!,

Yet the way the poms treated the aboriginals was appalling. But at least these Chinese are supposed guests, the poms just showed up and took over. They did a lot worse than get pushy and waste a bit of food.

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I wonder if this behavior is a direct result of China having a large population of people who are unaware of manners.

I think they are taught "don't hang back or you will miss out!"

Wherever they go, they have to fight to get their share or miss out.

Good manners are not rewarded.

Has anyone seen this type of behavior in Bangladesh or India?

Yes there is such "push to get what you need" mentality in India, but it doesn't apply to food buffets like this. I believe the Indians have a little bit more class/shame than these... people.

The Indian class act is reserved for Beach Road Pattaya. Trumps Chinese table manners every time.

Not necessarily true, CM 5 star hotels have a lot of Indian weddings.

The wedding 'guests' are so arrogant, rude and demanding you can't believe, some even smack the housekeeping women and the waiters across the face for no reason - just to display they are 'superior'. Kicking hotel staff is also common.

Plus they are famous for damage to rooms, equipment, bedding, etc.

I have a family member who is part of the management team for one 5 star hotel. They accept Indian weddings put very up front lecture the person booking the rooms etc., that nobody is allowed under any circumstances to touch a hotel staff member, even a slight transgression means a sizeable amount is deducted from the 3million Baht 'damage deposit'.

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A bit of racism... A bit of xenophobia... A bit of alcohol.... And I may well attack the prawn buffet with "vigor", as well, although embarrassment (unless offset by alcohol) would prevent me from piling a plate (let alone three) so high.

Mind you, using a second plate as a scoop, makes for a fast delivery of prawns to the plate and then to the head.... What a good idea, when lacking a proper serving utensil... But then, said utensil may well have been eaten too, given the free for all in the video.

Just as well the prawns are already dead.... Otherwise their treatment would be inhumane...(or... Inprawnane).

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Not just pigs, wasteful pigs. Eat what you put on your plate. Show some manners. coffee1.gif

The "manners" you assume to be held worldwide are not, believe it or not you are in Thailand where the accepted manners are completely different from your country. Finishing what is on your plate is rude in Thailand, as it is in China, as it infers that you have not been given enough food. At least try to learn basic Thai manners and leave off trying to impose your very foreign manners onto people in Thailand and other Asians who share a similar culture. wai2.gif

Shawn is 100% correct. It is considered rude to finish everything on your plate. I see this offensive behaiviour by farangs all the time.

The problem is the English think everyone should abide by English manners even if they are abroad.

I often hear of the English complaining about Thais wasting food totally oblivious to manners and culture here and complaining about Thais not being able to speak English properly despite them living in Thailand for years.

Hopefully some people will learn some manners by reading shawns post and stop being so offensive.

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Most of the people on this forum were too young to remember the hordes of newly prosperous working-class British who invaded the Costa Brava in Spain for cheap holidays in the early fifties. Most of them had never stayed in a hotel or flown in an aeroplane. They had never drank wine before and they indulged in an orgy of drinking it, because it was so cheap. They were not well educated and many lacked good manners. Their behaviour was not much better than the present wave of newly prosperous working-class Chinese, taking cheap holidays in Thailand. At least they don't walk around half naked covered with tattoos like many western tourists

What a load of <deleted>.

I think gamini is quite right and things haven't changed much since then although they don't act that way at the breakfast buffet because they are usually too drunk to get up in the morning.

Amazing how some foolish idiots on here always turn ANY post against British people..... Typical key 'bored' warriors..... Get a life <deleted>!

In reality it's not just 'British' or 'Chinese'.

I worked across all of Asia for 40 years, I've seen many Caucasian groups / individuals who have behaviors and attitudes that are more than appalling / embarrassing.

Difficult to make a list but I have little hesitation to put Americans at the top of the list of Caucasians who need to seriously brush up on their travelling / business etiquette behaviors and attitudes.

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Most of the people on this forum were too young to remember the hordes of newly prosperous working-class British who invaded the Costa Brava in Spain for cheap holidays in the early fifties. Most of them had never stayed in a hotel or flown in an aeroplane. They had never drank wine before and they indulged in an orgy of drinking it, because it was so cheap. They were not well educated and many lacked good manners. Their behaviour was not much better than the present wave of newly prosperous working-class Chinese, taking cheap holidays in Thailand. At least they don't walk around half naked covered with tattoos like many western tourists

Very few Brits in the 50s with tattoos.

A few ex services men, but they would have been in the minority.

Don't think there would have been many half naked Brits wandering around in the 50s either.

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The Singaporeans have a word for it: kiasu, (check it out online) and the behavior in the video was common there until charges on leftovers went into effect there. (in the late 80's, I believe) So it's not just the new mailnland tourists who demonstrate tend to act this way.

And those calling racism might to well to look at Bo Yang's book The Ugly Chinaman. In it he decries many of the behaviors mentioned in this thread and also explains their origin.

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From notices placed at the buffet counter and shown in the video it shows that this event took place at the Ramayana Restaurant, King Power (duty free) Complex, Soi Rang Nam, Bangkok and not at a Chiang Mai Hotel. Looks like another case of regurgitating news without fact-checking sources. Now that we know were this took place we may decide to avoid the premises due to the tour groups that frequent the place.

this video is several days old now and did in fact take place in Bangkok, not in Chiang Mai as the above poster pointed out.

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And this is the tourist the Happy General and his gang wants. Get rid off the Europeans, Americans and Australians. Lets get the good Chinese, Japanese and Koreans in.

Do you live in SE Asia or have you travelled around the area.

This article is about the Chinese.

The Japanese have the most beautiful manners and pay serious attention to etiquette . The Koreans I have met would never behave like this.

I agree. The Japanese and Koreans I have met, both here in Thailand and elsewhere, have little in common with the mob mentality of the Chinese tour groups.

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I've lived in China, this is daily life. i was visiting there with a friend more recently and as we were leaving to go to the airport, we decided to get McDonalds. I sent him in while i watched the luggage outside. Ten minutes later he came out with nothing. he said he could not make it to the counter. He is over 6ft and about 300lbs.. I walked in and was out, with the food in 5 minutes. young, old, male, female, it does not matter, push and shove and yell.... the only way to win.

I'm not in a race to win. When I see such behaviors (push, shove, yell), I prefer to exit, stage left.

"When one acts like the mob, they are the mob".

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Many "all you can eat" places have a policy... At the time of the bill, any food left in plates will get a charge "a la carte"..and it is not cheap, like the Andaman Sea Food Buffet in Chaing Mai.

Probably this place..or the Chinese.... learned a lesson. Anyway was disgusting behavior.

That sounds like a good idea, but only one thing. I love buffets, and always put a bit less on my plate than I think I want, and if I want more I just go back and get some.

But if something is badly cooked, or stone cold when it should be warm, and I left it, there is no way I would pay for it.

"But if something is badly cooked, or stone cold when it should be warm, and I left it, there is no way I would pay for it".

I agree, and in that case, I would kindly let the management know what was wrong.

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Not just pigs, wasteful pigs. Eat what you put on your plate. Show some manners. coffee1.gif

The "manners" you assume to be held worldwide are not, believe it or not you are in Thailand where the accepted manners are completely different from your country. Finishing what is on your plate is rude in Thailand, as it is in China, as it infers that you have not been given enough food. At least try to learn basic Thai manners and leave off trying to impose your very foreign manners onto people in Thailand and other Asians who share a similar culture. wai2.gif

Must be a regional thing because out here in Central Isaan I clear my plate and get smiles in response.

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And now we have Chinese apologists . I had my first experience in a hotel buffet breakfast in Phnom Penh about 7 years ago. It was a truly disturbing experience. A lot of TV posters don't travel and will never understand

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Many "all you can eat" places have a policy... At the time of the bill, any food left in plates will get a charge "a la carte"..and it is not cheap, like the Andaman Sea Food Buffet in Chaing Mai.

Probably this place..or the Chinese.... learned a lesson. Anyway was disgusting behavior.

That sounds like a good idea, but only one thing. I love buffets, and always put a bit less on my plate than I think I want, and if I want more I just go back and get some.

But if something is badly cooked, or stone cold when it should be warm, and I left it, there is no way I would pay for it.

"But if something is badly cooked, or stone cold when it should be warm, and I left it, there is no way I would pay for it".

I agree, and in that case, I would kindly let the management know what was wrong.

Correct, if they are available, or let the girl who you pay at the desk know.

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About 9 years ago I stayed at the Windsor Suites Hotel in Bangkok and witness the exact behavior from Chinese tourist.

In 2011 I was in Sydney at the Darling Harbour seafood market.......I have seen animals in Africa eat with more dignity!!!

This is an international forum. People visit Thailand from all around the world. People have different eating habits all over the world. Some people like to eat with their hands, others prefer to eat on the floor. Some people eat with their mouths open, others with mouths shut.

Although I wouldn't want to eat at that buffet because I hate pushing and shoving, but by the looks of it it's a Chinese group of like minded diners and the only ones getting upset are the snobs on this forum who believe the whole world should conform to their way of life.

"... the only ones getting upset are the snobs on this forum who believe the whole world should conform to their way of life.".

Luckily, it was not about Chinese, public toilet manners, which has already been covered by the media. It would be difficult to use the same conformity/nonconformity rationale.

"When in Rome..."

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Haha Long time since I've laughed that much.

"Wealthy" Chinese people are some of the most immoral and careless people in the world. Intentionally driving over people, even toddlers and animals simply because they're in the way (yeah, I've seen it on Youtube several times), blocking entrances because they suddenly want to sit down and eat (even on a train), spit inside public transport, help their kids take a shit in dumpsters and on the floor in shopping malls without caring to clean up and pushing themselves in lines. When they get caught they'll blame you or suddendly someone in the group gets very ill.

Of course not all Chinese are like this, but the amount of Chinese that actually ARE like this is shockingly high. In Switzerland there's even an own train to transport Chinese only because they can't behave.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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And now we have Chinese apologists . I had my first experience in a hotel buffet breakfast in Phnom Penh about 7 years ago. It was a truly disturbing experience. A lot of TV posters don't travel and will never understand

And now we have Chinese apologists

I wouldn't worry, we will never out number the bigotry apologists on TV.

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Not just pigs, wasteful pigs. Eat what you put on your plate. Show some manners. coffee1.gif

The "manners" you assume to be held worldwide are not, believe it or not you are in Thailand where the accepted manners are completely different from your country. Finishing what is on your plate is rude in Thailand, as it is in China, as it infers that you have not been given enough food. At least try to learn basic Thai manners and leave off trying to impose your very foreign manners onto people in Thailand and other Asians who share a similar culture. wai2.gif

Must be a regional thing because out here in Central Isaan I clear my plate and get smiles in response.

Nope, same in Isaan, bad manners, obviously not an issue at home with family though, if you are hungry then eat it. Are you sure you are understanding all of the different Thai smiles? Just hope it is not a 'Yim mi let nai' smile. whistling.gif

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Not just pigs, wasteful pigs. Eat what you put on your plate. Show some manners. coffee1.gif

The "manners" you assume to be held worldwide are not, believe it or not you are in Thailand where the accepted manners are completely different from your country. Finishing what is on your plate is rude in Thailand, as it is in China, as it infers that you have not been given enough food. At least try to learn basic Thai manners and leave off trying to impose your very foreign manners onto people in Thailand and other Asians who share a similar culture. wai2.gif

Must be a regional thing because out here in Central Isaan I clear my plate and get smiles in response.

Nope, same in Isaan, bad manners, obviously not an issue at home with family though, if you are hungry then eat it. Are you sure you are understanding all of the different Thai smiles? Just hope it is not a 'Yim mi let nai' smile. whistling.gif

There is a huge difference between the polite little bit you leave on your plate to show you are full, and the huge platesfull of taken but untouched unwanted food that are left on the table after the tour group hoard departs

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Haha Long time since I've laughed that much.

"Wealthy" Chinese people are some of the most immoral and careless people in the world. Intentionally driving over people, even toddlers and animals simply because they're in the way (yeah, I've seen it on Youtube several times), blocking entrances because they suddenly want to sit down and eat (even on a train), spit inside public transport, help their kids take a shit in dumpsters and on the floor in shopping malls without caring to clean up and pushing themselves in lines. When they get caught they'll blame you or suddendly someone in the group gets very ill.

Of course not all Chinese are like this, but the amount of Chinese that actually ARE like this is shockingly high. In Switzerland there's even an own train to transport Chinese only because they can't behave.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

'Wealthy' Chinese people taking the train, using public transport? Are you out of your mind? The wealthy Chinese I know have chauffeur driven limos, you have a funny idea of 'wealthy'.

As for the Swiss train story, despite what you may have read in the papers last year, there was no segregated train laid on for Chinese tourists, it was a story made up by a Swiss tabloid and blindly repeated by the mainstream press worldwide.


Notice the difference between wealthy and "wealthy".

The "wealthy" Chinese I was refering to was simply those who got money enough to travel and thinks they're above everyone else and the law, especially in other countries. I wasn't talking about the actually wealthy Chinese.

Ok maybe I was wrong about the Swiss train story, but it doesn't mean the Chinese people in the OP article are unique. I've seen it plenty of times to notice the difference between these Chinese and most other nationals.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Dear uncle Xi,

Would you please free the world community from the sight of your country men and ban traveling, other countries are obviously not strong enough to say "no" to a presumedly quick bug. Please, I really worry about my mental state every time I hear,smell,see (in this order they appear) them and I am sure they provoke more aggressive feelings in others.

Thank you for your kind consideration.

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