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Disabled Brit, 79, jumps to his death from Pattaya condo

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maybe it would have been better for him to stay in his home country? RIP

John had lived in Thailand for the past 40 years, to him, this was his home.

well, but most expensive concerning Health costs. NHS would be for free. But anyway.....too late

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Agree with #6 and #12, why is it so damn popular with old farang guys here in Thailand to jump? I don't get it.

Speaking as a member of that demographic, I can confidently say that choosing that way to end it all would not be high on my (admittedly vague and unwritten) list of ways to end it all.


he should go to Netherland, where euthanasia is legal, he would get a shot instead of jumping to death, poor guy RIP

And who was it that gave Holland or Switzerland for that matter, the right to play God?...RIP fellow countryman.

As an anti-theist, I'm damned if I am going to have my life - let alone death - dictated by some mythical bearded wonder in the sky who is clearly as cruel, vicious and lacking in compassion as the worst of his flock.

It's my life, not His (or Hers, or Its) and I claim the right to end it as and when I wish.

I have two hopes. The first is that the means to achieve this object will become easier, not more difficult to obtain (we need an affordable Dignatas in every countryt). The second is that my anti-theism is well founded and that when I eventually shuffle off this mortal coil, I shall not end up imprisoned for eternity in the celestial North Korea which Christians call Heaven.


When walking around high rise condos these days, I look up for potential falling hazards!sad.png

Yeah but come on bro.. That's about as likely as getting hit in a mexican border town cartel shootout..


I knew 'Gus' from circa 1994 and beyond, last spoke to him 9 years ago when I was still in TL. He lived life to the full and I'm sure continued to do so until he became infirm. A sad way to go, but many don't live nearly as long. RIP Gus.



I have just done that and, as you say, there is a lot out on Google but it will take a while to sort out what is useful here in Thailand rather than the rest of the world.


I am trying to plan ahead a few years.

Stick with Google, stay on the surface.

Don't go to the Deep Web.............................bah.gif


Thanks to those who have posted sharing their memories about this good man.

To those who say they would never jump if similarly desperate, consider that in Thailand for a suffering disabled man to organize something more polite wouldn't have been easy.


Anyone that wants to go should have the possibility to do so, but without leaving a mess to be cleaned up for total strangers afterwards and without endangering others. Tragic and selfish.



he should go to Netherland, where euthanasia is legal, he would get a shot instead of jumping to death, poor guy RIP

And who was it that gave Holland or Switzerland for that matter, the right to play God?...RIP fellow countryman.

It's not about Holland or Switzerland having the right to 'play God', it's about the rights of the individual to control their own destiny - something that should be an inalienable right in my opinion.


Anyone that wants to go should have the possibility to do so, but without leaving a mess to be cleaned up for total strangers afterwards and without endangering others. Tragic and selfish.


Thailand isn't the Netherlands where there is compassionate assistance.
transam, on 21 Mar 2016 - 10:01, said:

RIP chap........

+1...Not easy here to get a gun or very strong pills to do the job.


Not enough income for insurance and abandoned by the British government. Happens all the time, and not only in Britain.

Probably not had the annual British pension increase for years which was stolen from him by the British government, and could not afford the medication or hospital

treatment he required.

What ever the reason for his suicide, may he rest in peace.


he should go to Netherland, where euthanasia is legal, he would get a shot instead of jumping to death, poor guy RIP

And who was it that gave Holland or Switzerland for that matter, the right to play God?...RIP fellow countryman.

so for people who get ALS, cancer, who live on artificial breathing, you think it is not humane to get a shot?

stupid guy you are, come on.....that is humane way to go if you suffer too much....

Well if I'm a stupid guy,that must make God more stupid in your opinion.There are no if's or buts in number 6/10 commandments.We are humans not animals,we have morphine to take care of the pain.I understand this is a huge debate,but in our sweet little freedom of speech socalled democracy,i'm entitled to my opinion as much as you are yours,which I respect but don't agree with.

Nobody's denying you freedom of speech. Personally I'd rather look at the possibilities of how to ease the pain and suffering for people with a terminal condition rather than rely on a mystical being dictating ten laws to a human on top of mountain with no other witnesses over three thousand years ago, but I guess having a supernatural event as the basis for your belief on this means there's no much room for a nuanced discussion.

See, you saying it's playing God, but I'd say it's being human which is an important distinction. People who outlaw things because on ancient texts which have no real factual legitimacy are the ones playing God...


Tragic indeed. It seems that quite a fair amount of old men prefer jumping from high buildings than taking some amazing pills and going on one last journey before just not waking up anymore. Jumping shouldn't be an option for anybody and the most important reason being total fear, pain and discomfort seconds before traveling to other pastures. If somebody really doesn't want to continue in this realm for whatever reason, mostly being illness, old age or depression then take the most humane way out. Remember that after you throw yourself off a building or in front of a train, bus or other fast moving object there are people who have to clean up the mess and I don't care what anyone says about this, it is always traumatizing for the ambulance personnel/cleaning staff and what about passerby's? Did any jumper ever think about somebody walking below and what would happen if suddenly a person would fall on top of them of explode on the ground close to them? What an irresponsible way to take your life. Selfish as so to speak, without talking about the family members left behind. So when you decide that you can't continue anymore for whatever reason, legit or not, and you have made your mind up to discontinue your time on this planet; do so in a responsible way! Euthanasia should always happen with guidance of professionals

RIP Mr Angus

Your an inspiration to us all. I can see it all now. The time has come to stop being cynical and bring in the clinical.

Start your own website -


You've got it all worked out for us. No more will we hear of selfish kami kaze bombers flying off balconies. You could start selling perfumed thick plastic suicide suits with an array of happy tablets to take us on our journey to the unknown with soft flashing lights to let the unsuspecting public know we're in transit.

Your the kind of thoughtful person who needs highly commended even bringing a tear to a glass eye. I'm so sorry I'm welling up as we speak.

Thank you so much your all heart.


seems a terrible and painful way to kill yourself! if I were to think about killing myself, I would take a bunch of pills, get my favorite booze, sit down on a comfortable chair, put my favorite movies on my DVD and just sit back and take the "trip"! no pain no fuss and no one getting mad at me for messing up their car roof! plus I would look pretty for my funeral!

Try reading The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath. It might make you think twice.


Terrible way to go, I think a concoction of booze and bills might be easier for everyone involved.

RIP ,,


Not enough income for insurance and abandoned by the British government. Happens all the time, and not only in Britain.

Some people abandoned Britain...

A lot of care for the elderly & disabled comes from local councils in in the UK, seeing as he is not living in the UK he has no local authority to turn to.


Tragic indeed. It seems that quite a fair amount of old men prefer jumping from high buildings than taking some amazing pills and going on one last journey before just not waking up anymore. Jumping shouldn't be an option for anybody and the most important reason being total fear, pain and discomfort seconds before traveling to other pastures. If somebody really doesn't want to continue in this realm for whatever reason, mostly being illness, old age or depression then take the most humane way out. Remember that after you throw yourself off a building or in front of a train, bus or other fast moving object there are people who have to clean up the mess and I don't care what anyone says about this, it is always traumatizing for the ambulance personnel/cleaning staff and what about passerby's? Did any jumper ever think about somebody walking below and what would happen if suddenly a person would fall on top of them of explode on the ground close to them? What an irresponsible way to take your life. Selfish as so to speak, without talking about the family members left behind. So when you decide that you can't continue anymore for whatever reason, legit or not, and you have made your mind up to discontinue your time on this planet; do so in a responsible way! Euthanasia should always happen with guidance of professionals

RIP Mr Angus

A valid discussion point. In the absence of rightful understanding and lack of support many people would have to opt for self killing. Many of our 'morals' are unfounded and cruel. There is a need for awareness for better ways of self-killing than ignoring the need and advising "help-seeking" "counselling" etc which are not practical at certain stages in life.

Once dead - it is like 'never been alive'.

Sorry my friend but humans aren't trees! Death has two doors, paradise or hell. make sure you choose the right one!

Are you speaking from personal experience, it would lend credence to your assertion.


Poor unfortunate man being stuck in a wheelchair is a frightening experience.

Being stuck in a wheelchair alone!! poor poor man.

TV members please if you are ever in a situation where a disabled person speaks like that take a little time.

Listen offer what support you can, help even by listening.

Being stuck in a wheelchair I KNOW i have had times when i just wanted to end it.

I have been brought back from the brink by my wife and 1/2 good friends, being there for me just listening

Luckily for me i am now past such thoughts look forward now not sitting getting depressed.

So again i say to members take only 5/10 minutes out of your life to help support someone.

Thank you and be happy.

You make alot more sense when you talk about something you actually know.


seems a terrible and painful way to kill yourself! if I were to think about killing myself, I would take a bunch of pills, get my favorite booze, sit down on a comfortable chair, put my favorite movies on my DVD and just sit back and take the "trip"! no pain no fuss and no one getting mad at me for messing up their car roof! plus I would look pretty for my funeral!

A friend of mine always thought that was the way to go too until she saw someone who had succeeded with foam discharging from every orifice. Seems one can suffocate to death mixing pills, alcohol and stomach acid . . .


Not enough income for insurance and abandoned by the British government. Happens all the time, and not only in Britain.

Abandoned by the British government?? What are you suggesting - that the British government should have flown him back to the UK to receive free treatment from the NHS?

Seems this chap had been living in Thailand for the past 40 years - at which point it's more the case that he abandoned Britain a very long time ago....


I'm in my late 60's and have recently suffered a series of minor (i.e. not seriously disabling) strokes. I have to assume that a major one could follow at any time. If it's fatal, well, so be it. What really frightens me is the thought of becoming seriously disabled and a burden to myself and others. So preparation seems like a good idea, and jumping off a high building comes low on my list of desirable endings. I have done a little research and shall do more, but, if anybody here feels able to offer any pointers or suggestions by PM, I shall be very grateful.

I think starting another topic on euthanasia information would be even better. Reading just these few posts, there's obviously a serious interest . . . and rightly so, I think.

Dignatas is where I'm headed if and when necessary. My greatest fear is not being able to speak/do for myself to get me there when necessary!


seems a terrible and painful way to kill yourself! if I were to think about killing myself, I would take a bunch of pills, get my favorite booze, sit down on a comfortable chair, put my favorite movies on my DVD and just sit back and take the "trip"! no pain no fuss and no one getting mad at me for messing up their car roof! plus I would look pretty for my funeral!

A friend of mine always thought that was the way to go too until she saw someone who had succeeded with foam discharging from every orifice. Seems one can suffocate to death mixing pills, alcohol and stomach acid . . .

Yes exactly. If you don't know what you're doing you can even end up alive. I'm pretty sure it's against forum rules to go into detail about suicide techniques though.

maybe it would have been better for him to stay in his home country? RIP

John had lived in Thailand for the past 40 years, to him, this was his home.

well, but most expensive concerning Health costs. NHS would be for free. But anyway.....too late

Not free if he hasnt lived there for 40 years. He would have had to be in the UK for 6 months for him to accepted as a patient again


seems a terrible and painful way to kill yourself! if I were to think about killing myself, I would take a bunch of pills, get my favorite booze, sit down on a comfortable chair, put my favorite movies on my DVD and just sit back and take the "trip"! no pain no fuss and no one getting mad at me for messing up their car roof! plus I would look pretty for my funeral!

A friend of mine always thought that was the way to go too until she saw someone who had succeeded with foam discharging from every orifice. Seems one can suffocate to death mixing pills, alcohol and stomach acid . . .

Yes exactly. If you don't know what you're doing you can even end up alive. I'm pretty sure it's against forum rules to go into detail about suicide techniques though.

Oops! I didn't realize I was giving details or that it's against forum rules. Best delete my post?

(but I don't know how! Help!)



seems a terrible and painful way to kill yourself! if I were to think about killing myself, I would take a bunch of pills, get my favorite booze, sit down on a comfortable chair, put my favorite movies on my DVD and just sit back and take the "trip"! no pain no fuss and no one getting mad at me for messing up their car roof! plus I would look pretty for my funeral!

Killing yourself with pills isn't necessarily painless. Depending on which medication it is, there can be a lot of thrashing, slow choking on vomit, with skin-on-fire feelings that can last for some time.


Thanks for the update on this... but please give us a medical link to where we can research this further... or if its against forum rules, then just PM is okay.

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