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'Too busy': Hit-and-text teen driver accused of breaching community service order


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It's said that if you're too apathetic to vote ..that you get the Gov't you deserve ...

Same with the law/ police / army ... If you font stand up and say something then you get what you deserve ....

No ones Thai bashing ... If it's wrong ..then it's wrong ...no matter who or where ,,,

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It's said that if you're too apathetic to vote ..that you get the Gov't you deserve ...

Same with the law/ police / army ... If you font stand up and say something then you get what you deserve ....

No ones Thai bashing ... If it's wrong ..then it's wrong ...no matter who or where ,,,

Good post Rob.

I note some posters quoting incidents in USA.

I have never been to USA, South Sudan or Afghanistan.

But I firmly believe what happens in those countries should not be used as a guide as to what should happen in Thailand. If its wrong, it is wrong irrespective of the region or location.

The bad attitude to driving in Thailand is the reason it has the highest accident rates and that is exacerbated by the absence of punishment for offenders.

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No licence killed 9 people but too busy for community service - hope the hiso lady gets her car squished with her inside.

Anyone know where she lives ? Lets form a Forum vigilante Party .

Simply track down her social media accounts, she is bound to have many of them as she seems to be one of those pompous shallow self absorbed types, I am surprised she did not take a selfie next to the wreckage

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It is difficult for people from developed countries to understand that in Thailand, killing people with an automobile does not carry prison time.

The Benz maniac that just killed two innocent people will receive a similar punishment.

In the meantime, the Thai police don't know what o do with this girl. They are gobsmacked.

Of course one shouldnt mention a certain US senator , a bridge and a river, remind me again how time he spent behind bars ?

Not the same.

Running an undisputed killer through the "justice" system, having them sentenced and having them ignore the sentence is the particular problem in this case.

And it happens over and over and over and...........................

Edited by Enoon
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The girl didn't mean do kill 9 people.

Is there anyone on this forum that can honestly say they have never used a phone while driving? I am guilty.

Does anyone believe that there is anyone in Thailand with two hands, a car and a phone that has not use them both at the same time.

Everyone does. I see it everyday, even with motorbikes.

I hope if I am ever in an accident and someone unfortunately dies I don't go to prison either.

The girl and her family don't sound like nice people.

I don't use a phone while driving. Never have. I either pull over and check it or check it when I get to where I'm going. Generally I just keep it turned off. It's not that important. You should ask, "How many people answer their phone just because it rings?" You'd probably find a high correlation between those who answer without thinking and those who feel a need to use a phone and drive. It's a form of reckless driving. She obviously thinks it's all a joke. She should spend some time in prison.

And don't forget that (when smartphones would have existed then) your parents would never have allowed you to drive a car (they would on top of it have let you dispose of freely), alone, on your own, at night, when you were 16 years old! IMO, her parents should for sure have been prosecuted, and jailed, but as they seem to be 'influential people'...

Edited by bangrak
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I am one Farang who is making Thailand a better place for my being !!

I feel for the poor child To think the courts would want her to put in 4 hours a month doing community service. How can she fit that in with parties and facebook,not to mention clubbing and drinking. She is very busy.Gee she only killed 9 innocent people. Why do they treat her so bad.

I bet she hasn't missed a wink of sleep since she killed them either.

These "people" are brought up to believe they are far superior to the great unwashed.

A bit like a lot of farangs living in Thailand you mean ?
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What's wrong with these parents?? Having

Money must make Thais just stupid!!

Your daughter is a spoiled brat and murderer,

This does not make you HI-So....It makes you

Idiots with no parenting skills. So many "real"

HI-SO people are laughing at you !!

Yes, she is stupid, spoilt, irresponsible, and morally bankrupt.

However, she has the "right" DNA in her cells, and the colour of the blood in her veins makes her immune to the justice system.

When will the plebs ever learn that Thai society will never be a level playing field?

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"Later in Feb. 2016, Praewa allegedly did 90 hours at Phramongkutklao Hospital, but she did not follow the procedure set by the office. She is required to perform her community services in the province where she is a legal resident. She cannot just work anywhere, he said."

Why not?

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What's wrong with these parents?? Having

Money must make Thais just stupid!!

Your daughter is a spoiled brat and murderer,

This does not make you HI-So....It makes you

Idiots with no parenting skills. So many "real"

HI-SO people are laughing at you !!

Yes, she is stupid, spoilt, irresponsible, and morally bankrupt.

However, she has the "right" DNA in her cells, and the colour of the blood in her veins makes her immune to the justice system.

When will the plebs ever learn that Thai society will never be a level playing field?

"The eyes of all await upon thee, O Lord"

Perhaps that is the prayer that the victim's families are offering to the Lord Buddha in their search for justice for their lost love ones?wai.gif

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If the girl is 17 - no licence then no insurance and kills 9 people and the parents let her use their car - or bought it for her - for when she was legal to drive - no excuses none!!!! She doesn't give a shit and probably won't do when she's driving dad's merc like the guy the other day and killed 2

She's 22 now and alleged to broken paraole- as too busy - just jail her ban her from the roads for 15 years for manslaughter and set example - but guess money speaks more than loss of face - wonder if she actually passed her driving test or still just driving

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"Later in Feb. 2016, Praewa allegedly did 90 hours at Phramongkutklao Hospital, but she did not follow the procedure set by the office. She is required to perform her community services in the province where she is a legal resident. She cannot just work anywhere, he said."

Why not?

My guess would be that it is to ensure that the local probation officer can supervise her and be sure that she is actually doing the work.

In any case, she was lucky to stay out of jail and should have been happy to abide by the rules of her community service order, which were not too draconian.

Kills 9 people, gets off lightly, but still wants to dictate the terms of her sentence - says everything we need to know about her.

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No licence killed 9 people but too busy for community service - hope the hiso lady gets her car squished with her inside.

Anyone know where she lives ? Lets form a Forum vigilante Party .

That would most likely be a suicide mision......................

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The Bangkok post dedicated all of the front page on Saturday to the Benz driver that most likely will dodge the drink rap and a list of Bangkok's deadly rich kids that have escaped the justice just because they are "Hi-So"

The redbull kid was also among them. they reported that that case is still with the prosecutors, (most likely archived)

Amazing read

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IMHO, how far would people go to save their children from jail? I most would certainly go all legal means possible to minimize the length. Re this case it seems a total disrespect and disregard and a massively lax sentencing.

I guess this comment will be scorned upon..

No need to scorn your comment... It's fair and reasonable.... Any parent would do their utmost to keep their children out of jail.... It's what parents should do (protect their kids)

However, they should have also compelled her to do the sentenced community service, especially because it's so lax

But now, having breached her probation, she should be thrown in jail, until her sentence is reviewed (if you can call that a sentence)

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OK we now know the background to this situation and forum members have rightly expressed their indignation but what now ?

Will the probation authorities do their job and pursue a breach of the court order against her or will, once again, the authorities tip toe around dealing with her ?

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It's the parents responsibility to raise a responsible

Child. Teach them right from wrong and instill in them

A sense of civic pride,compassion for others and help

Them become a good person .

It is irresponsible for a parent to allow a lawless adult

Person to continue on a path of self destruction and

Kill innocent others .

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Interesting background to this affair.

A ruling on August 2012 by the Central Juvenile and Family Court sentenced her to three years in prison but commuted by one third to two years in prison.

The juvenile court also granted three-year probation for her prison term, and mandated her to three year behavior control, 48 hours of working to caring road accident patients, and report authorities every three months.

The Appeals Court Appeals sentenced her to two years imprisonment and banned her to drive until she turns 25 years old. The prison term, however, was commuted to four year probation instead with 48 hours of charity working for one year. This was appealed to the by the Supreme Court who upheld the Court of Appeals.

Thephasadin Na Ayudhya, Ms Orachorn's step-brother, said after the accident, "My father is a soldier. He is a man of justice. He teaches discipline, integrity and justice." Her uncle and grandfather were high-ranking military commanders.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva pledged during investigation of the accident that to ensure justice for all concerned following criticism that powerful people were pulling strings to help the teen driver. He said that nobody is above the law.

But it seems the right Thais are outside the law.

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What is wrong with Thai people? Long ago, I lost respect for the residents of this country. Not only the c@nt who killed these people, but where is the outrage of the public? Against her, against the judicial system, against the accepted values of the citizenry? Surely, some people here must have a sense of right v. wrong....

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Thephasadin Na Ayudhya, Ms Orachorn's step-brother, said after the accident, "My father is a soldier. He is a man of justice. He teaches discipline, integrity and justice." Her uncle and grandfather were high-ranking military

So he was appealing the leniency of the sentence then....?

Clearly the mother was to blame as the primary "care giver"... And responsible for teaching clear values and societies rules of behaviour... BTW is the mother affluent Chinese?

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Thephasadin Na Ayudhya, Ms Orachorn's step-brother, said after the accident, "My father is a soldier. He is a man of justice. He teaches discipline, integrity and justice." Her uncle and grandfather were high-ranking military

So he was appealing the leniency of the sentence then....?

Clearly the mother was to blame as the primary "care giver"... And responsible for teaching clear values and societies rules of behaviour... BTW is the mother affluent Chinese?

"BTW is the mother affluent Chinese? "

No, she is an affluent Thai.

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"Her family also filed a complaint to Office of the Ombudsman Thailand accusing probation officers of “threatening her"

​ She killed nine young souls (they were students in the unlucky van that crossed her road) she did not go one hour in prison, now instead of consulting with the probation officer she sent her lawyer to the court with document to show she "allegedly" completed her community service in a hospital not even in the province in which she is a legal resident and required to complete her community service...

...And her family filed a complaint accusing the probation officer of threatening her...blink.png Can you believe that!

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