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Half Thai/Half European Teenagers. ie Luk Khreung. What would you wise people advise?

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To the OP, I to have an 18 yrs. old Luuk Kreung Daughter. She was born in rural Mahasarakarm, when she was 8yrs. I decided to take her to Wales where I am from, She could not speak one word of English when she entered St Davids infant school in Newport, her and a filipina child had one on one English lessons from a good English teacher who actually loved teaching, she told me, Cut long boring story short, she was fluent in 2 yrs with a Standard English accent, at 12yrs entered St Josephs Newport and steadily progressed especially at maths and economics, at 15, and in the top 3 of her class, she decided after a trip back to LOS, she wanted to return to Thailand as she was sick of the morals of many of her school friends, girls of 13/14 boozing and swearing among other things. So 3 yrs. ago we returned and she loves the atmosphere of Thailand, but miss's the school tuition and discipline of UK. Before we left she bought the cds containing her GCE tuition also another cd with 6th form tuition which studies every evening, also studying an Auditing and book keeping course online. Now she is in mor hok, and is miles ahead of her class mates. She also speaks Thai, English, Lao, and some Welsh and Spanish. I am very proud of her, and to the a...ss h...e who said naively that Luuk Kreung are never fully accepted is full of it. You got it made mate, there is no future in Europe whatsoever, don't listen to the main stream media crowd they are deluded. Search Y/T for William Engdahl or Prof. Michel Chussodusky at Global Research.ca get some real info.

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A few years from now..... which would be better; a degree from a Thai Uni or a degree from a European Uni?

It's a no brainer my friend, give them the best you can.

It is NOT a no brainer. It does not depend on what the parent can afford or what the kids want but on the reality of where these kids are going to live AND WORK in the future, That is either working in Thailand or not working in Thailand. No sense in lavishing 'the best you can' if they are coming back to languish in the local backwaters.

I ask myself, why do the cashed up Thais up my way send their kids oversaes to be educated.

Nothing to do with rock and a hard place.

You are the father, you are head of the household, you give directions, others follow.

One of the obligations of being a father, put your kids before yourself.


The cashed up Thai's send their kids to overseas uni's for THE FACE and bugger all to do with the degree. Post graduates from cashed up Thai families don't really need to work too hard when they come back either. However, when a post graduate Thai student returns to Thailand, they are passed over in favor of locally educated post graduates. Fact.


A lot of posters are suggesting to follow the example of rich Thai families sending their kids to study abroad. IMO this is not comparable. These families are grooming their children for top establishment positions in government and in business through their names and social connections - mostly impenetrable by outsiders. Children outside of these privileged circles who are intending to live in Thailand are better off at good schools here in Thailand where they can develop networks and local knowledge.

...is the correct answer.


The children are too young to know exactly what`s best for them yet. You are the parent and those children are your responsibility and it`s you that needs to guide them.

The Thai education system is not good for luk khreung kids unless they intend to remain in Thailand otherwise if they do return to Europe in the future they will be at a great disadvantage having only Thai qualifications that are not worth the paper they`re printed on and most not recognized in Europe. Sorry that you cannot afford an International school and maybe University education in Thailand for your kids, but you should have thought of that before bringing them here. Daddy can we not go back to France/England/Wales? Seems the children are wiser then their parents.

Only one remark. Thai qualifications from some (few) good universities in Thailand (Chula, Thamassat, and one or two others) are well respected and recognized in Europe!


first question , what opportunities do you see for young girls in Thailand? well paying jobs, advancement in the chosen fields etc

second why do you think that do not like it here? I know why do you??

I have two boys in international school as soon as they are done back to home country no opportunities for 18 year old males, when they leave i told my wife they will not be coming back . they both know where their future is. not in Thailand wife understands also she is sad but realistic about it.


I have a similar situation. We have a house in my home country. The kids are moving back to start school there in the fall. I will move back with them. The wife just barely tolerates my country and can only take it in 3-4 week doses. So she visits when she can. Is it perfect, no it isn't. It's the best compromise for the kids future. There is no future for them in Thailand so why ruin their lives and opportunities by sending them to a Thsi school.


I have a similar situation. We have a house in my home country. The kids are moving back to start school there in the fall. I will move back with them. The wife just barely tolerates my country and can only take it in 3-4 week doses. So she visits when she can. Is it perfect, no it isn't. It's the best compromise for the kids future. There is no future for them in Thailand so why ruin their lives and opportunities by sending them to a Thsi school.

"There is no future for them in Thailand"

What makes you say that?


A few years from now..... which would be better; a degree from a Thai Uni or a degree from a European Uni?

It's a no brainer my friend, give them the best you can.

It is NOT a no brainer. It does not depend on what the parent can afford or what the kids want but on the reality of where these kids are going to live AND WORK in the future, That is either working in Thailand or not working in Thailand. No sense in lavishing 'the best you can' if they are coming back to languish in the local backwaters.

I ask myself, why do the cashed up Thais up my way send their kids oversaes to be educated.

Nothing to do with rock and a hard place.

You are the father, you are head of the household, you give directions, others follow.

One of the obligations of being a father, put your kids before yourself.


The cashed up Thai's send their kids to overseas uni's for THE FACE and bugger all to do with the degree. Post graduates from cashed up Thai families don't really need to work too hard when they come back either. However, when a post graduate Thai student returns to Thailand, they are passed over in favor of locally educated post graduates. Fact.

While I agree with a few of the points you make, it's simply not a fact that overseas educated Thai's get passed over in favor of local educated. I know this because I work in an industry where we hire all the Thai overseas post grads we can. Sure for mind numbing, low paying jobs local post grads are the best choice. BTW, has anyone happened to look at the education background of those under 45 in CEO positions at Thai and Internstionsl companies? Guess what?


my wife has a uni degree from top uni in thailand she moved to england and its worth nothing here she shop manager but if she had that degree in england she been top PA or even more as she was company admin dealing with tesco and other big companies there in thailand here nothing


I ask myself, why do the cashed up Thais up my way send their kids oversaes to be educated.

Nothing to do with rock and a hard place.

You are the father, you are head of the household, you give directions, others follow.

One of the obligations of being a father, put your kids before yourself.

Whats the real reason here, unemployable back in the UK?

Better lifestyle here?

Are you a TEFLr?

Well, I clicked on "Like" before I read the last three lines. Really no sense in demeaning the OP--and, remember, this is smotherb saying that--he was not pontificating or making some ridiculous statement, he was asking for advice.

I agree whole-heartedly with the example you began your post. Wealthy Thais send their kids elsewhere for education.

Do the research on the viability of university degrees--Western degrees draw the best jobs worldwide.

I know three luk khreung young men here. All three speak fluent English, and work in the Oil & Gas industry; in great part because all three of their fathers are O&G expats.

One of the three went to school in the UK, he makes European wages; the other two went to school here in Thailand, they work for Thai wages.

It's up to you, but I would send them to school in the West if you can manage that.

edited part--only two are university graduates


A few years from now..... which would be better; a degree from a Thai Uni or a degree from a European Uni?

It's a no brainer my friend, give them the best you can.

It is NOT a no brainer. It does not depend on what the parent can afford or what the kids want but on the reality of where these kids are going to live AND WORK in the future, That is either working in Thailand or not working in Thailand. No sense in lavishing 'the best you can' if they are coming back to languish in the local backwaters.

I ask myself, why do the cashed up Thais up my way send their kids oversaes to be educated.

Nothing to do with rock and a hard place.

You are the father, you are head of the household, you give directions, others follow.

One of the obligations of being a father, put your kids before yourself.


The cashed up Thai's send their kids to overseas uni's for THE FACE and bugger all to do with the degree. Post graduates from cashed up Thai families don't really need to work too hard when they come back either. However, when a post graduate Thai student returns to Thailand, they are passed over in favor of locally educated post graduates. Fact.

What about the students studying abroad for the simple reason, the courses/subjects/degrees arent available in Thailand?

What about those studying abroad to improve their English skills, where upon return to Thailand they will be working in service based industries, be it, medical, financial or hospitality where they will spend all day speaking English.

What about those studying abroad who are being groomed to take over the family business?

I will concede, yes they are unlikely to be engaging in back breaking manual labour on their return.

I know of luk kreung kids working in Thailand for large MNCs, they are on the full expat package as part of a career programme, and are being groomed for futher opportunites in places such as Singapore or Hong Kong.

Some of the post grad Thais you talk of choose to stay and work overseas.


I ask myself, why do the cashed up Thais up my way send their kids oversaes to be educated.

Nothing to do with rock and a hard place.

You are the father, you are head of the household, you give directions, others follow.

One of the obligations of being a father, put your kids before yourself.

Whats the real reason here, unemployable back in the UK?

Better lifestyle here?

Are you a TEFLr?

"You are the father, you are head of the household, you give directions, others follow." Wow - what a "dark ages" way of thinking....

Ok, heres a better idea, how about the OP stays home and spends some quality time with his children, and his wife can go out and bring home the bacon.


Most Thais hate living in Thailand too, only they're stuck here so their defense mechanism screams how much they love the place.

Give them your choice and they'd be gone and never be back.

Therein lies your answer.


education in Thailand is sub par , just look at the latest reports the government is frustrated double education spending and test scores went down. i saw a TED talk by a thai parent about education in Thailand he was beyond depressed about the situation here that is why parents spend so much money on tutors and after school teaching classes. Europe is no better for kids opportunities look at their unemployment rates are very high,those are not going down anytime soon.


"I'm going to send my kids from the UK to Thailand so they can get the best education and upbringing available to them" - said nobody ever.

If the Thais can afford it then send their kids abroad, now you are thinking of doing the opposite. Your kids have the opportunity to get a UK education, it would be irresponsible of you to do otherwise.

Like someone else posted, I wonder what your motive for coming back to Thailand is? Cheaper? Lifestyle? Pressure from your Thai family? Whichever it is, none of them are in the best interests of your kids.

I just uprooted us all from Thailand and moved us back to the UK so my son can start first school in the UK. I don't regret it one bit as it is doing amazingly there and loves it. My 2 year old daughter also loves pre-school. If we didn't have kids we would be in Thailand for ourselves but with kids it wasn't much of a decision of where would be better to raise them

I've met or talked to several farangs over in the UK who have lived in Thailand with their Thai wife/partner and as soon as their kids were approaching school age they move straight back to the UK for schooling. One of the guys I talked to was TEFL in Bangkok and his view was the standard of education there was appalling (compared to UK). It would appear that the education system in Thailand is geared more to giving the children a lengthy childhood rather then an education to aid them to greater things in life as they approach adulthood... and if you were a conspiracy theorist you would perhaps theorise that this is the government plan so that the power remains with the chosen few whether they be the military hierarchy, the billionaires or chosen ones...and that the surfs remain in their place forever


Most Thais hate living in Thailand too, only they're stuck here so their defense mechanism screams how much they love the place.

Give them your choice and they'd be gone and never be back.

Therein lies your answer.

I know of Thais living overseas, one lives in America, told me it was the best country ever invented.

Thais living in Australia, no intetion of ever moving back here.

Thais living in the UK, laughing at me, why can you live in such a countrty?

Thais who have turned round and told their husband, you go and retire there, we are staying here.

Thais who go overseas and hear of such things as, free healthcare, free education, Govt pensions, etc etc.

Never mind there will always be the Little Emperors whose mai ben rai sabai sabai attitude didnt cut it in the West, same same as "manana", they come rushing back here to rediscover their Thainess.

Always looking for a job.

What qualifications do you have, where did you study?

Oh, he is a quick learner, eager to please.

Plair wa, he was too lazy to study his mother spolied him rotten.

Even the Thais can see right through them.

Theres is a girl plying her trade on Suk soi 11, the apple doesnt fall far from the tree, not so long back her mother was plying here trade on Suk soi 4.


Most Thais hate living in Thailand too, only they're stuck here so their defense mechanism screams how much they love the place.

Give them your choice and they'd be gone and never be back.

Patently untrue.


First I would explain the wife that it is me who decides what to do as I certainly have more education and knowledge than her...

Kids should study international program, even on Internet, as of course it is a shame to only go to Thai univ when you are half Thai EU...

First I would explain the wife that it is me who decides what to do as I certainly have more education and knowledge than her... As I am a farang and therefore superior to ALL Thais



What was the extent of your wife's education? Was she working a minimum wage job / subsistence life when you met here? What is her plan for her kids' future. Is it just laissez-faire / fatalistic?

If the answers are

i) little

ii) yes

iii) none

iv) yes

then you have one of the chief factors in explaining how the children of the poor and less-educated remain firmly at the bottom of society's pile in Thailand.

Be firm. Get the kids in a Western country and education system.

You have a very clear and intellectual view of Thai people and society. I guess it is based on your personal situation, the Thai people you associate with and maybe even married....


Education is very important.
So is happiness.
Where is everyone more happy? (you?)

If he answers are Thailand, find a way to educate your kids.
Homeschool if necessary.

If the answers are Europe, then go there.

I've seen some very miserable people who went to Ivy League schools in America.
I've seen some extremely happy people who have little education in many different parts of the world.

Give them Love 1st, education 2nd.

Splitting up the family is not a good option.

Just my 2 cents.


Thank you all for your thoughtful replies. The disparity of views reflects for me the complexity to which I alluded. We have pretty high expectations. I am an Oxbridge graduate; but I am quite old so the grandparent route is not available! My wife is a Chula graduate and her family is reasonably hi-so without being uppity about it. The Thai grandparents/family (they are Chinese/Vietnamese/Thai) is pretty straightforward":Go to Europe! Worry about Thailand later. It is their mother and her siblings having a pretty good time here and earning money say: Don't go to Europe/Oz or wherever. Its pretty declasse. Thailand is the future!

Well the future, of course, is what this is to a degree about. I did not bring the children here. They were born here. What I did do was take them to Europe! Parents also have to work; so they were taken to where I needed to be, whenever. Thank you to those who suggested specific schools!

There is of course an interesting dilemma about who makes decisions. I do not subscribe to the "head of the household" approach. Our situation is that we both provide for the family and each other; so I am not entirely a free agent. Of course you can take a different "manly" view and simply do what you want.

The issue of why the children don't like Thailand is, I think, very complicated. They don't like the heat, they don.t like the teachers and schools, they think the culture unlike Korean culture is boring, they find the girls and boys in schools brain-dead (quote!), they pick up on the latent racism. One teacher asked one of them what was wrong with her eyes!? No perfect epicanthic fold! And of course that links to everyone's view: they are luk khreung farang, they can never be "Thai". . Thais of course happy to ignore the fact that most of them are immigrants and mongrels. That's what 1930s brainwashing achieved!


I believe you get free university in scotland but theres a qualifying period in which you must have lived there for at least 2 years I think
Could be an option
Thailand a great place. great lifestyle but when kids are involved it changes the status quo.
Myself and my 2 children would love to return to Thailand to live but my son especially is not academic so probably won't go to university so I believe that staying in the uk and learning a trade would be best for him ( he's only 11 and wants to be a thai boxer)
It hard sometimes as career wise I think the UK is better but lifestyle wise I believe thailand to be better.
Tough decision even without other family concerns coming into play.


Most Thais hate living in Thailand too, only they're stuck here so their defense mechanism screams how much they love the place.

Give them your choice and they'd be gone and never be back.

Therein lies your answer.

So, you know most thais do you? Life is hard in the rural village but not nearly as stressful as the west. Now you add in a good thai education and life is pretty good.


Send them to live with grandparents in Europe. Kids go to school in Europe. Mummy stays in Thailand. Daddy follows work. Everybody happy.

Unless the Thai half of the family has status or you can afford to send them to a quality school here (govt or international) (you can't), you are at a disadvantage here, second class citizen.

Kids have spoken. They don't like Thailand and very probably don't like Thai school. It is absolutely not student-centred.

Like your opinion Briggsy.


It is a funny pentangle. Money, class, education, ethnicity, family.

Cannot change the childrens' ethnicity. At my age can't do that much about money. Class I think irrelevant, though obviously we all understand about both the English and Thai obsession with it. Education? Well I don't have much respect for any schools; I went to some of the poshest schools and universities in the UK and US and learned almost nothing! So we have looked at France, Vancouver, the UK, Austria, Spain,Singapore, International schools here and there including Thailand. We can't see you can get away with much under 10KGBP per child per year plus housing costs. We reckon the best school we could find, given the childrens' abilities was SOTA in Singapore.

I guess we think we can find better ways to spend 20KGBP a year on their education! And while money does not buy love, the love is higher on the list of priorities.

We certainly don't want to break the family up geographically. They are beautifully happy kids. One school in the UK for various reasons offered us a hugely beneficial deal. The kids horror at the idea of a boarding was a wonder to behold!


I will join the majority here and say give the kids the best education you can in a European school system.

Thai's are overly racist even to the Luk Khreung, in their eyes they are never "real" Thai.

Your kids have experienced the world outside Thailand and seen a better place. They will leave when they are old enough.

The Thai school paper is worth "nada" outside of Thailand.

Go, and if your wife love her kids and you, she will come too......

Good luck man!

What a load of old tosh. Plenty of Thais have used their degrees here to do Masters and PhD's overseas. Plenty of my graduating high school students have also gone overseas to study. And I've never hear anyone refer to my son as not being a real Thai....

OP use you commonsense and don't refer to the garbage in this thread.



What was the extent of your wife's education? Was she working a minimum wage job / subsistence life when you met here? What is her plan for her kids' future. Is it just laissez-faire / fatalistic?

If the answers are

i) little

ii) yes

iii) none

iv) yes

then you have one of the chief factors in explaining how the children of the poor and less-educated remain firmly at the bottom of society's pile in Thailand.

Be firm. Get the kids in a Western country and education system.

You have a very clear and intellectual view of Thai people and society. I guess it is based on your personal situation, the Thai people you associate with and maybe even married....

Hmmm...his assessment, unfortunately, is on the mark. The overwhelming majority, despite a rising middle class, has still the mentality you see in poor rural villages. Being thai comes above education. The hierarchical structure of society, also within the families, plays a part in it too. I asked the mother of my children about her plan for kids's future....answer given.....No plan. Hence they are at a temple school momentarily despite promises on her side to get them into an english program. Only difference being....taught nonsense in english instead of thai language. Manipulation and brainwashing is the biggest downfall of thai education at the schools and at the homes...no free/critical thinking allowed. Sad !!

  • 2 weeks later...

It is a funny pentangle. Money, class, education, ethnicity, family.

Cannot change the childrens' ethnicity. At my age can't do that much about money. Class I think irrelevant, though obviously we all understand about both the English and Thai obsession with it. Education? Well I don't have much respect for any schools; I went to some of the poshest schools and universities in the UK and US and learned almost nothing! So we have looked at France, Vancouver, the UK, Austria, Spain,Singapore, International schools here and there including Thailand. We can't see you can get away with much under 10KGBP per child per year plus housing costs. We reckon the best school we could find, given the childrens' abilities was SOTA in Singapore.

I guess we think we can find better ways to spend 20KGBP a year on their education! And while money does not buy love, the love is higher on the list of priorities.

We certainly don't want to break the family up geographically. They are beautifully happy kids. One school in the UK for various reasons offered us a hugely beneficial deal. The kids horror at the idea of a boarding was a wonder to behold!

I've been thinking also on my sons educational future, 5 years old now, we're living in Thailand.

I find it very interesting about what you say about a posh education and learning nothing, I went to a remote school in Northen Alberta that in this day and age would be considered worse than a local Thai school. It was a wonderful place to go to school because the teachers cared and taught each student as an induvidual.

Point being, money doesn't necessarially buy a good education, exceptional teachers do.

I've also noticed that the more time I spend personally with my son the better his learning, when he questions I answer, we play games on the computer, build with blocks, ride our bikes, visit the zoo, etc. time spent with my little guy is priceless for me, and I'm pushing 60 so every second counts.

Forget the class BS, I've told my son not to wai me as the school trys to teach him, I'm DAD, I told him wai people you respect.

Ethnicity, One day he looked at me and said " Its just You and Me Dad" he doesn't see any difference and neither do I. __ck everyone else

Don't worry about the high class schools, worry more about the kids being happy and hopefully the rest will fall into place.

I hope it does for you, and I hope it does for me also


  • 3 weeks later...

If you have decided to live with your wife and children in Thailand for the foreseeable future, obviously, you should try to find the best Thai school you can afford.

But remember, a Thai education is worthless outside Thailand.. You commit yourself to staying in Thailand until your next life.


But remember, a Thai education is worthless outside Thailand.. You commit yourself to staying in Thailand until your next life.

Not necessarily. Providing the kids have dual passports there's nothing stopping them from going to their father's country as a young adult and getting an entry level job - however basic that might be - and learning the language while traveling about.

Not every kid is cut out to be an PHD academic, engineer or doctor. Most of us muddle through. The passports are the key - it opens up two worlds.

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