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Woman goes into jealous scissor-stabbing rage at Boots


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Ha Hah, you go girl !!

Seriously, what's so humourous about a woman attacking another with a pair of scissors?
Ahh cmon mate dont be all doom and gloom. 2 chicks getting into a stoush over a man is always romantic.

You come on mate if it was your mum or sister you would not be saying those things would you .

I have been band from saying what I really think of you mate .

You really think my mum and sister would go the scissors over me ?

I got many kinks behind closed doors but none involve my relations.

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I thought this story was going to be about a woman who went to Boots Pharmacy to buy some medication but once finding out they mostly sell cosmetics she just became enraged.

It's such a joke that many drug stores such as Boots claim to be a pharmacy when probably 90% of what they sell is cosmetics and personal items. I like the pharmacies out in the provinces and small cities where pharmacies still primarily sell medications with a little bit of other stuff.

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Thai women upset with Thai man, gives the scissors to the mistress, 500baht fine

Thai women upset with Farang, gently stabs herself, fake doctors report, 50,000THB.

I have been on this road before. Rent only.

I was dating an Issan girl once who had a shopping list a mile long,

so to please her please me i would buy her trinkets to shut her up

keep her happy, now i would laugh at the above post if it wasn't for

the fact that she said the same thing to me '' if you don't do / buy

for me blah blah blah, i can call some bad police and put you in jail ''

i'm thinking, is this how my life will be in Thailand, my future wife,

the mother of my children ? i planned an exit and i was gone and

still here to tell the tale.

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Thai women upset with Thai man, gives the scissors to the mistress, 500baht fine

Thai women upset with Farang, gently stabs herself, fake doctors report, 50,000THB.

I have been on this road before. Rent only.

I was dating an Issan girl once who had a shopping list a mile long,

so to please her please me i would buy her trinkets to shut her up

keep her happy, now i would laugh at the above post if it wasn't for

the fact that she said the same thing to me '' if you don't do / buy

for me blah blah blah, i can call some bad police and put you in jail ''

i'm thinking, is this how my life will be in Thailand, my future wife,

the mother of my children ? i planned an exit and i was gone and

still here to tell the tale.

I was married to a USA woman. In the process of the divorce, she listed MY business for sale in the WSJ. That was insane as I didn't know and only found out as one of my partners saw the ad.

God bless her.

Nothing to say bad, but she'd probably have gotten more mileage by stabbing the crazy coke whore I was at the time smile.png

BTW my ex USA wife is set up for life, no children with her, she has not lifted a finger in her existence.

If only she had stabbed.............

Edited by TacoHell
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"an attack she later blamed on jealous rage"... "Oh yeah, fully understandable then, let's go to play cards, Sgt. Somchai... case closed!"

No mention of how Looknam is doing, etc... Copy and paste journalism, Great!!! sick.gif

Edited by MockingJay
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The people watching this and laughing?

Jesus Christ.

I see that all the time and still don't get it. Are the people laughing complete morons of the highest level or what. They seemed to be overjoyed about the attack as if it were completely acceptable.

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I'm not quite sure about some of the posts here, they appear like they come from people who have never been to Thailand. In less than a year living here it became very obvious to me that a Thai women scorned...or placed in a position as in this story...is capable of doing anything, I say that not lightly, of doing anything. The first lady I had a longtime relationship with here, began holding on to me rightly whenever we went out, she told me straight out that it was to let other women know that I was "hers". Then I noticed she always had a large carving knife in her handbag. She said that was for protection from muggers when she was lone....then one day she looked me straight in the eye and said that she would gauge out the eyes of a woman who made advances towards me....with same knife. By the way, have people not heard the many stories of men walking up minus their "bananna" for the same reasons. Indeed...the Thai lady is not one to be trickled with.

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I love how everyone just stands around looking........what a joke of a culture.

I have seen worse in the US,

you aint just whistling Dixie.

Jerry Srpinger turned this behaviour into an art form.

What a sad culture indeed.

BTW, if you are going to a 'scissor fight', take a pair of garden shears.

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The security guard was the last on scene. It took him exactly 24 seconds to cross the little store, conveniently after some ladies had contained the violence... Just saying'!

Edited by fstarbkk
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quite odd that after repeated 'stabbings' that the victim did not fall down or even show distress in the video.

if it was the perpetrator really stabbed the victim with a real deadly knife as much as is shown in the video, she would be down on the floor. Just seems odd to me, though I have not read all the comments on this thread. Maybe more to it?

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There probably is more to it, although have you ever used thosr thai made (cheap) scizzors?

Thankfully, it looks like the attacker only got that initial clear shot in before the victim reacts.

As for the scizzors, of course you cannot see the standard. Unless they are the real dressmaking or hairdressing variety, i cant see them even being able to penetrate the workers layers of clothes, especially if the blades are closed.

With the typical standard of 40 baht scizzors here, they are likely to crumple or bend before they do any real damage

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First of all if you try to stop it you end up in jail at least that's the way it is here. something about no work permit. Well thank God she had jealous rage to blame. But on second hand maybe raiding bank account might have really shown her and husband better?

Edited by Strangebrew
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So much Thainess.

From the jealousy.


Cowardly attack.

No one helping.

The laughing.

It's a like school for mentally deranged, spoiled, 5 year olds with anger issues.

i live in a village and youre looking at what i see is the "normal mentality" of many villagers

Sadly, you're correct. They have a way to go. That said, there are plenty of places in this world with the same mentality.

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First of all if you try to stop it you end up in jail at least that's the way it is here. something about no work permit.

Road accidents, domestic fight between thai couple, or even 2 women fighting, as a farang you are best to keep out of it, lest they both end up turning on you!

More likely in the end they will find a way to blame the farang for whatever shjt they got themselves in.

Dont worry about work permit, if i see any form of altercation here i exit stage (opposite direction)

If you get involed or even hang around rubberneckin you is askin for trouble!

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Ha Hah, you go girl !!

Seriously, what's so humourous about a woman attacking another with a pair of scissors?

Ahh cmon mate dont be all doom and gloom. 2 chicks getting into a stoush over a man is always romantic.

A bit of a hair pull and cat fight, well perhaps.

When stabbing implements are involved which can kill or maim it is out of order.

It appears the women are as bad as the men so behave out there!

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....too many excuses .....

...everywhere you turn.....

...seems like some people are quite confident they can get away with anything as a result....

...and God Knows ........it does appear to be the case.....time and again...

My wife tells me, if I cheated, she would kill me and the Thai court would believe her and not jail her. Fortunately, I am innocent as the new driven snow. Still, in case she makes a mistake in judgement, I sleep on my belly (no surgery!).

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....too many excuses .....

...everywhere you turn.....

...seems like some people are quite confident they can get away with anything as a result....

...and God Knows ........it does appear to be the case.....time and again...

My wife tells me, if I cheated, she would kill me and the Thai court would believe her and not jail her. Fortunately, I am innocent as the new driven snow. Still, in case she makes a mistake in judgement, I sleep on my belly (no surgery!).

No problem, just do her before she gets to you.

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