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UK: 'We need to stand together' says Cameron after Brussels bloodshed


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UK: 'We need to stand together' says Cameron after Brussels bloodshed


"We need to stand together against these appalling terrorists and make sure they can never win"

LONDON: -- The Belgian flag flew at half-mast in Downing Street on Tuesday as Britain showed solidarity with its European partner following the deadly Brussels terrorist attacks.

UK Prime Minister David Cameron chaired a COBRA crisis response meeting and stepped up security at home, not least in London whose own transport network is no stranger to terrorism.

“These were attacks in Belgium,” Cameron said.

“They could just as well have been attacks in Britain or in France or Germany or elsewhere in Europe and we need to stand together against these appalling terrorists and make sure they can never win.”

“We obviously have still got information coming in and if there is information that implies there is a direct threat to the United Kingdom, we would raise the security threat even higher than it is today,” Cameron said.

British police said they would step up their presence at key locations nationwide, including transport hubs.

Mark Rowley, Britain’s most senior counter-terrorism officer, said the move was precautionary and did not result from any specific intelligence.

“In London specifically, the Metropolitan Police Service has mobilised additional officers, who will carry out highly visible patrols at key locations around the capital including the transport network,” Rowley said in a statement.

Islamist militant attacks in London in 2005 killed 52 people.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-23

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Oh shut up you silly little man, its your BS and that of your predecessors that have caused all this....and how are you going to make sure they never win ?....write a strongly worded memo ?

I suspect the pigs head would be doing a better job at being PM

Edited by Bobotie
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Does this mean Cameron will stop bombing abandoned IS position's in Syria, or will he insist that we support "moderate Syrian rebels"

I expect the EU will be real pissed off with the terrorism coming from ISIS, I would imagine they will even add another dozen unarmed observation planes to the airspace. Europe really...get some gonads please, your endangering the western world with your incredible weakness.

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Initially the ME was an Arab/Israel issue, one I believe should have been left to them to sort out as it was their problem. The US then stuck its nose in and then PLO/terrorism started to target the West as well, lets include wisely stirring up and arming/training Islamists in Afghanistan with that as well.

Then we have the Western invasion/genocide in Iraq that really got things going, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria soon followed. Now there are vast amounts of angry Islamists migrating into Europe, can anyone possible imagine that is going to lead to future peace and harmony?

The West including Europe has essentially been deliberately at war with sections of the Islamic ME for decades. Why then is anyone surprised when bombs start going off in retaliation? Why has radical Saudi fundamentalist Islam been allowed to spread so vastly with their oil money? What, no one imagined that would lead to fermenting Islamic whackos?

So why when Europe gets blow-back do all the politicians stand up and pretend to be shocked? What do they promise? They then promise us all an Orwellian Police State to "protect us" from the very same Terrorists they themselves created. Just as well I'm not a conspiracy theorist, or you might imagine its all deliberate.

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I thought GCHQ had our backs .... They 've been probing & spying on Belgians for years. Totally infiltrated former BELGACOM ( belgium's major telecom operator). All the raping of our privacy and yet 2 major attacks orriginated out of belgium.....fine work boys & girls !

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Initially the ME was an Arab/Israel issue, one I believe should have been left to them to sort out as it was their problem. The US then stuck its nose in and then PLO/terrorism started to target the West as well, lets include wisely stirring up and arming/training Islamists in Afghanistan with that as well.

Then we have the Western invasion/genocide in Iraq that really got things going, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria soon followed. Now there are vast amounts of angry Islamists migrating into Europe, can anyone possible imagine that is going to lead to future peace and harmony?

The West including Europe has essentially been deliberately at war with sections of the Islamic ME for decades. Why then is anyone surprised when bombs start going off in retaliation? Why has radical Saudi fundamentalist Islam been allowed to spread so vastly with their oil money? What, no one imagined that would lead to fermenting Islamic whackos?

So why when Europe gets blow-back do all the politicians stand up and pretend to be shocked? What do they promise? They then promise us all an Orwellian Police State to "protect us" from the very same Terrorists they themselves created. Just as well I'm not a conspiracy theorist, or you might imagine its all deliberate.

You can either enjoy the system of personal freedoms enjoyed in many Western countries for hundreds of years OR you can have multiculturalism and the police state mechanisms required to enforce "tolerance" and "unity." Europe's politicians have already decided for their subjects.

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Initially the ME was an Arab/Israel issue, one I believe should have been left to them to sort out as it was their problem. The US then stuck its nose in and then PLO/terrorism started to target the West as well, lets include wisely stirring up and arming/training Islamists in Afghanistan with that as well.

Then we have the Western invasion/genocide in Iraq that really got things going, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Syria soon followed. Now there are vast amounts of angry Islamists migrating into Europe, can anyone possible imagine that is going to lead to future peace and harmony?

The West including Europe has essentially been deliberately at war with sections of the Islamic ME for decades. Why then is anyone surprised when bombs start going off in retaliation? Why has radical Saudi fundamentalist Islam been allowed to spread so vastly with their oil money? What, no one imagined that would lead to fermenting Islamic whackos?

So why when Europe gets blow-back do all the politicians stand up and pretend to be shocked? What do they promise? They then promise us all an Orwellian Police State to "protect us" from the very same Terrorists they themselves created. Just as well I'm not a conspiracy theorist, or you might imagine its all deliberate.

Rancid, i can see you being heavily criticised for the above post.

However, the truth can hurt, and similar to the politicians, a lot will be pretend to be shocked by backlash that we are starting to see.

It is a situation, IMO, that has been transparent in coming, been discussed endlessly in government meetings in all European countries without any preventative measures put in place to stop or even slow down the inevitable.

There cannot be any true justice in this world anymore as far too much protection is given to these people in the laws and regulations we have made for the society that we live in.

Unless the departments of the different governments have their hands untied, and are able to carry out surgical strikes, follow the money trails and nip these terrorist attacks in the bud, nothing will change, we will all sit and spectate as our worlds change in front of our eyes.

This however, is a thin line to follow lest we become the same as those we are defending against.........................wink.png

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Oh shut up you silly little man, its your BS and that of your predecessors that have caused all this....and how are you going to make sure they never win ?....write a strongly worded memo ?

I suspect the pigs head would be doing a better job at being PM

Quite. The usual copy and paste platitudes, as empty and hollow as our 'leaders' themselves. We aren't interested and we aren't listening.
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Says the man who has a Metropolitan Police detail guarding him, and secure bolt holes in which to hide.

So yeah, I don't mind standing together in your secure little world (that I'm helping to pay for).

ISIS didn't exist until western governments got rid of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, who kept them at bay, but since we liberated Iraq and Libya those countries have become unstable and a breeding ground for fundamentalists.

But without a few wars how could the oil companies and armaments industry have made huge profits! More Iraqis have died since liberation than under Saddam Hussein, and lets not forget the many servicemen sacrificed for the sake of corporate greed.

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Says the man who has a Metropolitan Police detail guarding him, and secure bolt holes in which to hide.

So yeah, I don't mind standing together in your secure little world (that I'm helping to pay for).

ISIS didn't exist until western governments got rid of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, who kept them at bay, but since we liberated Iraq and Libya those countries have become unstable and a breeding ground for fundamentalists.

But without a few wars how could the oil companies and armaments industry have made huge profits! More Iraqis have died since liberation than under Saddam Hussein, and lets not forget the many servicemen sacrificed for the sake of corporate greed.

"ISIS" in various guises existed long before Saddam Hussein, unless your being sarcastic how can one say "liberation" those countries where invaded for economic benefit (rape and pillage by MNCs) and its those wars of economic benefit which have caused the power vacumn which has led to the consolidation of various groups into what is now known as ISIS

Some of the genesis of this group can be found right back in the invasion of Afganistan by the Russians, Osma bin laden et al

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Says the man who has a Metropolitan Police detail guarding him, and secure bolt holes in which to hide.

So yeah, I don't mind standing together in your secure little world (that I'm helping to pay for).

ISIS didn't exist until western governments got rid of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, who kept them at bay, but since we liberated Iraq and Libya those countries have become unstable and a breeding ground for fundamentalists.

But without a few wars how could the oil companies and armaments industry have made huge profits! More Iraqis have died since liberation than under Saddam Hussein, and lets not forget the many servicemen sacrificed for the sake of corporate greed.

"ISIS" in various guises existed long before Saddam Hussein, unless your being sarcastic how can one say "liberation" those countries where invaded for economic benefit (rape and pillage by MNCs) and its those wars of economic benefit which have caused the power vacumn which has led to the consolidation of various groups into what is now known as ISIS

Some of the genesis of this group can be found right back in the invasion of Afganistan by the Russians, Osma bin laden et al

The genesis of this group can be found right back in the 7th Century. Read the Koran

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"We need to stand together" says David Cameron....He won't be standing together with the people...he will be hiding behind armed guards, and bullet proof windows!! easy to say Cameron, but its you politicians who let them into Europe in the first place, and then leave ordinary people to get blown to bits by them.

I bet we won't be seeing Cameron walking the streets, in Sharia held areas, (only with sharp-shooters up on every frickin' roof-top).

So another 30 odd innocent lives have been taken, and we cannot say a word, for fear of being called a bigot or racist....nice one.

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Says the man who has a Metropolitan Police detail guarding him, and secure bolt holes in which to hide.

So yeah, I don't mind standing together in your secure little world (that I'm helping to pay for).

And also the man who will cut the police budget YET AGAIN the instant he thinks he can get away with it, the slimy toerag.
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It would help considerably if the media didn't give terrorist organisations the sort of publicity they crave. The headline, 'Islamic State brings terror to Brussels', is one example that could have been more appropriately worded along the lines of, 'Muslim Fanatics Import Their Brand of Lunacy to Brussels'.

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Says the man who has a Metropolitan Police detail guarding him, and secure bolt holes in which to hide.

So yeah, I don't mind standing together in your secure little world (that I'm helping to pay for).

ISIS didn't exist until western governments got rid of Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, who kept them at bay, but since we liberated Iraq and Libya those countries have become unstable and a breeding ground for fundamentalists.

But without a few wars how could the oil companies and armaments industry have made huge profits! More Iraqis have died since liberation than under Saddam Hussein, and lets not forget the many servicemen sacrificed for the sake of corporate greed.

"ISIS" in various guises existed long before Saddam Hussein, unless your being sarcastic how can one say "liberation" those countries where invaded for economic benefit (rape and pillage by MNCs) and its those wars of economic benefit which have caused the power vacumn which has led to the consolidation of various groups into what is now known as ISIS

Some of the genesis of this group can be found right back in the invasion of Afganistan by the Russians, Osma bin laden et al

The genesis of this group can be found right back in the 7th Century. Read the Koran

The Koran is the root of the problem.

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I thought GCHQ had our backs .... They 've been probing & spying on Belgians for years. Totally infiltrated former BELGACOM ( belgium's major telecom operator). All the raping of our privacy and yet 2 major attacks orriginated out of belgium.....fine work boys & girls !

GCHQ has the NSA's back, no one else's.

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It would help considerably if the media didn't give terrorist organisations the sort of publicity they crave. The headline, 'Islamic State brings terror to Brussels', is one example that could have been more appropriately worded along the lines of, 'Muslim Fanatics Import Their Brand of Lunacy to Brussels'.

Right. If we didn't publicize it, then it wouldn't happen.

I think some countries do that sort of thing. It's called censorship.

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Watch episode 5 of The Night Manager to get a realistic view of priorities in the war business Weapons sales are the priorities for US,UK,French,Russian governments in doing business with Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Any sense of humanitarian positions are secondary and designed to deceive the public and to maximise the sale of military hardware If we were able to analyse the bombs used in Brussels and elsewhere - Yemen - we would see that they were made in one of the countries mentioned above ISIS created by the US Coalition In Iraq - who were in coalition - let's guess US,UK and European countries Point proved

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Watch episode 5 of The Night Manager to get a realistic view of priorities in the war business

Weapons sales are the priorities for US,UK,French,Russian governments in doing business with Asia, Africa and the Middle East

Any sense of humanitarian positions are secondary and designed to deceive the public and to maximise the sale of military hardware

If we were able to analyse the bombs used in Brussels and elsewhere - Yemen - we would see that they were made in one of the countries mentioned above

ISIS created by the US Coalition In Iraq - who were in coalition - let's guess US,UK and European countries

Point proved

Conspiracy theorist and quoting the plot line of "the sum of all fears"

You forgot one minor technicality...the bombs used by ISIS and othets in attacks such as these are not based on military explosives, they are made from common availible chemicals, for example ANFO, which if you know what your doing can be made from common garden/agricultural fertiliser and diesel

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