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Gay parents fight for custody with surrogate in Thailand

Jonathan Fairfield

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Well yeah but that's a totally different story. That's why in a previous post I said I am happy that they made it illegal, so that other people in the future won't waste 14 months in Thailand fighting court cases and endangering their jobs. You know, these parents actually need to go to work as well, to make money and support their family? Not hang around in Thailand.

Actually there is an argument here that they have actually legalised surrogacy with the new law but unfortunately, as a foreign couple, these two fall outside of what is now considered legal.

Previously Thai law only recognised the birth mother and, if unmarried, she would have sole custody so, under Thai law, giving up custody of a child in exchange for payment would be little more that selling babies.

It is heartbreaking what this couple and particularly baby Carmen are going through but the reason they came to Thailand to do this in the first place was because there was no surrogacy law in place to start with.

If they saw any of this coming they would have chosen another destination.

The reason they did not see this coming is because all the hospitals, all the clinics, and all the "mothers" did not have moral issues for the last 15 years or so.

It's a good example why business in general (any business) should not be conducted in Thailand.

They were either very naive or poorly advised. The reasons there were few moral issues previously was because of the comparatively huge amounts of money on offer and the weak justice system which they are now seeing the dark side of.

Hopefully this can get sorted out quickly so that Carmen can go home but to rely on the legal system to resolve this is asking for trouble and they will almost certainly have to resort to the Thai way of solving these issues which is a negotiated financial settlement.

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He is a she and her name is Carmen.

Even the husband of the surrogate has said that he doesn't want her.

So, if this all goes tits up, where is she going to go? To some crappy orphanage? Ripped away from the only family she knows? This is not about her parents, this is about her. that wee thing.

Who is loved and in a loving family with extended loving aunties and grannies - to take that away from her would be terrible. She just needs to go home to be with her family.

The "womb" is not interested in the child. She just wants money.

Jeez, if i had a spare million dollars i would <deleted> give it to her. Just so she would sign the paper to give Carmen her passport.

You obviously have strong feelings on the subject, I am assume you are a woman (correct me if I am wrong).

Have you ever carried a child in your womb, given birth to it?

If you are indeed a woman and fell so strongly about it, why not put your womb out for rent for free.

No need for the million $$$$, just do it, you know it makes sense, you know you want to.

She didn't put her womb out for free, she was paid through a surrogacy agency.

My womb is a bit old, but if it would have helped a family have a child a few years ago, i would definetely have rented it out. Members of my family included.

What a woman does with her womb is her perogative, the woman in this thread did it with the promise of giving the child up at the end of the pregnancy. She signed the papers and then was told they were gay. So she got on her high moral horse.

Carmen has been living with her same sex parents since she left the hospital. That woman would not even recognise her if she passed her in the street.

Have you never donated your sperm? I hear college students do that to earn a few buck.

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