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Pattaya locals watch in horror as Englishman attempts gruesome suicide


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This was in Bang Saray not Pattaya.

Well, Bang Saray looks more and more like a small Pattaya every time I go there (roughly once a year).

It used to be a nice place, almost completely farangless 10 years ago.

Edited by Lannig
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Lots of commentary from folks with obviously no experience with depression, and some equally lacking in any vestige of compassion. It is no laughing matter.

I have been dealing with clinical depression literally since child hood. The greatest single advance has been learning to recognize the onset of this bête noire, and knowing what to do.
There are mental health facilities in Thailand perfectly capable of evaluating and offering treatment for the condition.
I do joke sometimes about my own "Prozac shuffle", but the drug has been a literal lifesaver for me, has minimal side effects, and it is easy to titrate an effective dose when the usual maintenance dose is periodically inadequate.
My sympathies for the fellow. I hope he can be gotten into treatment... that is the key, acknowledging the problem and getting to a medico!

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I don't understand this always trying to "help" suicidals thing...

If someone wants to go, let him go for Pete's sake!!!! This looney has already done two attempts - why not let him succeed with his third one? What a waste - all the valuable donor blood wasted on a person like that!!!

If he wants to die, then let him die!!!! Who knows if next he won't steer a rental car or his bike into oncoming traffic, killing an innocent family??????? Man!!! Sometimes.... angry.png

Edited by MockingJay
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People who attempt suicide are 'calling out' for help. This is no laughing matter. Some people who are on medication stop it when they come to Thailand, the main reason being some meds have impotence as a side effect. There are many psychological counselling agencies in Bangkok and a few in the Pattaya area. They can be found by using google. I would really like to see all the major Western Embassies combine their funds and sponsor an All Nationality help line for Thailand and advertise it widely. Sometimes, people just need to talk to some one to get ideas on how to handle certain situations and how to cope. They then can be referred to professional counselors or a psychiatrist. The number of foreign suicides in Thailand is huge based upon the number of people here. It's time for the embasssies to step up and spend some money to help their citizens and others.

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But the guy should not saddle LOS with his problem...He is better off in England where he will have real care...

Thailand has caused his problems, the police have his passport until a court case is finished (defamation?).

They won't let him go anywhere, possibly for years.

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People of every nationality , every age, male or female, rich or poor suffer from mental illness. No one knows the actual history of this man or how many stressors there are or were in his life. People in certain situations do not know how to extricate themselves from the situation or even know where to get help. To many of us, that help is obvious but to a person consumed by whatever stress has sent him over the edge has a different reality and that reality guides his life. We can blame it on many things- being in Thailand; not having a sound financial base; issues with drugs and alcohol and the list goes on. It doesn't mater what we think. His own perception of reality is what is making him act out. He needs help and I hope he finds it before he becomes another statistic.

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This was in Bang Saray not Pattaya.

Well, Bang Saray looks more and more like a small Pattaya every time I go there (roughly once a year).

It used to be a nice place, almost completely farangless 10 years ago.

If it's a small Pattaya, where are all the gogo's and girlie bars.

Maybe you need to get out there more for more than 5 minutes once a year...

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Being in Thailand and places like Pattaya, bring the best and worsts in people, many are happy, but others succumbs to

the harsh reality of life existence owing to circumstances that some they can not overcome or control,

sour relationship, financial hardship and terminal ailments, are the stark reality of having to face day after day

and for some, are too much to bear and thus resorts to the final act of putting all that behind them....

Are u insinuating there are such things worse than overstaying ? My God there's hope for us all now.

Just saying ......

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Obviously he needs special help,there but for the grace of god go us all,lets hope he sees sense and heads home where he will get the help he needs,he must have a friend that can persuade him to do this,or at least try,very young to be trying to kill himself.We all make mistakes that could lead us to do something bad.?


There by the grace of God, my ass

There by the grace of not being stupid enough to slash my throat, in public, with a box cutter, go I.... But you can have it your way if, you must.

This guy is a three time looser, and in LOS (land of siucides) that's some kind of record.... So....More probably, he really only wants attention.

The Thai government should perhaps forget about any pending legal procedures, and stick him on a flight back to good old blighty, were the attention he needs, may be available

Harsh? .... Yes.... Worse than slashing your throat, and trying to bleed out in public.... No!

My sympathy for him, matches his sympathy for the VICTIMS of his action.... And most of you probably agree, given the condemnation of jumpers, as seen on this forum, even if you don't want to admit it.

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There are many sad souls in Thailand , no wonder why the suicidal rate among foreigners here are rocket high. Maybe he can't afford the flight ticket to his home country to get some serious treatment. He need some really good help now or he will succeed in the end.

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Obvious the man is mentally ill and needs help, but I laugh at all the bitter farang who will blame "some woman" or Thai con artists for pushing him over the edge. If psych profiles were required at immigration, Pattaya would be a ghost town. Thailand: hub of mental unstable tourists going off the deep end.

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many Westeners are not able to conquer life here in Thailand. In most cases it's simply the lack of money. Either they don't have enough or it was taken by a lady/boy. Many Westeners thinking to live with a young girl is heaven, but for the ladies only business counting his days. Robert got his peace now. RIP

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The saddest thing about most "attempted suicides" is really a call for assistance. The derranged logic involved dismisses the reality of general human apathy in society without a previous appeal. Many respond to the desperate state of dogs, cats, etc but have lesser concern for the plight of fellow humans.

This probably excused as justifiable because animals have fewer choices than people in the control of the living enviroment.

It is argueable that the opposite is truer.

Even domesticated animals have the liberty to exist in accordance with what the overall environment provides even including the competative territorial instincts appropriate to the species. A comfortable/ tolerable domestic situation is a satifactory situation. If that is not achieved then a feral style of existence can attain survival.

For humans such alternatives have been removed and replaced with the prerequisate that "people" have to conform/comply with the expectation of social acceptance. The majority are therefore redundantly conformist.

Those that step outside conformity and attempt individuality but fail for a spectrum of causes are most often labelled as stupid losers.

Those that defy the same spectrum of causes become heroes.

Few recognize that there is little differentiation.

Without the attempt we would have no incentive to be nothing more than compliant drones.

With limited knowledge of the circumstance or history of this individual and assuming that despite historical events has persisted then I still offer my solicitude.

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.............'legal case'.....I would love to hear more about that.....

......don't know the details............but............

.......stripped of your rights...............and being helped by others......to lose everything you own......... would do that to people.....

Something that often happens in Thailand.

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People who attempt suicide are 'calling out' for help. This is no laughing matter. Some people who are on medication stop it when they come to Thailand, the main reason being some meds have impotence as a side effect. There are many psychological counselling agencies in Bangkok and a few in the Pattaya area. They can be found by using google. I would really like to see all the major Western Embassies combine their funds and sponsor an All Nationality help line for Thailand and advertise it widely. Sometimes, people just need to talk to some one to get ideas on how to handle certain situations and how to cope. They then can be referred to professional counselors or a psychiatrist. The number of foreign suicides in Thailand is huge based upon the number of people here. It's time for the embasssies to step up and spend some money to help their citizens and others.

I think you are right BUT I think also, that embassies are full of people who enjoy the overseas "junket trip" and social experience paid for by their Government. For most staff, anything else is of secondary importance. whistling.gif

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Deport him back to England, he'll find a lot of support there I am sure.............well, maybe. Hope he has enough money to pay the hospital bills.

If he is a British citizen , England offers free health care, at least they did last time I checked , just like in my country Norway.

So if I can afford a ticket home the help will be there if I ever should need it.

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A court case was mentioned.Maybe he expecting some jail time or maybe financial ruin.Maybe his wife/gf gave him the old 'we cannot stay together anymore' There are many reasons,maybe he has nowhere to go to back home,having a failed business,or has lost all his money to a scam,gf,or even someone who was his mate(so he thought)After trying previous times to off himself,i would say that his sanity is,at best fragile.A session with a psychiatrist might help,if he could unload on someone.But i don't know if there is any practicing professionals here that would do that sort of treatment.The Samaritans are here i believe? maybe they could help him in some way?

I only know that we all could end up this way.It doesn't take much,to lose everything in this country.And the mind can only stand so much.There,but for the grace of god,go any of us.

Speak for yourself. The fact is not everyone is the same emotionally. The majority of people don't even consider killing themselves while under extreme stress.
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