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Clinton says she, not Trump, is the one to defeat IS group


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Clinton says she, not Trump, is the one to defeat IS group

STANFORD, Calif. (AP) — Hillary Clinton is doing what Republican rivals now say they took far too long to do: Taking Donald Trump seriously.

In interviews and foreign policy addresses this week, the Democratic front-runner has worked to undercut Trump's credentials in the wake of deadly bombings in Brussels. Her goal is to transform the voters' vision of the bombastic reality TV star into a potential commander in chief with his finger on a nuclear trigger — an image her team believes will repel voters in November.

Clinton is casting herself as a calm harbor in a stormy world, frequently mentioning the need for "steady hands." The comment is a clear reference to Trump with the implication he'd never fill that need.

In a speech Wednesday Stanford University, Clinton called for "strong, smart, steady leadership," arguing that recent comments from Republicans Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz show they are not up to the task of combatting Islamic militants.

"Turning our back on our alliances, or turning our alliance into a protection racket would reverse decades of bipartisan American leadership and send a dangerous signal to friend and foe alike," she said, referencing a call by Trump to lessen U.S. involvement in NATO. "Putin already hopes to divide Europe. If Mr. Trump gets his way, it will be like Christmas in the Kremlin."

Clinton also assailed Cruz's call for patrolling Muslim neighborhoods.

"When Republican candidates like Ted Cruz call for treating American Muslims like criminals and for racially profiling predominantly Muslim neighborhoods, it's wrong, it's counterproductive, it's dangerous," Clinton said.

Trump quickly dismissed her speech on Twitter and insisted he's better prepared to take over the country's fight against Islamic State militants.

"Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror. She's been in office fighting terror for 20 years — and look where we are!" he wrote, adding: "I will be the best by far in fighting terror. I'm the only one that was right from the beginning, & now Lyin' Ted & others are copying me." That last was a reference to a Republican rival. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Political strategists in both parties admit to being slightly baffled by the coming general election, acknowledging they have few clear expectations for a match-up between candidates with such high negative ratings and vastly different personal styles.

But there is on prediction they all agree on: It will get ugly.

Though there are still months of primary contests to come, the two front-runners have already begun trading heated attacks.

Trump has accused Clinton of being responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands across the globe. Clinton, in turn, has accused him of inciting violence and likened his rise in the polls to "dark chapters" of history like the Holocaust.

Her aides see foreign policy as an area that allows Clinton to highlight both Trump's unpredictable temperament and lack of international experience.

Democrats say those points, coupled with his controversial statements about women, Latinos and Muslims, will help their party woo moderate independents and even Republican voters — and of-set potential losses among the white, working class men attracted to Trump's candidacy.

One day after the Brussels attacks, Clinton stressed adapting to take on a sophisticated opponent, strengthening alliances abroad and not using "bluster that alienates our partners." The United States, she said, must intensify the air campaign against Islamic militants, support local Arab and Kurdish forces on the ground, take on extremism online and "harden defenses" at home.

She said the Brussels attacks showed the need for a "harder look at security protocols at airports and other sensitive, so-called soft sites." Referencing the conflict between the FBI and Apple over an encrypted iPhone used by one of the San Bernardino attackers, Clinton said the technology community and government must find ways to work together, calling for an "intelligence surge" in the United States and with allies.

Like Clinton, Trump, sees international instability as offering advantages to his campaign, repeatedly pointing to the November 2015 attacks in Paris as a turning point that boosted his poll numbers and helped win him voters.

"Whenever there's a big problem_national security type problem_I go up because people view me as much stronger. And they actually think that I_I think they feel I'm much more competent," Trump said in an interview with Bloomberg television.

He's offered a flurry of inflammatory — and frequently vague — policy proposals to tackle terrorism. In the wake of Brussels attacks, he for the U.S. to "close up our borders," start widespread government surveillance on Muslims and expand international laws to permit forms of torture like waterboarding.

And he's increasingly trying to recast Clinton's tenure as America's top diplomat as one of failed leadership, blaming her for continued chaos in the Middle East.

In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, he branded Clinton "Incompetent Hillary," saying "the woman has been a disaster" and every foreign policy conflict she's been involved with has turned out badly.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-03-24

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"Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror. She's been in office fighting terror for 20 years — and look where we are!" he wrote, adding: "I will be the best by far in fighting terror. I'm the only one that was right from the beginning, & now Lyin' Ted & others are copying me." That last was a reference to a Republican rival. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Whether Trump would be the best candidate for fighting terror only history will tell.

On the remainder of what the quote, he got it spot on.

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That would be the day!

She has already been showing her abilities when working as a secretary of state

Clinton visited 112 countries during her tenure, making her the most widely traveled secretary of state ever,

Clinton's tenure as secretary of state did not bring any signature diplomatic breakthroughs as some other Secretaries of State had.


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Clinton, if she is wise, will follow the Obama administration lead and veer away from the ME. No one is going to defeat ISIS. It will have to implode with the help of Muslims who get fed up with their reign of terror. They will not be bombed out of existence and boots on the ground will see troops returning in body bags.

Trump on the other hand will create more chaos than anyone can imagine and when he is done, he'll build hotels, golf courses and walls to protect them.

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Donald Trump.... back in 2008, the American people thought that the time to elect a black president, something

that was the unthinkable only a decade or so ago, is the right thing to do and it is high time that a person such

as Obama who came with no special credentials to speak of is that person,

Maybe this time around, American and the world need a madman, balls buster and a bully, to put the fear of god

in them rouge countries and groups that has enjoyed mocking and snubbing their noses at the US and world order,

and maybe, just maybe, a man like Trump can deliver, it's a long shot, but right now, it is the only shot the US has....

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That would be the day!

She has already been showing her abilities when working as a secretary of state

Clinton visited 112 countries during her tenure, making her the most widely traveled secretary of state ever,

Clinton's tenure as secretary of state did not bring any signature diplomatic breakthroughs as some other Secretaries of State had.


She only did that because Obama told her to. It was all part of the plan for her to continue his administration now. Do you recall any of the BS she was spewing during her 1st failed attempt at running for office? "I have plenty of international experience as we landed under fire..." Whoops. Footage showed blue skies and sunshine with around 12 people there, all smiling. whistling.gif

Now, google back in time to some of her so called diplomatic visits as SoS. 1 that still stands out in my mind was a visit to a college (dangerous area indeed) where she verbally attacked 1 of the students for asking a question about her husband.

She had no idea what to do then and she has no idea what to do now. wai.gif

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As an American I am horrified of foreign policy failures running thru the past 5 or 6 administrations. We will not defeat terrorism if our solution is to keep stirring the pot (Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, etc etc) and also keep shipping boatloads of weapons to the region. It is estimated that almost 60% of the large weapon systems that ISIS is using were...yes you guessed it...made in America ! Surely someone can see how absurd our policies have been.

The only candidates that want reform of the system (instead of more of the same flavor) were Rand Paul and Bernie Sanders. But the powers that be cannot get richer with either of those 2 at the helm...so it goes on and on.

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"Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror. She's been in office fighting terror for 20 years — and look where we are!" he wrote, adding: "I will be the best by far in fighting terror. I'm the only one that was right from the beginning, & now Lyin' Ted & others are copying me." That last was a reference to a Republican rival. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Whether Trump would be the best candidate for fighting terror only history will tell. On the remainder of what the quote, he got it spot on.

Donald Trump.... back in 2008, the American people thought that the time to elect a black president, something

that was the unthinkable only a decade or so ago, is the right thing to do and it is high time that a person such

as Obama who came with no special credentials to speak of is that person,

Maybe this time around, American and the world need a madman, balls buster and a bully, to put the fear of god

in them rouge countries and groups that has enjoyed mocking and snubbing their noses at the US and world order,

and maybe, just maybe, a man like Trump can deliver, it's a long shot, but right now, it is the only shot the US has....

Both above posts are asking, "maybe Trump will do better." Well, maybe you want to put the security of the US and its allies in the hands of a blustering flip-flopper with zero international experience, but I don't. Cruz might even be worse, but at least Cruz is consistently war-mongering. Both Rep candidates, if president would go blundering into the Middle East with guns blazing. Cruz would leave Bibles in his wake. Trump would leave bundles of Trump Beef with for-sale stickers, but he may remember (this time) to re-label them with his name.

Clinton or Sanders would seek the advice of seasoned military personnel combined with their experience of foreign affairs and alliances. Trump is above all that. He already knows everything there is to know about everything (he says he's got the best brain and the best memory), so he would impulsively charge in as he always does, without any knowledge or forethought. The next day, as the radioactive dust is blowing around, he might listen to a few of his minders and realize maybe he made a mistake, but let's keep it hush hush, because he can't admit making a mistake. No problem, blame it on someone else or the Democrats in general, like he's now blaming Europe's terrorism problems on Obama and HRC.

Edited by boomerangutang
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What a crock of bull! Clinton will do nothing different than the past ... Hell she is only a servant to the "Masters" and will do whatever they wish!

...and who are the 'masters' in your estimation? Wall Street wheeler dealers, like the Goldman Sachs people Bush Jr appointed to protect rich people like The Donald? Are 'the Masters' mega-selfish billionaires who contributed to her political campaigns? .....like The Donald?

Here's a scarily humorous commentary on Trump's Wall

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Donald Trump.... back in 2008, the American people thought that the time to elect a black president, something

that was the unthinkable only a decade or so ago, is the right thing to do and it is high time that a person such

as Obama who came with no special credentials to speak of is that person,

Maybe this time around, American and the world need a madman, balls buster and a bully, to put the fear of god

in them rouge countries and groups that has enjoyed mocking and snubbing their noses at the US and world order,

and maybe, just maybe, a man like Trump can deliver, it's a long shot, but right now, it is the only shot the US has....

You must be kidding !!!!!

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"Just watched Hillary deliver a prepackaged speech on terror. She's been in office fighting terror for 20 years — and look where we are!" he wrote, adding: "I will be the best by far in fighting terror. I'm the only one that was right from the beginning, & now Lyin' Ted & others are copying me." That last was a reference to a Republican rival. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

Whether Trump would be the best candidate for fighting terror only history will tell. On the remainder of what the quote, he got it spot on.

Donald Trump.... back in 2008, the American people thought that the time to elect a black president, something

that was the unthinkable only a decade or so ago, is the right thing to do and it is high time that a person such

as Obama who came with no special credentials to speak of is that person,

Maybe this time around, American and the world need a madman, balls buster and a bully, to put the fear of god

in them rouge countries and groups that has enjoyed mocking and snubbing their noses at the US and world order,

and maybe, just maybe, a man like Trump can deliver, it's a long shot, but right now, it is the only shot the US has....

Both above posts are asking, "maybe Trump will do better." Well, maybe you want to put the security of the US and its allies in the hands of a blustering flip-flopper with zero international experience, but I don't. Cruz might even be worse, but at least Cruz is consistently war-mongering. Both Rep candidates, if president would go blundering into the Middle East with guns blazing. Cruz would leave Bibles in his wake. Trump would leave bundles of Trump Beef with for-sale stickers, but he may remember (this time) to re-label them with his name.

Clinton or Sanders would seek the advice of seasoned military personnel combined with their experience of foreign affairs and alliances. Trump is above all that. He already knows everything there is to know about everything (he says he's got the best brain and the best memory), so he would impulsively charge in as he always does, without any knowledge or forethought. The next day, as the radioactive dust is blowing around, he might listen to a few of his minders and realize maybe he made a mistake, but let's keep it hush hush, because he can't admit making a mistake. No problem, blame it on someone else or the Democrats in general, like he's now blaming Europe's terrorism problems on Obama and HRC.

Sorry boomer, gotta disagree and I will throw this out to you.

I read somewhere in the last couple of days that Trump was calling for America to be more insular and take a step back from the world stage. He was advocating making America great and the world can sort out their own problems. I will try and find the report.

That does not sound to me like a man that wants to go gung-ho around the world causing chaos.

That is something that I actually agree with. If more Nations dealt with the their own internal problems and kept their beaks out of other Countries business, the world would be a far better place.

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Indeed, who is best suited to make war on the very organization that was created by those wanting to make war. Sort of like if you can't find enough enemies then you have to start making them. After the Cold War there was no enemy to justify corrupt military procurement, so the war on terror was launched. Hilary is definitely the one to ratchet up the wars, she never met a Defense lobbyist she didn't like. Her and Bill have done very nicely financially since he was President, another round of post-presidential "speeches" will see them in billionaire status. Gotta love democracy.

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Donald Trump.... back in 2008, the American people thought that the time to elect a black president, something

that was the unthinkable only a decade or so ago, is the right thing to do and it is high time that a person such

as Obama who came with no special credentials to speak of is that person,

Maybe this time around, American and the world need a madman, balls buster and a bully, to put the fear of god

in them rouge countries and groups that has enjoyed mocking and snubbing their noses at the US and world order,

and maybe, just maybe, a man like Trump can deliver, it's a long shot, but right now, it is the only shot the US has....

Both above posts are asking, "maybe Trump will do better." Well, maybe you want to put the security of the US and its allies in the hands of a blustering flip-flopper with zero international experience, but I don't. Cruz might even be worse, but at least Cruz is consistently war-mongering. Both Rep candidates, if president would go blundering into the Middle East with guns blazing. Cruz would leave Bibles in his wake. Trump would leave bundles of Trump Beef with for-sale stickers, but he may remember (this time) to re-label them with his name.

Clinton or Sanders would seek the advice of seasoned military personnel combined with their experience of foreign affairs and alliances. Trump is above all that. He already knows everything there is to know about everything (he says he's got the best brain and the best memory), so he would impulsively charge in as he always does, without any knowledge or forethought. The next day, as the radioactive dust is blowing around, he might listen to a few of his minders and realize maybe he made a mistake, but let's keep it hush hush, because he can't admit making a mistake. No problem, blame it on someone else or the Democrats in general, like he's now blaming Europe's terrorism problems on Obama and HRC.

Sorry boomer, gotta disagree and I will throw this out to you.

I read somewhere in the last couple of days that Trump was calling for America to be more insular and take a step back from the world stage. He was advocating making America great and the world can sort out their own problems. I will try and find the report.

That does not sound to me like a man that wants to go gung-ho around the world causing chaos.

That is something that I actually agree with. If more Nations dealt with the their own internal problems and kept their beaks out of other Countries business, the world would be a far better place.

He also said he would bomb the oilfields in the Middle East ...that's part of Trump's problem. he says whatever comes into his head at that moment without much strategic thinking. don't get me wrong Hilary is useless also......we get a choice between dumb and dumber....this is America

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It was right here on TV Boomer.

"I do think it's a different world today, and I don't think we should be nation-building anymore," Trump told the newspaper. He stressed instead the need to invest in infrastructure at home.

"At what point do you say, 'Hey, we have to take care of ourselves'?" he said. "So, I know the outer world exists and I'll be very cognizant of that. But at the same time, our country is disintegrating, large sections of it, especially the inner cities."


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Sorry boomer, gotta disagree and I will throw this out to you.

I read somewhere in the last couple of days that Trump was calling for America to be more insular and take a step back from the world stage. He was advocating making America great and the world can sort out their own problems. I will try and find the report.

That does not sound to me like a man that wants to go gung-ho around the world causing chaos.

That is something that I actually agree with. If more Nations dealt with the their own internal problems and kept their beaks out of other Countries business, the world would be a far better place.

You should know by now Trump is a 1st class flip-flopper. That's why, as awful as Cruz is, he's better than Trump. With Cruz, at least you know you'll get a Bible-Thumping holier-than-thou war monger. With Trump, you get a big question mark of a man who is very easily offended, quick-to-anger, quick-to-name calling. Trump has said during the debates that he would be tougher on ISIS than anyone else. What does that mean? Cruz said he might Nuke them. What's tougher than Nuking them? Maybe Nuking all the territory between the Paki-Indian border and Morocco? That will show who's the toughest. Kill 80 million Muslims and irradiate half the world's landmass. Then no one would doubt Trump has a big dick. If you go that far, why spare Bangladesh and Indonesia, for Christian God's sake?

Sorry Sgt., I want a commander in chief with a cool head, who will not fly-off-the-handle in a childish temper tantrum. How about you?

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Sorry boomer, gotta disagree and I will throw this out to you.

I read somewhere in the last couple of days that Trump was calling for America to be more insular and take a step back from the world stage. He was advocating making America great and the world can sort out their own problems. I will try and find the report.

That does not sound to me like a man that wants to go gung-ho around the world causing chaos.

That is something that I actually agree with. If more Nations dealt with the their own internal problems and kept their beaks out of other Countries business, the world would be a far better place.

You should know by now Trump is a 1st class flip-flopper. That's why, as awful as Cruz is, he's better than Trump. With Cruz, at least you know you'll get a Bible-Thumping holier-than-thou war monger. With Trump, you get a big question mark of a man who is very easily offended, quick-to-anger, quick-to-name calling. Trump has said during the debates that he would be tougher on ISIS than anyone else. What does that mean? Cruz said he might Nuke them. What's tougher than Nuking them? Maybe Nuking all the territory between the Paki-Indian border and Morocco? That will show who's the toughest. Kill 80 million Muslims and irradiate half the world's landmass. Then no one would doubt Trump has a big dick. If you go that far, why spare Bangladesh and Indonesia, for Christian God's sake?

Sorry Sgt., I want a commander in chief with a cool head, who will not fly-off-the-handle in a childish temper tantrum. How about you?

Neither of these guys would use nuclear weapons simply because they both will take their cue from the neo-con think tanks that make up 90% of all Congressional testimony these days. They will tell them that to keep the game of capitalism going (selling everything from Coke to weapon systems) there needs to be conflict. Also they will tell them that by conceding to the nuclear option you give a green light to Russia and China to use them whenever they see fit.

Bottom line is they are full of BS and it's all talk to fire up supporters for the election. For example, Cruz and Trump both know that courts would never allow any type of discrimination based upon religion, yet they continue to spout these views for the fools that follow them. Cruz especially being a legal scholar, Trump may indeed be stupid enough to not know but common sense (which he lacks admittedly) should tell him you cannot single out one religion for immigration purposes.

Edited by tonray
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To be fair she does have a long history of fighting terror and must have learned a lot under Obama.

Because of her long history and experience of fighting terror, the world has become what it is.

Can anyone say the sad state of the world hasn't occurred under the watch of Obama and Clinton?

Bring on Trump, he can't make things worse and will probably make America safer and proud again.

What have Americans got to lose, lets face it the last 7 years have been a disgrace!!

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To be fair she does have a long history of fighting terror and must have learned a lot under Obama.

Because of her long history and experience of fighting terror, the world has become what it is.

Can anyone say the sad state of the world hasn't occurred under the watch of Obama and Clinton?

Bring on Trump, he can't make things worse and will probably make America safer and proud again.

What have Americans got to lose, lets face it the last 7 years have been a disgrace!!

Actually the last 15 years have been a disgrace....let's be honest instead of partisan, shall we ?

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Both above posts are asking, "maybe Trump will do better." Well, maybe you want to put the security of the US and its allies in the hands of a blustering flip-flopper with zero international experience, but I don't. Cruz might even be worse, but at least Cruz is consistently war-mongering. Both Rep candidates, if president would go blundering into the Middle East with guns blazing. Cruz would leave Bibles in his wake. Trump would leave bundles of Trump Beef with for-sale stickers, but he may remember (this time) to re-label them with his name.

Clinton or Sanders would seek the advice of seasoned military personnel combined with their experience of foreign affairs and alliances. Trump is above all that. He already knows everything there is to know about everything (he says he's got the best brain and the best memory), so he would impulsively charge in as he always does, without any knowledge or forethought. The next day, as the radioactive dust is blowing around, he might listen to a few of his minders and realize maybe he made a mistake, but let's keep it hush hush, because he can't admit making a mistake. No problem, blame it on someone else or the Democrats in general, like he's now blaming Europe's terrorism problems on Obama and HRC.

I think the first point that I would raise is that Trump has identified a strategy that will win him the Primaries and get him the nomination. I believe that his tone and style will change if he gets the nomination, but that is for another day and remains to be seen. To say that he has no International experience is downright false. I would also say that his overseas business dealings gives him far more standing and experience than the Political bubble that Clinton has lived in and dealt with.

The security of the US and its Allies would not be in the hands of Trump, just like it is not in the hands of Obama or the Bush Clan before him. It is in the hands of Security advisors, although as President they will always have the final say. Therefore it is not just the case of a President / any President heading into any Country with all guns blazing. To think otherwise is ludicrous.

It would appear that the current terrorism problems in the EU are also causing some concern in the US. It would be folly of him NOT to use that as a Political tool against the Dems. He is trying to become POTUS, of course he is going to try and use it to his advantage. Tell me a Politician that wouldn't do the same. They all would, Trump just got in there first.

I do not have a vote, but as an independent observer, he would be the only one out of the 4 current potentials that would get my vote.

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Sorry boomer, gotta disagree and I will throw this out to you.

I read somewhere in the last couple of days that Trump was calling for America to be more insular and take a step back from the world stage. He was advocating making America great and the world can sort out their own problems. I will try and find the report.

That does not sound to me like a man that wants to go gung-ho around the world causing chaos.

That is something that I actually agree with. If more Nations dealt with the their own internal problems and kept their beaks out of other Countries business, the world would be a far better place.

You should know by now Trump is a 1st class flip-flopper. That's why, as awful as Cruz is, he's better than Trump. With Cruz, at least you know you'll get a Bible-Thumping holier-than-thou war monger. With Trump, you get a big question mark of a man who is very easily offended, quick-to-anger, quick-to-name calling. Trump has said during the debates that he would be tougher on ISIS than anyone else. What does that mean? Cruz said he might Nuke them. What's tougher than Nuking them? Maybe Nuking all the territory between the Paki-Indian border and Morocco? That will show who's the toughest. Kill 80 million Muslims and irradiate half the world's landmass. Then no one would doubt Trump has a big dick. If you go that far, why spare Bangladesh and Indonesia, for Christian God's sake?

Sorry Sgt., I want a commander in chief with a cool head, who will not fly-off-the-handle in a childish temper tantrum. How about you?

Cool alright

"Ms. Clinton has supported every war initiated by the United States not in self-defense for more than twenty three years since she first occupied the

White House as First Lady: Bosnia, Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, ISIS, Al- Qaeda, Yemen, Somalia" *

If she is President she has promised to obliterate Iran if it attacks Israel

You speak about what Trump said he will do. At this point in time it's just pre election talk, whereas with Hillary so far it is REAL

* You can read more on the Goddess of War http://www.huffingto..._b_9157892.html

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The Trumpster nailed it….Billary has been around for yonks and has f'all to show for it….she is part of the gang of idiots who got things this bad to begin with.

She will just surround herself with all who are beholden to her and wreak the same old havoc she always has.

At least you can count on Mr. Trump not hiring career incompetents and choosing the right team without fear or favour.

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What a crock of bull! Clinton will do nothing different than the past ... Hell she is only a servant to the "Masters" and will do whatever they wish!

...and who are the 'masters' in your estimation? Wall Street wheeler dealers, like the Goldman Sachs people Bush Jr appointed to protect rich people like The Donald? Are 'the Masters' mega-selfish billionaires who contributed to her political campaigns? .....like The Donald?

Here's a scarily humorous commentary on Trump's Wall

Nonsense. Trump is not in the pay of Goldman Sachs, that's his appeal. It's Hillary who's been bought over by the company who wants to rule the world.She won't release the transcripts of her speeches because they are too supportive of.GSachs which would offend the poor whom she says she represents. Would they donate if she didn't say nice things about them at $250,000 per speech? Purportedly quoted by someone there, she spoke like a managing director. She has represented G.Sachs for 20 years and they have donated big time because they want their rep in the Whitehouse. Keep in mind that they have been fined for millions in penalties and reparations for their part in gambling and losing the peoples' money in the 2008 financial crisis.

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The Trumpster nailed it….Billary has been around for yonks and has f'all to show for it….she is part of the gang of idiots who got things this bad to begin with.

She will just surround herself with all who are beholden to her and wreak the same old havoc she always has.

At least you can count on Mr. Trump not hiring career incompetents and choosing the right team without fear or favour.

Tell me more about the "right team of career competents" that helped him bankrupt four companies.

I'd just dying to know.


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