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Broken Relationship Thought To Be Behind Suicide In Soi Beokeow.

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Broken relationship thought to be behind suicide in Soi Beokeow.

A case of suspected suicide now from an Apartment block in Soi Beokeow. On Friday Night the body of Khun Supranee aged 21 was found inside room number C2 on the Third Floor. She was found suspended from a fan in the center of the room.

It appeared that she had used a sarong to hag herself from the fan. Police were called to the scene to investigate the case and confirmed, after a search of the room and an inspection of the body that suicide was the most likely cause of death. There was some evidence that the victim may have ingested a large quantity of Paracetamol tablets prior to her death but this has yet to be confirmed.

Police spoke with her room mate, Khun Boonpeng aged 42 who worked with the victim at the Book Beer Bar in Soi Beokeow. She mentioned that two months ago, Khun Supranee had broken up with her foreign boyfriend who resides here in Pattaya. She would often see him around Pattaya with his new Girlfriend which deeply upset her. She fell into a deep depression and was also experiencing financial problems which are thought to have led to her taking her own life.

A post mortem examination is now underway to confirm the exact cause of death.

-Pattaya City News

Saturday 28th October 2006



It seems that endogenous depression is regnant within the Thai community.

I suspect that the 'heartbreak over farang' is ersatz 'face-saving' scuttlebutt from her room-mate. The true reason for suicide IMHO is depression exacerbated by personal debt (which is hinted upon in the news report).

RIP. Miss Khun Supranee

How on earth did she commit suicide by hanging ??? look at the photo :o

wouldn't it be allmost impossible ?


Yes: I studied these photographs for some time. You might also notice that her fists are clenched, a reflex suggesting pain.

The noose seems as if it is not causing hanging, but a mere suspension.

Also room fans at this apartment block, are unlikely to accommodate a 50kg bar girl, plus she is shown stooped upon her knees upon a bed.

I suspect that the cause of death is poisoning by overdose (paracetamol is mentioned) and then deliberate suspension by the victim by ligature strangulation (totally different than hanging.)

I also notice in photographs, a highly toxic mosquito aerosol. This is in itself a poison, that might have been used in conjunction with ingestion of medication.

Sadly, it is unlikely we shall see autopsy and pathological chemistry reports. But I am 99% certain that this is a solitary suicide.

.....two months ago, Khun Supranee had broken up with her foreign boyfriend who resides here in Pattaya. She would often see him around Pattaya with his new Girlfriend which deeply upset her. She fell into a deep depression and was also experiencing financial problems which are thought to have led to her taking her own life.

It makes you think that not all Pattaya girls are hard hearted service workers motivated by money.

Whether this unfortunate soul had real feelings for her farang b/f, or whether it was the loss of face caused by him sleeping around, it highlights the predicament that some (many?) girls experience working in the worlds oldest profession, whilst trying to make a living for themselves as well as taking care of their family members.

So very sad.

Yes: I studied these photographs for some time. You might also notice that her fists are clenched, a reflex suggesting pain.

The noose seems as if it is not causing hanging, but a mere suspension.

Also room fans at this apartment block, are unlikely to accommodate a 50kg bar girl, plus she is shown stooped upon her knees upon a bed.

I suspect that the cause of death is poisoning by overdose (paracetamol is mentioned) and then deliberate suspension by the victim by ligature strangulation (totally different than hanging.)

I also notice in photographs, a highly toxic mosquito aerosol. This is in itself a poison, that might have been used in conjunction with ingestion of medication.

Sadly, it is unlikely we shall see autopsy and pathological chemistry reports. But I am 99% certain that this is a solitary suicide.

I saw a hanging just last week by a young lady using a belt. Is this a different hanging? Two in the same week?

There are 2 ways to die by hanging. Either broken neck, or suffication. It's possible after being spaced out on parecetamol she sufficated.

What I find alarming is that the girl is on show for the media, and the police wait until they arrive. Suicides are seldom reported in Western nations.


She fell into a deep depression and was also experiencing financial problems which are thought to have led to her taking her own life.

The reason for the suicide seams not to be love at all, she lost her farang boyfirend and the money that goes with it, she had financial problems led to taking life, It was the money problems that took the lady to the brink..... (what ever the exact truth a real shame never the less)


:o I still - after four years of living in LOS, can't understand how/why scene of crime and death photographs play such a large role in the media. the unfortunate individual deserves some dignity in death surely.

Poor woman.



Judge for yourselves.......

Nature of a paracetamol overdose

Many people believe a paracetamol overdose will cause drowsiness or unconsciousness. It doesn't. There are few symptoms apart from perhaps vomiting, for about two days. In a large overdose symptoms will then start to appear including feeling 'ill' and tenderness of the abdomen.

Overdosing and the media

It has been recognised for some time that there is an element of 'copying' in cases of medicines overdose, in that the use of particular medicines for overdosing is popularised by newspaper reports or television programmes, even where the writers have tried to educate readers or viewers.

Evidence shows this copying element is still prevalent, particularly amongst young people. A survey in a Midlands' hospital showed a distinct rise in paracetamol overdose cases in the weeks following a case being featured in a popular television programme. All the patients who overdosed in the period surveyed after the programme admitted to having watched the episode. This has been further confirmed by research on 'before and after' incidence of overdose being featured in a television programme (3). Journalists should bear this in mind when reporting details of suicide at inquests or overdoses by famous people; details given on methods may well be copied.

Time course

A fatal overdose of paracetamol, no matter how large, is unlikely to bring about death in under five days, at least some of which are likely to be spent in hospital.

Many overdose deaths are due to a mixture of medicines in which paracetamol is present but, as death is brought about in under 24 hours by medicines other than paracetamol, the paracetamol cannot be a contributing factor in the cause of death.

It may be useful to remember that if death has occurred within 24 hours of an overdose, it was not caused by paracetamol. Similarly if death has occurred outside of hospital, it is unlikely to be due to paracetamol.


Judge for yourselves.......

Nature of a paracetamol overdose

Many people believe a paracetamol overdose will cause drowsiness or unconsciousness. It doesn't. There are few symptoms apart from perhaps vomiting, for about two days. In a large overdose symptoms will then start to appear including feeling 'ill' and tenderness of the abdomen.

Overdosing and the media

It has been recognised for some time that there is an element of 'copying' in cases of medicines overdose, in that the use of particular medicines for overdosing is popularised by newspaper reports or television programmes, even where the writers have tried to educate readers or viewers.

Evidence shows this copying element is still prevalent, particularly amongst young people. A survey in a Midlands' hospital showed a distinct rise in paracetamol overdose cases in the weeks following a case being featured in a popular television programme. All the patients who overdosed in the period surveyed after the programme admitted to having watched the episode. This has been further confirmed by research on 'before and after' incidence of overdose being featured in a television programme (3). Journalists should bear this in mind when reporting details of suicide at inquests or overdoses by famous people; details given on methods may well be copied.

Time course

A fatal overdose of paracetamol, no matter how large, is unlikely to bring about death in under five days, at least some of which are likely to be spent in hospital.

Many overdose deaths are due to a mixture of medicines in which paracetamol is present but, as death is brought about in under 24 hours by medicines other than paracetamol, the paracetamol cannot be a contributing factor in the cause of death.

It may be useful to remember that if death has occurred within 24 hours of an overdose, it was not caused by paracetamol. Similarly if death has occurred outside of hospital, it is unlikely to be due to paracetamol.


I agree. Paracetamol overdose is one of the most awful ways to die. I have seen with my own eyes death from liver failure, it takes several days for the body to swell up like a balloon, become orange in colour and exude body fluids from every orafice.

It is also true that paracetamol overdose (>40g) has little immediate effect, and quite often the overdose victim feels well the following day before becoming seriously ill.

It is worth mentioning that paracetamol overdose in children is rarely fatal and that in adults alcohol exacerbates mortality.

In this particular case, although empty paracetamol foils were found, I suspect that she ingested a whole host of medications. We all know that benzodiazapines are available in Thailand 'over the counter' and certain narcotic analgesics can be acquired easily.

Co-Proxamol (paracetamol and dextropropoxyphene) was often the medical Doctors choice of overdose tablet; just 10 tablets with alcohol was sufficient to end ones life. That drug is now banned in nearly every country, indeed it is easier to obtain Thalidomide now.

Back to the case: I suspect poisoning by tablets in so much as loss of judgement and hypnotic sedation, with the ligature being merely a 'prop' in order to diminish breathing air.

A very sad case. Depression kills so many people every day, it is a silent and unexpected lethal mind-set. Medical help should be sought immediately for those who are clinically depressed.


Dont be put off by the kneeling position or the ligature....it is very possible to hang oneself in this manner...the paracetamol was just the anaesthetic.

A lady in NSW recently overdosed on paracetamol and died within 24 hours...even though three ambulances were called and she went to hospital twice...the first two times treatment was sought she was misdiagnosed and the final time she went to hospital they finally worked it out.

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