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Jeez.... This is starting to drive me nuts so I had to get it off my chest.

The wife has an old college friend who has been asking to borrow money on a very regular basis for 3 years now.

She comes from a well moneyed family who have basically cut her off and no longer give her a single baht. I can guess why.

We really don't like to loan money out, we have done it a couple of times and never got it back, not that we expected it back, we know a loan in Thailand is a begged gift, nothing more. In fact one gorl who was always on the bum asked us for 5000 baht and would pay it back in 3 days, the wife said no, I told the wife to tell her you only have 500, give her that, and hopefully she will avoid you that day and not ask again.... money well spent.

But this other woman just does not take no for an answer, she has asked for 100,000 baht, 50,000 on a few occasions, I am talking in the past 3 years she has probably asked for a loan on at least 50 separate occasions, and including the last 3 days in a row... 2 days ago it was 10,000 baht, yesterday it was 5000 baht and about 20 minutes ago it was 2000 baht.

Seriously, being rejected about 50 times still just does not faze her. I have told the misses to boot her off her facebook and off her Line app.... But my missus is very meek and shy and feels bad about it, its a Thai thing. I have told her to just tell her never to ask again and that I control all the money and I said f******.

How common is this? Is it because she is married to a farang?

Edited to add... apparently she is into many people for money and I am talking many tens of thousands and she is alledgedly handing the money to her boyfriend.

Edited by Brewster67
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When i first met my wife, all those years ago, her friend asked me for money. My ,then, girlfriend said up to me. So being trusting i lent 5000 baht.

I never saw it again but it gave me an excuse to say no when she asked again. Which she did.

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My wife had a collegue like that. She also borrowed 50k or 150 from her boss and collegues. Than she quit her job and we've never seen her again.

Another collegue borrowed much more from her collegues as investment, he would pay 10% interest (of 20 i forgot). He had a limo-service in Udon and many customers, he needed money to buy more limo's.

Then he went bankrupt and never seen him again..

They've also asked me but i just say no.

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I once made the mistake of "lending" some money to my first Thai gf..... Lesson learned - fortunately not a very expensive one, but bad enough. I had far more hassle with a loan to a farang ex-friend. Getting that money back cost me a friendship - but it was well worth it to be rid of the loser.

OP, tell your wife's "friend" that it's your money and the answer is no and that it's your decision, not your wife's. No money now, none tomorrow and none any day thereafter. It might cause a short blow-up, but it will be well worth it in the end.

Failing that, buy her a one-way bus ticket to Pattaya and let her earn it there.

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We have had all family loans re-paid...

ten years ago, I lent 10,000 baht to a Thai man for an operation - I saw it as a gift but he saw me last year and told me he finally had the money to give back...

so, I disagree with this statement - we know a loan in Thailand is a begged gift, nothing more... actually for me it has been farang that definitely have not repaid loans...

though I think you are absolutely correct in your assessment that the one friend will not pay you back... my wife has been a good judge of who will and will not pay back a loan. I would guess that after a short while my wife would no longer take phone calls from the person, but her family and friends would not persist - we have had it happen w/distant acquaintances.. and yes, it was definitely because of being married to a farang and stopping by to visit some distant ex-inlaws...

good luck..

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Bloody hell . Hard to believe people have these problems when the solution is simple. First , say no to lending any money then counter attack with a hard luck story or ridiculous business proposition and send daily requests to borrow large sums of money from the pest in question. In the end they will ditch you as a 'facebook ' friend thus saving you the trouble of doing the same.

A roundabout solution but a simple ' no ' does nit have the same effect of hoisting them on their own petard.

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The Thai word for lend loosely translated into English means give. When I first came to Thailand many people including Thais and Farlangs tried to test the water, meaning the water being me. If people ask do I have money? I answer yes and I intend to keep it. I don`t give a s**t about other people`s problems, I just say, no have and then turn my back on those who are of absolute no use to me or could not do anything for me if I was in need or be of any benefit whatsoever. The worst that can happen is they don`t want to know me anymore, so what.

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The wife's brother 'borrowed' 2600 which was all I had on me at the time . He had asked for 10,000 for his daughter's school fees. This was a very good investment - he has now stopped coming to the house; stopped drinking my whiskey - it's saved me thousands over the years. I lean't my wife 300, 000 to pay off a car bank loan costing 7000 per month. She has been paying me back 3000 per month for over a year and never missed.

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I have lent Quite a few Thai Women Money over the last few years. But all friends of the wife and all work mates of hers and all in the Uk . I have never had any problems, they all have paid back when they said they would. Now wether I would loan money to My Thai friends in Thailand is a very different thing. Mostly it's a big no no.

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She can't be a 'friend' if all she wants is money. As your misses won't tell her to f*****f then you should do it yourself or you will never get any peace. She is obviously very hard nosed to keep on asking so you will have to be equally hard nosed so that she gets the message. I wouldn't be surprised if your misses hasn't slipped her a few bob without your knowing (being kind hearted) and that's why she keeps on coming back. Stop it yourself.

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Why dont you sort this issue out yourself by going and telling that Woman that you will not be lending her any money either now or in the future, so will She please stop asking,

ouch. you are a ferang, stay the hell out of it. we are living in their country, they may perceive we owe them something.

loved the advice about lending 500thb so they will avoid you in the future. can see that being an effective solution.

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Making your wife feel bad about it is exactly the tactic this mooch is using. It's a common tactic here in Thailand.

And, you are correct. If you ever do "loan" her the money, you'll never see it again.

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I have only ever loaned money once here in Thailand and that was to my father in law. He needs over 1 million baht for the farm he has. He paid it back in full at the time he said he would and wanted to pay me interest which I declined. Not everyone is out to scam you but most are.

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Lent money six times now to family and neighbours... Never seen a penny back...

Neighbour refuses to speak to me now as I had the timerity to ask him when he might.... He lost face...

Just say no ..."**** off"

Or Maybe his 18 yr old daughter as a deposit

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I once made the mistake of "lending" some money to my first Thai gf..... Lesson learned - fortunately not a very expensive one, but bad enough. I had far more hassle with a loan to a farang ex-friend. Getting that money back cost me a friendship - but it was well worth it to be rid of the loser.

OP, tell your wife's "friend" that it's your money and the answer is no and that it's your decision, not your wife's. No money now, none tomorrow and none any day thereafter. It might cause a short blow-up, but it will be well worth it in the end.

Failing that, buy her a one-way bus ticket to Pattaya and let her earn it there.

Yep, I will second that. I have had more problems with farang "friends", one in particular. Found out too late he made a business of it owing everybody around town. Never got that money back and was reluctant to force it because the loser had a lovely wife and two brow beaten sons, and he used both of them to his selfish ends. If I had tried to force the issue I know they would have only suffered. He gets around calling himself ulra-positive haha...I guess you would have to rather than look in the mirror!

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I have only ever loaned money once here in Thailand and that was to my father in law. He needs over 1 million baht for the farm he has. He paid it back in full at the time he said he would and wanted to pay me interest which I declined. Not everyone is out to scam you but most are.

The father in law asked to borrow 100,000 baht from me 4 years ago which was a very humbling experience for him, I said I would give it as a gift, no need to borrow, he genuinely needed it for something. He was due to retire and get a million baht golden handshake a year later, I said no worries, it is a gift (he has helped me out plenty).

The day he got his retirement money he came over and offered yet again, I refused it.

Yes, some people you know you can trust, and usually it is the most humbled. Those who brazenly ask without any feeling of humility are the ones who will rip you off.

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Even my own wife doesn't pay me back when I lend her money......laughable really....because if she did, it would be my own money she would be using to pay me back. I don't know how many time i tried to get her to understand the principle that if you don't pay back a loan, nobody is ever going to lend to you again....it just doesn't seem to sink in....don't ask me why....I still lend to her (on top of what i give her monthly) in the certain knowledge that it will not come back voluntarily or at all....I just gave up on this one......." better to be happy than right."...so I just shrug my shoulders and thank God that it is not I that has to ask if I can borrow money.

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